View Full Version : Increasing attack bonus for a caster

2016-05-21, 08:24 PM
Right now Im making a build that is Fighter 1/Wizard 5/Incantatrix 10/Abjurant Champion 5. My base attack bonus is +13 and have a +1 epic modifier. The dexterity I currently have is 31 and im specializing on orbs. Is there any way in which I can increase my attack bonus at this point? With this I mean no feats. Spells/Items allowed. All 3.5 including non core is allowed (although cant be 3rd person party books like kingdoms of kalamar).

2016-05-21, 08:37 PM
Item of continuous divine power? 224,000 is the price I came up with, but that is not that big of a deal for an epic character.

2016-05-21, 08:52 PM
Isn't there a weapon enhancement that gives you 3/4 BAB with the weapon? Not sure how that interacts with epic (never played any epic myself).

2016-05-21, 10:23 PM
Heroics (spell) can get you a fighter feat. Point Blank Shot or Weapon Focus can help a little.

2016-05-22, 12:03 AM
Use one of the ways to get an off-list spell onto your list (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=2777), and persist divine power to get yourself a +20 BAB.

2016-05-22, 03:30 PM
Isn't there a weapon enhancement that gives you 3/4 BAB with the weapon? Not sure how that interacts with epic (never played any epic myself).

Skillful. It's in Complete Arcane, +2 enhancement. Not sure what would happen with epic... said BAB = 3/4th level, so... maybe epic levels count? However, at epic levels, attack rolls may not be relevant any more.

2016-05-22, 05:43 PM
I know flappeer said "no feats," but in a related note would it be broken to rewrite Weapon Focus so as to increase base attack bonus by +1? There'd still be a limit of four iterative attacks at +16, but at least it could help a ¾ BaB base class/¾ prestige class finish off 20th-level at +15 instead of +14. :smallconfused:

If 3.0 is allowed the Arms and Equipment Guide has an Ioun dagger that holds a single Ioun stone, activating the power when the weapon's drawn (instead of having it floating around your head). So, at the very least, it'd be a way to utilize the pale green prism (and it should take little effort to reverse engineer it into a different type of weapon).

2016-05-22, 06:21 PM
Increasing BAB by 1 makes s pretty huge difference for anyone that doesn't have a full progression. It essentially turns 3/4 into full and 1/2 into 3/4, since the extra attacks are what really matter about the BAB.

2016-05-22, 06:42 PM
Increasing BAB by 1 makes s pretty huge difference for anyone that doesn't have a full progression. It essentially turns 3/4 into full and 1/2 into 3/4, since the extra attacks are what really matter about the BAB.
Still only works if you're just that level off. I don't see a lot of casters taking it, even gishes, because it's just a +1, compared to getting divine power or another natural attack. However, Weapon Focus would be useless for fighters, because it'd just get them their iterative a level early. I'd sooner change it to allow an iterative per 4 base attack with your weapon of choice (similar to 3.0 Flurry of Blows), or a +5 to hit on your second attack in a full attack (like Weapon Supremacy).

2016-05-22, 07:46 PM
Keeping them that one level off makes a difference though. An extra attack can put certain classes that already had ridiculously high damage even further. Also "just use divine power" isn't a valid response since that already was a thing.