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View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Half-Faerie Dragon: A D&D 5e Homebrew Race Idea [PEACH][FINAL]

2016-05-14, 11:17 PM
This race took inspiration from Ninja_Prawn's Faerie Dragon. So lets dig in, shall we?
A half-faerie fighter.

When a halfling and a faerie dragon start an illicit romance, half breeds are likely to follow. Half-Faerie Dragons are small and agile half fae who prefer life with companions rather than solitude.
They tend to have pastel colored hair and scales on their digitigraded legs. They sport beautiful butterfly wings on their backs of the same colouration, and may have horns on their heads.

Total Score. [5]
Ability Score Increase. [2] You’re fast and flexible. Your Dexterity and one other ability is increased by 1.
Age. You mature very quickly, reaching adulthood by 9 years. They often live into their 70s.
Alignment. You tend to stay within the Chaotic and Good alignments.
Size. [.-5] You are a small creature. You are only slightly smaller than your halfling parent, at around 2 ½ feet.
Speed. [3.5] Your base walking speed is 25, and your base flying speed is 35.
Wings. [-2.5] You need wings to fly. You can only fly when wearing modified Medium armour or less. You can, however, hover.
Euphoria Breath. [1] Once per short rest, you can exhale a puff of euphoria gas at one creature within 5 feet. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier), or for 1 minute, the target can't take reactions and must roll a d6 at the start of each of its turns to determine its behaviour during the turn: 1-4. The target takes no action or bonus action and uses all of its movement to move in a random direction. 5- 6. The target doesn't move, and the only thing it can do is attempt the saving throw again, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Darkvision. [.5] Accustomed to twilit forests and the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey.
Fey Ancestry. [.5] You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
Language. [.5] You can speak, read, and write Common, Halfling, and Sylvan.

Some of my thoughts before you critique: I know you have a total ability score increase of 4 and flying. If it's to powerful, let me know ok?

2016-05-15, 01:39 AM
First, what are the rules regarding flight? Is it like the aarakocra, where you can't wear medium or heavy armor, or is it unlimited flight?

Second, yes, you were right. This pushes the limit from strong to overpowered. Even half-elves can only add +1 to two stats; they can't get another +2. Considering that this race also gets flight, I'd recommend changing it to a +2 Dex and a +1 to a set stat, probably Cha. Also, because at will flight at level one is such a strong ability, official WoTC policy for races with flight is to pretty much strip everything else from them; I'd recommend getting rid of either Fey Ancestry or Darkvision. Yes, it's underpowered numerically, but keeps the actual gameplay balanced. I guess this is partially mitigated by the fact that it's a small race, but....

Gah, I don't know. At any rate, definitely tone down the ASIs.

*minor bookkeeping issue: AFAIK, only half-elves get to choose which languages they get. Choosing between two is clunky; eliminate the clunkiness by having it be a set three languages.

Markoff Chainey
2016-05-15, 03:02 AM
It is too strong on the attributes, I would go with +1 dex and +1 cha instead.

Then you have room for much needed improvements on the flavour side..
I would add fairy magic (similiar to drow magic) and a (weaker version?) of the halfling's luck.

Regarding the flying.. I cannot imagine this race without, but this is tricky of course. You should definitely restrict it to 30 like all the other flyers and also restrict the allowed armor to light or medium at max.

Great race!

P.S: another food for thought... they could also be based on dragonborn with a breath attack that causes confusion like hypnotic pattern..

Final Hyena
2016-05-15, 08:39 AM
Speed. [.5] Your base walking speed is 25 and base flying speed is 35.
Given that there is no restriction on flying (barring a DM will likely say you can't fly underwater) the 25 regular move doesn't matter. you have 35 movement and flight. Given that the stats support a archer/caster build there is no way this is worth [.5]

2016-05-15, 10:31 AM
After some consideration and some research on other similar races, i've decided on the following changes:

Ability Score Increase. [2] Your Dexterity and one other ability of choice is increased by 1.
Lesser flight. [?] You can fly due to your wings, but not for long. Your base flying speed is 30. However, you cannot hover and must land after flying. You must also only be wearing light armour or unarmoured when flying.

How's this?

2016-05-15, 10:39 AM
*Ninja_Prawn's Obligatory Post*

Eeeeeeee someone was inspired by meeee!

You definitely need to tone this down. When calculating musicus points for flight, you should add half a point for every 5 feet of speed (so +3.5) then take off one if you can't wear armour while flying and another one if it's a medium creature that needs a large space to fly.

And I would say that you need a swim speed to 'fly' underwater. :smalltongue:

Oh, and I LOVE the image!

Final Hyena
2016-05-15, 10:41 AM
I like the flight changes, but it might be too weak. I would prefer giving 3 attribute increases. Or another trait.

2016-05-15, 11:51 AM
Ninja_Prawn, Thank you, your welcome, and oh that's how flying works! I thought it was [+.5] to base walking speed!
I also use your other official homebrew as apart of my HB Compendium (Still WIP)

Hyena, so no armour but can hover?

Also, they have wings. I based the scores for flying of this. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pbkd-cffrjGgzJotgl6hozYhoe-hQdRgGxjYZV74dHI/edit)

Final Hyena
2016-05-15, 12:31 PM
I expressed myself poorly, I like the new flight mode, but the race as a whole seems a bit weak which is why another +1 to an attribute is desirable, but seeing as you changed flight again I guess it's fine as is.

2016-05-15, 12:36 PM
I'm sorry, Hyena. I'm VERY new to homebrew, and I don't quite know how to balance races quite yet.
If you say it's fine, I guess it's ok.

Final Hyena
2016-05-15, 12:48 PM
A misunderstood message is usually the fault of the speaker (i.e. my linguistics skills are far from brilliant).

Anyway, you also added in a swim speed and a breath weapon which I believe is fitting with a faerie dragon, but it is likely too strong now.

2016-05-15, 12:50 PM
Why are wings -2?

2016-05-15, 12:51 PM
Really? I've been also using this (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ViqLSEN67mmd2Lo_OJ-H5YX0fccsfI97kFaqx7V1Dmw/edit#) as reference for my scores. It all seem fine to me so far.

Wings -2 because you have to get armour custom for your wings I guess. As well as the /u/JamesMusicus guide says that's how it is.

2016-05-15, 12:59 PM
Why are wings -2?

Because there's a +3 next to Speed, so overall the wings are adding 1 point.

2016-05-15, 02:05 PM
Edited the flying aspect again. You can fly up to medium armour, only when it is modified for your wings.

Final Hyena
2016-05-15, 02:33 PM
Edited the flying aspect again. You can fly up to medium armour, only when it is modified for your wings.
What exactly does that entail? Will it affect the armours weight, properties and ac? How much will it cost to do this? Do remember that crafters (with standard rules) can only do 5 gp a day.

2016-05-15, 02:52 PM
Ah, sorry for not being clear. Modified for your wings, it cost double I believe. Maybe less. It weighs the same as well, I think.

Final Hyena
2016-05-15, 03:38 PM
Ah, sorry for not being clear. Modified for your wings, it cost double I believe. Maybe less. It weighs the same as well, I think.

Half plate costs 750 gp, so the modification would cost 750 gp. Divided by 5 gives you 150 days to make. That is assuming you can even work from a completed piece of half plate.

I would recommend a minor price increase for ease of play.

2016-05-15, 04:00 PM
How about 1/4 the price? That way, half plate would cost 937 gp and 5 sp.

Final Hyena
2016-05-15, 04:22 PM
If you think 75 days is reasonable.
Depends on the campaign I like to keep such things (especially what is standard equipment) acquisition to within a week. Other campaigns that have months or years of downtime might not care. Pick whatever you feel is right.

2016-05-15, 04:30 PM
Then, maybe, 3 days pay plus base cost.

2016-05-15, 07:45 PM
Made numerous other changes to the race, final thoughts?

2016-05-16, 12:35 AM
Made numerous other changes to the race, final thoughts?

I think it's good. Not sure about all the point scores, but the reduced ASI makes enough room for everything else regardless.

2016-05-16, 01:18 AM
Thank you! For both that comment and inspiring this race!

Unless you're just saying it's fine because I liked how I based it off of your own race. (I'm kidding!)

2016-05-16, 01:25 AM
Unless you're just saying it's fine because I liked how I based it off of your own race. (I'm kidding!)

Hah, no, I tend to rip people apart if they post substandard fey material. This is serious business, you know. The faeries will be angry if I allow them to be misrepresented here. :smalleek:

2016-05-16, 01:28 AM
Oh my. I'll keep that in mind next time I talk about fae in your neighborhood.

Thank you all for your help!

2016-05-16, 02:23 AM
The only question now is: how do a halfling and a faerie dragon breed? I'm fairly sure faerie dragons are egg-layers... :smallconfused:

Markoff Chainey
2016-05-16, 05:50 AM
do you know some fairy dragons that sell some of that breath? ;-)

I really like it! :smallsmile:

2016-05-16, 06:01 AM
do you know some fairy dragons that sell some of that breath? ;-)

I really like it! :smallsmile:

You know that stuff rots your brain-muscles if you take it all the time, right? :smalltongue:

2016-05-16, 08:15 AM
The only question now is: how do a halfling and a faerie dragon breed? I'm fairly sure faerie dragons are egg-layers... :smallconfused:

To be perfectly honest, I haven't the slightest clue. I found that pathfinder had one, but it didn't say what the other race was it's other half. So I took the smallest standard race and your homebrew race and "got them on." :smallredface: