View Full Version : Being Evil on a Budget Low Cost Traps

2016-05-14, 03:09 AM
My players and I were designing War Wagons for an upcoming part of the campaign, one of whom is playing a Kobold and had the idea of simply cramming as many Kobolds in the 2x3 space as possible. Which lead to the idea of a "low budget mimic" or rater a medium sized (5ftx5ft) chest jammed full of Kobolds, with the web enhancement and Races of Faerun's Swarmfighting feat. (I know CW adjusts it, but we play loose with the rules)
Whilst they'd probably become flatfooted, the chest would supply them with cover.

Which brings me to the question of, what are some interesting, low-budget traps one could fill a dungeon with that don't already exist?

The being evil part refers to populating dungeons, I feel like I should explain that properly.

2016-05-14, 10:56 PM
By "Traps that don't already exist", I assume you mean traps that aren't listed as traps for Craft(Trapmaking).

When I saw you mention Kobolds, I recalled something I used that isn't much of a trap, but more of an attack idea (similar to your mimic idea). I call them anklebiters. Basically, they are small tunnels behind the walls of a short corridor in a dungeon. There is a small opening between the tunnel and the corridor very low to the ground so it is hard to see. When enemies walk into the corridor, Kobolds with longspears poke at their feet and ankles. It would be extremely hard to hit back due to the low height of the tunnel.

2016-05-14, 11:14 PM
magical Grease trap: 500gp (250 if sanctum grease)

magical Close trap: 250 gp, if a door is opened without saying the password, it closes immediately.

hidden doors and trapdoors that lead nowhere. if you want to be nasty nasty: door is two paneled and swings inwards; the backs of the doors are covered 1' spikes that sink into the walls, passageway is 5' or 6' deep and shrouded in darkness. After each character that goes in the doors close, if opened they poke whoever is inside.

trompe l'oeil passageways that seal off behind one