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View Full Version : Some questions about summoned and conjured creatures, and possible requests

2016-05-23, 07:57 PM
1) It is possible to ask a creature summoned through Summon Monster to perform different duties than fighting - expecially if the spell is Prolonged or Persistent ( like making the creature demolish a building, dig a tunnel or other stuff ) ?

2) It is possible to ask a creature summoned through Summon Monster to perform actions that are aberrant for that creature ( ask a summoned Couatl to slaughter innocent people, as a demon to bow and kiss the boots of a lawful creature ecc. ) ?

3) It is possible, through Portal, to force a demon to fight for a good aligned spellcaster or to force a celestian to fight for an evil spellcaster ( for 1 round / level if I remember well ) ?

2016-05-23, 08:11 PM
As far as the alignment question that depends if you are Divine spell caster because they are God's kind of care about the type of spells you are using so much so that you're not actually able to even summon those type of creatures unless you're neutral if you're an Arcane spell Caster it doesn't matter at all do what you want unless of course you have a unfun DM that tries to rule Arcane spell casters are somehow affected by evil and good alignments

2016-05-23, 09:19 PM
My answers are for 3.5; I'm not sure if you're playing Pathfinder.

1) It is possible to ask a creature summoned through Summon Monster to perform different duties than fighting - expecially if the spell is Prolonged or Persistent ( like making the creature demolish a building, dig a tunnel or other stuff ) ?Yes. "If you can communicate with the creature, you can direct it not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions."

Note that you can't Persist Summon Monster/Nature's Ally/Undead, though - they don't have a fixed range.

2) It is possible to ask a creature summoned through Summon Monster to perform actions that are aberrant for that creature ( ask a summoned Couatl to slaughter innocent people, as a demon to bow and kiss the boots of a lawful creature ecc. ) ? "Creatures you conjure usually, but not always, obey your commands." (PHB p. 172) Your DM is likely within his rights to have such a Summoned creature refuse you.

3) It is possible, through Portal, to force a demon to fight for a good aligned spellcaster or to force a celestian to fight for an evil spellcaster ( for 1 round / level if I remember well ) ?Not sure what you mean by "Portal". The various Calling-type spells do an okay job laying out the conditions that apply.

2016-05-23, 09:32 PM
Not sure what you mean by "Portal". The various Calling-type spells do an okay job laying out the conditions that apply.My guess is Gate. Its probably caused by translation differences which can easily occur when translating from English to another language, and then back to English as a third party.

2016-05-24, 02:42 AM
3) It is possible, through Portal, to force a demon to fight for a good aligned spellcaster or to force a celestian to fight for an evil spellcaster ( for 1 round / level if I remember well ) ?

this is what the Malconvoker Prc is for


Mr Adventurer
2016-05-24, 02:47 AM
I once used Summon Monster for 1d4+1 Lantern Archons so they could Aid Another my Knowledge (the planes) check to know the name of a particular Hollyphant that would relish the task I wanted completed, then used Planar Binding on that Hollyphant. Good times. He's still leading that primitive civilisation of tribal humans and intelligent ape-men.