View Full Version : Good wizard spells? help

2016-05-17, 09:52 PM
So right now im doing a challenge where I have to use a 21st level character to fight a 30th level. The character im fighting is a human cleric 10/ contemplative 10/ fighter 8/ Monk 2. I know what are some spells I will use and it should suffice but I think some extra help is useful. Any suggestions on spells I should use? Im a drow lich Fighter 1/ Wizard 15/ Abjurant champion 5

Edit: We are playing 3.5 and all is allowed while its canon

2016-05-17, 11:43 PM
Drow Lich? I'm assuming you got that LA for free? How exactly will you prevent the cleric from simply turning you?

2016-05-18, 12:03 AM
The challenge was up to +6 LA 21st level character so sorta. About the turning hes effectively a level 20 cleric so since i have 21 HD +4 turn resistance from lich its already hard to turn and to top it off I have a cloak of turn resistance which gives me an additional +4 turn resistance

Silva Stormrage
2016-05-18, 04:35 AM
At that level buffs are a major factor. Disjunction is going to be really important.

Also Foresight is super important so you can use immediate actions even if you don't win init as it prevents you from being flatfooted

Time stop and Maw of Chaos is also a ludicrously effective combo. Maw of chaos is a force damage aoe spell that lasts for a round a level and deals 1d6 damage/caster level no save and forces a save against being dazed.

Celerity is an immediate action spell that lets you take a standard action. Congrats you can now ignore the turn order and take your action on his turn!

Moment of Prescience gives +CL on a single ability check. Use it on init for the fight for a +20-30 bonus to init.

Not included: Epic spells, Gate or Shapechange as you auto win D&D if you use any of these remotely intelligently.

Since your opponent has fighter levels in his build I will assume this isn't that optimized.

Open with Twinned Celerity -> Disjunction + Extended Timestop (Extended from a rod of metamagic extend) for 2d4+2 -1 rounds of actions (-1 due to being dazed one round in the time stop from celerity). Then cast 4 or so maws of chaos with any metamagic you can throw on for about ~100d6 damage no save and 4 saves or be dazed and get hit again for the next round.

Also this can be done on his turn and only eats your immediate action.

High level D&D combat is kiiinda silly. That's a moderate opening move.

2016-05-18, 04:18 PM
I got destroyed, AMF got me rekt and he had the permanent emanation feat, how do i counter that?

2016-05-18, 04:33 PM
I got destroyed, AMF got me rekt and he had the permanent emanation feat, how do i counter that?
Contingency, shrink item + tinfoil tipi, celerity + greater teleport. You need a way to go first. If you start within range of the antimagic field, you'll need invoke magic, which allows you to cast dimension door to get out of there.

2016-05-18, 04:45 PM
1st level spell necromancy drains strength no save you must roll to hit 1d6 +5 may not seem like much but fighters tend to be equipment heavy if it takes the fighter a number of rounds to shed weight armor those are all free to buff magic missile. They lose hit and damage bonuses.

4th level necromancy fighter loses levels 1d4

6th level necromancy Exhaustion wave fighter gets save for partial but if failed only one action per round per level of caster no running or charging

4th level illusion greater invisibility 50/50 miss chance round per level

Throw in a dimension door he is done

2016-05-18, 04:52 PM
1st level spell necromancy drains strength no save you must roll to hit 1d6 +5 may not seem like much but fighters tend to be equipment heavy if it takes the fighter a number of rounds to shed weight armor those are all free to buff magic missile. They lose hit and damage bonuses.

4th level necromancy fighter loses levels 1d4

6th level necromancy Exhaustion wave fighter gets save for partial but if failed only one action per round per level of caster no running or charging

4th level illusion greater invisibility 50/50 miss chance round per level

Throw in a dimension door he is done

How am I supposed to do this if he has antimagic field? Also He has about 30 strength without magic items and even if I hit him he took 2 levels of monk to synergize the wisdom from the cleric for extra AC so he uses bracers of armor +8 instead of armor. He does take a weapon but its and adamantium scimitar so lowering his strength wouldnt help even if he didnt have the AMF. About invisibility he has an Item that gives him permanent true seeing and also permanent arcane eye so he knows about the effects I have.

2016-05-18, 05:36 PM
How am I supposed to do this if he has antimagic field? Also He has about 30 strength without magic items and even if I hit him he took 2 levels of monk to synergize the wisdom from the cleric for extra AC so he uses bracers of armor +8 instead of armor. He does take a weapon but its and adamantium scimitar so lowering his strength wouldnt help even if he didnt have the AMF. About invisibility he has an Item that gives him permanent true seeing and also permanent arcane eye so he knows about the effects I have.

First off, he can't gain the benefit of the magic items in the AMF...

Secondly, it's a free action with Permanent Emanation to put up the spell but that still can only be done on his turn so....

Thirdly, you just need to beat him on the Initiative roll (easy to optimize) or just use Celerity to go on his turn or before him and you can use Disjunction to drop the AMF, follow up with a second to ruin all his items, and then use one of the various combos for obscene amounts of damage (like that post above) to wipe the floor with him.

2016-05-18, 05:42 PM
I know that magic items dont work inside AMF but he still has the AC bonuses from monk and also I did beat him in initiative when I tried fighting him and I did use celerity but he destroyed me. I tried disjunction but it failed, twice and after that I was dead. Then again hes also a spell caster so he could counter spell and it doesnt help me against the counter spelling thatbwe have spell points instead of spell slots (We modified the rule slightly from the unearthed arcana version)

2016-05-18, 05:47 PM
How did it fail? I only mention the items because you brought up his Bracers which wouldn't work while under the AMF.

If you are outside the range of the AMF from the beginning then just use Orb of Fire that's metamagiced to hell and back. Instantaneous Conjurations can pass through it fine as per the spell description of AMF.

Edit: He cannot counterspell the Disjunction unless he's somehow managed to remove the restriction of readying an action to counterspell and having it on his prepared spell list. And even then, if you're interrupting his action with an immediate action he cannot suddenly change his action to counterspell you.

2016-05-18, 06:01 PM
How did it fail? I only mention the items because you brought up his Bracers which wouldn't work while under the AMF.

If you are outside the range of the AMF from the beginning then just use Orb of Fire that's metamagiced to hell and back. Instantaneous Conjurations can pass through it fine as per the spell description of AMF.

Edit: He cannot counterspell the Disjunction unless he's somehow managed to remove the restriction of readying an action to counterspell and having it on his prepared spell list. And even then, if you're interrupting his action with an immediate action he cannot suddenly change his action to counterspell you.

Im a caster level 20 so I only have a 20% chance of getting rid of AMF with disjunction as of the counterspelling I guess I explained wrong, I meant that he could counterspell me if I did manage the dusjunction. As for the orb through the AMF I am aware of that but he could just as a free action deactivate the AMF during his turn use the heal spell twinned or something and then activate again. We did a 2nd round in which I tried through AMF and I still got destroyed

2016-05-18, 06:08 PM
Ok I see. Heal wouldn't matter if you can do enough damage to slay him outright. You could try dropping a Prismatic Sphere to prevent him from closing the distance, then find some trick to get line of sight and line of effect while protected so that you can slam him with damage? I'm not sure how to go about that though.

2016-05-18, 06:21 PM
If you can change the build, go mailman on him, no antimagic field would work against that....

2016-05-18, 09:26 PM
What prohibited schools should I take? Im thinking I should take illusion and necromancy

Edit: I just checked the spells the schools give and illusion I am definitely taking out but choosing to have between evocation, necromancy and enchantment is a hard choice all have good spells higher than 3rd level.

2nd Edit: Ill just take out illusion and necromancy

3rd edit: This is for incantatrix

2016-05-18, 11:18 PM
How am I supposed to do this if he has antimagic field? Also He has about 30 strength without magic items and even if I hit him he took 2 levels of monk to synergize the wisdom from the cleric for extra AC so he uses bracers of armor +8 instead of armor. He does take a weapon but its and adamantium scimitar so lowering his strength wouldnt help even if he didnt have the AMF. About invisibility he has an Item that gives him permanent true seeing and also permanent arcane eye so he knows about the effects I have.

Anti magic is perfect for you to call him out. As soon as it goes up what is your strength right now?

18 maybe. What are you wearing for armor?

What buffs did you have up?

What weapons do you have other than the scimitar?

Any thing else?

once he is over weight he is over weight and can not move or charge or do anything but shed pounds. Many people forget this about D&D and say I power through use the rules. Max movement 20 feet in most editions you move faster keep out of range use range weapons until he drops the anti magic shield.

Monk gives you bonuses to saves not strength or movement at 2nd level.

More importantly nobody in the universe of D&D has a 23 hour 59 minute 59 second anti magic shell that regenerates while in use. They all have a time limit. D door 300 feet of go invisible last for minutes he can't see you anti-magic is up and buff yourself wait for the visible effect to go down and hit him with long range spells. He can not see you can not find you and your ready for a fight and his best trick is used up. Pound him with necro spells as mentioned earlier. BS tactic but you win

2016-05-18, 11:26 PM
Did you even read his post? The answers to your questions are in the very post you quoted.

2016-05-19, 08:08 AM
How without magic does a normal character have a 30 strength

2016-05-19, 09:31 AM
How without magic does a normal character have a 30 strength
18 starting, +2 racial, +5 increases, +5 inherent from wish.

2016-05-19, 10:59 AM
Age of character? Penalties still accrue with age,

Wishes do not come early in an adventurers career.

All the more reason to fly minutes per level wait for his anti magic to go down the spell him.

Not impossible just stay away until things go down magic is powerful but not unlimited

Define the +5 that is not wish

2016-05-19, 11:04 AM
Age of character? Penalties still accrue with age,

Wishes do not come early in an adventurers career.

Even if you assume the adventurer in question is a half-orc, a very short-lived race, the half-orc still has (depending on his starting class) between 15 and 9 years to reach a level where Wishes become available. How many campaigns have you played in where it took more than a few years for the PC's to get there?

2016-05-19, 11:16 AM
Define the +5 that is not wish
You are aware that you get a +1 ability increase every 4 levels? This character most likely has increases in strength. They're level 30, so maybe they put 7 increases in strength, and they aren't playing a half-orc.

2016-05-19, 11:16 AM
While flying drop rocks large rocks they will go right though that field Declare hit area ac 15 normally.

Cause fort save he should make it but a chance for incapacitating target. Natural 1 happens

How long does anti magic stay up off item?

Does he have holy symbol if not no cleric spells need a focus

2016-05-19, 06:44 PM
Age of character? Penalties still accrue with age,

Wishes do not come early in an adventurers career.

All the more reason to fly minutes per level wait for his anti magic to go down the spell him.

Not impossible just stay away until things go down magic is powerful but not unlimited

Define the +5 that is not wish

The character is about 60, physical age of 35, because of contemplative he receives no penalties from aging and he found an artifact potion that makes him age immortal. About the strength I do not know how he got so much I just know its an insane method probably. With magic Items he has 39 strength and also he has the feat permanent emanation so he can keep the AMF as long as he wants. He also is a 20th level caster so if he lowers his AMF he could possibly find a way of screwing me over. Also he is a human. About armor I wear a mithril chainshirt with +5 a few properties and reinforces and segmented masterwork properties. Also in case you read wrong its not me with the scimitar its him. Also my own strength is 14, I know its pityful for a 21st level character but I concentrated on other things and I had a GP limit to do this.

2016-05-19, 08:54 PM
Drop rocks from 120 feet hit his area ac 15 no magic on the rocks 10d6 of damage drops the field magic missile since he does not have shield up. Can not cast with out a check.

Spot check could be bad greater invisibility no way to target.

He cannot hit what he can not see

Divide by Zero
2016-05-19, 09:00 PM
Trade out three of your levels for Cleric levels, take the Initiate of Mystra feat, cast in his face.

2016-05-20, 12:50 AM
Im a caster level 20 so I only have a 20% chance of getting rid of AMF with disjunction as of the counterspelling I guess I explained wrong, I meant that he could counterspell me if I did manage the dusjunction. As for the orb through the AMF I am aware of that but he could just as a free action deactivate the AMF during his turn use the heal spell twinned or something and then activate again. We did a 2nd round in which I tried through AMF and I still got destroyed

Antimagic field does not include a feature allowing you to drop and resume it as free actions. It can be dismissed as a standard action but then it's gone.

Assuming you're in an open area, simply turn invisible, fly, and hit him with instantaneous conjurations from range. He can't see you to target you, because his ANF is shutting down his items and buffs. He can't cast on you, because it's shutting down his spells. If you use Invisible Spell on your conjurations he can't use your spell effects to trace back to your square.

High-level D&D duels rely on a six-layer defensive strategy. Most players can be defeated because they rely on only 2 or 3 of the layers at most. Use each layer to your advantage and learn to identify which layers your opponent is using or neglecting.

(1) misdirection -- provide false targets to spoof his attacks
(2) stealth -- make yourself difficult to find
(3) control -- keep him busy with effects that deny him actions or force him to spend actions doing something other than attacking you
(4) debuffing -- reduce the effectiveness of his actions
(5) immunity -- make yourself immune to his most likely attack forms
(6) endurance -- shrug off or absorb successful attacks with strong saves and AC, hit points and temporary hit points, and ablative defenves

Divide by Zero
2016-05-20, 01:00 AM
Antimagic field does not include a feature allowing you to drop and resume it as free actions. It can be dismissed as a standard action but then it's gone.

Ahem. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/feats.htm#permanentEmanation)filler

you can dismiss or restart it as a free action

2016-05-20, 03:25 AM
Holy crap biscuits. That's brutal on an AMF.

Well, the strategy remains similar. Just going to have to devote a whole lot more effort to avoidance now since you have to evade magical senses.

2016-05-20, 06:48 AM
I'll come up front and admit I've skimmed through this thread, but is there any chance the opponent used epic magic to create an antimagic field ward around himself (instead of just using Initiate of Mystra)?

An anti antimagic field, if you will. :smalltongue: (I also figured such a spell was intended to be the primary tactic when fighting colossi.)

2016-05-20, 08:28 PM
Antimagic field does not include a feature allowing you to drop and resume it as free actions. It can be dismissed as a standard action but then it's gone.

Assuming you're in an open area, simply turn invisible, fly, and hit him with instantaneous conjurations from range. He can't see you to target you, because his ANF is shutting down his items and buffs. He can't cast on you, because it's shutting down his spells. If you use Invisible Spell on your conjurations he can't use your spell effects to trace back to your square.

High-level D&D duels rely on a six-layer defensive strategy. Most players can be defeated because they rely on only 2 or 3 of the layers at most. Use each layer to your advantage and learn to identify which layers your opponent is using or neglecting.

(1) misdirection -- provide false targets to spoof his attacks
(2) stealth -- make yourself difficult to find
(3) control -- keep him busy with effects that deny him actions or force him to spend actions doing something other than attacking you
(4) debuffing -- reduce the effectiveness of his actions
(5) immunity -- make yourself immune to his most likely attack forms
(6) endurance -- shrug off or absorb successful attacks with strong saves and AC, hit points and temporary hit points, and ablative defenves

Yeah the AMF spell does not have a way to drop and regain as a free action but like I told previously the way he got the AMF is through the epic feat permanent emanation which gives the effect of a AMF but he can drop and regain as a free action.

2016-05-20, 08:30 PM
I'll come up front and admit I've skimmed through this thread, but is there any chance the opponent used epic magic to create an antimagic field ward around himself (instead of just using Initiate of Mystra)?

An anti antimagic field, if you will. :smalltongue: (I also figured such a spell was intended to be the primary tactic when fighting colossi.)

In our games there is no epic magic we think its too unbalanced but epic feats/skills and such are allowed

2016-05-21, 03:01 AM
It's not so bad as long as you don't go overboard. I figure that's why referees get the final say on spells :smalltongue: Then again I'm the type that doesn't like to "mitigate down to zero" 'cause I feel that such phenomenal cosmic power should come at a price.