View Full Version : Roleplaying Ozymandias The Lightsworn, a deity about chaotic justice.

2016-05-16, 08:25 AM
So, some of you may have read my previous thread about my homebrew deity, Ozymandias. I thought it'd be a nice idea to add an Oath as a roleplaying element that my character can use each time they call upon Ozymandias' power. Any ideas? His main themes are Justice, Personal Freedom, Good, Courage, the Sun and Purity. I've tried looking up oaths or chants/prayers but nothing helpful has come up.

2016-05-16, 11:50 AM
So, some of you may have read my previous thread about my homebrew deity, Ozymandias. I thought it'd be a nice idea to add an Oath as a roleplaying element that my character can use each time they call upon Ozymandias' power. Any ideas? His main themes are Justice, Personal Freedom, Good, Courage, the Sun and Purity. I've tried looking up oaths or chants/prayers but nothing helpful has come up.

There is an old poem you may like...

2016-05-16, 11:52 AM
May we get a link to this other thread please?

2016-05-16, 01:14 PM
This is it (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?487830-What-do-you-think-of-this-Deity), but you may have to do a lot of reading to get the full grasp of it as Honest Tiefling was helping me all throughout the end. Basically, I'm looking for oaths, poems, even quotes that you guys have found or in general know of that may fit the theme I'm going after. Google hasn't been a great help to me until now.

2016-05-16, 03:41 PM
This is one Oath my character can chant before using a power granted to her by Ozymandias. What do you think?

"I swear by Your Light,
to use my shield to protect the innocent and my sword to strike down the corrupt.
To be a beacon of hope to the people and a symbol of fear to the unjust.
To shower the world in Your light so it may be reborn anew.
Grant me your power, Ozymandias, to become Justice
and I will realize the world that you persuit!

2016-05-16, 04:01 PM
I just reread Watchmen recently so the idea of Ozymandias as "The Lightsworn" is cracking me up.

2016-05-16, 04:02 PM
I just reread Watchmen recently so the idea of Ozymandias as "The Lightsworn" is cracking me up.

I know right? But when I read the poem "Ozymandias" I wanted to create a similar character who'd use different means to achieve his goals.

2016-05-16, 04:06 PM
I just reread Watchmen recently so the idea of Ozymandias as "The Lightsworn" is cracking me up.

The Watchmen's Ozymandius is no hero on any level. But that's probably a discussion for another time, and likely no surprise, given the tenor of that entire story. (I...don't care for Watchmen.)

Edit: For a different Ozymandius from fiction, consider this webcomic (http://ozyandmillie.org/1998/04/29/ozy-and-millie-2/). It may or may not have some interesting bits for you.

Also, in case nobody has yet quoted it for you:

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things,
The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains: round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

The bolded part is the best known portion. (I added the bolding.)

2016-05-16, 04:56 PM
The Watchmen's Ozymandius is no hero on any level. But that's probably a discussion for another time, and likely no surprise, given the tenor of that entire story. (I...don't care for Watchmen.)

Edit: For a different Ozymandius from fiction, consider this webcomic (http://ozyandmillie.org/1998/04/29/ozy-and-millie-2/). It may or may not have some interesting bits for you.

Also, in case nobody has yet quoted it for you:

The bolded part is the best known portion. (I added the bolding.)

That is the reason I chose that name actually.