View Full Version : All I want is to fight x-wings with dragons, is that so bad?

2016-05-11, 08:05 AM
I want to play D&D Attack Wing, but nobody in my area plays, the boxes and blisters sat gathering dust on the shelves at my FLGS for almost a year before the owner replaced them with something new.

There's quite a bit of wargaming played in my area, Warmachine/Hordes, Warhammer in it's various incarnations, and somewhat recently the X-Wing Miniatures game, the latter of which seems to have similar mechanics with the templates and everything. I just don't want to play with toy spaceships, I want to play with toy dragons. . .

I've tried looking around on the internet, but my google-fu is weak, Has anyone found or made rules for using D&D Attack Wing dragons in the X-Wing Miniatures game?