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2007-06-26, 01:05 PM
I have rather recently been introduced to the Alternity system by a friend of mine. It was published by TSR before it went under, it is a sci-fi roleplaying game primarily and I was wondering how many people still play it.

I personally think that it is magnitudes better than D20 Modern and Future and I am opting to forget they exist in favor of this, once I can get some non-electronic copy of Alternity stuff via Amazon.

Iku Rex
2007-06-26, 01:12 PM
I've played it and it's not a bad system.

There's a large fansite here: http://alternityrpg.net/ , with active forums (http://alternityrpg.net/onlineforums/).

2007-06-26, 01:34 PM
I've played it off and on for a few years now, two Star Drive campaigns specifically.

It's an interesting precursor to the unified system that D20 came from: low to high roll D20 control dice, randoms steps to flat modifiers, perks/flaws to feats, achievements to special abilities.

The thing I caution you against is the chaos of the system, meaning that level and skill arent as clear determiners as in D20. A d10 step bonus can still roll 1 for a marginal 19, whereas in D20 the equivalent +5 will atleast give ya 6.

Some might call that randomness a feature though :smallbiggrin:

2007-06-26, 03:12 PM
I played it and bought most of the splat books for it it was a lot of fun but the rules were a bit clunky in places and I quit about the time 3.0 came out

Shhalahr Windrider
2007-06-26, 03:15 PM
Have yet to actually play it, but I've got the Player's Guide. Been interested in picking up a game some time.

I don't know if you're aware, but the Dark Matter setting for Alternity has since been released for d20 Modern.

2007-06-26, 04:15 PM
Heh, I own a published Star Craft boxed set RPG using Alternity rules. Never got the chance to play it, though.

2007-06-26, 04:42 PM
I liked playing it with the free adventures that Dungeon had a long while ago, but now that I have the books (bought used) I can't seem to find anyone to play it with.

I do like the system, it may not be as streamlined as 3rd ed but it's certainly playable.

2007-06-26, 04:57 PM
Thanks on letting me know that Dark Matter has since moved to D20Modern, Windrider.

Also, I'm happy to see that so many people are familiar with Alternity! (I don't know that many people who even know what is is, myself, but everyone my friend and I have introduced it to love, if they have a DM they can deal with.)

Do you think that there would be much interest in running a play-by-post campaign in a Darkmatter-esque setting, using Alternity? I'm not in a position to be the Gamemaster of such an event right now but once I have some more experience under my belt (I'm DMing a game at my home town now) in August once school starts I might consider poking the Forums here again for some players.

Shhalahr Windrider
2007-06-26, 09:19 PM
I've been keeping a special eye out for Alternity PbP for some time now. I'm definitely interested. Of course, I'm not available for GMing, either.

2007-06-26, 11:07 PM
Its an interesting system to try.

The variable armour system (similar to Iron Heros) probably works better than flat DR as an alternative to armour giving AC bonuses.

2007-06-27, 03:49 AM
I have rather recently been introduced to the Alternity system by a friend of mine. It was published by TSR before it went under, it is a sci-fi roleplaying game primarily and I was wondering how many people still play it.I would still play it if I could find players; unfortunately I live a long way away from Ohio.

I've played it off and on for a few years now, two Star Drive campaigns specifically.

It's an interesting precursor to the unified system that D20 came from: low to high roll D20 control dice, randoms steps to flat modifiers, perks/flaws to feats, achievements to special abilities.

The thing I caution you against is the chaos of the system, meaning that level and skill arent as clear determiners as in D20. A d10 step bonus can still roll 1 for a marginal 19, whereas in D20 the equivalent +5 will atleast give ya 6.

Some might call that randomness a feature though :smallbiggrin:You are absolutely correct, with the sole caveat that there are no d10s in Alternity (officially). You can houserule the d10 in between the d8 and the d12, but that isn't a canonical rule and it significantly changes the system by reducing the size of the modifier die for high bonuses and penalties.

Also, you want to roll low in Alternity, which is one of the things that tends to throw people for a loop. It's one of those systems where you improve your skill scores and abilities by adding to them and try to roll below your skill score number. So, for example, a space marine shooting a gun at things will want to roll below his Ranged Weapons, Modern-rifle skill score, and when he levels up he wants to increase his score so that rolling below it is more likely.

If you know that, and you know about the modifier dice, and if you know that it's a skill point system (players' abilities are mostly defined by their ranks in skills), you know most of the important basics of the Alternity system [for anyone who hasn't played Alternity].

Heh, I own a published Star Craft boxed set RPG using Alternity rules. Never got the chance to play it, though.And a good thing too; it's terrible.

The Starcraft boxed set uses a stripped-down version of the Alternity rules that removes some of the best parts of the character build system. It doesn't support character generation so you're more or less stuck with the boxed characters. And it doesn't do a very good job of sticking to the Starcraft continuity.

I liked playing it with the free adventures that Dungeon had a long while ago, but now that I have the books (bought used) I can't seem to find anyone to play it with.Sorry to hear that; I'm even farther from Washington state (Washington, DC area).

Do you think that there would be much interest in running a play-by-post campaign in a Darkmatter-esque setting, using Alternity? I'm not in a position to be the Gamemaster of such an event right now but once I have some more experience under my belt (I'm DMing a game at my home town now) in August once school starts I might consider poking the Forums here again for some players.I'm game. I haven't played by post before, but...how hard can it be?

Its an interesting system to try.

The variable armour system (similar to Iron Heros) probably works better than flat DR as an alternative to armour giving AC bonuses.Yes.

Moreover, it means that you can't afford to ignore someone who's trying to stab you to death with a knife just because you're wearing armor. Unless the armor in question is a walking tank, you will be seriously injured sooner or later once they find a way through a gap in your armor. I don't think that armor-as-flat-DR can really model that.

2007-06-27, 11:43 AM
And a good thing too; it's terrible.

The Starcraft boxed set uses a stripped-down version of the Alternity rules that removes some of the best parts of the character build system. It doesn't support character generation so you're more or less stuck with the boxed characters. And it doesn't do a very good job of sticking to the Starcraft continuity.

Oh well. I found it in the 'Bargain Bin' a few years back at a local gaming store and picked it up cheap out of curiosity, so it's not a huge loss. Thanks for the warning, though! I may go back and look for an actual Alternity rulebook :smallbiggrin:

2007-06-27, 01:07 PM
You are absolutely correct, with the sole caveat that there are no d10s in Alternity (officially). You can houserule the d10 in between the d8 and the d12, but that isn't a canonical rule and it significantly changes the system by reducing the size of the modifier die for high bonuses and penalties.

Yeah I often forgot the steps, even when they print them right on the character sheet. :smallwink:

Our game does have a d10 for a step because my GM created his own Alternity 2.0 which is D30. I think he wanted to mitigate the effects of new pwergamers we added to the group by increasing the variance of rolls. Steps had to get bigger.

I'd be interested to play Alternity but dislike PbP. A problem I can forsee is that many asa you mention havent heard of the game and players that may have dont have the rules for reference (no SRD). Those interested in Dark Matter woulkd likely be playing the D20 version (popular with an SRD for all).

To warrant learning a new system for new players, I'd recommend a setting that will bring them in and be worth them learning curve (easier said than done, sure).

Shhalahr Windrider
2007-06-27, 01:10 PM
To warrant learning a new system for new players, I'd recommend a setting that will bring them in and be worth them learning curve (easier said than done, sure).
Yeah. Myself, I'd prefer a more futuristic setting. Wouldn't mind something on the cyberpunk side of things. I've been interested in trying a character with cybernetic implants.

2007-06-27, 05:13 PM
Yeah. Myself, I'd prefer a more futuristic setting. Wouldn't mind something on the cyberpunk side of things. I've been interested in trying a character with cybernetic implants.

Got pretty similar preferences myself. Mechalus FTW!

As far as a PbP game, I'd like to join or even DM, but I haven't played with PbP before and I don't have much actual experience with alternity, so it'd be more than a little rough.

2007-06-27, 06:03 PM
As far as a PbP game, I'd like to join or even DM, but I haven't played with PbP before and I don't have much actual experience with alternity, so it'd be more than a little rough.Do you have the Player's Handbook? That's what's really important.

2007-06-27, 06:27 PM
Do you have the Player's Handbook? That's what's really important.

He mentioned that he had them several posts up. If Star Drive is among them there's a shot for Alternity sci-fi.

Shhalahr Windrider
2007-06-27, 09:10 PM
Do you have the Player's Handbook? That's what's really important.
After perusing my Player's Handbook, I know I was left with a number of questions that I need the Game Master's Guide for.

2007-06-27, 09:49 PM
Looks like they're available for pretty cheap (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=Alternity&search_in_description=1&search_in_author=1&search_in_artist=1) too.

2007-06-27, 10:18 PM
Player's Guide, GM's guide, Star*Drive setting and the one involving dimensional shifts (I'll dig them all out of storage later tonight, been a while since I've read them) so yeah, I'm prepared materials wise.

2007-06-27, 10:21 PM
After perusing my Player's Handbook, I know I was left with a number of questions that I need the Game Master's Guide for.I have one; if you want you can ask the questions here or PM me.

Shhalahr Windrider
2007-06-27, 11:01 PM
I have one; if you want you can ask the questions here or PM me.
Well, point being it's kinda useful for the GM to have the GM's guide as well as the Player's guide.

2007-06-28, 02:14 AM
I like Alternity and the Star*Drive setting, but have made the experience that the demographics of the forum are a bit... special. Lots of religious fundies, gun nuts, and dark, socially dysfunctional badasses in black coats. :smallwink: Not quite my kind of crowd.

In fact, the whole "graded success" and "d20+/-dModifier" thing is brilliant. There are some imperfections (for example, the fact that a Good success with a pistol shot might be more desirable than an Amazing one if the target is wearing armor), but any system has that.

2007-07-01, 06:34 PM
Would love to play if someone if someone is putting a game together.
If someone wanted to run a quick easy game then they have the fast play here http://alternityrpg.net/downloads.php
with a players guide and Gm guide with most of the basics you need to play the game. It also includes some mostly made characters & one adventure.

2007-07-02, 05:06 AM
I remember Alternity. Had the books. It seemed a decent idea. Went to go run it one night and about half way through I had to stop the game because I couldn't "get" the setting in my head. Thought about running it in a Traveler milleniu, but never got around to it. Probably because my books disappeared in a hurricane.