View Full Version : A couple Mage Hand questions

2016-05-13, 03:44 PM
Oh k, so the Mage Hand cantrip says that it can't attack, but it can essentially interact with the environment however else the user wants, as long as it's not trying to move more than 10 pounds.

So, could I theoretically have the mage hand grab the hilt of a sword, and apply 10 pounds of force in the opposite direction of the wielders attack, maybe giving them disadvantage on it? Or what about, could I have the mage hand tie someone's shoe laces together, or try and pants them? It wouldn't be attacks in either case, but more it manipulating objects, and the spell does specify that it can manipulate objects.

Just curious.

2016-05-13, 03:54 PM
Like everything else it would have a lot to do with DM's discretion on what works and what doesn't. As a recent example though in my current game I managed to use Mage Hand to ver an arrow slightly off-course to miss it's mark, but that also wasn't an in-combat example (it was an archery contest). I imagine if nothing else casting Mage Hand would still count as your action for that round and you would have to ask if whatever minor annoyance you pull on your enemy would be worth taking a whole round to do.
More specifically, I can see interfering with an attack maybe being acceptable, but tying shoelaces together (at least in combat) not as much if for no other reason that that feels like it would take more then six seconds to do (especially unnoticed). Out of combat would be a different story though.

Edit: Actually thinking about it further it's simpler then that. Specifically talking about something like Mage Hand Legerdemain, what ever you do would come down to a Slight of Hand vs Perception skill check on which if your enemy succeeds just nothing happens.

2016-05-13, 04:00 PM
Yes the ole' mage hand shoelace tying trick. That'll definitely work. As could possibly the de-pants. As a DM I would give them "difficult terrain" effects or spend a bonus action to fix said annoyances.

As for the 10lbs of force on a sword. It would have to be a readied action. And although 10lbs is essentially nothing, I would let it cause disadvantage for taking up your action. However, the attack would have to be against you.

I would even say the same principal applies to the hand causing a distraction to the enemy. I'd have the enemy swing at disadvantage but only after failing a wisdom saving throw or something along those lines.

Essentially, the disadvantage thing is weaker than just taking the 'dodge action'. So I don't think it would break anything.

2016-05-13, 04:39 PM
What about applying pressure to a pressure plate, or triggering traps?

2016-05-13, 06:38 PM
What about applying pressure to a pressure plate, or triggering traps?

Depending on the trap in question: 10 lb may not be enough to trigger some pressure plates. It should work on tripwires. Magic traps likely detects creatures, so they won't react to Mage Hand. Opening trapped chests or door may be possible, if they aren't locked.