View Full Version : Roleplaying What do you think of this Deity?

2016-05-12, 02:44 PM
"I swear by Your Light,
to use my shield to protect the innocent and my sword to strike down the corrupt.
To be a beacon of hope to the people and a symbol of fear to the unjust.
To shower the world in Your light so it may be reborn anew.
Grant me your power, Ozymandias, to become Justice
and I will realize the world that you persuit!"

A few days ago I inquired about Deities and whether you guys knew of any that could fit my concept. Many of you replied with very well-written responses which have helped me and thus I have reached the conclusion that I'll try to write this Deity by myself. Me and some friends already play on a homebrew world which I've created along with a pantheon, but since it's the first time we've played in this world most Deities only have a bit of TL;DR to them, what their holy symbol looks like and their general ideology. That sort of stuff.

This particular deity however is to be tied to a new character of mine who's a Paladin for a campaign in the same universe that my friend is going to DM. Thus, I feel like it's a great opportunity for me to roleplay the Deity element in a character since I've never done it before nor have I played a class whose mechanics are tied to the divine.

As far as general concept goes, his portfolio is going to be Sun, Protection Good, Justice(Although he's Chaotic), Courage and perhaps Strength or War. The campaign we're currently playing will have some effects in the next campaign we're going to play. Me and the DM(of the next campaign) have concluded that this God is going to be a new one and thus be immature(as far as deities go) and is looking for a champion to support him in his cause. That champion is going to be my Character. A barbarian who has transitioned into a Paladin(Of Freedom) and is looking for a deeper purpose in life other than to just doing good. She feels very strongly about doing good and does so without selfish reason so she's a true altruist in that sense. Still, she feels like her actions alone won't change much so she's looking to rally behind the banner of this God. I have the chance, like I said, to fledge him out in my campaign and his ascension to Godhood.

In mortal life, he was a magic user(Sorcerer) who wielded divine flames in his hands(Through the Holy Fire build made by Tempest_Stormwind.). The plane that the campaign is taking place in is currently in an awful and corrupt state. This character sees all of it and is utterly disgusted by it. In my campaign, in the past, five mortals have succeeded into killing gods and ascending to a higher state of being through that. He has the same general idea and even though he's been gifted with arcane blood, he seeks other means of accomplishing his goals. That is why he trained himself in order to purge his enemies with divine flames. He has infiltrated an organization which he thinks is the one responsible for the current state of affairs in the plane. He's the 2nd in command of an elite group of people, charged with protecting the members of this organization, who are immensely powerful(I'm talking lvl16+ here along with him who's lvl20 and a robot who has been monitoring everything information-wise in this plane for the last thousands of years who's technically a lvl20 Mystic Theurge homebrew). He hopes to pick up an ally or two from that team to assist him in his goal. It'll probably be the robot and a rather powerful Spellslinger who although has his own agenda and ambitions but isn't a bad guy so he'll probably help. The rest are either extremists or plain evil. As the campaign progresses this guy who I've named Ozymandias(From the sonnet which the other Ozymandias is named after as well) will approach the players and offer their help in a rather dire moment. He will, hopefully without them knowing it, lead them into unleashing an ancient beast whose purpose is to devour the plane if certain circumstances are met. He will then also help them defeat it. To the players' eyes, it will be the organization who unleashed this beast and Ozymandias will jump at the right moment, defeating a couple of the members of this organization, steal a major artifact and use it in a ritual to help him achieve divinity. I can't put into this post all the information regarding my campaign, but simply put, His goal is to fight a real Deity and use the same circumstances that helped the first Godslayer abosrb the defeated god's divinity to do the exact same thing. That's a lot of time from now, but that's how it'll hopefuly go down. Using his newfound divinity he falls in a deep sleep but when he finally awakens, he finds his plane is in peace without his actual help(As a Deity) and is thus in need for a new purpose.

"Why think small?" He asks himself. "Why constrict my ambitions to the very short borders of a plane?" He continues. As a God with very little understanding of how the universe itself works and why Deities act a certain way, he'll try to purify the Universe itself. Not in a "format" sense but rather in a "I better delete some unnecessary files so my PC runs more efficiently" sense.

His main element is fire but it's divine, thus the Sun. He wishes to "purify" the Universe in order to protect the innocent from the corrupt and safekeep Good as a law of the universe, thus the Protection thus Good which also includes Protection. He upholds Courage above all things except Justice, because it's the strongest driving force for achieving great things, thus Courage. He believes in right and wrong(Good and Evil) thus Justice, he also thinks laws constrict one's point of view, that laws are often bended by the corrupt while the bystanders do nothing but watch. This is why he is Chaotic and why he believes that agents of law are often corrupted or just as bad as them. Finally, he understands that sometimes blood needs to be spilled to bring a grand change and is why I think War is a good addition to his portfolio.

To any of you took the time to read this wall of text, what do you think? Would you write something differently? I realise this is pretty much a TL;DR but feel free to ask any questions if you wish to understand my reasoning behind this Deity or some of the things I've written better.

Honest Tiefling
2016-05-12, 02:53 PM
I'm glad to hear that you made your own deity, since you are going in a homebrew direction. Good to get those creative muscles flexing!

Now, why the strength domain? He uses fire. Does he also use a sword? Also, why not the Trickery domain? He's doing nothing but tricking people and setting them on fire! I get that a chaotic being could have a different idea of the concept of Justice, but I'd like to hear this god's take on it since it seems to be an integral part of the god.

Also, I don't think he's much of a god of protection. He's not really about protecting, but about purifying. He's letting out a horrible beastie that could devour the plane! That's kinda the opposite! He's really more about the purity. He's even got the whole be purged in divine flames thing going on.

What happens if the campaign doesn't go as planned, however?

2016-05-12, 05:15 PM
In 3.5 there is an evil god in the back of the book called toldeth this has an opposite that is from the positive energy plane see if that one works for what you want

2016-05-12, 05:44 PM
I'm glad to hear that you made your own deity, since you are going in a homebrew direction. Good to get those creative muscles flexing!

Now, why the strength domain? He uses fire. Does he also use a sword? Also, why not the Trickery domain? He's doing nothing but tricking people and setting them on fire! I get that a chaotic being could have a different idea of the concept of Justice, but I'd like to hear this god's take on it since it seems to be an integral part of the god.

Also, I don't think he's much of a god of protection. He's not really about protecting, but about purifying. He's letting out a horrible beastie that could devour the plane! That's kinda the opposite! He's really more about the purity. He's even got the whole be purged in divine flames thing going on.

What happens if the campaign doesn't go as planned, however?

In his original concept, I was interested in Strength but War seems more fitting so I went with that. I chose War with the idea that he's more like a strageist, not a general who goes out in the frontline and fights so in that aspect you're completely right! I don't think the trickey domain fits him as a God. I think the portfolio is what describes in a broad sense the beliefs and ideology of the God. His actions prior to becoming a God were somewhat the means he used to achieve his goal. He doesn't really believe it was the right way, but he believes that the end justify the means, the fact that he was only tricking a select few who he considers to be truly evil helped in that regard. In that regard, trickery and deception aren't one of his characteristics. The same thing applies to freeing the beast. It's the necessary means to achieve godhood. Besides, he has contigency plans if things go wrong.

On to the protection part now, perhaps the word "Purifying" was a bit harsh. He thinks the universe needs some fixing and he's willing to do it. Of course as a God he thinks he is objectively right, but he's also not stuck-up enough to disregard anyone who disagrees with him as an enemy. His intent with this plan is to protect the good in the world, good as in positive energy, not just an alignment or an ideology, because he honestly believes that even those who inhabit the celestial planes, or any plane of positive energy are ignorant that out there lies a huge threat to them. Perhaps he's right, perhaps he isn't. We'll have to play more campaigns to find out! With that in mind, I put Protection in his portfolio. Is there a "domain" that would fit him better in this regard? Is "Purity" a domain or something that exists in other god's portfolios?

If things don't go as planned, then I'll adapt of course! My reasoning behind the way I run my campaign is that I want my world to feel alive. Not just when the players are in an area/town. I want to feel as if things are actually happening in other areas as well. So, when I present the players with a number of places to go for whatever reasons, when they decide on a place, stuff happens in the places they didn't go to. The story keeps going regardless if they're there to see it. That doesn't mean that when they decide to go to a place they had otherwise chosen not to go to there's nothing for them to do. It's quite the opposite actually. They probably find out in one way or another what has happened in this area, its short-term history. It may not occur to them that whatever was that happened, happened because they chose a different place to visit during the last adventure, nor does it matter. With this in mind, if they refuse his help or never end up meeting him at all, his plan means that will have to be altered a bit. Maybe he'll find another way to wake the beast or maybe the players themselves end up doing it by accident. Maybe the beast won't wake up at all so he'll have to find another way to reach godhood. I trust my spontaneity because it has led to some of the best moments in my campaign thus far. He's in no way the BBEG nor will he ever present himself in such a way so if my players end up ignoring his help, or end up simply not meeting him, they won't hear about him until it's time for his ascension. Maybe they won't even find out until he has already become a God and awakens during our next campaign. That's my favourite part of DMing, as much as I plan, not even I will be sure of exactly what happens next, especially since I'm not a fan of railroading my players into a scenario of my liking. It's a fun challenge when something unexpected happens and I have to think up of something good quick.

I left the Justice part last, because I thought it was the most interesting. I haven't really thought of his background as a mortal yet, but it revolves around a strong sense of justice. I'm thinking of writing something along the lines that he always wanted to be a Paladin, or a Cleric. A strong warrior of a righteous purpose. He never had the physical capabilities nor the divine blessing to do so. When he discovered his potency in arcane magic through his blood, he used that power for good. However, divine agents(Paladins, Clerics etc.) always thought lesser of him for that reason. Always skepctical of him. That never swayed him nor his sense of justice one bit. Instead, it made him realise that even those chosen by gods are not always worthy to uphold justice. They were too lawful, not open to new ideas(Like an arcane magic user fighting for a divine purpose.) and in every lawful city he went he saw corruption at the top and misery at the bottom. The rich used the law to their bidding but because they never actually did anything illegal, these righteous warriors of good never tried to stop them. That doesn't mean that all paladins and clerics, whether they were lawful or not hadn't tried to save people in such places. He simply didn't have that experience and that shaped his worldview. I hope that cleared things up a bit, if not, be sure to tell me. This conversation allows helps me fledge him out even more! I just thought of this little backstory on the spot because you asked about it.

In conclusion, I'll definitely not put strength in his portfolio and I'll probably switch Protection with Good. He fights for Good as a universal concept, a law of physics. So perhaps a more general term like Good which may include Protection in it is more fitting of his character.

Honest Tiefling
2016-05-12, 05:55 PM
Firstly, I think you should have a write up of him, but divide portfolio from domains. For instance, the domains of Sun, Fire, War, and Good sound like a decent choice. But his portfolio would be good, purity, divine flame, etc. These two concepts should be different!

Also, what sources do we have here? I'm not familiar with non-core domains, but some might suit him better. For instance, I wonder if the Planning Domain would be even better then War. War sounds good in theory, but is very beatstick/weapon/armor focused which might not gel. Does this guy have any spells other then fire?

Secondly, I think you should write up some followers for him. It might help the players understand his faith, and would be the parts they interact with the most. You can probably recycle these NPCs as needed for your campaign anyway. It'll also show what sort of people follow him, why they do, and how many variances in the faith there are.

And thirdly...Is this guy intended to have a bit of grey morality to him? He does come across to me that way, which I honestly really like. But I do wonder if this was your intention, and if not, is it likely this is what your players will make of it?

I hope you do not take my comments as criticisms, I just want to refine the god. He's certainly an interesting deity.

2016-05-12, 06:31 PM
Firstly, I think you should have a write up of him, but divide portfolio from domains. For instance, the domains of Sun, Fire, War, and Good sound like a decent choice. But his portfolio would be good, purity, divine flame, etc. These two concepts should be different!

Also, what sources do we have here? I'm not familiar with non-core domains, but some might suit him better. For instance, I wonder if the Planning Domain would be even better then War. War sounds good in theory, but is very beatstick/weapon/armor focused which might not gel. Does this guy have any spells other then fire?

Secondly, I think you should write up some followers for him. It might help the players understand his faith, and would be the parts they interact with the most. You can probably recycle these NPCs as needed for your campaign anyway. It'll also show what sort of people follow him, why they do, and how many variances in the faith there are.

And thirdly...Is this guy intended to have a bit of grey morality to him? He does come across to me that way, which I honestly really like. But I do wonder if this was your intention, and if not, is it likely this is what your players will make of it?

I hope you do not take my comments as criticisms, I just want to refine the god. He's certainly an interesting deity.

First off, I can take critcism and your comments aren't that. Like I mentioned in my previous comment, you've actually helped me build another part of him, his mortal backstory.

To begin, maybe it'll help if I explain a bit of the backstory of my campaign. The cosmos itself in my setting has a conscience and sometimes even appears in matter(A form). It's what the greater deities and people with immense knowledge know as Ein Sof. My plane, Gerona, was created by him as a self mechanism to Deities who ran wild across the universe and destroyed whole worlds in their wars and thirst for more territory and power. This plane's first purpose was to be used as a Colosseum where Deities would summon a champion from anywhere in the cosmos to fight in their stead. It was a neutral ground and the fights were how the victor in a divine war was decided. One of the champions fighting, Azrael, who had never lost a battle in his life, realized that everyone there was merely being used in a cosmic game of chess between deities. He was filled with anger when he saw his fellow fighters accept this and not care. So in one battle, after he had grown immensely powerful and had found a way to channel the power of the Cosmos itself through his body(Which he later turned into a martial art that is accessible to the players much like the 9 Disciplines in ToB) he challenged a Deity to combat and won, stealing his divinity and achieving godhood. He then rallied 4 other fighters to his cause who did the same thing. After they defeated a handful of gods, the rest fled. He then claimed Gerona for himself and declared it a plane where divine intervention would no longer happen. He closed it off from all outside influence and set up a barrier which weakened extensively any god who entered it without his permission. This makes it possible for my players to fight Gods without being immensely strong if it somehow ends up happening. Now, these champions who the god brought to fight for them were marked with the symbol of their respective god. This mark had the purpose of channeling divine energy through the deity to their champion. My players have been marked with the same divine symbol by 4 deities for reasons yet unknown to them. That means that deities play a big part on my players and the campaign itself. It also gives them some cool powers, so that's nice!

To answer your questions, we play with the Pathfinder system(with some alterations) but everything from PF and 3.5 is allowed. Mainly because I think that 3.5 has some amazing content and it'd be a shame if it wasn't accessible. Also, we aren't looking to break the game or "win D&D" so nobody is going to play something overpowered and if there's a huge discrepancy between power levels in the party due to some players being new to D&D then I can use the divine marks as a means of balancing. It may restrict some players for a while or simply give them lesser powers which are as visually amazing as any others. That hasn't happened until now however nor will it happen, I think. We're also very open to homebrew material as a party. If it's not stupidly strong and has a nice flavour to it, it's good to go! That means that any domain, non-core or homebrew is also accepted if you have any ideas. You're also very right that I should differentiate the portfolio from his domains and also choose domains which make sense and have some synergy between them in case a player wants to be a cleric of Ozymandias in another campaign or if I or another DM in our party wants to make a cleric dedicated to Ozymandias. I will also look for a domain alternative to War which will fit his concept better, like the one you suggest. War is actually a very "mundane" and frontline-y domain which doesn't fit him.

Ozymandias' main way of fighting is blasting things with divine flames, but since he's a lvl20 sorcerer(and later on a deity) he does use stuff that's accessible to high lvl magic-users and of course deities. The followers idea is actually very interesting. Maybe as the campaign progresses and he becomes more known people will want to follow him, maybe it's necessary to have a few followers before achieving godhood even if you complete the ritual I mentioned above. Not to mention, like you said, it'll be a much more fluent interaction between him and the players. They will be very few however.

It's been my intention to make him sound morally grey even if he himself doesn't believe that he is because in the end, based on the choices that my players make, the final touches to his character will be added. Not only my players, but our characters in the next campaign as well where he'll make his first appearance as a Deity. That only helps me create something that I think is awesome, but something my friends think is awesome as well! I hope that has helped clear things out a bit.

Lastly, I'd like to thank you for all your advice, it has helped me come to a better understanding of him. It also has cleared up some of the mechanical aspects that he may have as a deity.

P.S: An idea of what the deities fear and would go to such extends(like messing with the plane that is under Azrael's domain) is a plane that a friend of mine has made. It's a parasytic plane that unconciously travels through the cosmos and feeds on the energy of other planes, erasing them from existence. It's complete and utter chaos. It only exists to feed, for no reason or purpose. It may be what Ozymandias believes to threaten the good in the universe, although to his ignorance, doesn't know it actually threatens ALL of the Cosmos.

2016-05-12, 06:36 PM
In 3.5 there is an evil god in the back of the book called toldeth this has an opposite that is from the positive energy plane see if that one works for what you want

I checked Toldoth out and he seems very straight-forward and interesting. He's part of a duo of deities and with a few changes to fit my setting may work perfectly for what I need. Thanks a lot!

Honest Tiefling
2016-05-12, 06:44 PM
You seem to be doing a good job of combining the lore with mechanics, so the two work together. I like the idea of being marked by the god giving you powers, and the plane allowing god battles.

I did some digging around for domains. Planning is mostly scrying and figuring out stuff. I think it's good, but it has the evil descriptor spell (Deathwatch) as its first level spell. I think this was an oversight, as the same spell appears on the healer's spell list, and healers are good-only. So I think someone in development forgot it was evil and thought it was some sort of spell to keep an eye on your allies. Purification is a Domain, with the Sunburst spell. I think you should take a look at it, it might fit the bill.

What is his opinion of other gods? I assume others have added their own in. You should also consider tales told about the guy. Even if he's not a god yet, he's likely immortal via some means and probably well known enough for someone to write something down about him.

2016-05-12, 07:41 PM
You seem to be doing a good job of combining the lore with mechanics, so the two work together. I like the idea of being marked by the god giving you powers, and the plane allowing god battles.

I did some digging around for domains. Planning is mostly scrying and figuring out stuff. I think it's good, but it has the evil descriptor spell (Deathwatch) as its first level spell. I think this was an oversight, as the same spell appears on the healer's spell list, and healers are good-only. So I think someone in development forgot it was evil and thought it was some sort of spell to keep an eye on your allies. Purification is a Domain, with the Sunburst spell. I think you should take a look at it, it might fit the bill.

What is his opinion of other gods? I assume others have added their own in. You should also consider tales told about the guy. Even if he's not a god yet, he's likely immortal via some means and probably well known enough for someone to write something down about him.

I like the idea of Planning and Purity. They actually fit him quite well. I'll definitely check those two out.

There's already a guy who outright hates ALL deities(Azrael), regardless of how good or evil or lawful or chaotic they are because he hates the idea of higher beings meddling with your life or the lives of others so I won't go with that. I'm thinking he hasn't had time to interact with most of them, but I'm thinking to have each Deity that marked each player in my campaign try to reach him and guide him in some way. Or perhaps have Ein Sof itself acknowledging him as a Deity and helping him come to a few realizations, whichever those may be. Other than that, I don't think he'll associate himself too much with other Deities, perhaps those who get in his way. Even so, he'll be very diplomatic and formal with other deities he may end up interacting with so he doesn't show anything that would benefit the other party in thwarting his plans. He'd be wary.

As for the last part, I think his symbol will be a blue sun and the flames he casts will also be blue. That said, since I'm already using bards to tell tales, myths and legends to my players in order to give them a few hints about where to go next, I may do that for Ozymandias. Tales of a blue fire that overtook a city "but by the next day when the fires had died down, nobody was hurt!" Said the bard in awe, "Except for a council of lords who were governing this area unfairly." He said, with a grin on his face. "Not much can be said about them though, since only their ashes remained!" He finished and then followed it with a jolly laugh.

Besides vague tales, there could be myths of an ancient artifact. A see-through cube who is said to contain in it, a tiny blue sun. What its function is, has been lost to time. Using the information of where the artifact has been seen, or where myths of it have been told as hints to where Ozymandias has travelled in the past, before he joined the organization.

Honest Tiefling
2016-05-12, 07:46 PM
Maybe in the example with the rich council, evidence that led to their families' disgrace was uncovered by the flames? Else, it sorta seems like he just murdered some folk, which might be the point of the story (depending on narrator) or not. If it lead to their disgrace, the descendants of such could be so shamed they hate Ozymandias because they live in poverty. But he's got bigger fish to fry right now.

I think blue is a good color, to contrast with red. Do the flames even feel hot? (I know blue flames are hotter, but these are magic flames!)

2016-05-12, 08:03 PM
Maybe in the example with the rich council, evidence that led to their families' disgrace was uncovered by the flames? Else, it sorta seems like he just murdered some folk, which might be the point of the story (depending on narrator) or not. If it lead to their disgrace, the descendants of such could be so shamed they hate Ozymandias because they live in poverty. But he's got bigger fish to fry right now.

I think blue is a good color, to contrast with red. Do the flames even feel hot? (I know blue flames are hotter, but these are magic flames!)

You're right, what about this?

"Once, there was a city governed by a few lords, who engaged in illegal practices and let their civillians to starve so they could hoard all the gold for themselves!" Said the bard, with a grim look on his face, "One night, a blue fire broke out that overtook the city! However, the next morning when it finally went down, nobody was hurt and no buildings were burned down!" Said the bard in awe,
"In the fire, the only thing that was burned was the houses of the lords, exposing their secrets to the public. After that, the commonalty rallied up and arrested the lords and their families, letting them to rot in prison." The bard grinned. "See, if blue fires casted from the heavens didn't want the lords dead, it'd be sacrilege to those very flames that saved them to kill the lords. Their children however, lived on. The mercy that the commonfolk showed that day haunted the children of their children until the noble bloodline died off and they lived as peasants. Hah!" The bard laughed as he took another sip of Thunderbrew Ale.

Man, you've been great help to me tonight. Maybe I'll message you the complete Ozymandias with lore and all once he's finished if you wanted. All that's left for me to say is : Man, I really like this tiefling.

Honest Tiefling
2016-05-12, 11:47 PM
If I can't help with character builds, I'll help with world building! And that story is better, I think. Less random murder, and the tidbit about the fate of the descendants is suiting to what I think this guy is shaping up to be. I'd like to hear what happens to this god, so yeah, post a write up!

Now...How well fleshed out do you need him to be? If you need to improvise, that's fine, but two more areas to work on that I can think of are: Symbols, depiction and appearance, and his feelings about certain moral dilemmas or philosophies.

2016-05-13, 08:17 AM
If I can't help with character builds, I'll help with world building! And that story is better, I think. Less random murder, and the tidbit about the fate of the descendants is suiting to what I think this guy is shaping up to be. I'd like to hear what happens to this god, so yeah, post a write up!

Now...How well fleshed out do you need him to be? If you need to improvise, that's fine, but two more areas to work on that I can think of are: Symbols, depiction and appearance, and his feelings about certain moral dilemmas or philosophies.

Well, considering the only deity we're using from official meterial is Ashardalon-because we have a silverbrew human warlock who made a pact with him in return for great power- I can recycle any sort of holy symbol I like and think that fits from other deities. Since he's a sorcerer, I thought a holy symbol that is a necklace or amulet would be fitting of him. I've found these out, what do you think?

First of all, this could be his trademark symbol.

Secondly, these could be holy symbols used by clerics or followers.
But instead of Gold and Red, it'd be Silver and Blue.
Perhaps it would read "Justice shall be extracted with Fire" or "I am the fire that cleanses the world."

Again, it'd be blue instead of yellow.

The gold part would be silver.

Also, this is how he currently looks like.

I could also implement all 3 of those holy symbols for different orders or sects in his religion.


Portfolio: Sun, Good, Justice, Divine Flame, Purity, Freedom, Bravery, Strategy

Domains: Courage, Good, Planning, Purification, Sun.

I'm going to tweak the domains a bit, have them be a mix of both 3.5 and PF.

Honest Tiefling
2016-05-13, 12:34 PM
If he's chaotic, there's a high chance of people doing their own thing, so different sects might be good. Then again, he seems quite new on the scene, so maybe the sects haven't gotten that far along yet. I'd lean to some sects, just to flesh it out, and to show how different people in the world react to flesh THEM out as well.

I like that square one, what is that from?

2016-05-13, 01:05 PM
If he's chaotic, there's a high chance of people doing their own thing, so different sects might be good. Then again, he seems quite new on the scene, so maybe the sects haven't gotten that far along yet. I'd lean to some sects, just to flesh it out, and to show how different people in the world react to flesh THEM out as well.

I like that square one, what is that from?

I'd probably introduce two to four followers, perhaps a Sorcerer(Who's trying to become his avatar, or champion as I say it in my campaign and could be the antagonist of my next character.), a Magus(Who would act in a paladin-esque manner, using magic and sword to fight), a warlock(Who's trying to get Ozymandias to be his Patron.) and a Cleric to finish if off and use the domains. They would appear randomly for a short time before the players, showing off a bit of their ideals and plans and how they think in a different manner compared to the other followers. Then finally, when Ozymandias has established some power as a Deity the players could meet these followers again as heads of different sects/orders in the same religion.

That holy symbol belongs to Tarmuid of the Illumian Pantheon. (http://thecreaturechronicle.tumblr.com/post/57338359267/illumian-pantheon)