View Full Version : Illusion ideas for a trickster

2016-05-16, 02:46 PM
Hi there.
I really want to play a character who rather wants to use illusions rather than killing stuff. I especially think of Major image level 3. but anything illusionlike is welcome, Also illusions that could come in handy for a trickster kind of guy would be of interest.
So please bring in some good stories of how to use a good illusion and how to make them believeable. I´m going to play a bard who is not much for killing as it ruins his neutralilty as a talespinner.

OR if you know the perfect link to an illusionist handbook, then there might be no reason to reinvent the whole thing.

(Sorry if anyone have seen the same thread in another forum, but I posted it wrong in the first place)

2016-05-16, 02:51 PM
Well, there is this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?477658-Illusionist-Tricks), though it's hardly a handbook so much as a catalogue of stuff I've had pointed out to me (or, in some cases, thought of, myself).

As for more specifically what you're looking for, it's very situational. Making illusions "fit" in a way that they don't arouse suspicion in the first place is all about making them out of reach, hard to examine, or interact minimally with anything around them anyway.

2016-05-16, 03:40 PM
Well, there is , though it's hardly a handbook so much as a catalogue of stuff I've had pointed out to me (or, in some cases, thought of, myself).

As for more specifically what you're looking for, it's very situational. Making illusions "fit" in a way that they don't arouse suspicion in the first place is all about making them out of reach, hard to examine, or interact minimally with anything around them anyway.

Hi Segev, I had been there already and I could use some of it, especially the one with "major image. But I´m also interested in hearing how others have used Illusions as situational happenings. I think my GM will play it by the book, but he likes it when the roleplaying is prioritised so I might get away with lightly abused us.

ONCE in a dungeon magazine there was a "101 ways to use a blanket", I really want something like "101 ways to make use of illusions" some for minor llusions, some for higherlevel mindgames.

2016-05-16, 03:48 PM
In recent experience, I used a silent image and a few minor illusions in a row to simulate an ogre running out and foolishly jumping onto an egg the party was trying to protect, shattering it and having yolk leak out around his foot.

Sadly, it didn't actually seem to do much, but in theory, it could've made it look like the macguffin was destroyed and of no interest to anybody anymore.

Using a silent image of fog can also be pretty effective. Hard to "interact" with it in a way that makes passing through it obviously a flaw, so if you know it's an illusion and tell your friends, they can see through it while your foes have a hard time even getting a save.

2016-05-16, 04:08 PM
I would work very hard to build a reputation as a powerful summoner. Spread money around to tell tales of the elementals or demons summoned. This means there is less incredulity in your foes when you "summon" the creature of your choice ?

Sir cryosin
2016-05-16, 04:51 PM
That's the thing it up to your imagination and discretion
On how you use them. One thing I found a lot of people talking about is make your party look like different classes then they are like make the fighter look like a wizard and vice versa. If your party is heavy on combat illusions might not help that much. I like to use minor illusion to make rocks small tree stumps and walls to hide behind untell the enemy can tell it's a illusion you should benefit from half cover or three-quarters cover. Grad the cantrip prestidigitation it not a illusion spell but par it with illusions it add some reality to your illusion. Fog cloud and prestidigitation will make is sound like a army is coming throw in minor illusion and you have a very convincing illusion of a army.

2016-05-16, 05:54 PM
If you're at all considering an illusion of a mirror or a pit, here's an extended discussion (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?482838-Minor-Illusion) of whether or not those are possible.