View Full Version : Alternative character sheet, debugged and in French?

2016-05-23, 07:21 AM
I love the alternative character sheet, where saving throws and skills are sorted by ability. IMNSHO, it is a whole lot more readable than a single dense alphabetical list of skills, and easier to fill too.

Except for the bug. That annoying bug that links together the bonuses for History and Insight, as well as the proficiencies in Investigation and Medicine. Can't modify one without modifying the other too. And WotC still hasn't done anything about it.

Thankfully, someone killed that bug:

That could have been the end of my problems. However, we are a group of French and French-speaking Swiss. And it looks like translated materials will be the norm at our table.

Well, I found the character sheet in French:

But the bug is still here. :smallannoyed:

Does anyone know where I can find the best of both worlds?

2016-05-23, 10:17 AM
Well, I got what I wanted:

2016-05-23, 10:15 PM
Personnally, i like the standard ones, the skills and saves sorted by alphabetical order is better for new players, IMHO. And the French version made by Aidedd.org (http://www.aidedd.org/adj/feuilles-perso/) is very good.