View Full Version : Let's make cantrips fun and powerful with tricks tips and combos

Sir cryosin
2016-05-17, 09:03 AM
As the title say I want to people post up way they use there cantrips.

2016-05-17, 09:08 AM
I'm a fan of using Haste with Twinned Booming blade to move up, hit two targets with Boomi Blade, then retreat using the haste action for disengage to step out of reach and force them to trigger.

Sir cryosin
2016-05-17, 09:26 AM
I'm a fan of using Haste with Twinned Booming blade to move up, hit two targets with Boomi Blade, then retreat using the haste action for disengage to step out of reach and force them to trigger.

Sorry to bust your bubble but you can't do that. Haste say the action can only make a weapon attack but not two booming blades

2016-05-17, 09:36 AM
Sorry to bust your bubble but you can't do that. Haste say the action can only make a weapon attack but not two booming blades

That's not what he suggested. And the saying is generally to burst one's bubble.

I'm a fan of using Haste with Twinned Booming blade to move up, hit two targets with Boomi Blade, then retreat using the haste action for disengage to step out of reach and force them to trigger.

2016-05-17, 09:41 AM
As the title say I want to people post up way they use there cantrips.

Booming Blade (ek) and Create Bonfire (his wiz ally) ? You force the enemy to either move (and take damage) or stay there (and take damage) ? Nothing broken, but its fun control.

2016-05-17, 10:11 AM
Druid should cast druidcraft every morning to see if the weather will be stormy. Then can prepare Call Lightning or not.

Friends with Disguise Self when negotiating as hard as possible to save gold. Or even stealing via sleight of hand or a simple smash and grab.

Carve a secret message on a clay tablet and then smash it to pieces. Use the tablet as protective packing for what would appear a valuable item. Recipient uses Mending on the pieces to put them together and read the message.

Mending on your arrows and xbow bolts after a fight so you don't have to carry a mass of Ammo.

Thorn whip for the ultimate fishing technique.

Minor Illusion has its own entire thread it is so versitile

Light cast on an opponent who uses stealth or invisibility can stop them in their tracks as you make them or their equipment glow (they do get a save but this is often forgotten application)

Shocking Grasp delivered by your familiar when you are in a bad way (it is mechanically hard to do but can be done if you really need it. The owl with Flyby Attack makes it easier)

Mage hand to coordinate your parties attacks as the hand of death floats in the air above the next groups target pointing down indicating they are next.

And of course Mage hand at the tavern to get your round in first

2016-05-17, 10:20 AM
My DM effectively waived the clause that limits one Light casting at a time, so my wizard likes to put Lighted collars on the wolves our Druid summons. They find targets by smell and light them up for range attackers to see!

2016-05-17, 11:21 AM
Dancing Lights is good to tell stories. You can make each light a 'character', and dim it, expand it and change its color as needed.

Friends is good to incite violence in places where it's forbidden, or to turn two friends into enemies if you disguise yourself well.

Prestidigitation cleans bloody clothes, which is a dire necessity in urban environments.

Resistance is good to face traps if you can't disarm them.

2016-05-17, 12:12 PM
Prestidigitation cleans bloody clothes, which is a dire necessity in urban environments.

Creative application of prestidigitation can do amazing things; clean up grease for example.

That along with the less-combat-applicable magecraft runs about 90% of Eberron's magical economy. Oh, as an explanation; I consider most of the non-combat spells from 3.5e still valid, just unlearned by adventurer mages. :smallamused: It means that those spells can make an appearance; depilate as part of a barber's services, as an example.

2016-05-17, 02:08 PM
The Elemental Bane spell is useful for pumping up cantrip damage. (Assuming it's useful for anything; 4th level, concentration, and a saving throw... bleah.) But anyway yes, if you can pull it off, your victim will take +2d6 damage from cantrips of the chosen element for 10 rounds. And they lose any Resistance to said damage type if they had any. It's kinda situational, but when it works, it really works.

2016-05-17, 02:18 PM
good old grapple something and force it into x continuous effect. Only cantrip here is create bonfire, but there are plenty of higher level spells you can use as well, like wall of fire.

armor of agathys and blade ward if the things you're fighting aren't smart. An intelligent foe won't fall for this more than once, but say a bear or something...

finally, casting message on the cleric and posing as their god for some shenanigans.

2016-05-17, 02:23 PM
I like shillelagh with a pally/booklock. It reduces the str req to 13, and keeps your damage out put on pace. Using BB with it keeps you sticky so u can tank.

2016-05-17, 02:45 PM
Well i have some tips for Thornwhip (being my favorite cantrip!):

-Thornwhip pulls the target it hits, so it dismount any mounted target

-Thornwhip can be used to pull target into other AoE spells or traps (ex: Bonfire or the forever popular Thornwhip + Spike Growth)

-Thornwhip pull up into the direction you are, so if you use spider climb -or anything else that lets you get some distance upward- you can pull someone up to you and make them suffer falling damage (+1d6)

-Thornwhip gets the advantage of Spell Sniper (So you can pull enemies that are 20 feet away, that means that you if you pull someone from the ceiling then you will do +2d6 extras)

-Thornwhip can be used in the air without problem, so you could use that to pull enemies while jumping, making you look cool and maybe adding some extra damage.

2016-05-17, 02:45 PM
I'm a big fan of Mold Earth, Produce Flame, and Control Flame to make really kick ass camps when traveling.

My Druid likes to live in style on the road.

2016-05-17, 02:47 PM
Shocking Grasp delivered by your familiar when you are in a bad way (it is mechanically hard to do but can be done if you really need it. The owl with Flyby Attack makes it easier)

Familiar + Flask of Oil + Shocking Grasp = Great distraction

2016-05-18, 09:47 AM
Mage Hand Legerdemain. Use your invisible Mage Hand to pinch whomever the barbarian is directly behind.

2016-05-18, 10:59 AM
Oh yeah, also remembered: if you're a rogue, take Booming Blade. Magic Initiate or caster level. Seriously. With Cunning Action, you can disengage and force the damage on your target every turn, while still (if possible) Sneak Attacking. If you're a Swashbuckler, you don't even need to disengage!

2016-05-18, 11:26 AM
I mentioned this in another thread recently, but if you're a sorcerer in a wizard duel, you can use Quicken Spell and Shocking Grasp to prevent your foe from Counterspelling your big mojo.

Also, never underestimate Firebolt's simple power to ignite things that are 120 feet away. Start distracting fires, trigger incendiary traps, sabotage enemy supplies and equipment.

2016-05-18, 11:43 AM
Well, from his syntax it does work. He said with both Quicken and SG, but he didn't say a Quickened SG. Instead, he can regular SG and Quicken his big mojo.

Edit: The post I was responding to disappeared?

2016-05-18, 11:45 AM
I mentioned this in another thread recently, but if you're a sorcerer in a wizard duel, you can use Quicken Spell and Shocking Grasp to prevent your foe from Counterspelling your big mojo.

I like this one. Providing you quicken the big mojo spell and use an action for the Shocking grasp this will work nicely. Othewise you fall foul of the casting Time rules on Pg 202 of the phb.

Edit: Yeah I realised the same thing as you. I read it as a normal cast big Mojo and a quickened Cantrip. I deleted and reposted. Should have read it properly

2016-05-19, 08:20 AM
Sorry to bust your bubble but you can't do that. Haste say the action can only make a weapon attack but not two booming blades

You misunderstood. While Haste is active, you move forward, use the Twinned Metamagic to hit two targets, your Haste action disengage and move away.

2016-05-19, 10:59 AM
1. Mold Earth

Required for any Necromancer or Small sized character. 1 Action to provide instant Full Cover anywhere there's loose dirt.

2. Prestidigitation.

Use it on your frenemies' (you all have one at the table) food so it is re-flavored to suddenly taste like poo.

3. Gust

Useful for Thorn Whip + Gust Combos of pulling/pushing enemies into/out of AoE effects.

2016-05-19, 03:33 PM
Druidcraft should get a shout-out. The duration is instantaneous, but you can cause any 'natural' effect. That is so vague you can get crazy with it.

foul someone's sense of smell with skunk musk (esp dogs or wolves)
warm up your tent with a sudden steam vent (or gyser)
distractions of a hundred types, from giggling spriggans to a whirlwind of leaves
freeze an enemy's potions (also good because it lasts a long time)
sudden fog or rain in a small area

You should check out the links in my sig - I've been brainstorming on these for a while.

2016-05-19, 05:56 PM
I'm a big fan of Mold Earth, Produce Flame, and Control Flame to make really kick ass camps when traveling.

My Druid likes to live in style on the road.

Party Leader: "OK everyone, let's make camp"
*everyone starts unpacking tents, gathering wood, etc."
Druid: "Don't sweat it guys, I got this one"
*several cantrips later, everyone is chillin' in a toasty warm, well-ventilated mud-hut*

I like it :smallbiggrin:

2016-05-19, 11:33 PM
Minor illusion can give sound to the silent image spell, create cover/ terrain for hiding, cause diversions and distractions, slightly modify appearance, and lure npcs into bad situations with gold chests and the like.

Mage hand can break you out of jail unless bound and gagged. It can also start fights (slap on the ass), wake sleeping friends, deliver potions at range, trigger some traps, and take an enemies weapon if he has been disarmed.

Message can be used to really freak out npcs and deceive them. "THIS IS GOD SPEAKING".

Ray of frost is good for kiting enemies.

Druidcraft can get you lots of kisses during Yule time.

Prestidigitation can cover poison taste or win you a bake off.

I wish I had time to think of more :)

2016-05-20, 01:37 AM
Druidcraft should get a shout-out. The duration is instantaneous, but you can cause any 'natural' effect. That is so vague you can get crazy with it.

How do you interpret 'sensory effect'?

2016-05-20, 04:04 AM
How do you interpret 'sensory effect'?

Technically speaking, proprioception is a sense that allows you to figure out how your body is oriented. So a sensory effect could include the feeling of having additional or missing limbs. Say for example you make a random thug think he's grown spidery legs along his back; advantage on intimidate checks.

Realistically speaking; anything that covers taste, touch, hearing sight or smell.

Proprioception, electro- or thermo-reception, tremorsense, blindsight or darkvision could all be considered viable senses for the purposes of that cantrip. Truesight not, because it's more of an overlay preventing the other sense from being fooled.

2016-05-20, 04:09 AM
Technically speaking, proprioception is a sense that allows you to figure out how your body is oriented. So a sensory effect could include the feeling of having additional or missing limbs. Say for example you make a random thug think he's grown spidery legs along his back; advantage on intimidate checks.

Would you let this sensation freeze a potion or cause rain?

2016-05-20, 04:35 AM
Would you let this sensation freeze a potion or cause rain?

The sensation no, but maybe the cantrip, depending on the wording. The rain would be light and in a very limited radius, though. Can't step on control weather.

Arial Black
2016-05-20, 09:58 AM
My eldritch knight was at the treeline, spying on the baddies. A big sergeant-major type orc was chewing out two timid goblins. When the orc turned away I used message on him (while imitating a goblin-Deception check passed!) to whisper in the campest goblin voice possible, "Oooh, he thinks he's so butch!"

"WHAT?" he screamed as he spun around. "Which one of you maggots said that?"

Each goblin pointed to the other...