View Full Version : Pathfinder The Avengers in Pathfinder, how close can we get?

2016-05-14, 03:40 PM
How close could we get to the full cast of The Avengers (just the regulars, not necessarily the one-off join for a mission and done characters)? I mean Iron Man, Captain America, The Hulk, Thor, and whoever else was in for more than just a few issues at a time (possibly Spiderman as well, just to see if he can be statted out properly).

My current thoughts so far:

Tony Stark as a Synthesist Summoner, Cap as a Warder (Path of War, for those unfamiliar with the class), Thor as a Clericzilla, Vision as an Android Wizard, Black Widow as an Unchained Rogue/Assassin (not necessarily evil though), and Hawkeye as an intelligent Ranger with some Craft (Alchemy) for his trick arrows.

Any other thoughts and suggestions?

2016-05-14, 03:50 PM
I'd put cap as a Shield Champion, actually, or even a Warlord. Good call on Vision, he just needs to have like straight 18s for his physical scores. Banner/Hulk is easily an alchemist prestiged into Master Chymist.

2016-05-14, 04:19 PM
Cap should be a Vanguard Commander warlord, with the Shield Bashing focus and all. Hawkeye fits better as a Hawkguard Warder directly. Iirc one of the Akashic classes could do a decent job at being Iron Man.

2016-05-14, 04:23 PM
Aegis is a much better Iron Man, imo.
Armor? check
flight? check
ray weapons? check
night vision? check
different types of armor? check
different abilities with some tinkering? check

2016-05-14, 04:58 PM
Thor: Magus
Hulk: barbarian OR alchemist

bucky: ranger with a mithril arm

ant man: powers: artifact suit ; himself: rogue

Scarlet Witch: TK focused Wizard

2016-05-14, 07:59 PM
Ant man: resizer mageknight. (Spheres of Powr Shapeshifter's handbook in playtest, see sig). I challenge anyone to find a better antman.

2016-05-14, 10:20 PM
It kind of feels like the Psychometrist Vigilante archetype explicitly allows you to play Iron Man, especially given the social talents thrown in since Tony Stark is good at socializing. Nothing says your other identity has to be secret.

2016-05-14, 10:25 PM
Was thinking Psychic Warrior for Ant-man, but Resizer Mageknight might be even better...

2016-05-15, 10:47 AM
Neal Litherland (who has contributed to books like Bastards of Golarion and Blood of the Moon) has kinda-sorta already done this.

Neal's author page on amazon.com (http://www.amazon.com/Neal-F.-Litherland/e/B00IKWG338/ref=sr_tc_2_0?qid=1408745817&sr=8-2-ent)
Neal's Character Conversion page (includes the links below, as well as conversions for several Game of Thrones characters, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and a number of DC characters (Batman, Robin, Huntress, James Gordon, Catwoman, Joker, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy) and others. (http://taking10.blogspot.com/p/character-conversions.html)
..Iron Man (built as Universalist Wizards (high focus on Evocation and Abjuration) with Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Wondrous Items, and Construct) (http://www.infobarrel.com/How_to_Build_Iron_Man_in_The_Pathfinder_Role_Playi ng_Game)
..The Hulk (built as Ragechemist/Barbarian/Master Chymist) (http://www.infobarrel.com/How_to_Build_The_Hulk_in_The_Pathfinder_Roleplayin g_Game)
..Thor (built as Air/Weather Domain Cleric (with a couple of Fighter levels, possibly)) (http://www.infobarrel.com/How_to_Build_Thor_in_The_Pathfinder_Roleplaying_Ga me)
..Loki (built as Rogue/Sorcerer/Arcane Trickster) (http://www.infobarrel.com/How_to_Build_Loki_in_The_Pathfinder_Roleplaying_Ga me)
..Hawkeye (built as an (as expected) archer archetyped Fighter) (http://www.infobarrel.com/How_to_Build_Hawkeye_in_The_Pathfinder_Roleplaying _Game)
..Black Widow (built as a ninja) (http://www.infobarrel.com/How_to_Build_The_Black_Widow_in_The_Pathfinder_Rol eplaying_Game)
..and, finally... Captain America (built as Shield Specialist Brawler (which I think someone already mentioned)) (http://www.infobarrel.com/How_to_Build_Captain_American_in_The_Pathfinder_Ro leplaying_Game)

2016-05-15, 11:46 AM
tony stark as vigilante is realy gives him the stark part but as iron bafoon he is either arcforge version of summoner or path of irons vanguard vith synt looking arch type ( ı dont have the path of iron and archforge summoner is currently ankonwn)

2016-05-15, 12:32 PM
Scarlet Witch works well with Spheres of Power. Incanter with telekinesis and mind spheres. Would go symbiat, but I think full CL to both is appropriate.

2016-05-15, 12:41 PM
Scarlet Witch works well with Spheres of Power. Incanter with telekinesis and mind spheres. Would go symbiat, but I think full CL to both is appropriate.

only problem her insanity and emotional instability

2016-05-15, 01:11 PM
tony stark as vigilante is realy gives him the stark part but as iron bafoon he is either arcforge version of summoner or path of irons vanguard vith synt looking arch type ( ı dont have the path of iron and archforge summoner is currently ankonwn)

I am unaware of what either of these are, so I cannot comment on how well they make an Iron Man. However, Psychometrist does give you gadgets, which can be used to replicate the pieces of the Iron Man suit.

only problem her insanity and emotional instability

Custom magic tradition. Extra spell points for having to save against unintentional triggering of powers when emotional stuff is happening, or perhaps having to make a Concentration check whenever using magic in order to ensure all goes as planned.

2016-05-15, 06:09 PM
Vision is probably an arcanist with the gem in his head, Hulk is either an aberrant aegis or an alchemist of some form (Either that new one that trades away alchemy or a beast morph vivisectionist), Tony is probably an Aegis too (The new tech archetype will probably fit very well), Spiderman is probably a daevic. Hawkeye, Widow and Bucky are probably all the slayer class, or some archetyped initiators.

2016-05-15, 06:26 PM
I'd put cap as a Shield Champion, actually, or even a Warlord. Good call on Vision, he just needs to have like straight 18s for his physical scores. Banner/Hulk is easily an alchemist prestiged into Master Chymist.

Actually, Banner is better mirrored by the Vigilante [Brute archetype]. Uncontrolled power that can absolutely wreck.

2016-05-15, 07:27 PM
Actually, Banner is better mirrored by the Vigilante [Brute archetype]. Uncontrolled power that can absolutely wreck.

Brute is quite bad at emulating the Hulk. The Hulk is known for being incredibly tough, Brute Vigilantes are one of the most fragile classes in the game. The Hulk is many times stronger than Banner, but usually a big single minded while Banner himself is more or less an average human physically but very smart (that changes one way or the other depending on the particular storyline, but I'm talking classically). Brute Vigilantes have the same stats in both forms, so you can't have that dichotomy.

Mutagen trades mental stats for physical, which is why it's great for that concept.

2016-05-16, 02:07 AM
Have to agree with Banner/Hulk being an Alchemist of some flavor, likely fueled (fluff-wise anyway) by Rageahol, lol. Need to get into the Spheres of Power stuff again and see what all works for who out of that. Thanks for all the suggestions everyone, keep them coming if you want, I'm sure we can narrow it down to the best mechanically equivalent setup for each character eventually.

2016-05-16, 03:59 AM
Brute is quite bad at emulating the Hulk. The Hulk is known for being incredibly tough, Brute Vigilantes are one of the most fragile classes in the game. The Hulk is many times stronger than Banner, but usually a big single minded while Banner himself is more or less an average human physically but very smart (that changes one way or the other depending on the particular storyline, but I'm talking classically). Brute Vigilantes have the same stats in both forms, so you can't have that dichotomy.

Mutagen trades mental stats for physical, which is why it's great for that concept.

Have to agree with Banner/Hulk being an Alchemist of some flavor, likely fueled (fluff-wise anyway) by Rageahol, lol. Need to get into the Spheres of Power stuff again and see what all works for who out of that. Thanks for all the suggestions everyone, keep them coming if you want, I'm sure we can narrow it down to the best mechanically equivalent setup for each character eventually.

That's valid, but I also am in disagreement with the controlled transformation. While Late Marvel Hulk achieved control over transformations, he shouldn't be able to control it off the bat. I guess that's my hang up; everything else there is valid.

The problem with characters like Vision, to go completely in a different direction, is that they have more abilities from their racial templates than from class levels, so using any class might not be a great idea. But then, I have problems with all those heroes (Superman, Vision, etc.). Ah well, personal preference lol

2016-05-16, 07:22 AM
Well I think John Steed is a Aristocrat and Emma Peel is a Monk... :tongue:

2016-05-16, 07:58 AM
Well I think John Steed is a Aristocrat and Emma Peel is a Monk... :tongue:
I thought we talk about marvel avengers not a British tv series

2016-05-16, 08:22 AM
I thought we talk about marvel avengers not a British tv series

Don't explain the joke!

2016-05-16, 08:46 AM
I thought we talk about marvel avengers not a British tv series
Thank-you for not thinking I meant the dire film.

2016-05-16, 08:48 AM
Thank-you for not thinking I meant the dire film.

I check marvel wiki which return empty so of to google to cast decipher script for your post

2016-05-16, 11:50 AM
My 2 cp:

Tony Stark: Avenger Vigilante, with a few toys from the Technology Guide (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/EquipmentTechArtifactsDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Powere d%20Armor)
Steve Rogers: Shield Champion Brawler (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/ArchetypeDisplay.aspx?FixedName=Brawler%20Shield%2 0Champion)
Bruce Banner: Brute Vigilante smash!

I'm not familiar enough with the rest to speak for them.

2016-05-16, 12:46 PM
For Banner I'd go Metamorph Alchemist or Ragechemist -> Master Chymist, ignoring the bombs.

For Hawkeye I'd do a Skirmisher Archer Ranger whose Nature Bond involves boosting nearby allies instead of a pet.

Scarlet Witch would be some flavor of Mesmerist I think.

2016-05-16, 03:31 PM
I'd peg The Vision as a psion. Plenty of his powers can be emulated through psionics.

In fact, I wouldn't put many characters in the marvel realm as wizards. None have the wizard's casting mechanic (there may be some).