View Full Version : Cavemen

2007-06-26, 05:25 AM
I suppose you've all heard by now the making of a TV Show on ABC about the cavemen from the Geico commercials. What do you guys think? I personally don't think the people at ABC know what good programming is.

2007-06-26, 08:00 AM
Um, how ISN'T this a good idea, sounds like a educative program to me
Oh wait I just read the geico part, now it sounds funny.

2007-06-26, 08:02 AM
They barely come up with enough good material for 2 min commercials, how are they going to manage 30 min t.v programs. in conclusion, the first episode may be good but after that, it will probaly suck

2007-06-26, 08:13 AM
The cave men are awesome!

Rob Knotts
2007-06-26, 09:43 AM
It's a fine example of running a good joke into the ground. Basically they've been able to get two commercials out of each Caveman joke, and even then the followup commercial is always less funny. One season of a TV show would mean 13 episodes at 22 minutes each. Even if they could come up with 13 new premises for the Cavemen, each episode would still end up being 20 minutes too long.

The reason Geico commercials have been so successful overall is they know when they need to move on from one joke to another. The gekko keeps coming back, but there have been years (years?) when the company has used other ideas ("I've got good news!", the Cavemen, the deadpan "plain businessman") to give the gekko a rest so that viewers don't get bored with him. Geico should do the same for the Cavemen, shelf them for a while so people don't get bored with them, but the commercials have been so popular that Geico's decided to milk them for all they're worth right now.

It's kinda wierd, though, I should feel cheap talking about commercials as a form of entertainment, but to be honest the Geico commercials have been more entertaining than most prime-time television for several years now. And the worst thing Geico could do is make thier commercials into an actual prime-time show.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-06-26, 09:04 PM
I know of the cavemen, but I don't watch much TV anymore and it will be far less after seeing the comercial of the man in the milking machine for "Sour Skittles."

I think this is a fascinating occurance. Can a premise that makes a funny commercial be stretched out into a sitcom? This is something new from the big stations. ABC is taking a chance and trying something new. That's exciting.

Frankly, at this point, I'll take anything over another "wife and husband squabble a lot, but make up at the end. Oooh, and they have wacky neighbors/relatives that live next door and irritate them both" Raymonds clones that I see.

2007-06-26, 09:12 PM
It's a fine example of running a good joke into the ground.


I think this is a fascinating occurance. Can a premise that makes a funny commercial be stretched out into a sitcom? This is something new from the big stations. ABC is taking a chance and trying something new. That's exciting.

Frankly, at this point, I'll take anything over another "wife and husband squabble a lot, but make up at the end. Oooh, and they have wacky neighbors/relatives that live next door and irritate them both" Raymonds clones that I see.

...but also yes.

I think it *could* be good. I doubt it *will* be, but then, I pretty much doubt that any sitcom will be...


2007-06-26, 10:16 PM
im at least checkin it out.

2007-06-26, 11:08 PM
I think the Berries and Cream Lad would have been a better choice.

2007-06-27, 02:11 AM
The idea of a Cavemen sitcom pales in comparison to a Jack of Jack-in-the-box commercials sitcom. Geico commercials are just entertaining and inoffensive enough that you don't strangle someone after seeing it for the second time. Jack's commecials are entertaining enough that even now I just giggled thinking of the "Stealing is wrong! And unnecessary!" commercial.

Unfortunately, Jack in the boxes aren't ubiquitous, so many people might not be familiar with the character. Also, I imagine Jack as a CEO of a huge company is less relatable than cavemen to the average viewer, which is pretty surprising, but probably true. Honestly, after seeing so many shows with moronic, uncaring or outright despicable bosses, it'd be great to see Jack, who is witty and charming filling the role.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-06-28, 08:34 PM
I like TPAM's idea a lot.