View Full Version : AL skill checks

2016-05-14, 05:08 PM
Hey all

I'm looking at joining an adventures league game at some point in the not too distant future and my current build for my just regular game is rogue3/bard3 which I am enjoying immensely. It's not amazing in combat, does some nice support but has 4 lots of expertise.

I was just wondering how often skill checks come up in the printed stories or if it is more of a DPR dungeon crawl?

And also what is getting magical items like? Ideally there's a few common ones I want like cloak of elven kind and the bard instrument (gloves of thievery are nice too). Is it basically loot gets rolled if I get lucky I get the gear?

Many thanks

2016-05-14, 09:58 PM
While it does have some limitations, I am having a blast playing AL. The biggest variable, as always, is the quality of DM.

To start, realize that you will need to start a new PC, you can't bring your current one in. (unless you have been playing AL home games this whole time...)

Skill checks are a thing in AL, just like they would be in any adventure. You still need to talk people into stuff, or investigate, or sneak past folks, or intimidate, or climb, or etc etc... As above, this is always influenced by the DM you have.

As for Magic items.... each adventure has a magic item you can find/earn/win/etc. You don't get to pick them, its what that PC is actually using, or has in his treasure, etc. As for who gets it
1) If only one person wants it, he gets it.
2) If more than one person wants it, the one with fewer items gets it.
3) If more than one person with the same number of items wants it, they roll off.