View Full Version : New Star Trek Series - Teaser Trailer

2016-05-18, 11:19 PM
Well it looks like this is actually moving forward. The official teaser trailer for the new Star Trek series set to air on CBS is out:


So absolutely no concrete information, and the graphics look kind of... dated, honestly. Like this was meant to advertise something from 10 years ago.

We'll see where it goes from here, but it looks like it's definitely happening.

2016-05-18, 11:26 PM
Not sure how I feel about CBS running it. Hard for me to say WHY but.. that makes me a little nervous.

Other than that I'm hopeful. Like you said, to soon to form an opinion one way or the other.

The Glyphstone
2016-05-18, 11:38 PM
Not sure how I feel about CBS running it. Hard for me to say WHY but.. that makes me a little nervous.

Other than that I'm hopeful. Like you said, to soon to form an opinion one way or the other.

It makes me nervous not because CBS is running it, but because CBS is running it as an exclusive on their in-house streaming service. That's going to drive piracy rates of the show through the roof and hurt the ratings commensurately, since very few people are going to sign up for CBS All Access just to watch one show, even if it's Star Trek.

Kitten Champion
2016-05-18, 11:48 PM
That's not even a teaser trailer - those are supposed to give you a brief peek into at least the aesthetics of the final product before the trailer gives a better picture of the work's premise, characters, and basic narrative is - this is more like the animated banner ads you see on some websites.

Does anyone care what the show's logo is?

Also, it's just called Star Trek? Really? I mean, I don't want to sound too cynical here because I am open to the possibility of this not being bad or at least being relatively interesting and I'm not deeply invested in Trek in general... but this being the sixth entry of the television franchise (7th if you include the cartoon) not to mention the 2009 reboot "Star Trek", and they're calling this "Star Trek"? Did they hire the marketing firm that named the X-Box One? That's just going to make things annoyingly obtuse.

2016-05-18, 11:54 PM
Just a reminder for people who don't follow the news religiously:

1) Bryan Fuller is running it (Pushing Daisies, Dead Like Me, American Gods). He was a writer on both DS9 and Voyager.

2) Each season is going to stand-alone (Think something like True Detective). Each season can take place anytime within the Trek universe, but not including the reboot time period.

3) It's going to premier on CBS, but air on the CBS streaming network. It's going to be weekly, not binged, so people can't do the whole "subscribe for a month, watch everything, cancel".

4) Because of the previous, I hope to goodness that it's bundled up with my cable subscription like HBO Go is bundled to my HBO subscription, because I'm already paying CBS monthly.

Mando Knight
2016-05-18, 11:56 PM
2) Each season is going to stand-alone (Think something like True Detective). Each season can take place anytime within the Trek universe, but not including the reboot time period.

I thought this was just a rumor, and not anything confirmed by CBS?

2016-05-18, 11:58 PM
I thought this was just a rumor, and not anything confirmed by CBS?

It's a rumor, but watching the teaser trailer, they mention specifically "New Crews", so, the stand-alone seasons story seems plausible.

2016-05-19, 01:23 AM
It makes me nervous not because CBS is running it, but because CBS is running it as an exclusive on their in-house streaming service. That's going to drive piracy rates of the show through the roof and hurt the ratings commensurately, since very few people are going to sign up for CBS All Access just to watch one show, even if it's Star Trek.

I hadn't heard that. Wow, that's an unbelievably stupid idea. People are not going to pay $5.99 a month just for a few episodes of this show.

That is a TERRIBLE business idea, especially since Trek fans are wary as it is because of Enterprise and Voyager.

2016-05-19, 03:15 AM
It makes me nervous not because CBS is running it, but because CBS is running it as an exclusive on their in-house streaming service. That's going to drive piracy rates of the show through the roof and hurt the ratings commensurately, since very few people are going to sign up for CBS All Access just to watch one show, even if it's Star Trek.

ugh... I had heard of that but it was an idea so stupid I had forgotten. I guess I hoped they would as well.

2016-05-19, 05:48 AM
I hadn't heard that. Wow, that's an unbelievably stupid idea. People are not going to pay $5.99 a month just for a few episodes of this show.

That is a TERRIBLE business idea, especially since Trek fans are wary as it is because of Enterprise and Voyager.

Not to mention that no small number of them feel outright slapped in the face with a glove over the Abrams Movies.

2016-05-19, 08:56 AM
It looks like the end credits of the reboot movies, and that doesn't win it any points in my book. But aside from that, I just feel that Star Trek is an exhausted resource. I fail to see where they're going to get new ideas from a setting that's been explored for the past 50-some years. We've done the Klingons, we've done the Romulans, we've done the Vulcans. What new things are they advertising? They can't re-tread the old story lines while saying everything is "new," and they can't go too crazy without losing the Star Trek "identity." It looks like a creative dead end.

2016-05-19, 09:07 AM
Do a show about a crew of all aliens or all aliens and 1 None Star Fleet human who's NOT the captain. Hell, have a Klingon meeting a human who's perfectly willing to brawl with him and trained fairly extensively in the use of earth martial arts and melee weapons could be VERY interesting to watch.

Do a show about checking out that 4th Quadrant. We've done stuff in the Alpha, Delta and Gamma quadrants, but you've still got a whole one untouched. Hell, you could throw a whole ship out there, leave them stranded, but instead of doing all the BS with the concept Voyager lived off of, have the show actually BE about having to scavenge for resources and form allies and what not for the first couple of seasons, and over that time evolve into being about the founding of a new and arguably better federation. For that matter, have the group get really powerful over the course of the series and then when they re-establish contact in the Alpha Quadrant have someone at Star Fleet command do the Insufferable Pompus Ego-manical thing that Star Fleet has always done about the situation, and piss off the New federation so that they opt for NOT wanting to deal with them by joining them. Hell, take it a step further and have them be so at odds that the last seasons villain IS the old guard federation, with what's left of the original crew caught in the middle between the home they want to go back to, and all these friends and allies they've fought and works beside and back to back with for years.

Do a show about a hundred or more years ahead in the timeline form the end of the Next Gen movie series and the DS9 and Voyager Era, were they've explored there Galaxy and now there breaking off into exploring other galaxies.

That is all just off the top of my head for stuff that requires fairly minimal canon from previous franchise actors doing things. No, I don't think there out of ideas.

Scowling Dragon
2016-05-19, 09:09 AM
On top of that If its a series done in the "New Star Treck" way. AKA: In Name Only, they might as well not bother.

Bulldog Psion
2016-05-19, 09:17 AM
They might at least have shown a ship or two. The background scenery, with no spaceships, people, or aliens, followed by a logo, is kind of a weird approach, IMO.

2016-05-19, 09:31 AM
That is all just off the top of my head for stuff that requires fairly minimal canon from previous franchise actors doing things. No, I don't think there out of ideas.

These are all fine ideas I'd love to see explored, but realistically speaking, CBS is not going to take those risks. It's crossing into the territory I mentioned of being different enough to "not really be Star Trek," and at that point, they should just create a new IP. Maybe I'm just being cynical, but I don't see them trying anything too new. At least, not in the first season. And since this show is likely going to be very expensive, it needs to reach as many people as possible to profit enough to even consider a second season.

Hunter Noventa
2016-05-19, 09:49 AM
Do a show about checking out that 4th Quadrant. We've done stuff in the Alpha, Delta and Gamma quadrants, but you've still got a whole one untouched.

I think official maps have the Federation straddling the Alpha and Beta quadrants, with the Romulans being firmly in the beta quadrant, but that's probably been retconned.

Nobody is going to watch this thing because it's on CBS' stupid streaming service. I certainly won't be paying for it for one show.

2016-05-19, 10:01 AM
I think official maps have the Federation straddling the Alpha and Beta quadrants, with the Romulans being firmly in the beta quadrant, but that's probably been retconned.

Nobody is going to watch this thing because it's on CBS' stupid streaming service. I certainly won't be paying for it for one show.

Pretty much. The only thing that will happen is the season will run, then when it's over they'll buy a month of the show to watch the whole season and be done with it.

And I've never gotten that impression. In fact in DS9 I recall the Romulans being explicitly called out as an Alpha Quadrant Power.

As for not Star Trek, I don't see why it would be any less Star Trek then the last 3 shows on any of those ideas. There just a fresh angle on it.

Unless not Star Trek means not Gen's Gospal of how everything should be. In which case I can only say that this is better cause I've seen that Gospal and have no desire to watch the first two seasons of Next Gen as a whole series.

Seriously, Archeology and History are considered major academic persutes, and besides, tell me that Italian Rapier or German Long Sword or Scottish Basket Hilted Broad Sword with Targe and Dirk wouldn't be a cool thing to have sparring with a Bathlet.

Legato Endless
2016-05-19, 11:04 AM
What new things are they advertising? They can't re-tread the old story lines while saying everything is "new," and they can't go too crazy without losing the Star Trek "identity." It looks like a creative dead end.

Honestly the first thing is simply advance the bloody setting. Get it more in keeping with the times, so it can accurately extrapolate moral and technological issues for the future as we better see it now, then as was originally conceived a half century ago. Star Trek should be serving us rehashes of science fiction stories from the last decade no one is reading, not rehashes of stories we have already heard in mainstream media. Then change the dramatic structure to better accommodate current viewing, the way Next Gen significantly altered itself to be a more talky cerebral ensemble compared to the action cowboy trinity of TOS.

Fix those two things, get a solid cast, and you'll at least get a sci fi audience back, although the traditionalists will tar and feather you and you've no guarantee of being a smash hit.

These are all fine ideas I'd love to see explored, but realistically speaking, CBS is not going to take those risks. It's crossing into the territory I mentioned of being different enough to "not really be Star Trek," and at that point, they should just create a new IP. Maybe I'm just being cynical, but I don't see them trying anything too new. At least, not in the first season. And since this show is likely going to be very expensive, it needs to reach as many people as possible to profit enough to even consider a second season.

Yeah, we've gotten to the point where it seems Trek can't change, so it needs to die and let something else fulfill its ostensible goals. Maybe it really was a 20th century phenomena, and you need a new IP to fulfill the original goals from a new direction.

3) It's going to premier on CBS, but air on the CBS streaming network. It's going to be weekly, not binged, so people can't do the whole "subscribe for a month, watch everything, cancel".

Binge Star Trek? :smallyuk: I can't do more than a few episodes at a time.

2016-05-19, 12:49 PM
And I've never gotten that impression. In fact in DS9 I recall the Romulans being explicitly called out as an Alpha Quadrant Power.

Nope, both the Romulans and Klingons are in the Beta Quadrant. It's just that saying "Alpha and Beta Quadrant Powers" is a mouthful, so they use "Alpha Quadrant Powers" for shorthand.

Same with Voyager, how everyone kept saying, "We have to get back home, to the Alpha Quadrant." But the Sol system is right on the border of Alpha and Beta. But saying, "We have to get back home, to the Alpha and Beta Quadrants" is a mouthful.

So the Beta Quadrant is not unexplored. It and the Alpha together are 'home.'

2016-05-19, 01:49 PM
Honestly the first thing is simply advance the bloody setting. Get it more in keeping with the times, so it can accurately extrapolate moral and technological issues for the future as we better see it now, then as was originally conceived a half century ago. Star Trek should be serving us rehashes of science fiction stories from the last decade no one is reading, not rehashes of stories we have already heard in mainstream media. Then change the dramatic structure to better accommodate current viewing, the way Next Gen significantly altered itself to be a more talky cerebral ensemble compared to the action cowboy trinity of TOS.

Fix those two things, get a solid cast, and you'll at least get a sci fi audience back, although the traditionalists will tar and feather you and you've no guarantee of being a smash hit.

Yeah, we've gotten to the point where it seems Trek can't change, so it needs to die and let something else fulfill its ostensible goals. Maybe it really was a 20th century phenomena, and you need a new IP to fulfill the original goals from a new direction.

I think it really depends on when they set it. The future, like you suggested, could be great. New frontiers, and all that. But that would be a risk, in an environment where risk-taking is almost taboo. My biggest fear is that they'll get stuck in the reboot timeline in the TOS era, and just keep rehashing old storylines, thus leading to the creative dead end.

I'm going to wait until more details surface before continuing my doom-and-gloom train, though. Right now all we have is a title, logo, and an animation that looks similar to the end credits of the reboot movies, so the possibilities could still be endless. I'd love to be proven wrong.

Binge Star Trek? :smallyuk: I can't do more than a few episodes at a time.

Me too. As much as I enjoy some good Star Trek, I can only handle so much in one sitting.

2016-05-19, 02:32 PM
Isn't there something called Aurora Trek on You tube?

Its basically dealing with regular folk and not the federation as I recall the lead lost her family after the Romulans attacked them for no reason she was left deeply disturbed by the incident so couldn't join Starfleet.

She has a Vulcan co-pilot and are using an ancient small starship with reinforced armour so they can take advantage of an area of space modern ships can't use their deflectors inside.

A friendly rival unaware of this almost gets themselves killed and nearly takes them with them but it actually sends her into a parallel earth where her family wasn't attacked and she uses the opportunity to meet her long lost family one more time before the instability forces them to beam her back into her own parallel where her Vulcan co-pilot notes she was missing for about the same length of time making her realise she hadn't imagined it.

There's a sequel last time I checked involving the Mudd character from the series and an illegal compound that causes Vulcans to change gender when used you'll have to check for yourselves if you want more information on that!:smallredface:

Anyway why not do a series set around a Firefly-like set up?
Occasionally have the Federation appear maybe a ship only or a routine check by customs officers kind of thing make it more character based but you'll have to decide whether to keep the transporters or have shuttles since you never know what's going to happen in that kind of series!

2016-05-19, 02:35 PM
Binge? When it's good trek, I can watch a dozen episodes in a row. I really like it.

However, when it's garbage, I just skip it entirely. I can only watch certain episodes of Voyager and Enterprise before I get ill.

As for this series, I might watch the premier on CBS, but I absolutely will NOT pay to get their proprietary streaming service to watch the rest, even if the first episode is brilliant. Sorry, but no. That's just a giant slap in the face, more so than JJ Abrams (Mr. I don't like Star Trek)'s New Trek.

2016-05-19, 06:11 PM
It looks like the end credits of the reboot movies, and that doesn't win it any points in my book. But aside from that, I just feel that Star Trek is an exhausted resource. I fail to see where they're going to get new ideas from a setting that's been explored for the past 50-some years. We've done the Klingons, we've done the Romulans, we've done the Vulcans. What new things are they advertising? They can't re-tread the old story lines while saying everything is "new," and they can't go too crazy without losing the Star Trek "identity." It looks like a creative dead end.

They haven't done anything in-depth the Romulans at all, with the exception of the dumpster fire that was Nemesis. They've been at best peripherally involved in most shows/movies, with occasional episodes focusing on them but little more than minor plots/skirmishes. TNG had a few Romulan episodes but nothing particularly in-depth, in DS9 they were little more than a prop to allow the Federation to win the war, their entry in the war was a lot more about showcasing Garak's badassery than anything to do with the Romulans.

Romulans have been just a shadowy OMG CANNOT CROSS THE NEUTRAL ZONE for the bulk of the series.

But even beyond that, it would not be a big stretch to introduce a pathway to ANOTHER galaxy if they wanted to do that. Multiple episodes have featured species from other galaxies, it wouldn't be a big stretch to see Q decide his latest prank would be to establish a stable gateway to the next galaxy.

2016-05-19, 09:11 PM
3) It's going to premier on CBS, but air on the CBS streaming network. It's going to be weekly, not binged, so people can't do the whole "subscribe for a month, watch everything, cancel".

Wait ... does this mean that it's not going to be aired outside the US?


2016-05-19, 09:22 PM
Firstly: as much as i love Trek, im not paying for CBS's stupid streaming service. I already have Netflix and thats all im paying for :smallmad:

Secondly: Multiple crews? Seriously? Every season is gonna be a new group? Please let that not be true. It took me like half a season or more to adjust to each crew's quirks and i do not want to do that every season.

Thirdly: That was a banner ad not a trailer, i was shown nothing.

As for useful things, i would love to see what happened to the Romulans Post Dominion war. I mean we kinda saw it in Nemesis, but thats still very vague

Legato Endless
2016-05-19, 09:44 PM
Wait ... does this mean that it's not going to be aired outside the US?


No, it's the only the US that gets that...convenience.

CBS International will be airing the show through multiple platforms everywhere else.

2016-05-19, 09:58 PM
Trailer that shows nothing at all. Show behind a streaming paywall. From a network that isn't renewing the only two shows I watched on them last year. Forget this.

2016-05-19, 10:09 PM
Firstly: as much as i love Trek, im not paying for CBS's stupid streaming service. I already have Netflix and thats all im paying for :smallmad:

Secondly: Multiple crews? Seriously? Every season is gonna be a new group? Please let that not be true. It took me like half a season or more to adjust to each crew's quirks and i do not want to do that every season.

Thirdly: That was a banner ad not a trailer, i was shown nothing.

As for useful things, i would love to see what happened to the Romulans Post Dominion war. I mean we kinda saw it in Nemesis, but thats still very vague

The trailer shows that they are actually serious about making the show. Up until now there have been several points at which a new Trek show was in the works, but this is the first time it's actually been advertised since Enterprise.

So it shows they are serious about making the show, if nothing else.

Nothing about the different crews each season is anything more than rumors, which have said that they trying to do American Horror Story style. Which I am EXTREMELY skeptical about, because American Horror Story works because they are basically completely different stories. Having the same cast do different characters from different points in the same timeline would just not work.

2016-05-19, 10:12 PM
1) Bryan Fuller is running it (Pushing Daisies, Dead Like Me, American Gods). He was a writer on both DS9 and Voyager.

See also Hannibal and Wonderfalls. This right here is the reason I'm interested. Pushing Daisies is one of my favorite tv shows ever, and I love everything he does (CRAZY excited for his American Gods).

If they do follow the one-season-story formula (which is working pretty well for American Horror Story and True Detective, though opinions are split on the second season there), then they would do well to make it a solid through story, rather than episodic, the way Star Trek usually ends up.

Personally I'd rather Fuller do another Pushing Daisies style show, but I'll give anything he does a chance.

The Glyphstone
2016-05-19, 10:12 PM
The trailer shows that they are actually serious about making the show. Up until now there have been several points at which a new Trek show was in the works, but this is the first time it's actually been advertised since Enterprise.

So it shows they are serious about making the show, if nothing else.

Nothing about the different crews each season is anything more than rumors, which have said that they trying to do American Horror Story style. Which I am EXTREMELY skeptical about, because American Horror Story works because they are basically completely different stories. Having the same cast do different characters from different points in the same timeline would just not work.

Well, the ad does say 'new crews'. Hopefully they don't do is AHS style though, with the same set of actors, cause that would be awful.

2016-05-19, 11:55 PM
See also Hannibal and Wonderfalls. This right here is the reason I'm interested. Pushing Daisies is one of my favorite tv shows ever, and I love everything he does (CRAZY excited for his American Gods).

If they do follow the one-season-story formula (which is working pretty well for American Horror Story and True Detective, though opinions are split on the second season there), then they would do well to make it a solid through story, rather than episodic, the way Star Trek usually ends up.

Personally I'd rather Fuller do another Pushing Daisies style show, but I'll give anything he does a chance.

Wonderfalls is one of my favorite shows of all time. I love his stuff, although he has a penchant for getting his stuff canceled.

I'd bet more True Detective (different actors, different storylines) than AHS. The benefit of a different series of characters every season is that the smaller time commitment means they can get actors who'd be willing to jump on for a short season, but weren't willing to commit to 7 years, 26 episodes a year. Depending on the amount of money that CBS is willing to throw at it, they can get big name stars.

2016-05-20, 01:16 AM
No, it's the only the US that gets that...convenience.

CBS International will be airing the show through multiple platforms everywhere else.

Okay, that's a relief. Thanks!

2016-05-20, 04:01 AM
If CBS International will be covering it, I guess I should try and work out how to use my VPN to get it. I remember having difficulty when I tried to stream ITV that way, hopefully CBS International will be more like Iplayer and I'll be able to just grab the episodes that way.

Ridiculous that such should be necessary, especially for a risky-ass franchise like Star Trek.

I'm in favor of the different crews thing. A more settled cast might encourage them to delve into epic story-telling, and I don't see the show getting enough support from the network to enable that. I'd much rather they start with more episodic stuff while they get a handle on writing the franchise again, and then they can finish up the season with a short arc on the order of Best of Both Worlds. It also encourages killing off primary cast members, which might help avert Ensign Ricky Syndrome. Not that I want it to be Game of Thrones style "anyone can die", you understand, but having the possibility there would make the show rather more enjoyable.

2016-05-20, 04:18 PM
I'll believe the "each season is stand-alone" thing when I see it. That idea hardly ever seems to survive past conception once actors become popular.

Remember how Heroes was supposed to have a different cast each season?

Legato Endless
2016-05-20, 06:50 PM
Color me more skeptical, but I doubt the new crews tag meant anything other than what we have already seen. New protagonists with the occasional cameo from other crews filling out the background cast.

2016-05-20, 07:47 PM
Help, my childhood's been ruined. :smalltongue:

Darth Ultron
2016-05-22, 08:33 PM
1) Bryan Fuller is running it (Pushing Daisies, Dead Like Me, American Gods). He was a writer on both DS9 and Voyager.

On the bit of the bright side, Fuller has done OK Star Trek episodes in the past. Relativity, the Voyager time travel one, is even a favorite of mine. And he looks to be the type that not only reads the Trek lore, but adds to it.

I'd be fine with a nice season of ''boldly going where no one has before'' classic trek like episodes, set in any time.

And I'd love a season of ''filling in the blanks'' where they show us all sorts of stuff we have missed, kind of what Enterprise finally started to do in season 4.

And I'd be find with follow up stories from any of the several hundred unfinished plot-lines.

I could even get behind a serial plot....Earth has been bombed with radiation and the USS Starblazer must make it to Iskandel for a cure and back in just one year(season)....

2016-05-23, 02:05 AM
I could even get behind a serial plot....Earth has been bombed with radiation and the USS Starblazer must make it to Iskandel for a cure and back in just one year(season)....

They already made that, and it was called "Crusade". Canceled after less than one season. :(

2016-05-23, 11:10 PM
I read somewhere that it was going to be on the internet streaming service AND broadcast on TV.
This is not the case, then?
Well...that certainly sucks.
First they go around suing everyone they can to get complete control over all of Trek, and then they won't even broadcast the show they were trying to protect by it.

Oh, well, I'm sure that someone will bootleg it soon enough and put it on YouTube.

As for the show itself, I can't tell one single thing from this lame trailer, so I can't form any opinion.

Personally, I would love to see a show featuring the "one big happy fleet" Khan mentioned, which would give us a new story and new ship every week. Every so often, storylines would intersect and ships and crews would meet each other.

Remember that big scene in DS9 where dozens of Federation Starships all gathered together in one spot to launch an attack on the Cardassians? Wouldn't it be cool to have a big season-ender episode with a similar scene, but this time we know all of those ships and their crews?

2016-05-24, 02:11 PM
I read somewhere that it was going to be on the internet streaming service AND broadcast on TV.
This is not the case, then?
Well...that certainly sucks.
First they go around suing everyone they can to get complete control over all of Trek, and then they won't even broadcast the show they were trying to protect by it.

First episode will be broadcast on CBS. Subsequent episodes will be broadcast on their streaming service.

2016-05-24, 02:12 PM
Just a reminder for people who don't follow the news religiously:

3) It's going to premier on CBS, but air on the CBS streaming network. It's going to be weekly, not binged, so people can't do the whole "subscribe for a month, watch everything, cancel".

4) Because of the previous, I hope to goodness that it's bundled up with my cable subscription like HBO Go is bundled to my HBO subscription, because I'm already paying CBS monthly.

Nope. HBO does that because you are already paying for HBO specifically (and probably about $14/month) with your cable. IE: You pay for HBO (regardless of how you access it). However, the "free" broadcast channels you get through cable are different. When you get CBS through your cable you are getting the same free live feed (and paying a nominal fee) for it that you would get if you just had an antenna. So you can watch their "live broadcast shows" online with your cable account, but it is NOT the same thing as their ALL Access membership that you'll have to pay for.

I read somewhere that it was going to be on the internet streaming service AND broadcast on TV.
This is not the case, then?
Well...that certainly sucks.
First they go around suing everyone they can to get complete control over all of Trek, and then they won't even broadcast the show they were trying to protect by it.

Nope. Joran summed it up correctly. The pilot airs live, everything else is streaming only (in the US). So it will cost you $6/month to get it, and they are putting a delay on putting everything up to avoid binging.

And yes, it is very annoying that it will be airing on TV in other countries.

2016-05-24, 02:23 PM
Nope. HBO does that because you are already paying for HBO specifically (and probably about $14/month) with your cable. IE: You pay for HBO (regardless of how you access it). However, the "free" broadcast channels you get through cable are different. When you get CBS through your cable you are getting the same free live feed (and paying a nominal fee) for it that you would get if you just had an antenna. So you can watch their "live broadcast shows" online with your cable account, but it is NOT the same thing as their ALL Access membership that you'll have to pay for.

I believe that cable companies pay the broadcast companies for the rights to stream the local station; it may be a nominal fee, but part of the deal is that my cable company also pays for subsidiary cable companies. However, looking at the roster of CBS cable companies, there's not a lot there.

I do get some special privileges for being a paying customer of the broadcast companies. ABC streams some of their shows, but imposes a week delay to watch full episodes. If I enter in my login information, I get immediate access. I hope this continues, but as you mention, I doubt it.

2016-05-24, 02:47 PM
Nope. Joran summed it up correctly. The pilot airs live, everything else is streaming only (in the US). So it will cost you $6/month to get it, and they are putting a delay on putting everything up to avoid binging.

And yes, it is very annoying that it will be airing on TV in other countries.

Seems like a poor gamble. Make people in the US pay and everyone else gets it free on TV CBS. Seems like you would want to make it streaming only EVERYWHERE (like Netflix) and make everyone pay. You're just going to have the US people pirate it anyways. At least if you were charging EVERYONE for it, you'd stand to make some money on it, like say HBO does.

2016-05-24, 05:26 PM
Seems like a poor gamble. Make people in the US pay and everyone else gets it free on TV CBS. Seems like you would want to make it streaming only EVERYWHERE (like Netflix) and make everyone pay. You're just going to have the US people pirate it anyways. At least if you were charging EVERYONE for it, you'd stand to make some money on it, like say HBO does.

It's just shameless money grubbing coupled with an absolutely shocking lack of common sense.

Even forgetting about the fans that are going to be mad about it, from a purely logical perspective why the hell would somebody pay $6 per month for ONE CHANNEL of shows when they can pay $7.99 for Hulu Plus or $8.25 for Amazon Prime and get almost everything?

Hell, you could just bank that money and buy the complete first season set of DVDs for less than that.

2016-05-24, 06:33 PM
It's just shameless money grubbing coupled with an absolutely shocking lack of common sense.

Even forgetting about the fans that are going to be mad about it, from a purely logical perspective why the hell would somebody pay $6 per month for ONE CHANNEL of shows when they can pay $7.99 for Hulu Plus or $8.25 for Amazon Prime and get almost everything?

Hell, you could just bank that money and buy the complete first season set of DVDs for less than that.

I think they saw how well HBO Now did and got greedy.

The two things they didn't take into account in their cunning plan:

1) CBS is not HBO.

2) CBS is not HBO.

Now I realize that's technically only one reason, but it's such a big one I felt it was worth mentioning twice.

2016-05-24, 06:49 PM
I think they saw how well HBO Now did and got greedy.

The two things they didn't take into account in their cunning plan:

1) CBS is not HBO.

2) CBS is not HBO.

Now I realize that's technically only one reason, but it's such a big one I felt it was worth mentioning twice.

I mean at the end of the day it all comes down to content.

Neftlix, Hulu, HBO, Amazon Prime all have a very broad amount of content of all types available. CBS All Access ONLY has CBS shows (and some older non-CBS shows but not that many). It is simply not worth it.

If it were $1.99 or MAYBE $2.99 I'd consider it. But $5.99? That's WAY too much for the limited content available, especially considering the relative prices of Netflix and Hulu.

2016-05-25, 07:39 AM
I think they saw how well HBO Now did and got greedy.

The two things they didn't take into account in their cunning plan:

1) CBS is not HBO.

2) CBS is not HBO.

Now I realize that's technically only one reason, but it's such a big one I felt it was worth mentioning twice.

Agreed, and they are letting shows go that would/could be tied with it. Supergirl? Constantine, no that was NBC but it could have found a home there. (wishful thinking on my part.)

And as mentioned, 6.99 for a miniscule selection of shows?

(Respect for the boys from the dwarf!)

2016-05-27, 05:52 AM
Its even worse when you realize that the bulk of Trek fans are from America, so they are ostracizing the bulk of their viewers by doing this.

Legato Endless
2016-05-27, 02:22 PM
Seems like a poor gamble. Make people in the US pay and everyone else gets it free on TV CBS. Seems like you would want to make it streaming only EVERYWHERE (like Netflix) and make everyone pay. You're just going to have the US people pirate it anyways. At least if you were charging EVERYONE for it, you'd stand to make some money on it, like say HBO does.

Its even worse when you realize that the bulk of Trek fans are from America, so they are ostracizing the bulk of their viewers by doing this.

That is why they're doing this. There aren't enough fans outside the States to justify it, but it could turn a profit if they got a substantial minority of the aging fandom into it. The model has a kind of logic to it, its just entirely divorced from the reality of what its target demographic will actually do.

2016-05-27, 04:53 PM
There is a huge chunk of time from the end of the TOS movie era to the beginning of TNG. A show set in that time period would get to show the growing pains, as the federation evolves from a 'shoot from the hip' western show, to the more cultured and advanced days of Captain Picard.

New stories, new faces, a sprinkling of old ones.

If it's done well, it could do wonders for CBS and scifi fans...

They already screwed up though. Making me pay for one show per week. I'll still watch the premier though. Did it for Enterprise, don't think they can do worse now.