View Full Version : Being Dead Sucks! (IC)

2016-05-16, 05:14 PM
Gren, the city of the dead. Or, should I say undead? Does it really matter? Not really. All the inhabitants of this macabre place care about is that you're not living. Or, if you are, you're treated as the scum of the earth. You see, Gren is home to all undead. While they all have differing goals, motives, and views on unlife, all undead are welcome in Gren. In the middle of this massive, sprawling urban landscape is The Pit. A huge hole in the ground, thousands of feet in diameter, The Pit is where the first undead crawled from the depths of the negative energy plane, to which The Pit connects. This first undead, Dura, is now the God of Undeath. Nobody but her knows quite what type of undead she was before she ascended to unholiness. Point is, she founded this grand city, Gren. Built it right around The Pit. Used to be just a few huts in the mud. Nowadays, however, it's one of the greatest wonders of the world. Isolated from the rest of the world, it's a place of magic and technology far above the rest of the world. The greatest minds of the undead world gather there, from vampires to wights, ghosts to ghouls, putting aside their differences to gain any advantage over the world of the living. Once the entire living world has been vanquished, then any differences between the undead could be settled.

The city of Gren.

The grandest city in the world.

The place that, for one reason or another, you are headed for.

Balthazar has sent you to the great city of Gren to deal with an old spawn of his. The servant somehow figured out how to escape Balthazar's control, and Balthazar wants her executed. You are under orders not to speak to this spawn. (You expect it's because he doesn't want you figuring out how to break his command over you.) You target's name is Raen, and she is known to be living in Gren, though Balthazar doesn't know exactly where. If you have any questions for Balthazar, PM me.

Come up with a reason for your character to want to go to Gren, and PM it to me. If you want me to do it, tell me.

Your character wants to find a place where the undead can exist in peace? Well, here it is. If you want some other motivation for going to Gren, PM it to me.

You started out in Gren, so come up with a reason for you to have gone away from it, and a reason you had to come back. The group will be traveling there via caravan, so one possible way would be for you to be the caravan leader. Whatever you come up with, PM it to me.

For one reason or another, you are here. Miles away from the great city of Gren, you each have some reason to travel there. Power, shelter, pay, whatever it is, the city of Gren awaits you. As you make your way to the trail of wagons ahead, you hear a telepathic voice in your head, keyed to only be heard by those of the undead, call out:
Last call for transport to Gren! Caravan's leaving in ten minutes!

Ahead, you see dozens of undead lining up to the wagons. Getting closer, you see mages casting what you would assume to be a Detect Living spell on the soon-to-be passengers.

2016-05-16, 05:57 PM
Mortuus Mulier Viridis looks around the station, getting an idea of who all is heading that way, and what sorts of undead in the crowd might be useful to her research. As she looks, she has an idle thought: Did the letter make it back to the research facility on time? I can't carry cash easily, so the facility secretary will have had to made arrangement for payment... if not, well, I may just need to work off my transport, or perhaps simply follow after the caravan... wouldn't be the first time I've done such, either way, although I imagine this one is much better equipped for dealing with incorporeals. Well, I have a few minutes, only one way to find out. She also tries to see who might be managing ticketing, and if it even applies here.Perception: [roll0] to penetrate any disguises or notice things out of place.
Kn(religion): [roll1] to ID undead about her.

Of particular note is that she'd be looking for unusual types of undead, or self-replicating undead that largely maintain their minds.

2016-05-16, 10:14 PM
A pale lip rises in irritation, revealing a pearly white canine tooth over an inch long. If he had breath, he would sigh.
Discourteous, such unsolicited mental intrusion. As though every potential passenger is as gormless as Dwarvish cattle, needing to be herded by telepathic tether. I shall register a complaint at my soonest convenience.

Rictus hefts his coffin, strapped to his back for convenience and quick access but seeming as light as a feather to the supernaturally strong creature of the night, and spreads his wings to take a leap closer to the crowd. He had been watching the proceedings of the gathering horde from a safe distance so as to avoid interaction, but he would have to bite the silver bullet and wade among them if he was going to get where he was going. He would have greatly preferred to bypass the whole process, but the bureaucracy of Gren had disallowed free passage. Understandable, he reasoned, he wouldn't expect less nor would he have decided differently. Still inconvenient.

Slowing his descent with his wide vespertilian wings, he endeavors to land ahead of the group with his eyes on the furthest carriages. They look minimally stained with rotting viscera, and some of them look like they have lined seats. He doesn't quite clear the pack with his first leap. Instead of regaining height purely with his own wingpower he sets the sole of his boot squarely on the hard skull of a meandering Skeleton, pushing the pedestrian Undead to the ground with the force of his kick as he lofts back of, taking him to the front of the line.

Now in a better position, Rictus immediately seeks out anyone who seems to be in a more authoritative position. Anyone taking or selling tickets will suffice.
"You there, public servant. I am a customer, in need of your assistance. My name is Rictus Balthazar, scion of the Vampire Lord Balthazar. You will have heard of him. I seek passage to the city of Gren regarding business on my master's behalf. I would like to take...that carriage, as such is the highest quality vehicle I can see. If there is one better, please direct me to it. I understand that it is customary to pay a fee for the privilege of doing so, laughable though the concept may be. I have a modicum of pocket change on my person, and the authority to write a letter of credit in the name of my master if need be. Is it from you that I receive authorization of passage, or are you of no use to me?"

2016-05-17, 07:09 AM
Mortuus looks around, and sees that there are several "ticketers," as they may be. However, there aren't really any tickets. The extremely low-class wagons, which are little more than cages with wheels, are free of charge. As the wagons go up in quality, the price goes up.

One ticketer stands out to you, however. Dressed in full plate, with a huge hammer across its back, is a nightwalker (http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/forgottenrealms/images/c/c1/Nightwalker.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090502205354). He appears to be the leader of this caravan. And, as you look at him, you see a fancily-clad vampire walk up to him, looking more than slightly annoyed. You can faintly hear the vampire say the following to the nightwalker:

"You there, public servant. I am a customer, in need of your assistance. My name is Rictus Balthazar, scion of the Vampire Lord Balthazar. You will have heard of him. I seek passage to the city of Gren regarding business on my master's behalf. I would like to take...that carriage, as such is the highest quality vehicle I can see. If there is one better, please direct me to it. I understand that it is customary to pay a fee for the privilege of doing so, laughable though the concept may be. I have a modicum of pocket change on my person, and the authority to write a letter of credit in the name of my master if need be. Is it from you that I receive authorization of passage, or are you of no use to me?"

2016-05-17, 04:59 PM
Night turns, feeling the annoyance and frustration of its guest as he approached. Night assumes the creature was a he. It was hard to tell sometimes, with the changing fashions among the mortals its companions spawned from. Taking the creatures tirade in stride, Night gently inclines its head.

Well met, new friend. Let me consult the list.

Night grabs a nearby zombie, upon which a number of markings have been made in the Infernal script. The front carriage, unfortunately, had already been claimed by a representative of the Council of the Undying. Liches. They spend ages finding the secret to becoming a true immortal, and when they have it they act exactly like the mortals they had been before. Foolishness, but they were young yet.

Yes, Sir Rictus. A pleasure, I am sure. Unfortunately, that particular carriage has already been claimed by another passenger, who is not inclined to share. You are, as it happens, on the late side. Perhaps if you had been more punctual, it would not have been claimed. However, I will be more than happy to help you find an unclaimed carriage suitable for your needs.

It is at this point, if not before, that it becomes very clear that Night lacks a mouth. Or nose. Or defining facial features of any kind, save for two glowing red dots that might approximate eyes. Indeed, Night's whole body, armor, and weapon are so pitch black that looking at it creates the rather disconcerting sensation of looking at a silhouette that is standing up.

Indeed, if you are amenable, I would be more than happy to share my own personal carriage. The trip is somewhat long to be alone, and I do have the room. I assume, of course, that your master has paid for your trip in advance?

2016-05-17, 06:51 PM
Again with the intrusion of mental space. It's nothing but disrespectful.

Rictus looks upward at the man-shaped void. His expression is blank, but turns to one of resignation.
"Your carriage? So you are not in employment here, you are a passenger as myself? My mistake, and my apologies for presuming otherwise. I also apologize for my lack of punctuality. The necessity for travel came as a surprise to me, and I did not have time to make the requisite preparations. But that is merely an excuse, and one that does not befit my lack of foresight. The blame falls squarely upon my shoulders at this juncture. I am inclined to believe that my master has not sent word ahead of me to cover the fare of travel, though his prescience is greater than mine own a hundredfold, and you may have the privilege of correcting me. If not then I can cover the fare in the manner which I described earlier, either out-of-pocket expense or in the form of a letter of credit.

I am appreciative of your generosity to so readily share your space, not least of all considering that for one of your stature space is likely at a premium. I will naturally compensate you for the inconvenience, and know that you have a Vampire's gratitude for the accommodation. I fear I may have to disappoint you in your quest for companionship however. I am far from a talkative sort. I have been described in the past as terse, curt, and laconic to say the least."

2016-05-17, 09:05 PM
No sir. I am, in fact, the leader of this caravan. Its guide, administrator, and if need be, its protector. This is my name.

The sensation of utter and complete cold fills Rictus' mind, a cold not unlike the brief memory of death that exists in every undead, alongside the image of the sun being devoured by a monstrous shadow, until all that remained was darkness.

It translates to, in the words not of the mind, Cold Night Which Swallows The Sun. Most prefer to simply call me Night. But, as I am in charge of bringing undead safely to Gren, the lords of that city have seen fit to grant me my own carriage. An inefficient usage of space, to be sure, but far be it from me to second guess them. As to the matter of payment, I have little doubt it can be resolved. I am sure your master does not lack the flesh to make a proper donation. Please, follow.

The void turns, slowly, and begins to march towards the very front of the caravan. Oh, and I apologize for my continued use of telepathy. Unfortunately, I lack a mouth or lungs to make the sounds of mortal speech. You understand, of course.

2016-05-17, 09:32 PM
"Ah, I understand your game now, a transaction that bypasses the middleman of bureaucratic economics. I see now why the gold in my purse serves you less well than I had intended. Well yes, for certain, Lord Balthazar has quite the means, though I have my own as well. I suppose we can settle the affair later - it's not as though passage out from Gren will be undocumented either.

Lead on then, Cold Night Which Swallows The Sun. You remarked on my lack of punctuality; there is no better rectification than to depart posthaste. Incidentally, I must say, yours is a stirring sobriquet. I have a strong appreciation for both the dark and the cold, naturally. Have you had time to travel north? In the winter season the sun may rest beneath the horizon for a month at a time and there is naught but the howl of ice shards to pierce that darkness. I take it with me where I can, as you can see by the frost condensing out of the air, but there's no place like home."
Rictus will continue to chatter as Night escorts him to the caravan.

2016-05-17, 11:01 PM
Mortuus Mulier Viridis makes her way over to the conversation, pointed ears perking at the name of the vampire lord. She definately has a presence - the undead around her all perk up a little as she gets near. Fortunately, between flight and incorporeality, the crowd makes very little difference for her. She greets the two with "Please forgive the intrusion, but did I overhear that you are The Scion of the Great Lord Balthazar? I was wondering if, perchance, you might spare some of your expertise. I have a project I am working on, and one of the aspects I will need to deal with, eventually, is the care and breeding of mortals. After all, if they are ever wiped out completely, it becomes extremely difficult to replace a proper servant... eternity is a very long time, and accidents happen, after all." She pauses a moment, and adds, also looking at the Nightwalker "Also... I was hoping to have a chance to witness some of the highest and unusual forms of undead in action... might you be amenable?"

The woman doesn't look like much; a beautiful elf woman, Green of eye, red of hair, and slightly transparent. She wears a simple monk's outfit, and has a small pouch tied to her waist.
The "perk up" is her Desecrate aura taking effect.

2016-05-17, 11:21 PM
Rictus turns turn glance at the newcomer, after a period of not realizing she was addressing him. He gives her a look over from top to bottom.
"You speak presumptuously for a stranger. Cold Night Which Swallows The Sun and I were courteous enough to exchange names before discussing matters of business and finding a mutually beneficial arrangement. You, a stranger and an..." he turns up his nose slightly, "incorporeal, imagine to beseech my aid by invoking the name of my respected master so freely and loosely without turning over your own in turn? And for so frivolous a cause, without so much as suggesting compensation for the time I have already spent considering it. My master is no slave driver nor farmer, and neither am I. Only a fool would bet against the fecundity of the living, Indeed, it is their chiefest value and virtue. They need no shepherd. Such is my advice to you, and this 'project' of yours."

2016-05-17, 11:46 PM
Now now, Rictus. If the Dark has its way, you may soon have cause to wish for the lady's farm. After all, without the light of sun, the living will fade. And I do intend on fulfilling my name. I also find myself surprised at your distaste for your sister in death's choice of form. Do you place such value on your former flesh?

The sound of laughter fills the mental space between the three. Though dear Rictus raises an excellent point. You have a name, I assume?

2016-05-18, 07:29 AM
The woman replies, starting with a telepathic message just to Night Ah, a true Night in blackest armor. You are quite correct; my zeal for my task sometimes consumes me, and I forget my manners. I am Mortuus Mulier Viridis, and it is a pleasure to meet you. It is rare indeed to meet a specimen such as yourself. Incidentally: Was my assistant able to make arrangements in time? For obvious reasons, I have issues carrying cash, but on research trips such as this one the home office usually helps. Which is followed verbally by "Ah, how silly of me to think you had thought ahead about what happens if one of the more zealous undead actually achieves their goals. Still, you do have a point: You may call me Mortuss Mulier Virdis; and..." she taps a nearby undead horse enough to make it shift slightly "... you may wish to reconsider your certainty in your knowledge. One of the things I am studying is how to bring an end to death for all intelligences... Undeath seems to hold the key, and proper experimentation almost always has interesting side benefits; just because everyone knows something to be true doesn't mean there aren't ways around it."

Ghost Touch + Improved Unarmed Strike, hitting an unattended skeletal horse nearby - assuming there is one; if not, a rock or something will do - for nonlethal (to which it's immune, so no damage of anyone else's property).

2016-05-18, 09:03 AM
"I do not waste my time entertaining fantasies of the machinations cultivated by the fever dreams of madmen," Rictus replies to Mortuss' comment about 'thinking ahead.' "And I remain unperturbed. The conversion of life to Undeath across every infinite plane on the Great Wheel? Tch, speak to me again only after you have actually accomplished the task, and then perhaps I will give a modicum of credence to your cause and capability. Besides, as I am acutely aware, there are those on the Wheel not exactly considered mortals but certainly alive enough with blood beating in their chests. Such is sufficient for me, even if they are as emergency rations.

Cold Night Which Swallows The Sun, your endeavor on the other hand is not only more admirable in purpose but also more reasonable in practice, and the scale of that comparison shouldn't be lost. Though if the Drow, Duergar, and Deep Imaskari are any indicator the living manage to persevere even outside the sun's loathsome embrace. As I said, don't be so quick to count them out. To say nothing else of them, the living are tenacious.

In any case, Cold Night Which Swallows The Sun, we delay for no purpose. Leave the Allip and let us continue, for I have purpose in Gren and I prefer not to tarry. I shall entertain you on the virtues of retaining flesh and blood, for I am somewhat of a connoisseur of the field. Both of my own and that of others, intimately so. Foremost, it is my personal opinion (and I encourage debate on the subject on your behalf) that while an animating spirit is what fuels an Undead body, the core of what distinguishes the two of us lies in our substance, our very flesh. Such distinguishes a Ghoul from a Ghast, and either from a Wight. To lose the flesh, the body, is to lose all individuality and remain as only an idea, an echo of a mind already lost. Evidently."

2016-05-18, 05:48 PM
The ghost considers a moment Hmm... insulting at every turn, no real arguments mixed in, no indication of thinking about the statments made. Calcified mind, doesn't know anything useful and is hiding it behind bravado. Wasting time indeed. Ah well. and waits for either a response from Night on whether or not she'll need to make her own arrangements locally.

2016-05-22, 11:40 AM
Night will reply that your assistant was able to make it on time.
The group walks along the side of the caravan, towards the front. After a few minutes, you find yourselves at a very fine wagon. Twelve feel long, six feet wide, and 15 feet tall from the ground, is is adorned with all manner of ghastly decor. Spikes protrude from various places, and on the front are two lanterns with housings made of skulls (http://www.horror-shop.com/out/pictures/master/product/1/totenkopf-laterne-totenschaedel-lampion-halloween-lampe-horror-licht-halloween-dekoration-horror-artikel-skull-lantern-18233.jpg). In the front, you see two massive skeletal stallions, nine feet tall at the shoulder.

As you walk in, you see the inside is a bit more pleasantly decorated. (I suck at describing things like this, imagine like this (http://65.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwb44hHYyP1qcvz1yo1_1280.jpg), but bigger, with a bed.)

A few minutes after you walk in, the caravan starts moving along.

2016-05-22, 12:40 PM
Why did they include a bed when the intended guests don't sleep? the spectral nymph idly wonders as she sits down in the carriage ... but then, I suppose there's other activities that use a bed, and some of the undead more tied to the flesh might wish to indulge. Then there's also the occasional bit of misdirection ... certain types of hunting for the diet-dependant ... so it makes an amount of sense to include one, I suppose.

2016-05-22, 07:30 PM
As the door opens to the coach, a pale woman with grey eyes in sitting cross-legged on the bench. As the door opens, she gives the newcomers an appraising look and says, "So I suppose you're my company for the ride? Greetings. Call me Serra."

2016-05-22, 08:26 PM
The apparition nods at the pale woman, and says "Greetings Serra. It looks like. So just out of idle curiosity: What's your reason for the wagon train?"

2016-05-22, 09:57 PM
Serra shrugs in response, looking at the nightwalker with a mix of apprehension and respect as she says, "The usual, I suspect. Finding a place to set up shop without worry of jumped-up humans wearing silly hats and leather jackets trying to kill me, to say nothing of the paladins. As fun as they are to mess with, I'd like somewhere to sleep where I don't risk getting a piece of wood shoved into my chest."

2016-05-23, 07:17 AM
The apparition nods, and says "Understandable, I suppose. The delay when someone tries to destroy me is annoying. Oh, and you can call me Mortuus, by the way. Although... with the mention of the wood... I'm guessing vampire? Won't it be a bit on the expensive side to feed yourself where we're going?"

2016-05-23, 03:34 PM
Serra smiles, revealing a hint of fang, as she says, "Very perceptive. But even if it is, I don't precisely plan to spend very long here. As much as I want a proper...Lair, I suppose the word would be, I'm not the kind to stay in one place for very long. I suspect once I get things sorted out here, I'll be back in the world of the living, enjoying myself."

2016-05-23, 09:32 PM
Mortuus inclines her head politely, and says "Well, we'll see what will be when we get there. So you're the wandering sort, not the ruling sort? Pity, but no matter. Perhaps the slavers... but I would want to find the sort with a bit of subtlety. Rule by force is unstable...."

2016-05-24, 01:36 AM
I am beginning to suspect the lords of Gren were somewhat dishonest to me when they mentioned a private carriage. Not that I mind putting the space to actual use, but the dishonesty is somewhat troubling. I had thought my years of service would have shown them I cared not for luxury. The nightwalker proceeded to climb up through a hatch in the roof to where it could direct the caravan. In any case, greetings, sibling Serra. And Mortuus, I am afraid you are in the wrong. There is only one kind of rule, and it is through force, subtle or overt. Anything else, for better or for worse, is not rule at all.

Atop the carriage, Night released a telepathic signal to the other undead gifted with the true speech, who served as relays so it could communicate with the whole caravan.

Attention. We now begin moving towards Gren. Please, remain within your carriage until our arrival. The journey, while safe, is only so with your continued cooperation. Be at peace, my siblings. Soon, we will be home.

And with a snort and whinny of smoke, the four undead horses bound to the first carriage began to pull away from the secret place where the caravan met. Blessed, cold night covered the start of the journey, interrupted only by the annoyance of pinprick stars.

2016-05-24, 07:56 AM
Rictus was less courteous to the presence of another in Night's caravan than Night itself.
"I apologize for the refusal of your generosity," he says to the Nightwalker, "but it seems that these circumstances are less favorable than anticipated. Two is company, three is a crowd, and four doesn't bear thinking on. Not least among those who have no decency to respect an invitation, or lack thereof. The innocently mindless are preferable to the willfully boorish. You mentioned free carriages in the rear? I shall make company with the skeletons and the zombies, then. Another time, Cold Night Which Swallows The Sun, I hope our paths cross within Gren."

Rictus departs, taking to the air again to come down much further down the trail, to the rickety cage carriages housing an inordinate number of walking bones and rotting flesh packed together. Electing not to join that melange, he leaps up and stands atop the iron bars at a point, casting a wide gaze over the caravans stretching out before him. Even from this distance, Night's height is clearly visible at the head of the progression.

2016-05-24, 12:58 PM
Serra glares at Rictus as he leaves, but says nothing until she's relatively sure he's out of earshot, "Jeez, who shoved a stick up his butt? More company the better, in my book."

2016-05-24, 05:25 PM
Mortuus comments in response to Serra "Rictus is quite the prickly pear, isn't he? No paw for him. I've no idea who put the stick there, but I suspect the person was confused and thought the steak goes through a vampire's head."

To Night, she replies telepathically Poor choice of phrasing on my part - I should have said "violence" rather than "force". Rule of violence wastes resources from a few different angles, and that's something I'd prefer to avoid; feeds the opposition.

2016-05-26, 09:25 PM
The spectral nymph considers asking about the duration of the trip, but then decides she can probably figure it out herself, and casts a simple divination to help.
Rolling Knowledge(Geography), to find out how long the trip will take and any relevant hazards along the expected route. Burning Divine Insight on it, taking ten, for a result of 29, and recasting after for the next time she's got a suitable whim.
To relieve the boredom, she inquires of Serra "So... it seems we'll be keeping each other company for a while... clearly you've survived all comers so far. Do you recall any particularly delicious ends to those who would have ended you?"

2016-05-27, 01:00 PM
Serra chuckles and smiles, saying, "In fact, there is. I don't remember the fellow's name, but my sire and I pulled an excellent con on him. We managed to convince him that I was her sire, and so when he staked me to 'free' her, he found out the exact error of his ways...Thankfully, my sire was nice enough to un-stake me, and even shared him with me."

2016-05-27, 11:31 PM
As you start talking, the caravan begins moving. You hear the giant skeletal stallions' titanic hooves strike the ground, slowly at first, but growing to a steady gallop. You look behind to see the wagons behind following at the exact same speed, with similar horses drawing them. It seems that all these horses are synchronized exactly, as though they were clockwork.

These horses seem to be working in a hivemind of sorts.

The hours pass. Eventually, the day passes. If you look in the cabinets, you find some various ways to entertain yourselves. Card games, dominoes, and even a die-based roleplaying game called Graveyards and Ghosts.

The third day of the voyage is cold and rainy. In the evening, to the east (the caravan is traveling north) you see a steadily growing yellow light. You can feel, very faintly, a rising tension in the air.

You'd have to guess the light is about 500 feet away.

You can identify the tension in the air as a type of holy power.

2016-05-28, 08:54 AM
Mortuus Mulier Viridis thinks for a moment Well, it's not like anything else is going on, so if the resources are wasted, it's largely irrelevant, sticks her head through the wall, and casts a quick spell for luck in battle on herself and any undead in range who will accept it. She also attempts to telepathically contact the undead horses with a quick You seem far, far superior to a normal breed. to see if the hivemind comes with an intelligence.

Recitation, Spell Compendium 170. Playing an Oracle, so no need for a divine focus. +2 Luck to AC, saves, and attack rolls; +3 if you worship the same diety (none, in this case - she hates the gods and views them as particularly strong parasites). 10 rounds. 60 foot radius burst, affects "allies" only, so if you don't want it, you don't have to take it.

Based on the light being 500 feet away and the "Rising Tensions" comment.

2016-05-28, 01:02 PM
As they set off, Serra smiles as she notes the well-designed hivemind of the horses, but as the journey progresses, she becomes increasingly bored and twitchy, telling stories about her vampiric adventures and playing games to try to alleviate it.

When the yellow light appears in the east, she peers out the window and says, "Ooh, what's that? Something fun to do, maybe?"

2016-05-29, 02:10 PM
Ick, rain... Zella thinks to herself from under her umbrella as she moves from wagon to wagon, enjoying the freedom that the evening and overcast weather brought.

"One can only hope," comes a familiar voice as one more body squeezes its way into the wagon, taking residence on the ceiling. "Serra, if you were going to go to the same place I was, the least you could have done is tell me!" the pale woman says with a smile and chuckle, wringing out her cloak from the rain. "But, I see you've made friends. Would you mind introducing everyone, dear?"

2016-05-29, 02:31 PM
Serra blinks as she hears her sire's voice, confused, but her face lights up when she sees Zella, and she smiles and says, "Zella! I'm so sorry...This was meant to be a surprise for you. I was going to go ahead and get everything set up for you so that when you got there, everything would be ready." She nods as she waves to the ghostly nymph and says, "This is Mortuus." Then, she turns to the Nightshade and says, "And I believe this is Night? Correct me if I'm wrong."

2016-05-29, 02:46 PM
"Relax, relax, I'm not mad, more amused than anything," the vampiresse says, still smiling warmly. "Pleasure to meet you all," she says, extending a hand to the other undead in the caravan. "Zella Vilchkov, the Night's Song."

2016-05-29, 06:13 PM
Mortuus reaches over to shake the proffered hand, and unlike with many spectral creatures, the gesture isn't empty - the hand makes sufficient contact to complete it. "It's nice to meet you. Given the lively appearence, and the association with Serra... I'm guessing vampire?"

2016-05-29, 06:24 PM
"Of course. Her progenitor, in fact. Mortuus... Have I heard that name before...? Perhaps, but we haven't met, properly if so. What beckons you to the city - actually, hold that. What in the Infinite Layers of the Abyss is that stupid light?" she growls, putting her umbrella in between her and the glow.

2016-05-29, 07:15 PM
Serra frowns and says, "I don't know, Zella...Though I have a feeling that whatever it is, it probably isn't good for us."

2016-05-29, 07:43 PM
The ghostly nymph shrugs, and says "You may have. I was technically a noble for a while, although my first death invalidated any claim to the throne. I also do a fair amount of travelling for my research into immortality. Yes, I'm pretty much there myself at this point, and can even grant it to others... but so far it's not currently reproducible beyond that step - my spawn can't make more spawn. That's one of the things I'm here for - research into various undead reproductive methods. I'm most especially interested in the sorts that retain their minds - like you - as there's little point to granting someone immortality if they aren't themselves anymore. Of course, even with immortals, accidents happen, so wiping out the living isn't viable... which means I also need to look into methods for managing mortals prior to converting them, as a pool of replacements is ultimately going to be necessary if everything else in my research works out. I don't suppose you've got experience with the long-term care and breeding of mortals, do you?"

2016-05-30, 12:00 AM
"Don't look at me, I have trouble even keeping my own progeny kicking, present company excluded," Zella says, looking over to Serra. "Though I suppose I never thought about it - how some of us reproduce differently."

2016-05-30, 11:02 AM
The incorporeal creature sighs, and continues "Yes, there's quite a few methods. Of the easily observed aspects, a ghoul or ghast's reproductive method closely resembles a disease; while it spreads indefinately and creates more ghouls, it's largely useless for my desired purposes, as there's nothing left of the original. A morgh can create spawn just by killing... but zombies are pretty much useless, and the effect doesn't continue. Shadows, Spectres, Wights, and Wraiths all create their spawn quite quickly, and their spawn can create more spawn... but they've got the ghoul problem: Nothing is left of the original mind. Vampires are the closest I've found to the final result I'd actually like - immortal, very difficult to kill, and can convert mortals into themselves - but the childe only retains the original memories if it was well above average in life (and even with that, there can be some very significant warping of the personality) and the dietary requirements mean that there must be a significantly larger pool of the living... so vampirism cannot be brought to the masses, and doesn't work for what I want either. There's less common types, of course, plus the various sorts that can only be replicated via spells or unusual circumstances... but I'm hoping detailed study of the self-replicating types can give me insight into how to teach my spawn to make their own."

Mortuus pauses a moment, and continues with "I suppose I got a bit carried away there... I am a bit passionate about my research. So what brings you this way? I mean, besides the obvious jokes of 'a carriage' and related answers."

2016-05-30, 04:49 PM
Serra smiles at the recognition, but continues looking out the window at the light, saying, "Um...Does anyone else think that light is getting closer? I have a really bad feeling about this..." She fidgets nervously, unhappy at doing nothing.

2016-06-01, 05:37 PM
The ghost shrugs, and says "Well, if it's a problem, it's Night's job... although I could use a good tussle, perhaps he'll permit us to help if it is." She looks at Night, and adds So what do you say?

2016-06-01, 07:52 PM
Zella begins to hum a tune familiar to Serra as the vampiresse begins to work some lyrics through her mind, three quick notes followed by a single, longer note. After a moment, she begins to sing her response, some necromantic power in her words, though its exact effect yet to be shaped.

♪♫ No doubt some fool, ♪♫
♪♫ Come seaking death. ♪♫
♪♫ Some paladin ♪♫
♪♫ And their last breath. ♪♫

♪♫ But if it is ♪♫
♪♫ Wishing a fight, ♪♫
♪♫ Then I shall wait ♪♫
♪♫ For that soft light. ♪♫

At that, Zella fades into shadow.
Hide in Plain Sight, given that it is not full daylight. Will roll Stealth in OOC.

2016-06-02, 04:55 PM
The caravan rolls to a stop. Above, the shudder of timber under a heavy moving weight can be heard. Night slowly stands, peering out towards the strange light.

We will resume movement shortly. Please remain with your hands, feet, and other appendages inside your carriages unless instructed otherwise.

Reaching out into the shadows of the moonless sky, Night draws forth beings of the Pit to serve him. A ragged shadow hisses as it takes a useful shape, given life and purpose by the general of the Dark. Go, my shade. See what there is to be seen.

The wraith flies off, maintaining mental communication as long as it can, scouting what goes on near the light. Night turns his mental attention to the three within the carriage. I send my servants to scout ahead. If battle must be, then I would delight in company.

Using Summon Darkness to summon [roll0] Wraiths. They serve for ten minutes, and Night instructs them to scout the weird light, and report back immediately.

2016-06-04, 02:07 PM
Slowly, the light starts getting brighter. The tension in the air grows, and for a couple seconds, you hear a low hum. Suddenly, a huge beam of white light comes from the glow, striking the caravan train diagonally (it is still a ways ahead, so it entered in the right side of, say, the seventh wagon, and exited the left side of the tenth.) You all feel a huge shockwave, large enough to send your wagon flying a short distance. Outside, you hear several undead screaming in something not common amongst your kind: fear.

1 the wagon landed on its wheels.
2 wagon landed on right side.
3 wagon landed on left side.
4 wagon landed upside down.

2016-06-04, 02:49 PM
Zella holds on for dear unlife as the wagon gets sent rolling. Just keep singing. Keep everyone calm, and make sure nobody is turned or destroyed. Nothing calms undead like bolstering.
♪♫ Now do not fear ♪♫
♪♫ My undead friends. ♪♫
♪♫ There's more of us ♪♫
♪♫ Than are of them. ♪♫

♪♫ We will live on ♪♫
♪♫ We will survive ♪♫
♪♫ While they shall not ♪♫
♪♫ Get out alive. ♪♫
As Zella continues her song, everyone nearby can feel an upwelling of negative energy within them. But seriously, what was that thing?
Everyone has a +10 bonus to turn resistance

2016-06-04, 03:11 PM
The ghost smiles and says "Let's go meet the soon to be reborn...." as things heat up, and renews her spell on the way out of the wagon, not bothering with the doors, before picking a direction towards the greatest concentration of opponents and ducking underground.
Init: [roll0]
Flyby attack: I take my standard during my move. Specifically, at the edge of the wagon, to affect both those inside and outside.
Standard action: Renew Recitation (+2 Luck to AC, saves, attack for all my allies; +3 instead if they worship the same deity I do (none). 10 rounds.
Move action: Go outside the carriage (just five feet), duck underground (5 feet of movement), use my remaining move to go 50 feet in the direction of greatest concentration of opponents.
Non action: Reactive Spellcraft check to ID the effect: [roll1]
Non action: Reactive perception to see about specifically locating opponents if it's relevant: [roll2]

Does that stack with existing turn resistance? I normally walk around with I think +12 Turn Resistance (+8 from race, +4 more from Incorporeal Enhancement (Spell Compendium page 121 - it's a bonus to turn resistance)).

2016-06-04, 03:27 PM
Serra is perhaps less calm than her sire, and cries out in fear as the carriage rolls over, but when it stops, and Zella begins to sing, she collects herself, and smiles at the listens to the music, nodding to Zella as she begins to hum along and draws her crystal blades, peeking her head out from over the now-topside door of the carriage, looking for whatever caused the cart to overturn, shadows blending around her to conceal her form.

Hide in Plain Sight, assuming that the light isn't the equivalent of full, direct sunlight, otherwise, normal Stealth.

Stealth check: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2016-06-07, 11:43 PM
One huge clawed hand grasps the edge of the carriage as Night pulls itself to standing. Drawing the massive hammer from across its back, it begins to move towards the light. Its form blurs, as the shadows around Night push it forward, lending a surprising speed to the huge creature.

Using one of my daily uses of Haste. My land speed is now 70 ft, I have a +1 to attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves, and can make an extra attack during a full attack at my highest bonus. This lasts for 10 rounds, a full minute.

2016-06-11, 06:17 PM
As you all rush to the light, you see a huge flash of lightning come down on the light. When you get there, you find no trace of whatever the light was. You can, however, feel large, uncomfortable amounts of holy energy emanating from the site. Surprisingly, you find no scorch marks from the lightning strike.

2016-06-11, 06:55 PM
Mortuus Mulier Viridis sighs, and thinks Oh... so that's what it's like on the other end of that trick... and says "Looks like hit and run tactics... lovely. Appear, attack, vanish, wait a while, repeat. For most people, takes a bit more resources to pull off than does a straight-up fight... but also tends to get the target to waste a lot more than that. The general solution is to get the ranged attackers ready to go at a moment's notice to disrupt the attacker's leaving so the short-range folks can take care of business." She pauses a bit, then continues "Still, we probably have a little while... may as well learn what we can..." and starts investigating her immediate surroundings, starting with a quick Detect Magic to attempt to ID what as done in a bit more detail.

Cast Detect Magic, concentrate, and see about ID'ing school auras (fading auras will stick around a little while).
Spellcraft: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1] to see if anything sticks out. Finding tracks, perhaps.
Kn(Religion): [roll2] to consider if there's any group in particular that might do this. Note: Knowledge (just about anything else) would be at +4; The Planes or Arcana would be at +5.

2016-06-11, 08:00 PM
Serra frowns and says, as she approaches the site, "I am liking this less and less...In my experience, the more intelligently a holy group like this fights, the more dangerous they are...And I don't remember anyone using hit and run. We should be careful." She looks to Zella for input, unsure of herself and what she should be doing.

2016-06-11, 08:33 PM
Zella sings in the same tune, working to not be phased by the assault on the caravan. The same power from before wavers, but then wells up again before having died out completely.
♪♫ They'll hit and run, ♪♫
♪♫ Trying to hide, ♪♫
♪♫ But they shall not ♪♫
♪♫ Leave us, alive. ♪♫

♪♫ Stay vigilant, ♪♫
♪♫ Keep some eyes out ♪♫
♪♫ And if they're seen ♪♫
♪♫ Merely shout. ♪♫

♪♫ I trust in Night ♪♫
♪♫ To guide us well; ♪♫
♪♫ That his judgement ♪♫
♪♫ Keep us from Hell. ♪♫

♪♫ My dearest spawn, ♪♫
♪♫ Call up some friends. ♪♫
♪♫ Swarms and wolves can ♪♫
♪♫ Signal their end. ♪♫

♪♫ I'll keep this tune ♪♫
♪♫ Up for a while. ♪♫
♪♫ So do not fear, ♪♫
♪♫ Relax and smile. ♪♫

2016-06-11, 10:29 PM
While continuing to concentrate on the Detect Magic to ID the remaining aura, the spectral nymph replies to Serra: "The caravan took a hit, and now there does not seem to be anyone here. I am curious what definition of hit and run you are using that this doesn't fit."Oh, also: Will save, in case of Hide From Undead, illusions, or whatever: [roll0]

2016-06-12, 10:44 AM
Serra shakes her head and says, "I mean, I've never seen it before. Should've been more clear." She takes a deep breath, thinking, and then howls, calling out to any wolves that might be nearby to aid the undead in their watch.

Summoning [roll0] wolves that will arrive in [roll1] rounds.

2016-06-12, 12:04 PM
The dead elf-like creature says "I'm sorry I misunderstood." She pauses a moment, and continues "How long will those wolves serve? I commonly use hit & run tactics myself to wear opponents down... it's easier for me, as most can't simply follow when I duck underground... and one of the bits about hit & run tactics is that part of the goal is to get the mark to use up resources - invoke their combat buff spells, swallow their potions, call their allies, whatever - but then you vanish before the mark can actually make use of them - you wait until spells run out, the potions run down, their allies wander off, et cetera. If the beasts will stick around for an hour or so, or you can just keep calling them to keep them around all night, then it's probably worthwhile. If not, you're pretty much doing exactly what the attackers want."

The ghost considers a moment further, and says "Although... if they are going to stick around for a while... do you mind if I borrow their eyes?"

2016-06-14, 08:21 PM
Night simply turns back around and starts marching for the caravan. If they wish to wear us down, then we must do our best to outrun them. I will make arrangements for us to move as much during the day as possible. We stop for nothing. Those with hunger will have to make do until we reach Gren, or find a way to feed while moving.

2016-06-16, 05:42 PM
The dread ghost takes a moment to scream in frustration before following Night.
Death Wail. Primary target = nearby living non-owned critter (if there's any obvious) or something immune if not. Secondary targets are every living creature within 100 feet...

Primary target takes: 50 damage, all secondary creatures take a negative level.
Fort negates in either case, DC 28. It's treated as Sonic, Death, Necromancy. A successful save renders that target immune for 24 hours.
Anything killed by it is subject to my Create Spawn ability, and rises as a dread ghost under my control in [roll0] minutes.
Rounds until next use is available: [roll1]

2016-06-18, 05:05 PM
Mortuus' scream Pierce's the cold, moist night air. When it ends, several birds fall from the sky, dead. In a nearby pond, fish appear, floating on the surface.

The group heads back to the caravan.

Several of Night's workers have already righted many of the wagons. Around you, you see the bodies of the dead- the truly dead. You estimate about half of the passengers were destroyed in the attack. You notice that there are vampire bodies, where there should be none. By now, they should be back in their coffins, but their bodies remain here, heads still on bodies and chests stakeless.

You do, however, notice one passenger isn't accounted for in either the dead or not-as-dead: Rictus.

2016-06-18, 06:54 PM
Serra frowns as she notes the intact vampiric corpses and mutters to Zella, "We may be at more risk that we'd like...What do you think could cause that?" as she gestures to their dead fellows.

2016-06-18, 07:39 PM
Mortuus looks a bit sad, as she replies "Hard to say... we're clearly being Hunted, that much is obvious." She considers, and continues "I've got something I'd like to try, but it takes a full 24 hours to take effect if it works at all, and we need to get moving... is anyone up for packing a few of the re-dead corpses? This may do nothing, it may bring them back... it depends on just how fully severed they are from their undead state."

She then takes a moment to concentrate on one of them, calling forth the spirits to encase one of the corpses in rejuvenating energy.

Rejuvenating Womb (Su) You can encase a creature in a soothing panacea of spirit energy as a standard action. While it is in the womb the creature falls into a deep trance that lasts 10 minutes. During this time it is healed of 1d6 points of damage + 1 point per oracle level you possess (maximum +20). At 5th level, you can increase the duration of this trance to 1 hour to also heal 1d4 points of ability damage from each of the creature's ability scores. At 9th level you can encase a corpse for 24 hours to return it to life as reincarnate. The creature always returns to life as a member of your race and its physical features suggest that it is kin to you. In addition, the creature gains the spirit-touched simple template. At 13th level, all conditions are removed from the creature, as heal. At 17th level you can reincarnate a creature regardless of how much of its body remains. As long as the body has not been reduced to ash (such as from disintegrate), the creature can be reincarnated. A creature can only be affected by this revelation once every 24 hours.

Standard action for me, 24 hours for the corpse. At will, but 1/day/target. It's "as reincarnate" so wouldn't normally work on a critter that's been turned into an undead and then destroyed... but this is an unusual situation, so she's experimenting.

2016-06-26, 08:28 AM
After Mortuus casts the spell, nothing happens initially. Only time will tell if the creature will move once more.

2016-06-30, 03:25 PM
With nobody volunteering to help, Mortuus Mulier Viridis shrugs, and thinks So nobody else is interested in dissecting what we know of the attackers? Interesting. Ah well, I'll just need to borrow someone more easily motivated... before she hits several other re-dead corpses with the same ability, then seeks out a simple ghoul to cut a deal.

Kn(Religion) to ID a ghoul among the crowd: Taking ten, for a result of 28.
Diplomacy to convince the ghoul to go along with it: Taking ten, burning Divine Insight on it (and recasting shortly thereafter), for a result of 51.
The deal:
I'd like the ghoul to stack the affected bodies on top of the carriage without eating them.
If the ability works and raises them, I'll kill them again once the process completes, and they'll be fresh corpses for the ghoul to eat.
If the ability doesn't work, I'll know in a day, and they'll only be slightly less fresh than they are now - at which point, the ghoul can eat them.

2016-06-30, 06:21 PM
Can I get an answer to my question in the OOC?

Serra frowns as she notes the intact vampiric corpses and mutters to Zella, "We may be at more risk that we'd like...What do you think could cause that?" as she gestures to their dead fellows.

"Likely some kind of powerful cleric..." Zella says, letting the music play through her dagger for the next minute or so. "But this was surprisingly coordinated."

2016-06-30, 08:06 PM
Serra nods nervously and says, "I see. Well...I suppose that does bode poorly, doesn't it." She looks around nervously, apprehensive at the prospect of another pass, then sighs and goes to help Mortuus with the corpses.

2016-06-30, 10:46 PM
"Mortuus, you're a reasonably powerful mage. Do you have any idea what they were using to destroy our kind so easily?" Zella asks, letting her body fade out of the visible spectrum.

2016-07-01, 11:51 AM
The undead fey replies with "I've got a few ideas, but need to dwell on it more. I know of a couple ways to prevent a vampire, lich, or someone like myself from reforming (can't pull it off myself, mind), but I need a bit of time to mentally review details... part of why I'm checking to see if I can bring them back to life readily... if I can, I may want to chat with our attacker: Being able to convert an undead back into a living creature and perhaps then reanimate them as a different sort of undead would be very useful for my wider aims, but I digress... I've already eliminated Charnel Fire from the list, for instance, because the bodies remain. I'm currently leaning towards a Hunter of the Dead casting a few spells, perhaps with some allies."
And by that I mean "I already asked with some skill checks back here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20880667&postcount=51) and back here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20854943&postcount=47), and have not received a reply on the assorted skill checks. I'm chalking that up to our DM being busy with work at summer camp and having limited Internet access (the mobile interface doesn't show rolls unless you use the option down at the bottom of the page to view the full site... but of course, that produces bigger files [and is thus harder on your data plan], requires a lot more of your phone's resources [which makes it run more slowly], and isn't formatted very well for mobile use [which makes working with it annoying - lots of zooming and scrolling needed]).

Charnel Fire is found in the Book of Vile Darkness. One minute casting time, target is a corpse (but the text make it clear that a corporeal undead counts for this). It has a "destroyed forever" clause when used on corporeal undead, and requires True Resurrection to revive the target to life (will negates the destruction of the undead).

Hunter of the Dead is found in Defenders of the Faith and Complete Warrior. It has a 5th level ability that's relevant here, called True Death. We're playing a gestalt undead campaign, so it's very feasible that our BBGG is a gestalt undead hunter.


For that matter, if it does work out, I may want to see if I can start building my way towards Hunter of the Dead on my non-Oracle side. I've got the BAB and Kn(Religion), so a one-step alignment drift to non-evil (which would fit with the goals), plus something to get Turn Undead and I qualify on the mechanics side; could potentially have it at 16th.

Or I suppose I could just pick up (True) Resurrection as a spell known eventually, as those turn undead critters back into living ones when applied directly to an active undead. Use Summon Monster, Blood Money, Lesser Simulacrum, Malevolence, and Blood Money (in that order) to get around the components so that it can be distributed much more widely....

2016-07-03, 11:35 PM
The ghoul begins moving bodies onto the carriage, tying them down so that they don't fall off.

Tell me when you guys are ready to move on.

2016-07-10, 01:06 AM
3 Vamps
2 Skeletons, one intact and the other in pieces. One is an Owlbear, one is an Ettin.
3 zombies, Two are Human, one is a Giant.
2 wights
2 ghouls
2 Liches
2 Nightwings, one is on your wagon.
2 Devourers

They are secured across various wagons.

After a night of counting heads, repacking goods, and repairing any wagons possible, the damaged caravan begins moving once more. The ride is slow at first, but soon things begin picking up speed.

About 12 hours in, you hear the sound of ropes snapping on top of your wagon.

2016-07-10, 02:44 AM
"Hm?" Zella says from her corner, ears listening carefully to the snapping ropes and any accompanying sounds - breathing, footsteps, scratching, and so forth. "Is that your experiment, Mortuus?"
Perception: [roll0]

2016-07-10, 01:13 PM
The incorporeal says "A night of time spent getting the caravan in order, twelve hours of trip... the timing is right. Let's go find out if they're alive again. If they are, I'll need to make good on the deal, and also see if they can be reanimated. If everything works out, I'm going to want that weapon for once I've got the other bugs worked out of my research; while most undead have basic immortality, accidents and infighting will get them eventually, it'd be nice to be able to convert people to better forms, and that weapon appears to be a useful step towards that. I totally want that transferred to my research facility to find out how it ticks...." Encouraged by the progress, and whistling a jaunty tune, Mortuus Mulier Viridis steps up through the ceiling, fully intent on killing her newest 'daughters' so they can be properly immortal, and so that she can feed their corpses to a ghoul.

2016-07-10, 05:11 PM
Serra winces as she hears the ropes snapping and almost grab's Zella's hand in fear that the undead slayers had returned, biting her lower lip to restrain herself. She looks around and nods as she listens to Mortuus's spiel and says, "I see. Well...I suppose we should go check on them."

2016-07-16, 06:54 PM
You identify the creature as a Nightwing. It's a Large (normally they're huge, but this one looks fairly young) creature, with a 30ft land speed and a 60 ft fly speed, with good maneuverability. The noise is coming from above, specifically on top of the wagon. You can tell that it is wearing no armor.

You also know that Nightwings are of the Undead type, with the Extraplanar and Nightshade subtypes.

When Mortuus rises up through the ceiling of the wagon, what she sees is not at all what she expected. The Young Nightwing is up there, and is free of its restraints. However, it has gone through a severe transformation. The dark, shadowy mist that normally emanates from Nightwings has been replaced with glimmering motes of light. The normally dark skin is now a bright, sparkling white. And its eyes are filled with some of the brightest light you've ever seen. You get a brief glimpse around you before the creature throws itself at you, maw wide open. It appears as though the other undead corpses have undergone a similar transformation, the Vampires' red eyes replaced with gold, the Liches emanating a holy light.

The "Daywing" has Ghost Touch, and thus can get past your incorporeality.

[roll0] to hit.
[roll1] to confirm (19-20x2)
[roll2] damage+[roll3] fire damage
If crit, add [roll4]

Roll Initiative

2016-07-23, 09:15 PM
Melee not being her strong suit, Mortuus Mulier Viridis screams in the face of the daywing in what at first glace might seem to be panic, and steps back into the carriage.
Full round action: Death Wail. Sonic Death effect, with the house rules, the Daywing must make a fort save or take 50 damage. Everything else in 100 feet needs to make a fort save or take a negative level. I don't imagine most of the undead in the caravan will care about the collateral, but it might have an effect on the other critters waking up. Fort DC 28.

Plus a five-foot step into the carriage, after.

Also: I'd like to make a knowledge check on the beast. Burning Divine Insight on it. For now, I'm guessing religion; if that's the wrong one, please let me know, and I'll update you with the appropriate modifier to use for the die roll.
Kn(Religion): [roll0]

2016-07-23, 10:43 PM
"They're already dead, specter, your shrieks will do nothing to them," Zella says with a sigh, taking out her dagger in her off hand and fading into the blackness as she hops onto the side of the caravan. Humming a bit, she starts up a tune and gets the first words of it out as the ghost's wailing drown them out. Not that it matters - their magic will affect the Nightwing and other hostile undead all the same.
Move Action: Go outside, activate Shadow Blend - [roll0]
Free Action: Designate Nightwing for Dodge
Standard Action: Begin Song of Sorrow
The effect lasts for as long as the enemy hears the dirgesinger perform and for 5 rounds thereafter. An affected enemy takes a —2 penalty on Will saving throws and a —2 penalty on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls. A successful Will save (DC 23) negates the effect and makes the character immune to that dirgesinger's song of sorrow ability for 24 hours. Song of sorrow is a mind-affecting ability, but bypasses this immunity in undead.

2016-07-24, 12:13 AM
The ghost gives a mental chuckle at the vampire's words, and relays telepathically We don't actually know that until we try it. They're not undead. I can already confirm they run on something very similar to the force that powers the living - not quite the same, mind - and we don't know if it operates under the same rules. I'm continuing the experiment, even though I did not get the results I hoped for.

Forgot to roll recharge earlier: [roll0]

2016-08-09, 07:07 PM
Rolled saves IRL.

As far as you can guess, this is a nightwing which has been turned into some kind of "Un-Undead," powered by positive energy instead of negative energy. It's likely it keeps many of the benefits of Undead, but also gets some bonuses tailored to killing undead, such as free Ghost Touch on all attacks.

The creature winces at Mortuus' wail, but it doesn't seem to faze it. It's hard to gauge Zella's song's effect on the beast. The creature ignores her wholly, instead trying to get to the tasty morsels in the wagon.

Does it really need to roll to hit? :smalltongue:

Damage: [roll0] Blunt/Slashing/Peircing+[roll1] fire.

The Daywing takes a huge chunk out of the ceiling of the carriage, burning wood splinters falling around you. Through the gaping hole, you see the creature looking down on you, eager for its first meal in its new form.

2016-08-10, 04:27 AM
Serra swears as the daywing takes a chunk out of carriage just as she's beginning to disembark, and leaps free of it. She stands, looking somewhat shell-shocked by the monster's appearance, but begins to hum a tune. Her crystal blades glow purple and hum along with her as she smiles and nods to Zella as she rushes forwards to engage the daywing.

Activate Bardic Music w/ DFI, adding +1d6 Fire Damage to friendly attacks.

Move to adjacent to the monster (because while talking is a free action, apparently singing is a standard...)

2016-08-10, 04:26 PM
Zella smiles as Serra begins her song, giving her own dagger a tap to have it keep up the rhythm in case the creature actually was demoralized by it. If not, she could always sing it a different tune.

However, right now music had to take a back seat to the beauty of violence. "Mortuus, I think your little experiment backfired. I hope you had a plan for not being able to control these things," the vampiress calls out from the shadows as she reappears, slamming a pair of fists into the Daywing, flames bursting from her gloves as she does so.
Not sure if I am close enough to full attack, though I would assume so since it is not in the caravan yet. Ignore second attack if not.

Move Song of Sorrow to Harmonizing daggers, will continue song for 10 rounds.

Sense Motive to see if the Daywing was affected by the song: [roll0]

Daywing should be flat footed to this, thanks to hiding previously.
Slam #1
AC: [roll1]
[roll2] Bludgeoning and Magic
[roll3] Fire

Slam #2
AC: [roll4]
[roll5] Bludgeoning and Magic
[roll6] Fire

2016-08-10, 06:33 PM
Mortuus Mulier Viridis replies both verbally and telepathically to her companions "It's not really an experiment if you know the outcome before you start. This outcome wasn't on my list of possibilities... I'm completely off the books here." But that doesn't mean I don't have a plan of attack for it. I'm going to take a swipe at him, and then duck underground. A moment later, I'll see about holding him so he can't fight back. Think you can hold out for a few more seconds? as she takes a swing at the beast, then steps into the relative safety of the ground itself.

Free: Talk.
Standard: Corrupting Touch: Touch attack: [roll0]. Damage: [roll1]. Fort DC 28 half.
All dread ghosts gain this incorporeal touch attack. By passing part of its incorporeal body through a foe's body as a standard action, the dread ghost inflicts a number of d8s equal to its CR in damage. The damage is not negative energy—it manifests in the form of physical wounds and aches from supernatural aging. Creatures immune to magical aging are immune to this damage, but otherwise the damage bypasses all forms of damage reduction. A Fortitude save halves the damage inflicted.
Free: Take a five-foot step (so no AoO) underground (for Total Cover).

2016-08-17, 04:52 PM
The creature easily dodges Zella's first attack, but is nailed dead on by her second. Mortuus' hand glows with a dark energy, then passes through the creature, causing it to wince. However, you don't think it had as big an effect as it could have.

The Daywing looks down at the occupants of the wagon, then flinches when Mortuus hits it. However, upon seeing that the cause it its pain has disappeared, it empties its rage on the undead in the wagon.

It attacks one at random.

[roll0] 1 is Zella, 2 is Serra, 3 is Night.

[roll1] to hit.
[roll2] to confirm crit (20x2 crit)

[roll3]+[roll4] fire.
If crit, add [roll5] damage.

2016-08-17, 05:49 PM
The spirit flies through the ground, retreating back a ways from the fight, before popping up and casting a spell to hold the beast in place, seeing how it goes before deciding whether or not to hide underground again. Mentally, she tells her companions Now let's see if this works the way I hope...

Full round: Flyby attack: Move 30 feet back while underground, five feet up to get out of the ground (costs 10 because flying upwards), then cast Telekenisis (Combat Manuevers - Grapple this round). If I succeed on the grapple, stay above ground to maintain concentration. If I do not, ducking back underground (5 feet of movement) and using the rest of my movement (15 feet) to go counterclockwise to the fight.
If anything attempts to hit me during this, drop concentration and use an Immediate action for Wings of Cover.

SR penetration (if applicable): [roll0]
Telekenisis Grapple Touch attack: [roll1] Note: Rollv appears to be broken, although roll works. So that's a die roll of 18 with a +23 modifier, so a 41.
Telekenisis Grapple Hold: [roll2] (opposed by Daywing's Grapple) Note: Rollv appears to be broken, although roll works. So that's a die roll of 11 with a +23 modifier, so a 34.
Telekenisis 'unarmed strike' damage on a successful hold: [roll3] (I've got Improved Unarmed Strike, so this is lethal... not counting my VoP enhancement bonus on this, but if it applies, it'd be another +2 damage)

For reference:
SRD entry on grappling (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specialAttacks.htm#grapple)
Telekinesis, the spell (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/telekinesis.htm)

2016-08-17, 10:15 PM
Zella smiles, fading into the night before appearing suddenly in front of the Daywing, swinging a blazing fist at the creature. "So rude, ignoring a lady for just because her underling is a few centuries younger!"
Hide in Plain Sight as part of move into wagon: [roll0]

Daywing should be flat footed, and probably flanked
AC: [roll1]
[roll2] Bludgeoning and Magic
[roll3] Fire

2016-08-18, 11:15 AM
Serra nimbly hops out of the way of the attack, nearly choking to not laugh when she hears Zella's retort. Instead she grins, baring her fangs, and says, "Really, I am the more dangerous of the two of us, so fair. Still." spinning gracefully with her blades extended, striking with both at the Daywing.

Activate Snowflake Wardance as a free action.

Three attacks: [roll0]

Damage: [roll3]+[roll4] Fire
[roll5]+[roll6] Fire
[roll7]+[roll8] Fire

Harmonizing Blades keep up Bardic Music.

2016-08-27, 02:35 PM
You see the Daywing look upwards, tilt its head, and open its wings. You look around, and it seems the other "un-undead" creatures are doing the same, as if responding to a signal. Suddenly, they all take off, either flying or running, to the north. All, that is, but the Daywing. Just as it flaps its wings, an invisible force keeps it pinned down. It looks around frantically, then is pummeled by Zella and Serra, taking advantage of the beast's immobility.

Now even more angry than before, the beast attacks Serra, the one who hurt it the most.

[roll0] Bludgeoning/Peircing/Slashing.
[roll1] fire.

2016-08-27, 02:49 PM
"Serra, please don't get too scuffed up. It's undignified," Zella says as she slams a flaming fist and elbow into the Daywing. "Though, I wouldn't be opposed to your actually trying, seeing as this thing is proving more resilient than expected."
Slam #1
AC: [roll0]
[roll1] Bludgeoning and Magic
[roll2] Fire

Slam #2
AC: [roll3]
[roll4] Bludgeoning and Magic
[roll5] Fire

2016-08-31, 07:50 PM
Mortuus Mulier Viridis focuses on her spell and tightening her mental grip on the beast as she says to her companions of convenience "Don't dilly-dally... I can only hold it like this for so long before the spell expires or it breaks loose. If you're lucky, you've got less than a minute more to put it down permanently."
As it's still grappled, going for the [url=www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specialAttacks.htm#pinYourOpponent]pin.
Standard: Maintain Concentration on the spell. This will make round two of ten.
Telekenisis: Grapple: Pin: [roll0] (opposed by a Grapple check).
If something attacks me, using an Immediate action for Wings of Cover (probably won't come up).
Not bothering with a move action right now.

Reactive checks for when it tries to break free later.

2016-09-12, 09:48 PM
Serra chuckles as she watches it snap back from Mortuus's spell, then sighs and grumbles to Zella, "I am trying. 's why your hand is on fire. I'm just better at killing lots of people than just one big guy is all." With that, she swings with her blades at the tune carries from one to the other, maintaining the haunting melody of flames as she spins again into the Nightwing, hopefully striking telling blows.

The second harmonizing echoblade picks up the tune as the first drops it, maintaining Bardic Muzak.

Attacks: [roll0]

Damage: [roll3]+[roll4]

2016-09-20, 07:30 PM
As the group continues to pummel the trapped Daywing, you notice it is noticeably weakened. It strains its legs, trying desperately to fight the invisible force keeping it down. However, it is no match for Mortuus' mental might. As it struggles, Serra and Zella strike in tandem, delivering heavy blows. You suspect that the beast won't last much longer.

It fails vs Mortuus' grapple.

You can tell it's near dead. You doubt it will last another round.

2016-09-21, 05:27 PM
Mortuus Mulier Viridis briefly considers, and says "There is another thing I should check... there's a risk involved, but it's probably acceptable at this point" then permits the spell to fade while she flies over and briefly touches the beast before ducking back underground while the creature's form starts to form supernatural wounds from withering away of old age.
Free: Talk.
First part of Move (Flyby Attack): Get adjacent to the beast (30 of my 60 feet of movement).
Standard: Corrupting Touch (www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/dread-ghost-cr-3#TOC-Corrupting-Touch-Su-): Touch attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]. Fort DC 28 half.
All dread ghosts gain this incorporeal touch attack. By passing part of its incorporeal body through a foe's body as a standard action, the dread ghost inflicts a number of d8s equal to its CR in damage. The damage is not negative energy—it manifests in the form of physical wounds and aches from supernatural aging. Creatures immune to magical aging are immune to this damage, but otherwise the damage bypasses all forms of damage reduction. A Fortitude save halves the damage inflicted.
Second part of move (Flyby Attack): Continue move, ducking underground (5 feet down) and moving 25 feet North. Note: this provokes an AoO for movement if the beast is still active, as the spell is gone at this point.

What she's specifically testing: Is this beast alive enough for her Create Spawn ability (Su) (www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/undead-lord-cr-1-or-2-tohc#TOC-Create-Spawn-Su-):

A creature slain by an undead lord rises in 1d4 minutes as an undead creature of the same type as the undead lord. Spawn are under control of the undead lord. This replaces any other create spawn ability the base creature possesses.

2016-09-21, 06:39 PM
"What, you're letting this thing go?" Zella shouts at the ghost as she continues to assault the Daywing.
Slam #1
AC: [roll0]
[roll1] Bludgeoning and Magic
[roll2] Fire

Slam #2
AC: [roll3]
[roll4] Bludgeoning and Magic
[roll5] Fire

2016-09-28, 08:56 AM
Serra grunts and says, "Not if I can help it!" as she swings again at the positive-energy powered monstrosity.

Second verse, same as the first.


Damage: [roll3]+[roll4]

2016-10-01, 10:47 AM
Zella and Serra swing at the monstrosity, coming close to hitting, but not quite. Then, Mortuus comes up to the beast, her hand charged with necrotic energy. She touches the creature, and it begins to show even more signs of weakness. It begins losing the ability to support its own weight, its muscles withering from accelerated ageing, its bones becoming brittle. After a few seconds, it slumps, falling off the top of the wagon. It seems that the threat is, for now, over. However, who knows where all the other Anti-Undead went off to?

You guys get to level up. As a side note, you should probably expect to, in the future, level up about once every combat or two.

How challenging was that combat? I'm kinda new to balancing encounters.

2016-10-02, 12:28 PM
As the beast crumples to the ground, Mortuus Mulier Viridis replies to Zella's earlier question "No. I am attempting to further knowledge. Sometimes this entails risks. For the immediate test, I want to see if it can rejoin our ranks. If it can't, then I learn that those converted to ... I think I will go with 'unlife' for now ... by the weapon are lost to us. If it can, then I will get to interview it about the experience, its capabilities, and anything else that strikes my fancy. I expect to have my results in a few minutes."

She carefully observes the beast as she takes a moment to restore an expended spell and mend her wounds.

Create Spawn timing: [roll0] minutes.
Renewing Divine Insight.
Casting Inflict Light Wounds on self to fix up the damage. [roll1]

As to the fight...
Decent. TK was too perfect for holding it, though, which means it's not a good measure of the party. I imagine we'll be fighting something that effectively can't be grappled next time.

Meanwhile, I'll want to go over leveling up. I get a few nifties this level.

2016-10-02, 01:49 PM
Serra sighs and says carefully, "As long as you're sure about it not coming back again. I really am not interested in trying to kill that thing for a second time."

She sighs, and then turns to Zella, asking, "Do you even have any idea what that thing was?"

2016-10-02, 02:38 PM
"It sounded like some kind of Nightwing, though perhaps a little young, given its size. It seemed a bit easy to kill, and didn't make use of a lot of abilities that it would have if fully grown," Zella says as she thinks back to the creature's arrival.

2016-10-02, 07:56 PM
The spirit shrugs, and says "I am certain of very little. You may note that I'm watching it carefully... but if it does get back up as it was, it's not my doing."

2016-10-06, 08:21 PM
The party begins recovering from the fight. Mortuus watches the creature very intently, watching for any sign of movement. Alas, as the minutes pass, it seems less and less likely that this 'Daywing' will get up. First one minute passes, then two, then three. Suddenly, the beast's skin turns from a pale white to a dark gray. However. it doesn't move.

You think that the reason it's not rising is because the magical properties of "Unliving" creatures cancel out any attempts to revert them back to undead, much like how a Haste spell cancels out a Slow spell. This effectively wipes the soul (or the closest Undead/Unliving equivalent) out of existence. How Undead can be turned into Unliving without the effect being canceled out, however, is unknown.

2016-10-06, 09:28 PM
Mortuus Mulier Viridis nods after the change, and sighs, saying "Another lost to The Enemy. A pity. Well, there are many more lost to Them every day, and will be many more before this is over. Still... I have a few things to try for next time." She then renews her spell, and continues, saying "Well, I am ready to go. Next time I'll see about trying a Remove Curse and a Dispel Magic... might be useful." She also looks to the Ghoul that helped load, and says "Well, I'm not sure I'd recommend eating the body, but I'm done with it."

She pauses for a moment, and says to her traveling companions "The carriage might be a loss... do you have a backup plan for when the morning dawns? It would be a shame to lose more to The Enemy over that."
Burning and immediately renewing Divine Insight for the check. As an expected observation, this makes sense.
Kn(Religion): [roll0] (-1 if we need to wait a bit for the level up for ranks, but the DC's 30, so...)
Std: Renew Divine Insight

2016-10-06, 09:41 PM
"Unless someone has plans to shroud us in shadow, I'm going to rest and wait for our arrival in Gren," Zella says plainly.

2016-10-06, 10:08 PM
Serra shrugs and nods as she says, "Um...Pretty much that. Unless we get attacked again, I doubt anything will happen until we get to Gren. So...For the time being, I'm with Zella." She glaces at the ground, a little nervous as to what, if anything, Zella will say in response.

2016-10-07, 07:51 PM
The corrupted nature spirit says "I've got a spell that will serve for a few vampires... but it's not really intended to be used all day, and is quite a drain on my magic if I run it that way... and I've got limited resources for The Work. I do hate to lose people to The Enemy, though, and losing someone to a sunlight allergy just seems so... petty... hmm. Well, we should probably check to see if that's actually needed. If you can reasonably patch the carriage well enough for your needs, then well and good. If not... I can care for you in that regard for the trip, but you'll owe me something of a favor to go towards The Work. Does that sound agreeable?"

The spirit then begins examining the carriage to see how bad the damage really is.

2016-10-07, 08:21 PM
"If the carriage is good enough for travel, then we should be fine. It's not a burden to rest in the coffin every now and then. It's fairly comforting, infact, the confined space with the grave dirt."

2016-10-24, 07:39 PM
I'm gonna go ahead and take control of Night, I don't think THEChanger is coming back.

The carriage appears to be salvageable, as does about two thirds of the caravan. Night looks around at the aftermath, a frown on his face.
It appears as though my transportation business has been rather severely damaged. I know not how much this will cost me to fix, but I do know it will take time. I will have to shut down for a few weeks at least, repairing both my carriages and my reputation. Indeed, while what happened here may not have been my fault, I will inevitably lose customers over this fiasco.

The Nightwalker looks to you, his eyes black as night.

I'm afraid I must thank you for defeating at least one of these... Things. Though, Dura knows where the others fled off to. I'll have my workers start repairs and rearrange seating, then we'll be off to Gren.

2016-10-26, 07:30 PM
Life comes first.The spirit looks at the wreckage, and sighs. She then looks through things to see what might be unclaimed and salvageable enough to sell to fund the cause.
Checking for loot while repairs are ongoing. My share gets sent off to my research facility for figuring out how to better achieve mass immortality (fluff for VoP sacrifice). Obviously, others involved in the fight get their fair share.

2016-10-26, 08:30 PM
"Night, do you need any help repairing things?"

2016-11-11, 09:15 PM
Nodding, the spirit sees about repairing the carriage.What skill check would be appropriate?

2016-11-13, 03:52 PM
Zella hums as she looks over the cart pieces, but more with a confused look than one that suggests she can do anything helpful. While it doesn't stop her from trying to help, the rhythmic tune that she begins to sing as she fumbles through the work is more helpful than the work she actually does.

♪♪♫Well it seems we're here (Seems we're here)
Many miles from home (Miles from home)
Out here on the run (On the run)
Jus' for who we are (Who we are)
But good Gren is close (Gren is close)
With her blood and shadow (Blood and shadow)
Gonna make way there (Make way there)
Or may I rest in peace (Rest in peace)
Bardic Music, Inspire Competance on Mortuus

2016-11-13, 04:53 PM
With a bit of effort, the carriage is repaired. While Mortuus might not need any help from Zella's song, It does bolster some of the undead around her, and they start trying to repair the other wagons around them. By the time Mortuus is done, a good 5 or so wagons have been repaired.

2016-11-16, 11:22 AM
After the repairs, the dead fey says "Shall we be off, then?"

2016-11-16, 01:21 PM
Serra nods and says, "Yeah, let's keep going. I don't want to get caught in whatever that was when it comes back."

2016-11-16, 01:29 PM
Zella simply nods, stepping into the repaired caravan.

2016-11-22, 10:04 PM
The caravan, having been repaired enough to transport the survivors, rumbles back to life. The undead horses, battered but (for the most part) not broken, pull the carriages behind them. Night orders the caravan guards to keep watch more often, and you all reach your destination within the week.

Gren looms before the caravan, about a mile away. To either side, the city's 150ft tall wall stretches for miles. You'd estimate the city to be about 50 miles in diameter. You approach one of many gates scattered around the wall to find a great many guards surrounding it. From the look of it, your caravan wasn't the only group attacked.

As you approach, a guard makes a motion telling you to stop. Night halts the caravan, and the guard approaches. They exchange a few words and some paperwork, then the guard motions for the guards to search through the caravan.

Eventually, the guards give the all-clear, and allow you to enter. However, one of them, a tall vampire, approaches your group. I hear tell that you've managed to kill one of the beasts. Rion will want to see you, then. He wants to gather those who've managed to slay them. I'd suggest that as soon as you've settled in, you see him.

Rion is the current Durest of Gren. The Durest is, according to Duran religion, is the unholy one by which Dura (the god of the undead, founder of Gren) rules Gren. The Durest's will is Dura's will, it is said. The Durest's powers can be likened to a king, with the exception being that they cannot do something defying Dura's will (without losing their position, at least.) The Durest resides in a huge circular fortress surrounding the Pit where Dura first ascended to godhood.

the caravan is led through the gates, and you see that the wall is nearly half a mile thick, and hollow. Inside the walls are stables, and from the ceiling hangs a massive monorail system, supposedly used to transport goods and undead around the city .

2016-11-23, 05:23 AM
"My thanks," she says simply as the guard waves them in.

Zella lets put a sigh of relief as they enter the town. While the gesture as a whole is meaningless, it is one of the few habits that remained with her from life. The city was impressive. One could feel the unholy energy practically radiating from the quantity of undead.

Now where were the new immigrants supposed to go... When the caravan comes to a stop, Zella asks around.
Gather Information: [roll0]

2016-11-23, 06:34 PM
The apparition nods in acknowledgement, and says "Yes, I imagine allies against this threat will be quite necessary." as she considers the architecture, and briefly tries passing her hand through a section of wall to see whether the designers decided that the advantages of being able to let undead incorporeal creatures through outweighed the disadvantages of unfriendly incorporeal creatures being able to do the same ... or maybe if the expense of enchanting it to stop incorporeal creatures made it infeasible.
Kn(Architecture and Engineering): Mostly just idly curious, so not spending a spell slot on it, but is this place held up by good engineering, or magic? [roll0]

2016-12-08, 06:11 PM
Zella asks around and learns that, while one could simply come into Gren and immediately begin their new life, there are locations that help to get new residents settled in. You get directions to one such institution.

First, a bit about the monorail: The outer wall is divided into 360 stations, one per degree of the circle (making them about .45 miles away from each other, rounding to the nearest .05.) Each station also has a second monorail system, as high as the wall, leading to the center of the circle. The outer monorail system has four tracks, two going clockwise, two going counterclockwise. The inner systems has two per line, and has 2 stations along them with permanent Levitation spells to get up and down from them. These stations are situated at 1/3 and 2/3 along the track, with another two stations at the wall and at the Durest's fortress.

The directions tell you to take the monorail to the 90th station and then ride 1/3 into the city. It's directly beside the station, so as to be easily found by newcomers.

Mortuus' hand meets resistance from the wall for a split second, then passes through easily.

While it would be possible to hold this structure up with ordinary engineering, you get the impression the wall has many strengthening enchantments. It likely also has extensive defensive enchantments. As for being incorporeal-proof, you believe it possesses some kind of detection magic allowing it it disable a small area of its anti-incorporeal enchantment for undead.

2016-12-16, 07:01 PM
Mortuus considers the result, nods, and decides to head directly to the palace where Rion resides. After all, having brought no property that needs storage, no need to arrange for meals, and needing only a short time to prepare spells which can be done in a block of solid rock or a thousand feet above the ground if someone objects to her stopping for a time... there's very little 'settling in' for her to do. She briefly asks directions of a local ghoul, and heads there.

Doubt I need the check as it doesn't seem like the sort of thing that'd be hard to find, but taking ten on Diplomacy to get good directions; result of 37. Alternatives, as appropriate: Gather Info for a result of 23; Kn(Geography) or Kn(Local) for 14.