View Full Version : The Pleasant Peasants (IC)

2016-05-17, 10:20 AM
The Pleasant Peasants

And so it was, that another day in the peaceful hamlet of Harper's Ferry came to a close. The sun is setting behind the gigantic lake is truly breathtaking. Most jobs and chores have been completed for the day and most people are setting out fro a brief period of leisure time before nightfall. As has become customary, dozens of people meet at the local tavern, Haggard's Place for good food, cold ale, a fine tune, and especially charming conversation. Haggard's Place has a large open common area connected to a dining hall and the bar. It is warm and inviting, with a large fire and comfortable furniture in the common area. The proprietor and barkeep, is a large, mountain of a human in his 40's. He has a shaved head, and a 5 o'clock shadow. He stand over six and a half feet tall and weights nearly 300lbs. His barrel chest and chimney sized arms mix with his large stature make him quite the intimidating figure. At least until you see him smiling, cracking jokes, and laughing heartily with the patrons as he serves another round to the patrons at the bar. "And that's when he said, 'That's not my finger either!'" Everyone erupts into laughter, including Haggard, at his own bawdy joke.

Taking orders, busing tables and refilling drinks is an exceptionally attractive young woman with strawberry blond hair, and lightly tanned skin. She wears a white apron over her pale green cotton dress. Her long hair is pulled back which makes it much easier to see her piercing blue eyes. "Captain Trimmack, I suppose you'll be having the usual? Beef stew over rice with a side of mutton... water to drink?" The ebony skinned with short, well kept hair and a militia uniform smiles back. "Right as always, Hope, thank you". His speech is friendly, but professional.

As Hope walks back to the bar she calls out to the Lumberyard Foreman, "Jack, I'll get you another ale on my way back!" The man calls back, "Thanks, but tell your Old Man to make it two, I parched!" Haggard fires back at Jack, "I may be old, but I'll still tie you up like a pretzel!" All in all it's a typical night in Haggard's Place after a fairly typical day Harper's Ferry.

OOC: Assuming that each of you either came here for a bit of conversation, food, a drink, or later in the night entertainment, as Hope sings a few songs each night. There are plenty of tables, plenty of seats in the common area around the fire, and several open stools at the bar.

the Frogman
2016-05-17, 11:19 AM
Ragnar sighs before going into Haggard's Place. He's lived in Harper's Ferry for practically his whole life, save for a brief period of living in the city. Life Harper's Ferry was anything was simple for Ragnar, but still here he was. After recently making his way out of the cells, it was fitting that Ragnar would find his way back at Haggard's. It was not the most exciting of places, but after a long day of cutting logs and climbing trees, it felt nice to go somewhere fun; not to mention there was little else to do in town.

As Ragnar enters the tavern, his eyes are caught by Hope, the young barmaid. He watches as she seems to float across the bar like an angel, complete with a halo shining around her. Ragnar stands paralyzed until someone brushes past him, bringing him back to reality. Ragnar walks over to the bar and grabs an empty stool.

"I'll have a... tea."

2016-05-17, 04:06 PM
Pud cants his head to the side. Now why would she think that was his finger? Not much mistaking the two with goats or dwarves. But humans get so touchy when asked... He shrugged and went back to savoring his drink. It wasn't milk, but Haggard's "poverty brew" was at least comfortably cloudy. The urine smell was comforting too. It would go well with his hardtack, but Haggard complained last time he brought in his own food.

The dwarf turned on his stool, still nursing his small-beer. He was looking for a new face, someone fresh-in to town. Always the best stories from those. Why last week, that merchant had gone into hours of detail about the processes of weatherproofing cloaks...

2016-05-17, 09:55 PM

Tamyr walks in the inn and sits and smiles at Hope. She is the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. He is a tall, well built man but not good with people. His head is shaved and he is cleanly shaved. He is modestly dressed and happy.

He does not come to the Inn often as he can not afford to do so, but what is money if not for spending and what is life if not for truly living. He awaited her to take his order, but more he awaited her to sing.

2016-05-17, 10:32 PM

Delia had picked her favorite spot in the Inn to sit, Right next to the stage. She waited for Hope to get over to her so that she could order some food. "Hiya Hope, Could i get the Beef Stew over rice and some wine to drink with that? Also could you ask Haggard if i could play my Violin tonight? It wont take long as i can only summon it for a Minute at the moment but i would really enjoy playing for everyone before you Sing."

2016-05-18, 12:26 AM
Haggard's Tavern

Haggard smiles and nods to Rangar. "Rangar right? Sure thing, just give me a minute to heat the water." He put pours some water into a kettle and places it onto the stove. While the water prepares to boil, he grabs a handful of leaves and begins finely chopping them with a sharp knife. He then puts them into a tea stained kerchief about the same time the kettle begins whistling. He then slowly pours the water through the kerchief into a ceramic mug. He slides the mug in front of Rangar who immediately notices a soothing aroma coming from the mug. "That'll be 2cp, but free refills all night. Only another copper Its nice to serve something aside from booze occasionally." Haggard winks to Rangar before turning around to other patrons.

Pud mostly sees the same people that were here last night. Most everyone here is regulars, though he notices Rangar at the bar, Delia sitting at a small table for two right adjacent to the stage, and Tamyr comfortable cloth chair near Delia's table. There is also the militia leader, Captain John Trimmack (Human Male, breastplate, longsword), the Lumberyard Foreman Jack Youngblood (Human Male, woodcutter attire), the general trader Flogrim Goldstone (Dwarf Male, in affluent attire), and the blacksmith Harden (Half-Orc Male, dirty work attire). There are also numerous lumberjacks, farmers, and dockworkers. No sailors tonight, though they can be rowdy when they are in town.

Hope approaches Tamyr and gives a charming smile. "Hi Tamyr! What can I get your tonight?"

"Well Hiya, Delia. Stew and rice it is. Play? Of course, Daddy never minds when other people sing or play silly, that's half the reason people come here. And I'm sure they get tire of just hearing me, so sing or play as much as you like." Hope returns a few minutes later with a plate of food and a glass of wine. "That'll be 2sp, whenever you're ready."

There is a menu handwritten up above the bar that reads.

Water - Free
Tea, Milk, Coffe - 2cp (Free Refills)
"Horse Piss" Swill - 2cp
Sour Grog - 2cp
Barley Beer - 4cp
Hoppy Ale - 4cp
Honey Ale - 5cp
Mead - 5cp
Honey Mead - 6cp
Applejack - 8cp
Lost Halls Porter - 1sp
Muscadine Wine - 1sp
Shots - 1sp
Red Wine - 2sp
White Wine - 4sp
Top Shelf - varies

1sp per plate
Special requests extra.

the Frogman
2016-05-18, 07:03 PM

Ragnar offers a pathetic smile to Haggard and begins sipping on his tea. He stares at the top shelf of beverages and sighs.

One step at a time, Ragnar. he thinks to himself.

He looks around and notices John Trimmack on the other end of the bar. He fists his tea and lumbers to the militia leader, plopping down on a stool beside the man. He offers a nod and a sober look to the captain.

Good evenin' Captain! How are ya?

2016-05-18, 08:45 PM
Pud shrugs. He's seen the the captain before, but hasn't yet had a chance to ask him about his life. Maybe something more interesting will some of it. He surreptitiously listens in.

OOC: Bluff check to be listening subtly:
1d20-1: 7

2016-05-18, 09:42 PM

Tamyr smiles back and he speaks humbly. "I'll have a barley beer please."

2016-05-18, 11:01 PM

Thanks Hope, Hmm wonder what i should play with this crowd... Well i will figure that out after i eat. Delia looks down at her food and smiles, Gotta love the food here, definitely better than stale bread and cheese. Can't wait till i can get enough money to go to a Bardic college, Course i need to make my Violin first. Delia starts eating her food while looking around at the crowd still pondering what she is going to play when she is done with her food.

2016-05-18, 11:35 PM
Captain Trimmack smiles to Ragnar. "I am well Ragnar, and you? Things have quieted down enough in town I was able to send MSgt Helm babe and a few men out to hunt the wolves that have been troubling the farmers. Should help keep everyone happy if they bring a hide or two back."

Pud is able to listen in though he appears more constipated than subtle.

Hope smiles to Tamyr, "Barley Beer... sounds good. Be right back."

"You know Delia, this bawdy crowd always loves 'The Bear And The Maiden', but play whatever you want."

the Frogman
2016-05-19, 01:18 AM

Wolf trouble, you say? Surely the good cap'ns got something better goin' on than that!

Ragnar takes a sip of his tea only to come up empty. He pooches out his lip momentarily before holding up his mug.

Haggard, ya ol' codger! Refill of tea!

2016-05-19, 02:27 AM

Ciaran enters the tavern later than most, as is his usual habit. He takes his place at a table in the corner, where he can look over the establishment and watch the vignettes of everyday life play out. After a minute of doing just that he flags Hope down. "Could I get some milk? And a plate of beans and cornbread." he says, reaching into his pocket to retrieve the appropriate amount of currency.

2016-05-19, 11:19 AM
Pud nods along to the captain's remark. Wolves down here are small but so are sheep, I noticed the horse teams seemed nervous last night. The two drunks next to him give him strange looks as he seems to be talking to nobody in particular.

Pud knows about wolves and livestock. He gets up a diffidently taps Delia on the shoulder. Do you know The Lonely Goat? I can sing along if you can play. He takes another carefully measured sip of his beer. He's a close talker and his smell isn't great.

2016-05-19, 12:08 PM

Delia looked at Pud and tried to hide the Bile that was slowly trying to creep up her throat due to the smell, Having a sensitive nose wasn't always a good thing for a kitsune,"I could try, Its not a song i have heard very often or practiced much but it shouldn't be to hard, Let me finish my Food and Wine then i will let you know when I'm ready." Delia turned back to her food and quickly started eating again both to satiate her hunger and to try and get rid of the smell that was Pud.

2016-05-20, 12:09 AM
Captain Trimack shrugs at Ragnar. "The militia deals with a wide variety of problems for Harper's Ferry. I'm just glad its wolves and not bandits like last spring." At the good natured ribbing, Haggard bellows back, "Like I told Silas before, and I'll tell you now, just because I'm old, don't mean I can't roll ya up boy! Besides you ain't no spring chicken yourself!"

Hope bustles around, but takes the time to smile at Ciaran and taken his order. "Sure thing, beans, cornbread, and milk." She returns a few moments later. "Here ya go. Enjoy".

After several minutes and allowing time for Delia to eat, Hope winks to Delia before pointing to her, then the stage and giving a thumbs up. It seems it is time for the nights entertainment. Will Pud follow. We will see. Laying up on the stage is an old, slightly out of tune lute, a small bongo like drum, and some wooden panpipes laying around, which are typically used by any would be musicians who don't have, or can't afford their own.

2016-05-20, 12:59 PM
Pud wanders up to the stage, awkwardly plucking at his beard. Under his breath he's humming. He picks up the pan pipes and cleans them, waiting for the kitsune girl to start.
жалгыз теке, aл чуркап барып жатканын көрүп...* he mutters.

Then, once Delia begins, he bursts into deep song:
Тоо бийик ээн койчу болду
Жатты EE odl кармап EE odl кармап хи Hoo
Катуу жалгыз койчунун үнү
EE odl кармап EE odl-OO жатты

абдан алыскы угулду шаарга Folks
Жатты EE odl кармап EE odl кармап хи Hoo
койчунун кекиртегинен желдин жана ачык укту
EE odl кармап EE odl-OO жатты

Эй, хо-хо odl й ди коюп, о, odl Ли O ди коюп
Эй, эй, odl Ли о ди коюп odl Ли о Лей ди коюп
чеп тосмо көпүрөсүнөн боюнча башчы укту
Жатты EE odl кармап EE odl кармап хи Hoo
бир жүк менен жолдо адамдар угуп тотализатор үчүн
EE odl кармап EE odl-OO жатты

стол d'сАбсАЕсБесАПсАо арасында эркектер укту
Жатты EE odl кармап EE odl кармап хи Hoo
көбүк менен сыра ичкен киши жөлөп-уккан
EE odl кармап EE odl-OO жатты

бозомук кызгылт көйнөк, бир кичинекей кыз укту
Жатты EE odl кармап EE odl кармап хи Hoo
Ал жалгыз койчу кайрадан кыйкырды
EE odl кармап EE odl-OO жатты

Көп өтпөй жаркыраган канат менен Mama укту
Жатты EE odl кармап EE odl кармап хи Hoo
Бир жолу бир кыз менен койчу эмне дуэт
EE odl кармап EE odl-OO жатты

Odl EE жатты (odl EE жатты)
Odl хи хи жатты (odl кармап хи хи)
Odl EE жатты. . .

бозомук кызгылт көйнөк, бир кичинекей кыз укту
Жатты EE odl кармап EE odl коюп Балерины
Ал жалгыз койчу кайтып yodeled
EE odl кармап EE odl-OO жатты

Көп өтпөй жаркыраган канат менен Mama укту
Жатты EE odl кармап EE odl коюп Hmm Hmm
Бир жолу бир кыз менен койчу эмне дуэт
EE odl кармап EE odl-OO жатты

Бактылуу алар Малый ди Ли о ди коюп жатат. . .
Жакында дует бир кыз болуп калат
EE odl кармап EE odl-OO жатты

Odl EE коюп, эски төшөк EE
Odl хи хи коюп, odl EE жатты
Odl odl Ли odl, odl, odl кармап жатып odl Ли коюп жатты
Odl odl odl талкалагыла жатты

2016-05-20, 10:09 PM

Noticing Hope's go ahead Delia finishes her wine and then steps up to the stage. Seeing that there is a Lute Delia immediately picks it up testing its sound, Noticing it is out of tune Delia sighs knowing that her music isn't going to be as good as it would be if the lute was in tune.

"Alright Pud whenever your ready we can start", "Man i really hope i can remember how to play this song"

Delia starts to play the song that was requested by Pud hoping that she gets it right and that his singing isn't bad enough to ruin the performance.


the Frogman
2016-05-21, 12:02 AM

Ah, the issue of the bandits! I remember it quite fondly. You handled that quite deftly...

Ragnar pauses a moment as the music begins on stage. He glances over to the stage and offers a smirk before returning to the conversation.

Good song. You ever sing out on the battlefield, Cap?

2016-05-21, 07:16 AM
Everyone stops to listen to the song. When Delia and Put Finish the crowd I'd completely silent... for a moment. Then they clap and cheer loudly, just as they often do for Hope. Several slide a few coi s into a tip jar. In total, 8 coppers are there for the taking.

The good Captain smiles to Ragnar. "Even if I had a bucket, I couldn't carry a tune."

Hope gets up and sings three. Beautiful songs. The first is a typical tavern song with a catchy chorus that every one joins in to sing. The second is "The Dragon Returns" which is quite captivating and perfectly executed. The final song was a haunting ballad in the elven tongue. It was so beautiful that a few patrons who didn't even know the words had tears in their eyes.

With that most people begin clearing out and heading home for the night. Only a few drunks and a merchant who was sitting silently in the corner remain. The merchant looks quite down and sighs as he nurses his drink.

2016-05-21, 08:43 AM
Pud takes one of the copper coins and leaves the rest for Delia. You did very well there, lady. I think they liked it. He offers to shake her hand. My name is Pud, and I am pleased to meet you. He proceeds to ask Delia about her occupation.

He also attempts to negotiate with Haggard for half a mug of milk to mix with his beer.

After a while if nobody else is talking to him Pud heads over to the merchant and bluntly asks why he's sighing. ...if it's because you can only afford one drink you should try Haggard's "Horse Piss", it doesn't actually taste like horse piss at all, it just smells like it!

the Frogman
2016-05-21, 02:59 PM

Ragnar laughs at the captain's joke, baring his countless teeth. As the bar begins to empty, he offers a nod to the captain.

Captain, good seein' ya! If you ever need an extra hand, ya know I'm always more than willing to help where I can.

2016-05-22, 08:00 PM

Delia was glad that she was able to play, she also was happy that pud had fun singing with her.

She shakes Puds hand "Was fun playing with you, wouldn't mind doing it again, I dont really have an occupation at the moment. I mainly just play music to earn money, But eventually i plan on being a Bard i just gotta get enough money to pay for it."

Taking the remaining 7 copper pieces Delia puts them into her pocket.

2016-05-23, 11:41 AM
Pud is able to get a half a cup of milk for free, "But don't get used to no freebies here Pud" Haggard bellows with a half-hearted scowl on his face. The merchant that Pud speaks to seems quite upset. "No, no, its just that, when I was trading near the Endless Wastes, I found these beautiful orange salmanders with purple spots and thought they would make a great pets for my children. So I bought six of them. But as luck would have it, I make it here and my cage breaks and they all escape. I'll pay a few silvers for each one that is returned to me. There are six of them in total. Otherwise, my children will be so disappointed that I didn't bring them anything home from my trip." The merchant speaks loud enough that the entire bar can hear the last part.

The Captain thanks Rangar and smiles, "I'll keep that in mind Rangar. Until next time."

With that, everyone begins to clear out and make there way to their respective homes for the evening.

The next morning is clear and promises a warm and clear spring day. Where does everyone go? If you are unsure about locations, just go to the OOC or even PM me.

the Frogman
2016-05-23, 07:00 PM

Ragnar wakes up and groans at the thought of another day of working. He remembers the merchant and his cries for help with his animals, but pushes the memory from his mind. Looks like another day at the logging camp!

2016-05-23, 09:17 PM
Pud spends the morning helping with the horses in the lumber camp; while he works he keeps an eye out for orange salamanders. And signs of wolves.
Perception: 1d20+1=11

2016-05-24, 06:37 AM

In the morning Tamyr looks for work. Both posts looking for work as well as looking for things that are in poor shape and offering his time to fix them.

2016-05-24, 10:48 AM

Having heard the Merchant say that he would pay a silver per salamander Delia immediately heads out in the morning to search for these salamanders.

"Hmmm if i was a salamander where would i be, probably somewhere wet."

Delia heads off to search for the salamanders, on her way out she puts 2 mugs and a pitcher in a sack so that she can catch the salamanders.

Perception - [roll0]

2016-05-25, 11:53 AM
Such a beautiful day in Harper's Ferry. The sun is coming up, there is a slight breeze, and the dew is still on the grass. Already the docks are bustling as a new ship came into town sometime during the night.

Ragnar makes makes his way to the logging camp is able to check out a woodcutters axe to help with his daily duties. The current cutting site is only about 1/4 mile to the northwest of town. Profession Woodcutter or Wisdom check please.

Pud is at the same camp as Ragnar, working with the oxen to haul logs down to the dock. The oxen seem a bit spunk today, what with the cool breeze and all. Handle Animal or Profession check please.

A quick word with the Flogrim Goldstone at his general store reveals that a farm hand for the Widow Masterson mentioned that she needed the roof to her barn repaired. Knowledge Local or Gather Information DC 10 reveals Jane Masterson's husband died three years ago and left the largest farm in town to her. She has struggled to make ends meet and has only been able to stay in business because the town relies on her crops for food.

Delia decides that catching salamanders doesn't sound very hard. She decides that a wet area would be the best place to check would be a small stream that leaves the lake from the west and travels to the east. This is just a little to the north of the town. She sees all manner of wildlife, from frogs and bugs, to a rabbit and a few birds. Delia even sees a racoon. After walking east for about a 1/4th of a mile, she finally sees a speck of orange in some bushes. After watching it for a moment, she is certain it is one of the salmanders. How do you try to catch it? Make the appropriate rolls please.

the Frogman
2016-05-25, 12:01 PM
Ragnar clutches the axe tightly as he prepares to swing away at the trees. While out there, he looks out for any sign of those wolves the Captain mentioned the night before. He's sure there aren't any out here, but he can't help but be curious...


2016-05-25, 12:03 PM

Spotting the salamander immediately makes Delia happy as getting more money would definitely help her in trying to go to a bardic college. "Alright time to catch it, good thing i have some experience with animals." Delia sets down the sack shes was carrying and pulls out the 2 mugs and the pitcher, Slowly moving up on the salamander Delia readies herself to catch it.

Handle Animal [roll0]

2016-05-25, 03:59 PM

Whoa there, boys. Easy does it. Pud likes working with the oxen; they're hardy and almost as shaggy as his goats had been.
Profession: Goatherd (should apply, right?) [1d20+5=16
He calms the beasts again as the crash of inept treefelling is joined by nasty cursing from Ragnar. He wanders over to the woodcutter to see if he needs aid.

2016-05-25, 11:54 PM
Ragnar tries to be attentive to his work, but what... with the wolves out an all, he spends more time looking over his shoulder than he does at the trees. This makes for very... very slow going. Worst still, when he realizes he is working slow and really lays into the tree, the ax head wedges impossibly deep into the tree and seems to be caught in a bind. It is quite stuck. However, as Ragnar is trying to figure out how to get his ax unstuck, he sees smoke coming up from a farm several hundred yards to his west.

Its takes Delia no time at all to catch not just the one, but two orange and purple spotted salamanders that were calling the creek home. As she bask in the glory of success, she notices a heavy plume of smoke rising from a farm to her east.

Pud is able to calm the cantankerous beasts and get the ready to pull. He then goes to check on his friend Ragnar. About the time he arrives, they both notice the smoke rising from the farm to the west.

Tamyr, should he have chosen to head off toward Widow Masterson's farm, is startled to see smoke coming from the direction of her farm to the northeast.

the Frogman
2016-05-26, 12:49 AM

Ragnar curses as the ax as it lodges deep into the tree trunk. He groans momentarily before plopping to the ground next to the ax. He smacks at the ax with his hand and leans his head back into the tree. As he takes a moment to relax, he notices smoke billowing in the distance. Ragnar groans and slowly rises to his feet. He grabs the ax handle and tightens his grip. He firmly plants a foot into the tree trunk and attempts to pull the ax from the tree.

Strength check- [roll0]

2016-05-26, 08:20 AM

Pud attempts to aid Ragnar in his dislodging attempt, but is distracted by the smoke.
Might want to look over there to the west. My father always told me "where you see smoke, you will also see fire a lot of the time". He was wise. Not really waiting to see if Ragnar joins him, Pud hustles toward the smoke.

2016-05-26, 10:34 AM

Delia quickly puts the salamanders in the pitcher, then packed the rest of the items into the sack and ensured that the salamanders weren't going to escape. Once she was certain they weren't going anywhere she immediately heads over towards where she saw the smoke rising.

"I really hope no one is hurt"

2016-05-27, 11:47 AM
Rangar and Pud pour all of their might into removing the axe. It takes several minutes by they are finally able to get the axe free. As they do, Pud looks to the west and sees smoke billowing from the farm. Pud begins hustling towards the smoke. Will Ragnar follow? As he/they get close, Pud's suspicions are confirmed as he sees flames engulfing the rear of the main barn.

Likewise, Delia decides to investigate the smoke and also finds that part of the large barn is on fire.

A farm hand is on his hands and knees coughing and covered in soot. He is in a relatively safe place and not in any immediate danger. A second farm hand is two buckets towards the well. A middle age woman can be seen running into entrance of the barn. Scared horses can be heard from inside the barn. The smoke is heavy, but currently the flames seem to mostly be coming from the rear of barn.

the Frogman
2016-05-27, 07:03 PM
Ragnar clutches the ax tightly as he runs towards the billowing smoke. He groans as the day just continues to get worse. At the sight of the woman running into the barn, Ragnar sprints into the barn, ignoring the smoke and potential fire.

Upon entering the smoke-filled barn, Ragnar is going to call out for the woman (assuming he knows her name). If there is no response, Ragnar simply grips the ax with both hands and slowly walks towards the sound of the horses.

2016-05-27, 08:55 PM
Pud hurtles in to the smoky barn, pulling up his shirt to breathe through it. Ma'am, ma'am, you need to get out of here! I'll take care of the horses. The smoke was bad for Pud but it had to be worse for humans, given they were all taller than him. He looked for where the horses were held and how they could be freed; he also tried to discern what had begun the fire.
Perception: 1d20+1=14

2016-05-28, 04:17 PM
Ragnar is able to see the woman as she plunges deeper into the smoke. She is almost on her hands and knees to avoid the smoke. After briefly losing sight of her, you see her coming out with a horse in tow, a sack over its eyes in an effort to keep it calm.

Pud is unable to determine what caused the fire, but he does see the woman exiting with a horse in tow. He also sees three other horses, all extremely upset.

Pud and Rangar are able to see each other as well. There is a small pile of hemp sacks laying on the ground as well.

Anyone inside the barn needs to make a Fortitude Save.

2016-05-28, 08:46 PM
Fortitude: 1d20+2=14
Coughing in the surprisingly thick smoke, Pud, rushes to the stalls. Best panic in the right direction, beasts. HYA. He begins to open all the stalls; he's prepared to slap and scream the panicking horses in the right direction if they look like they're going to bolt towards the fire.

the Frogman
2016-05-29, 12:22 AM


If Ragnar can hang on through the smoke, he rushes to the woman as she leads a horse out of the burning barn. He places a gentle on the woman's shoulder and (if needed) yells over the sounds of the fire.

It's gonna be okay! Let's get you to safety!

He's careful to guide them through the path of least resistance, trying to avoid as much smoke, but get out of the burning barn as quick as possible!

2016-05-29, 01:30 AM

As Delia watched Pud and Ragnar rush into the barn she turns and heads over to the farmhand that is by the well and starts helping him fill bucks with water so that they can try and put out the fire.

"I hope more people show up so we can start a proper water line to get this fire put out"

2016-05-29, 06:43 AM
Pud finds it tough to breath, but is able to push forward without much difficulty. He opens the stall doors and finds that the poor animals are frozen with fear. Trying to slap them and get them going, one more takes off, but they others two refuse to move.

Rangar chokes and sputters on the smoke, but pushes through. The woman hands a horse off to Rangar and runs back in after another horse, ignoring his pleas for her to exit the barn.

Delia begins running water from well to barn and back. More people from town are running to help, but it will be at least 30 seconds or so before more get there to help.

The woman yells to Pud, throw a sack over their head, they will calm down and let you lead them out. She does so with one of the animals and begins to run out of the barn. There is only one horse left and a sack laying not to far away.

Anyone inside please roll another Fort Save.

2016-05-29, 08:18 PM
Fortitude: 1d20+2=21
Grumbling about fate, Pud tosses a burlap sack over the final horse and grabs it by the nostrils. C'mon out yah big idiot.

the Frogman
2016-05-30, 12:06 AM

Ragnar, somewhat confused by the chaos, lets out a vicious cough as he leads the horse out of the smoking barn. He pulls the sack from the horse's head and pockets the sack as the horse gets its first glimpse of safety. Ragnar watches as the barn continues to burn and sees others attempting to carry a bucket of water to put out the water. Ragnar chuckles lightly to himself and wanders around the barn and away from the others. He looks around for anything that could be useful...

Perception Check- [roll0]

2016-05-30, 01:40 AM

Ciaran had spent the entire day wandering around town being generally useless by his father's standards. Later in the day, he had climbed onto the Widow Flint's roof to enjoy the view and had spotted the fire. He arrives far later than Ragnar, Pud, and Delia, and joins the water line to help extinguish the blaze.

2016-05-30, 10:48 PM
Finally, Pud and Ragnar and Widow Masterson are able to get all of the animals out of the barn. Everyone does what they can to put out the fire, but a wood barn full of hay burns hotter and faster than the buckets of water can put it out.

Widow Masterson yells at everyone, "Back off and let it burn, no sense in anyone getting hurt over it!" Everyone complies, allowing the barn to burn down. She walks over to Pud and Ragnar puts a hand on each of your backs in turn. "Thank you, its going to be tough enough to make ends meet with the barn and feed gone, but I know I would have lost everything if those animals died. If either of you need any work, I could use some work around here. Come by tomorrow if you are interested." She then goes around thanking everyone who came to help.

After a short time, almost everyone disperses, back to their mundane tasks. Captain Trimmack is there and begins poking around the smoldering ashes, attempting to find out what started the fire.

The widow and two farmhands are still around as well.

the Frogman
2016-05-30, 11:36 PM

Ragnar nods to the widow with a crooked smile. Not being used to genuine gratitude, Ragnar wanders off somewhat confused at how to feel or react. He walks over to the Widow, somewhat sheepish. He pauses awkwardly before her, and scratches his scalp.

So... what happened anyways? And are you okay?

2016-05-31, 06:19 AM

Tamyr begins to run towards the farm.

2016-05-31, 09:35 AM

Captain Trimmack is there and begins poking around the smoldering ashes.
Pud coughs a bit more and soothes the horses, then heads over to the Captain. What are you looking for there? Need another pair of eyes?

2016-05-31, 09:41 AM

After the widow has made her rounds, Ciaran approaches Captain Trimmack. "Best make that two pairs of eyes. Evening Captain, Pud. Anything I can do to help?"

2016-06-01, 09:48 AM

Delia walks over to Widow Masterson "I'm sorry for the loss of your barn, but at least your horses are safe. if you need help rebuilding it i can provide some to you." Delia Curtsy's before heading back over to her sack and ensuring that the Salamanders are still in the pitcher.

2016-06-01, 01:50 PM
Ragnar speaks to the widow who is standing by the two farm hands. "I don't know, that's what I need to find out." Looking to the two farm hands she asks, "What happened, did either of you see anything?" The first shakes his head, "No, I's up in the north field, get'n it ready for plant'n. Didn't see nuff'in". The other farm hand, much younger than the second rubs the peach fuzz on his chin. "I was gettin' seed out of the storehouse 'round back. I looked over at the barn and saw smoke. Then I ran, yelled for you, and started gettin' water. Sorry I wasn't faster ma'am".

Widow Masterson nods to each, "You both all did great. Thank you. Things are going to be tough. I am afraid we are going to need extra help if we are going to get this crop planted and everything else taken care of in time. If we don't get a solid crop this year, I am going to lose the farm."

Hearing Delia's offer, the widow smiles, "Thank you, I will take all of the help I can get. Come by tomorrow morning and we can get started." Then speaking loudly she says, "And that goes for anyone here, if you want to make some coin, I need all the help I can get. I have to make arrangements today, but I hope to see some of you tomorrow."

Tamyr makes it to the farm and sees Ragnar and Delia standing by the widow Masterson and two farm hands. Ciaran and Pud are standing by Captain Trimmack. Everyone else has left as the barn is now little more than a smoldering pile of ash.

Captain Trimmack responds to Pud and Ciaran, "Barns don't catch on fire by themselves. Either there was an accident, or someone set it on fire on purpose. I need to make sure it wasn't the second. If you two want to help, just look for anything out of place."

2016-06-01, 03:53 PM

"Alright will see you tomorrow them Ma'am." Delia heads off with her stuff and starts to look for some more salamanders near where she found the first 2.

"Alright lets see if i can find a few more of these salamanders"


the Frogman
2016-06-01, 06:25 PM

Ragnar looks over to the younger farmhand and straightens himself so he towers over the young kid. He holds his ax menacingly as he interrogates.

So you're saying you didn't see anything boy? I'm thinkin' you saw something. I'd speak if I was you.

Intimidate [roll0]

2016-06-01, 09:14 PM

Tamyr begins to look around for any clues of arson or an accident.


2016-06-02, 07:46 AM
Pud notes that Tamyr seems to have the search at the barn itself well in hand, and looks for suspicious tracks around the back of the barn.

2016-06-02, 07:11 PM

Ciaran begins to carefully sift through the debris, searching for anything suspicious.

Perception: [roll0]

Can I use my Profession: Farmer skill to get a bonus on this check? My logic is that Ciaran, having grown up on a farm, is more likely to recognize what is or is not out of place in a barn.

If so, here's a roll: [roll1]