View Full Version : PvP war stories

2016-05-12, 06:06 AM
So I have been reading over a few of the old 'worst players' and 'worst DM' threads for an even mix of lols and cautionary tales and oftentimes the enacting of PvP or the DMs disallowing of saidsame come up as a causal factor for the story's inclusion into said threads.
So playground, I am here to see what stories you folks have, good and bad, about PvP, it's horrors and it's epicness, it's game breaking and game making, the tears and the laughter.
Note: this thread is NOT for the discussion of whether PvP should or should not be allowed by DMs nor is it a thread to discuss whether PvP tendencies makes a player a 'problem player', these have been done to death in other threads, this is for the sharing of stories for mutual lolz.

So without further ado:
One party I DM'd for was always at odds, one was a foppish nobleman with intent to take over the kingdom one day, the other a gruff fighting man who by this part of the story had been knighted by his own merit (and to save his life, he had killed a noble in a fair fight but this was a hanging offence). Now Sir Derrick the Iron Knight was never fond of the nobility but found himself in ones service nonetheless and the pair had taken to Dueling periodically for training purposes. They thus had a very good idea of each other's prowess (gestalt, e6, low magic, wounds and vitality, armor as DR and shields doubled as cover, for those that are interested). The pair travelled together for many months and had found themselves in the great Western swamps, throughout all their journey their constant companion had been Lucius' (no relation to the Lucius in my Sig) manservant, Bodrick (a fusion of Podrick from GoT and Baldrick from Blackadder) who was overweight and a bit dim but hardy and willing to learn, they had been training him to aquire character lvls over the course of the game and had just passed through a Yaun-ti labyrinth without death on any of their parts despite Bodrick nearly dying twice and Lucius sacrificing an arm to aquire a Yaun-ti snake graft to fulfill a lizardman prophecy to thus aquire allies to eventually storm the capitol. Everything was going well and they left the labyrinth to be attacked by stirges.... A nasty but short fight later and the pair were partially drained but well enough, the sun was setting and eyes turned to Bodrick... Dead on his back and bloodless.

Mourning ensues from both members but especially Lucius who was in tears, he demanded that they take his body back to his estate to be buried with full honors befitting a nobleman, Derrick disagreed as keeping a body here would attract crocodiles and worse and get them killed. The argument raged on untill Lucius drew his sword and bared his snake and hissed...

What followed was a brutal and nasty fight, Sir Derrick won and executed Lucius, took his things and left to settle down in hobgoblin lands.
The end :) will share more as you folks do.