View Full Version : Pathfinder Aasimar and the Great Old Ones/Outer Gods

2016-05-16, 08:58 PM
While aasimar may have a tendency towards the good alignments (some varieties being more particular than others), they are by no means bound to them. So naturally, given who I am, I am left with a few questions;

Which Great Old Ones and Outer Gods are an aasimar more likely to follow?
Which are they least likely to follow?


How would you justify an aasimar with the aberrant bloodline, associating both aspects to the same individual/event.

2016-05-16, 09:18 PM
While Aasimar are prone to goodness, they are not bound to be good and many of the fallen angels are the ones you least expect.

It would depend on their heritage, I would assume the azata born and other Aasimar with chaotic ancestry would be more prone to falling than an Archon descended. However, I don't think that being Aasimar would make one any more or less prone to worship a particular Outer god or great old one. I could see an argument for Bokrug, if you had an Aasimar particularly hellbent on cleansing the world of evil and sacrificing to appease a deity that brings good things to the other good humanoids. Since his cult sacrifices prisoners, outcasts, criminals, and other people society would not notice missing.

For bloodline, it would only take a touch from a powerful deity to taint a bloodline of even a celestial being. Perhaps an angel helped seal back a spawn of Yog-Sothoth, but suffered a wound that tainted their blood and spawn forever. Maybe something escaped and impregnated its way into a line of humanoids, which then merged with a line carrying Aasimar heritage. Maybe it was just too much exposure to the darkness of the void, as that has been know to turn even good aligned deities into warped husks of their former selves (http://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Zon-Kuthon).