View Full Version : Character build ideas

2016-05-12, 06:02 PM
I'd like suggestions for building a couple characters. Both of these guys will start out enslaved by hobgoblins, but will end up escaping with some help.

The first is a disgraced hobgoblin warrior, who was branded for cowardice and demoted from warrior to slave. He's a melee attacker who will be using a two-handed axe. Probably a fighter, but I'm open to other ideas as long as they fit the 'two-handed axe' theme (and don't use arcane magic, as hobgoblins hate arcane magic).

The second is something sneaky, with a good Use Magic Device. Haven't decided on race or class yet.

Honest Tiefling
2016-05-12, 06:05 PM
For the former, how did he get branded? Maybe he is a ranger, just to mix things up a bit.

For the latter...Bard? Is this one intended to be freed by the party? If so, a bard is nearly always good in a pinch for support. The bard could be someone of high social status to be sacrificed to the gods or executed to show the prowess of the hobogoblin king. Or both.

2016-05-12, 06:13 PM
What level are you looking for?

Warblade for the hobgoblin, gnome beguiler for the sneaky UMD user. Gnomes hate goblinoids, and since the hobgoblins dislike arcane magic, it's a natural enmity if I ever saw one.