View Full Version : I would like a ice theme character

Sir cryosin
2016-05-15, 09:53 AM
Does anyone have a good ice theme build?

2016-05-15, 09:58 AM
Does anyone have a good ice theme build?

If you're up for some homebrew, a few of us did a bit of ice-themed (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?480638-The-Witch-of-Winter-(for-RavenJovan)) stuff a while back.

Besides which, there is a whole raft of icy spells in both the PHB and Elemental Evil; I'd strongly recommend playing a wizard or sorcerer so as to access those.

2016-05-15, 10:10 AM
Straight Wizard with the Evocation school is good enough, just take everything icy. If you just want a slight feel of ice, go Eldritch Knight and take the Frostbite and Ray of Frost cantrips.

2016-05-15, 10:40 AM
Or maybe white dragon sorcerer.

2016-05-15, 11:02 AM
Or maybe white dragon sorcerer.
Seems the most obvious choice mechanically, though evocation wizard is good and adds elemental summoning to the list...

Ice spells on their list:
Chill Touch
Ray of Frost
Chromatic Orb
Ice Knife
Snilloc's Snowball Swarm
Sleet Storm
Ice Storm
Cone of Cold
Investiture of Ice

Spells easily flavored as cold/ice:
Fog Cloud
Hold Person
Mirror Image
Hold Monster
Globe of Invulnerability
Powerword Stun
Powerword Kill
Time Stop

Other spells:
Conjur minor elementals (+Druid)
Fire Shield
Otiluke's Resiliant Sphere
Conjur Elemental (+Druid)
Wall of Ice
Control Weather (+Druid, Cleric)
True Polymorph

Elemental Weapon

2016-05-15, 12:29 PM
Does anyone have a good ice theme build?
What others said. ;)

Good point about Conjure Elementals. :)

Although, it you want a special kind of gish, you could go Draconic Sorcerer / (Valor) Bard (choosing Bard because same stat).
Get some nice metamagic, bonus and some "Ice" spells from Sorcerer, poach the two Conjure Elemental spells (and maybe other if you main Bard). Most "ice-themed" spells (without refluff) are lvl 5-6 max anyways.
You could be a fighter that lays waste at close range (Investiture of Ice, Elemental Weapon) while shaping the battlefield...
Only missing thing would be a melee cantrip, but I think it would be easy to adapt Booming Blade (change lightning by cold, change "damage if move" by "move reduction" and you're done).

For a pure caster, either Draconic Sorcerer (the best imo although missing some spells), Evocation Wizard (equally good mechanically and fluff-wise) or Lore Bard (since you can poach the "best" spells... But the "Bardish fluff" does not fare that well with the idea of powerful ice sorcerer in my taste ;)).

2016-05-15, 12:33 PM
Sorcerer/Bard? Doesn't Disney have the copyright on characters with natural ice abilities that sing hit songs?

2016-05-15, 12:35 PM
Arctic land druid?

Possibly you could get a DM that lets you swap out spells for ice themed spells.

For druid, you get the extra ice theme from polar bear form / summons etc.

2016-05-15, 12:46 PM
Sorcerer/Bard? Doesn't Disney have the copyright on characters with natural ice abilities that sing hit songs?

I think that copyright only applies to Princesses (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?482608-Zaydos-Princess-Updated-for-5e). :smalltongue:

2016-05-15, 12:59 PM
Sorcerer/Bard? Doesn't Disney have the copyright on characters with natural ice abilities that sing hit songs?

This is pure gold.

2016-05-15, 01:07 PM
This is pure gold.

I agree. We were all looking for any excuse to go there. Naanomi did it, and did it well!

2016-05-15, 01:14 PM

Just let it go mate.

2016-05-15, 05:12 PM
White dragonborn wizard with Elemental Adept feat.

2016-05-15, 05:19 PM
I would definitely agree with a White/Silver ancestry Dragonborn with a White/Silver Dragon Origin Sorcerer. Load up on all the Cold spells you can from both the Player Handbook and the Elemental Evil supplement. While the STR is semi-wasted, at least you have a nice CHA bonus.

A Water Gensai would work well as well, just give 'em a bit of a cold personality, and throw them on the Arctic Land Druid that someone else suggested. Good stat bonus lineup as well.

2016-05-15, 05:22 PM
Sounding off this thread, what are some spells that can be easily re-themed for ice damage? Someone had a list earlier that included spells like Fire Shield, which can be made ice with no difference at all.

One idea I had was Glacier Swarm (Meteor Swarm with ice damage). Others?

2016-05-15, 05:26 PM
Ooh... re-flavoring spells...

Well, oh, I know, Scorching Ray could be changed into Niac's Cold Ray, sure that was a 1st level spell in DDO, but still, it would work as a change for name and type.

I'm trying to think of what an cold Fire Ball would be called...

2016-05-15, 05:33 PM

2016-05-15, 05:36 PM
Sounding off this thread, what are some spells that can be easily re-themed for ice damage? Someone had a list earlier that included spells like Fire Shield, which can be made ice with no difference at all.

One idea I had was Glacier Swarm (Meteor Swarm with ice damage). Others?

If you are prepared to re-designate damage types then a whole slew of non spell options open up as well.

Some frozen knight based on a paladin that does icy bursts with smite damage, a pact with a devil of Cania that gives cold eldritch blasts or whose pact weapon is an ice-blade that does cold damage instead of slashing damage (also works for an Arctic druid's shillelagh?).

Take an existing caster class and create a cold "domain" (so works for cleric, paladin, druid and warlock - even swapping in Arctic from druid for the others kind of works)?

If you are swapping stuff around there is a lot of fun to be had.

2016-05-15, 08:24 PM
Does anyone have a good ice theme build?

I misread this momentarily as an ice cream build. Yummm.