View Full Version : DM Help Staff of Seasons

2016-05-17, 11:31 AM
I'd like to make a magic item for a Sorcerer in my game and he's styled himself a "Weather Wizard" in game. So I figured a Staff called the Staff of Seasons that you can unlock powers for each of the 4 seasons for the wielder over the course of a year. It's spring now in sessions o he'd pick up Summer, fall, then winter as the game progresses. I really only have the concept and not any of the mechanics planned out.

What would be good powers for each of the seasons?

What would be good rituals to unlock these powers?

Party just got level 6 last sessions and have been playing in game for about 2 months now and a dozen sessions or so.

2016-05-17, 11:45 AM
What a cool idea!

I think with such a staff I would give it different powers during the different seasons within the year.

So during Winter it would have a list of cold-based powers; during summer, the sun; during spring, life; and during fall, death.

You could even have the staff be super cool on an equinox or solstice - one day where it has all the powers of two seasons.

2016-05-17, 11:49 AM
Looking at the land druid spells might give you some suggestions; arctic for winter-themed spells, maybe desert for summer?

2016-05-17, 11:53 AM
I'd go something along the line of the staff of power for base abilities:

can use as a magical weapon, +2 AC, to hit, dmg, and saving throws.

Then give it a few charges and season themed abilities to use the charges on, nothing too spectacular, maybe 2-3 options per season:

Winter: resist cold, cone of cold,
Spring: Entangle, plant growth, conjure animals
Summer: daylight, fireball, resist fire
Fall: Web, fear, feather fall

I like the idea above of letting it be awesome on a solstice or equinox.

2016-05-17, 12:14 PM
This is a great idea, but I don't really care much for the idea of the staff changing its power list every four months.
Control Weather is a must. AFB, but Endure Elements should be pretty thematic too. As the character is a Sorc, I would probably steer away from blasty spells

2016-05-17, 12:20 PM
I'd go something along the line of the staff of power for base abilities:

can use as a magical weapon, +2 AC, to hit, dmg, and saving throws.

Then give it a few charges and season themed abilities to use the charges on, nothing too spectacular, maybe 2-3 options per season:

Winter: resist cold, cone of cold,
Spring: Entangle, plant growth, conjure animals
Summer: daylight, fireball, resist fire
Fall: Web, fear, feather fall

I like the idea above of letting it be awesome on a solstice or equinox.

Base ability seems nice but I'll probably start with a lower grade of it and have it power up as he unlocks the seasons. Adding options to spend the charges on seems like a good way to go and your list fills that nicely. 2 spells per season, the power would grow from the inherent ability and the versatility would grow from adding spells.

Perhaps on an Equinox/Solstice I dial up the spell level for the spells cast and give it more points to spend. Might have to track time a bit better than I have been if I go with that.