View Full Version : The wonderous plethora of intersting Magical items ideas.

2016-05-13, 08:04 AM
Let's put our creative minds together to make awesome (and possibly OP) Magical Items. Here's a start

Creative Level: 2/5 (Essentially rips off another pre-existing item)

Shield of Magic Missile

Rare Shield, Requires Attunement; Price: 3500 GP

This shield has an aura of magic emanating from it that attracts magical force energy to it. Whenever the spell Magic Missile is cast, 1d3 of those missiles are automatically attracted to the shield and are absorbed by it, giving it a number of charges equal to the number of missiles absorbed, up to a maximum of ten. The wielder may speak the command word inscribed on the handle of the shield to cast Magic Missile as a first level spell for one charge. The caster may also expend more charges to cast Magic Missile as a higher level spell, up to a maximum of 5.

Inspiration for this item: The spellcasters in my party abuse Magic Missile to no end... So I gave a villain this to give them a taste of their own medicine :D

EDIT: We should make this an emporium... LET'S GIVE PRICES TO EVERYTHING!!!

Shining Wrath
2016-05-13, 08:19 AM
I feel the need for some magical items suitable for monks. Such as:

Bracers of Absorb Elements
Requires Attunement
While wearing these bracers and attuned to them you can cast Absorb Elements using your reaction. This uses one charge from the bracers.
The bracers start each morning at dawn with 3 charges.

2016-05-13, 08:36 AM
I adapted that from 4e some time ago. The DM agreed to it.


2016-05-13, 08:40 AM
When you really need to punish your murder hobos

Longsword when unsheathed releases an aura of Feeblemind in a twenty mile radius around it. DC: 20
Sheathing Soulcutter causes you to age 4d100 years

2016-05-13, 08:44 AM
This one will make clerics happy

Creative Level: -5/5 (Spell + Terrible Pun + ...)

Faithful Shield of Shield of Faith

Very Rare Shield, Requires Attunement

This shield is extremely possessive protective of its owner. It is impossible to wear the shield if you are not attuned to it. The shield can only be removed while worn if it's wearer allows it, and even then with great difficulty. However it functions as a +2 Magic Shield.

While wearing the shield, you can use a bonus action to grant an ally within 60 feet a +2 bonus to AC for one minute, while reducing your own by 2. The effect ends early if you doff the shield or use this ability again.

2016-05-13, 11:13 AM
Jug of the catfish

This handled urn resembles a catfish. The Urn can hold up to 100 square feet of any liquid, however it still seems empty and does not leak when turned upside down. Anyone knowing the command words and holding the urn can use the following features

Pour: The jug functions as a normal water container and is capable of pouring liquids

Geyser: The Jug shoots fourth a powerful geyser at a rate of 5 cubic feet per round. Creatures struck by this geyser must make a DC 20 strength save or be pushed back up to 50 feet

Whirlpool: The jug begins to suck in liquids around it at a rate of 5 cubic feet per round. It can reach liquids up to 50 feet away from it and semi solids up to 25 feet away. This function can be used to imprison fluid creatures such as water elementals. Elementals targeted this way must make a DC 20 strength saving throw or be sucked in. This also works against semi solid creatures such as slimes or clay golems, however only 1 square foot of such a creature can be absorbed and the saving throw is constitution instead.

Shining Wrath
2016-05-13, 11:42 AM
Jug of the catfish

This handled urn resembles a catfish. The Urn can hold up to 100 square feet of any liquid, however it still seems empty and does not leak when turned upside down. Anyone knowing the command words and holding the urn can use the following features

Pour: The jug functions as a normal water container and is capable of pouring liquids

Geyser: The Jug shoots fourth a powerful geyser at a rate of 5 cubic feet per round. Creatures struck by this geyser must make a DC 20 strength save or be pushed back up to 50 feet

Whirlpool: The jug begins to suck in liquids around it at a rate of 5 cubic feet per round. It can reach liquids up to 50 feet away from it and semi solids up to 25 feet away. This function can be used to imprison fluid creatures such as water elementals. Elementals targeted this way must make a DC 20 strength saving throw or be sucked in. This also works against semi solid creatures such as slimes or clay golems, however only 1 square foot of such a creature can be absorbed and the saving throw is constitution instead.

Believe you want cubic feet throughout. i like the idea of a jug that functions like a genie's bottle for elementals.

2016-05-13, 01:23 PM
Below is a link to website where some guys made a large list of "Better than nothing" magic items. Some of the items aren't so good, some are really interesting, some have a drawback and some are broken. Overall pretty good list. They also give a neat little item description for each one. Good for looking over and getting ideas. Figured it fit into the feel of this thread


2016-05-13, 01:38 PM
In our campaign we are very shy on magic items, but every now and then we might find something that has some utilitarian purpose. For example, several sessions back, we found this map that could give you directions to every person of whom you had their name and knew how they looked (or sth like that), but did so in the most annoying and loud way (via singing!). Not the best item to use when on stealthy missions, but it sure served its purpose until we finally returned it to its rightful owner.

ps: Regarding the title of the thread, for your consideration (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mTUmczVdik).

2016-05-13, 03:33 PM
Some of the items I've come up with

Skill Tome: Each tome is dedicated to a specific skill, language, or trade. Upon studying one of these for one hour, the tome crumbles into dust, and the user gains proficiency in the tome's subject

Expandable Pole: a 1' long segment of thick wood, as a bonus action can change length to any point in between its default length and 20 feet,. If fitted with a blade or wielded as a staff, becomes a polearm that can expand its reach to 20'. However, at 15' reach, there is a 5' zone around the wielder where the wielder's attacks are made with disadvantage. At 20' of reach, the zone expands to 10'. If braced between objects, the pole can exert a maximum of 500 pounds of force before an attempt to change lengths fails. If braced to intercept a charging opponent as part of a readied action, the pole can expand as part of the attack to inflict an automatic critical if the attack hits.

Pouch of everlasting feasts: Contains 10 small morsels of a white substance with a jerky like consistency. Upon consuming one, the subject gains a full day's worth of water and food. In addition, the subject experiences a mild hallucination (length one minute actual time, one hour subjective time) in which they are eating a large meal of a type particularly pleasing to them in a relaxing environment with good company. Upon the illusion ending, the subject regains one HP per character level, and removes one level of exhaustion. A subject can only benefit from this once per 24 hours. The pouch replenishes 1d10 morsels at every dawn.

2016-05-13, 08:36 PM
Ring of Poverty

When worn, this ring casts counterspell at any counterspell that targets a counterspell you cast on an enemies counterspell.

Then it crosses out counterspell in red marker pen.

2016-05-14, 10:01 PM
Ring of Poverty

When worn, this ring casts counterspell at any counterspell that targets a counterspell you cast on an enemies counterspell.

Then it crosses out counterspell in red marker pen.

While deciphering the effect of this item, I thought of a similar one with easier to process wording:
Ring of the Last Word
Ring, Rare (requires attunement)

When you cast Counterspell while wearing this ring, it can't be countered.

2016-05-14, 10:25 PM
This is my first time posting, but I've been lurking about for years!

One item I gifted my players once upon a time(it was in 3.5, but could easily be used in 5e) was a small chunk of stone simply called the Coldstone. It could be used as a spell focus for any spell that delt damage via an energy type or any spell the DM(usually me) thought would be thematically appropriate and if used as such, didn't require material components. It also changed the damage type to ice and/or the spell effect to change to something ice/snow/cold related. I never got around to figuring out how it would interact with wall of fire(among other spells) but it never came up, cuz the campaign didn't last that long. But I always enjoyed magic (icicle)missiles flying around!

2016-05-17, 07:04 AM
The Obliterator
This +1 shortsword appears worn, tarnished and otherwise unremarkable. Originally commissioned by a despot, the weapon has the quality that any creature which dies or is destroyed while in contact with it or while in possession of it is obliterated in the truest sense of the word: all written record and memory of the creature is immediately erased everywhere throughout the multiverse. Note that the wielder is not exempt from this effect, so he will often find himself standing over an unidentified corpse with no idea why he is there, and should he perish none shall mourn his passing.

The Decimator
This massive greatsword stops abruptly before the blade comes to a point. Each hit from it does 10% of the targets current hit points, rounded down, regardless of feats, strength, critical hits or any other source of extra damage. Damage resistance may still apply. This means that while it can do enormous damage to the most powerful of enemies at their peak, it cannot hurt a foe with 9 or less hit points.

2016-05-17, 02:14 PM
I don't have my notes with me, so I can't post the whole write up.

Anyway, my players encountered a warlock wielding a whip made from the tentacle of an Aboleth.

The effects of getting hit with it were... disturbing. (See the MM entry for Aboleths.)

I'm sorta running D&D meets Perdido Street Station....

2016-05-17, 07:55 PM
I'm sorta running D&D meets Perdido Street Station....
That book is awesome. The scar is pretty good too. Shame about the third one (although it still does have some interesting and usable material, the overall book is a bit painful).

A wind up device that takes over concentration for a spell? (wind as a bonus action for X rounds, then immediately sustains for X rounds)

A book that you can write knowledge into in exchange for other, lesser knowledge, but whatever you write into it becomes lost. (ie - you write your name into the book in exchange for the name of a fiend. You no longer have a name, everyone is forced to refer to you descriptively, but now you know the fiend's name!).

Pop up golems (ie - the structure of the golem is a foldable metal frame, but while animated it is strong and deadly)

A sahuagin idol that you kiss (with tongue), and once you do it lets you spit acid that dissolves reality.

A sword that once per day makes every possible attack roll and applies each attack.

2016-05-18, 11:40 AM
Tymora's Pendant (Requires Attunement)

Tymora, Goddess of Luck, has blessed this pendant which shows her face on both sides of a coin. Once per long rest, when the wearer rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check, that player may turn the die upside down and take a natural 20 instead. (If this is an attack roll, it grants a critical hit as normal.)

2016-05-18, 12:12 PM
Here are some of mine:

Bow of Bearding: +1 to hit, +3 if the foe is bearded. Over 10 days, you grow a full and fluffy beard. On day 2, if you roll a natural 2 on the attack, the arrow hits you instead; on day 3, a 3; etc.

Flask of Faeries: Opening the flask creates 3d10 worth of faeries (simple-ish low stats, 1 hp, do not take half damage on successful saves for area affects). The faeries will 'assist' your characters in any way they deem appropriate...but they are not the best at reading situations. They have odd senses of humor as well...

Armor of Shadows: +1 AC Cloth armor (not even light) that gives advantage to stealth checks. Also, it blinds the wearer, but gives the wearer true-sight 20'.

2016-05-18, 12:36 PM
Shield of Magic Missile

Rare Shield, Requires Attunement; Price: 3500 GP

This shield has an aura of magic emanating from it that attracts magical force energy to it. Whenever the spell Magic Missile is cast, 1d3 of those missiles are automatically attracted to the shield and are absorbed by it, giving it a number of charges equal to the number of missiles absorbed, up to a maximum of ten. The wielder may speak the command word inscribed on the handle of the shield to cast Magic Missile as a first level spell for one charge. The caster may also expend more charges to cast Magic Missile as a higher level spell, up to a maximum of 5.

So, this would be the most broken item ever. Imagine I'm a first level Sorceror: I use a 1st level spell to create 3 missiles and let my shield absorb all three. Now, I can cast that same 1st level spell three times. Or, why don't I go ahead and burn charges to make it a 3rd level Magic Missile? So, 5 missiles are created, I absorb three and fire two at an enemy. Or, I can use one charge at a time to cast three missiles and absorb them back in to have 9 charges now from one actual casting.
The concept is cool, but it's too good. Really, a ring that auto-casts Shield, but only when Magic Missile targets you and also lets you cast Magic Missile level 1 at-will, is a more suitable item, and there's really no way to cheese out. (5e no likey da cheez.)

2016-05-19, 10:36 AM
So, this would be the most broken item ever. Imagine I'm a first level Sorceror: I use a 1st level spell to create 3 missiles and let my shield absorb all three. Now, I can cast that same 1st level spell three times. Or, why don't I go ahead and burn charges to make it a 3rd level Magic Missile? So, 5 missiles are created, I absorb three and fire two at an enemy. Or, I can use one charge at a time to cast three missiles and absorb them back in to have 9 charges now from one actual casting.
The concept is cool, but it's too good. Really, a ring that auto-casts Shield, but only when Magic Missile targets you and also lets you cast Magic Missile level 1 at-will, is a more suitable item, and there's really no way to cheese out. (5e no likey da cheez.)

These items in the wonderous plethora are open to broken or useless, as well as any combination in between. Also, on a note, I should have mentioned the missiles fired from the shield can't be absorbed by the shield, and it only absorbes Magic missile when cast by someone not wielding the shield. Still pretty broken, but I thought it was fun.