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View Full Version : D&D 3.x Class [PEACH] Psionic Base Class: The Pugnator

2016-05-24, 09:20 AM
Creators note - parts of the telekinesis was lifted from the Prime Mover from Kellus' Gramarie subsystem (which is awesome, BTW). Partially inspired by Jedi knights. This psionic base class is designed to be a solid tier 2 class that is ready to fight all day. The number of potential build combinations for this class is staggering.

The Pugnator

The Pugnators. Warriors. Telekinetics. Oracles. Psionic specialists and infiltrators.

Long ago man was subject to the rule of forgotten race now remembered as the Inhuman Elders. The inhuman elders held man in the grip of slavery, the minds of men shackled by magical bonds that were unrelenting. In this environment rose the Pugnators. Not much is known of this time but what is known is that the way of the Pugnator was formed at this time, and a revolt against the inhuman elders occurring over some several decades was ultimately successful. It was not the physical or combat effectiveness of the psionics of the Pugnators that brought victory, but the ability of powerful Pugnators to meditate on matters of knowledge, and have the universe provide the answer (the Meditant ability at 10th level). In this manner the Pugnators were able to discern the weaknesses of the inhuman elders, and destroy them completely.

Since those days the way of the Pugnator has spread beyond humans to other races. Although relatively rare compared to other classes, Pugnators are known to be involved in all kinds of adventures, conflicts, and even dispensing knowledge and advice.

In more modern days Pugnators are found in various roles, depending on their specific abilities.

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special Telekinesis
1st +1 +0 +0 +2 + 1 Psionics
2nd +2 +0 +0 +3 Bonus Feat Meditant, telekinesis (minor)
3rd +3 +1 +1 +3 + 1 Psionics
4th +4 +1 +1 +4 Bonus Feat telekinesis (levitate)
5th +5 +1 +1 +4 + 1 Psionics Psionic Specialization Breakthrough
6th +6/+1 +2 +2 +5 Bonus Feat Telekinesis (force)
7th +7/+2 +2 +2 +5 + 1 Psionics
8th +8/+3 +2 +2 +6 Bonus Feat telekinesis (thrust)
9th +9/+4 +3 +3 +6 + 1 Psionics
10th +10/+5 +3 +3 +7 Bonus Feat, Initiate mediant, telekinesis (maneuver), Psionic Specialization Breakthrough
+ 1 Psionics
11th +11/+6/+1 +3 +3 +7 + 1 Psionics
12th +12/+7/+2 +4 +4 +8 Bonus Feat telekinesis (embiggened)
13th +13/+8/+3 +4 +4 +8 + 1 Psionics
14th +14/+9/+4 +4 +4 +9 Bonus Feat telekinesis (fabricate)
15th +15/+10/+5 +5 +5 +9 + 1 Psionics Psionic Specialization Breakthrough
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +5 +5 +10 Bonus Feat telekinesis (multitask)
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +10 + 1 Psionics
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +6 +6 +11 Bonus Feat Master meditant, telekinesis (swift)
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +6 +6 +11 + 1 Psionics
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +6 +6 +12 Bonus Feat telekinesis (simple)
+ 1 Psionics

Alignment: Any
Hit Die: 1d8

Class Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Bluff (Cha), Tumble (Dex), Diplomacy (Cha), Autohypnosis (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Heal (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Knowledge (Psionics) (Int), Psicraft (Int) and Use Psionic Device (Cha)
Skill Points at 1st Level: (6 + Int modifier) × 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Pugnators are is proficient with all simple and martial weapons. Pugnators are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

Psionics: As a practitioner of psionics, you have access to special psionic powers. Whenever you achieve +1 Psionics on the table, you unlock the knowledge of new powers. Choose the powers known from levels 1 and 2 of the Psychic Warrior powers list. You can manifest any power that has a power point cost equal to or lower than your manifester level. Your maximum power level is shown on the table: Psionics, and your manifester level for your powers is equal to your Pugnator level.

The number of times a Pugnator can manifest powers in a day is limited only by his daily power points.

A Pugnator simply knows his powers; they are ingrained in his mind. He does not need to prepare them (in the way that some spellcasters prepare their spells), though he must get a good night’s sleep each day to regain all his spent power points.

The Difficulty Class for saving throws against the Pugnator's powers is 10 + the power’s level + the Pugnator's Charisma modifier.

To learn or manifest a power, a Pugnator must have an Charisma score of at least 10 + the power’s level.

Prohibited Disciplines: except for the powers on the psychic warriors list levels 1 to 2, all powers from any disciplines are prohibited. Powers from prohibited disciplines may not even be manifested from power stones or dorjes, and may not be learned through psychic chiurgury or independent research (unless it is on the psychic warrior list levels 1 to 2, even if the power is from an otherwise prohibited discipline). Disciplines will be made available when a Psionic Specialization Breakthrough occurs.

Psionic Specialization Breakthrough: at levels 5, 10, and 15 you make a Psionic Specialization Breakthrough that removes a single discipline from your prohibited disciplines. You may learn powers from the discipline on the psion/wilder list that you chose for your psionic breakthrough, and may also learn powers from the psion discipline powers corresponding to the discipline chosen. For example when Magnar reaches 5th level he chooses a telepathy as his psionic breakthrough. Thereafter telepathy is no longer a prohibited disciplines and may learn powers from that discipline, use dorjes with telepathic powers, and so on. In addition he also gains the ability to learn powers from the Telepath (Telepathy) Discipline Powers psion disciplines list. Magnar is able to manifest any power that he knows from the psychic warrior list levels 1 to 2 even if the power is from an otherwise prohibited school.

With a total of three Psionic Specialization Breakthroughs that means access to three disciplines, and three prohibited disciplines.

Power Points/Day
A Pugnator's ability to manifest powers is limited by the power points he has available. His base daily allotment of power points is given on Table: Psionics. In addition, he receives bonus power points per day if he has a high Charisma score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Power Points). His race may also provide bonus power points per day, as may certain feats and items.

Bonus Feats
The Pugnator gains a number of bonus feats each even level. This feat must be a psionic feat (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm), a metapsionic feat (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#metapsionicFeats), a psionic item creation feat (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#psionicItemCreationFeats), or a fighter bonus feat (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#fighterBonusFeats). A Pugnator must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score and base attack bonus minimums.

These bonus feats are in addition to the feat that a character of any class gets from advancing levels. A Pugnator is not limited to the list of fighter or psionic bonus feats when choosing these feats.

Meditant (Ex): You think deeply about a lot of things. At 2nd level, you gain a bonus of 1/2 your class level on Concentration checks whenever you have psionic focus.

At 10th level, this ability improves. Whenever you have psionic focus, you can treat all Knowledge skills as trained, and substitute a Concentration check for any Knowledge check (albeit at a -10 penalty).

At 18th level, this ability improves. By expending your psionic focus when making a Knowledge or Concentration check, you can take 10 on the check even if stress or distraction would normally prevent you from doing so

Telekinesis (Su): Through sheer force of will, you can move things with your mind. You gain various innate powers, which are only available to you when you have psionic focus. Your caster or manifester level for these effects is always equal to your character level. If these abilities imitate powers, you cannot augment them. Except where otherwise specified, these abilities work like spell-like abilities or psi-like abilities.

At 2st level, you can use matter agitation (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/matterAgitation.htm) and mage hand (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/mageHand.htm) effects at will.
At 4th level, you can use a levitate (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/levitate.htm) effect at will. Your weight limit for this effect is 100 lb per rank in Concentration.
At 6th level, you can use a telekinetic force (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/telekineticForce.htm) effect at will. Your weight limit for this effect is 50 lb per rank in Concentration.
At 8th level, you can use a telekinetic thrust (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/telekineticThrust.htm) effect at will, and are under a touchsight (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/touchsight.htm) effect whenever you are psionically focused. Your weight limit for the thrust effect is 50 lb per rank in Concentration.
At 10th level, you can use a telekinetic maneuver (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/telekineticManeuver.htm) effect at will.
At 12th level, all of your telekinetic abilities are automatically Enlarged (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#enlargePower) without having to expend your psionic focus in order to activate this effect.
At 14th level, you can telekinetically shape things to your desire. You can use a fabricate (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/fabricate.htm) effect at will. If you lack the appropriate Craft skill, you can use the Concentration skill to imitate any Craft skill for this effect at a -10 penalty on the check.
At 16th level, you can maintain concentration on a number of simultaneous telekinetic abilities equal to your Charisma modifier as long as you have psionic focus.
At 18th level, you can activate any of your telekinetic abilities as a swift or move action instead of a standard action, if applicable.
At 20th level this class feature becomes an extraordinary (Ex) ability instead of a supernatural (Su) ability, and the granted telekinetic abilities become extraordinary (Ex) instead of spell-like or psi-like (Sp/Ps).

Psionics: Power Points/Day, Powers Known, and Maximum Power Level table

Level PP/Day Known Maximum

1st 2 3 1st
2nd 6 5 1st
3rd 11 7 2nd
4th 17 9 2nd
5th 25 11 3rd
6th 35 13 3rd
7th 46 15 4th
8th 58 17 4th
9th 72 19 5th
10th 88 21 5th
11th 106 22 6th
12th 126 24 6th
13th 147 25 7th
14th 170 27 7th
15th 195 28 8th
16th 221 30 8th
17th 250 31 9th
18th 280 33 9th
19th 311 34 9th
20th 343 36 9th

The Pugnator reaches up to 6th level psionic powers (12th level psionics on the table: Psionics) at 20th level, but the Pugnator table goes to 20th level for epic levels and prestige classes.

Psionic prestige classes: A Pugnator can take a psionic PrC and the PrC can advance Psionic levels (from the table: Psionics) and manifester levels. Most Pugnators only take full BAB PrCs that advance psionics, such as the Slayer (SRD), or the Ghost Breaker (Hyperconscious).

Red Fel
2016-05-24, 09:50 AM
Two thoughts on Master Meditant.

Before that, let's look at what it is: You can expend your focus to take 10 on a Knowledge or Concentration check, even under duress.

Let's set aside the Knowledge thing - it's a nice touch, neat, won't address it - and look at the Concentration aspect, because I'm a bit confused.

First, when expending your focus on a Concentration check normally, you actually take 15 (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/skills/concentration.htm#gainPsionicFocus). Does this replace that? Because I don't think that the usual rules of taking 10 apply to that roll, so there appears to be no advantage to the fact that you can now only take 10, but under stress.

Second, there's a feat in Races of Stone called Steady Concentration which does exactly this - allows you to take 10 on any Concentration check, even under duress. Wouldn't it be easier to just grant the feat?

Now, with respect to Meditant generally, I'm confused as to how these three features interact.
You gain 1/2 your Pugnator levels as a bonus on Concentration checks while focused.
You treat all Knowledge checks as trained, and may substitute Concentration -10 for Knowledge, while focused.
You may expend focus to take 10 on a Knowledge or Concentration check.
So, does the bonus to your Concentration checks apply when you use one in place of a Knowledge check? Do you still get that bonus if you expend focus, given that you are no longer focused, to the check on which you take 10? It's a bit confusing to me how they work together, is my point.

Perhaps a simpler fix would be:
At 2nd level, you gain a bonus of 1/2 your class level on Concentration checks whenever you have psionic focus. Also, whenever you are psionically focused, you may treat all Knowledge skills as trained, and substitute a Concentration check for a Knowledge check at a -10 penalty.
At 10th level, this ability improves. Whenever you have psionic focus, you may substitute a Concentration check for a Knowledge check at a -5 penalty.
At 18th level, this ability improves. You gain the Steady Concentration feat (Races of Stone). While psionically focused, you may substitute a Concentration check for any Knowledge check at no penalty. You may treat such Knowledge checks as Concentration checks for the purpose of the Steady Concentration feat.
Basically, this would streamline the entire thing. You may use Concentration checks in place of Knowledge checks from the start, with a decreasing penalty. At 18, we basically equate the two, and add the ability to take 10 on both at any time. We eliminate the "expend focus" bit, eliminate that confusion and the redundancy, replacing it with a binary - you may take 10 on Concentration checks at any time while focused, or expend focus to take 15. Either or.

Another concern is with respect to powers. You offer up to level 9 powers, but if memory serves, the Psychic Warrior list doesn't go up to level 9. PWars are a partial-casting class.

On a related point, because this appears to be a Concentration-based partial-casting class, have you considered cribbing a few notes from Tome of Battle's Diamond Mind discipline? Many of the maneuvers in that discipline are basically ways to substitute a Concentration check for an attack roll, or damage, or a saving throw - very in-line with what you're trying to do, I think.

2016-05-25, 12:35 AM
Perhaps a simpler fix would be:
At 2nd level, you gain a bonus of 1/2 your class level on Concentration checks whenever you have psionic focus. Also, whenever you are psionically focused, you may treat all Knowledge skills as trained, and substitute a Concentration check for a Knowledge check at a -10 penalty.
At 10th level, this ability improves. Whenever you have psionic focus, you may substitute a Concentration check for a Knowledge check at a -5 penalty.
At 18th level, this ability improves. You gain the Steady Concentration feat (Races of Stone). While psionically focused, you may substitute a Concentration check for any Knowledge check at no penalty. You may treat such Knowledge checks as Concentration checks for the purpose of the Steady Concentration feat.
Basically, this would streamline the entire thing. You may use Concentration checks in place of Knowledge checks from the start, with a decreasing penalty. At 18, we basically equate the two, and add the ability to take 10 on both at any time. We eliminate the "expend focus" bit, eliminate that confusion and the redundancy, replacing it with a binary - you may take 10 on Concentration checks at any time while focused, or expend focus to take 15. Either or.

Alright. I am going to take this advice. It does seem to simplify matters quite a bit.

Another concern is with respect to powers. You offer up to level 9 powers, but if memory serves, the Psychic Warrior list doesn't go up to level 9. PWars are a partial-casting class.

Yes, at 20th level the Pugnator has 20 manifester levels, and the equivalent of a 12 level Psion in terms of Power Points, Powers Known, etc. I am not considering making an 'Epic Pugnator" so I wanted to leave open a path for higher level powers for Pugnators pursuing epic levels. If the Pugnator at epic levels takes a class that grants full psionic progression then the Pugantor could get his first 9th level power at level 25. I think that is reasonable, if unlikely, to happen in most campaigns. Frankly the Pugnator is designed to be better than the Psychic Warrior, which is ranked at Tier 3. My goal is to have the Pugnator be a solid Tier 2 throughout the entire 20 levels.

On a related point, because this appears to be a Concentration-based partial-casting class, have you considered cribbing a few notes from Tome of Battle's Diamond Mind discipline? Many of the maneuvers in that discipline are basically ways to substitute a Concentration check for an attack roll, or damage, or a saving throw - very in-line with what you're trying to do, I think.

I don't know enough about the Tome of Battle, to be honest.

Let's set aside the Knowledge thing - it's a nice touch, neat, won't address it - and look at the Concentration aspect, because I'm a bit confused.

Yeah, about that - the way I see it the Pugnators are not particularly knowledgeable by themselves, which is why I only gave them Knowledge (Psionics). Instead of knowledge they gain insight through their mystical abilities. Also, I wanted to throw knowledge a bone since no doubt knowledge doesn't get much play in game when players have to 'waste' points on it.

What do you think of the Tier Ranking for this class, levels 1 to 20? Solid Tier 2?

2016-05-25, 01:05 AM
Revised Pugnator. Integrated your suggestions, and switched master meditant to 17th level.

The Pugnator

The Pugnators. Warriors. Telekinetics. Oracles. Psionic specialists and infiltrators.

Long ago man was subject to the rule of forgotten race now remembered as the Inhuman Elders. The inhuman elders held man in the grip of slavery, the minds of men shackled by magical bonds that were unrelenting. In this environment rose the Pugnators. Not much is known of this time but what is known is that the way of the Pugnator was formed at this time, and a revolt against the inhuman elders occurring over some several decades was ultimately successful. It was not the physical or combat effectiveness of the psionics of the Pugnators that brought victory, but the ability of powerful Pugnators to meditate on matters of knowledge, and have the universe provide the answer (the Meditant ability at 10th level). In this manner the Pugnators were able to discern the weaknesses of the inhuman elders, and destroy them completely.

Since those days the way of the Pugnator has spread beyond humans to other races. Although relatively rare compared to other classes, Pugnators are known to be involved in all kinds of adventures, conflicts, and even dispensing knowledge and advice.

In more modern days Pugnators are found in various roles, depending on their specific abilities.

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special Telekinesis
1st +1 +0 +0 +2 + 1 Psionics
2nd +2 +0 +0 +3 Bonus Feat Meditant, telekinesis (minor)
3rd +3 +1 +1 +3 + 1 Psionics
4th +4 +1 +1 +4 Bonus Feat telekinesis (levitate)
5th +5 +1 +1 +4 + 1 Psionics Psionic Specialization Breakthrough
6th +6/+1 +2 +2 +5 Bonus Feat Telekinesis (force)
7th +7/+2 +2 +2 +5 + 1 Psionics
8th +8/+3 +2 +2 +6 Bonus Feat telekinesis (thrust)
9th +9/+4 +3 +3 +6 + 1 Psionics
10th +10/+5 +3 +3 +7 Bonus Feat, Initiate mediant, telekinesis (maneuver), Psionic Specialization Breakthrough
+ 1 Psionics
11th +11/+6/+1 +3 +3 +7 + 1 Psionics
12th +12/+7/+2 +4 +4 +8 Bonus Feat telekinesis (embiggened)
13th +13/+8/+3 +4 +4 +8 + 1 Psionics
14th +14/+9/+4 +4 +4 +9 Bonus Feat telekinesis (fabricate)
15th +15/+10/+5 +5 +5 +9 + 1 Psionics Psionic Specialization Breakthrough
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +5 +5 +10 Bonus Feat telekinesis (multitask)
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +10 + 1 Psionics Master meditant
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +6 +6 +11 Bonus Feat telekinesis (swift)
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +6 +6 +11 + 1 Psionics
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +6 +6 +12 Bonus Feat telekinesis (simple)
+ 1 Psionics

Alignment: Any
Hit Die: 1d8

Class Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Bluff (Cha), Tumble (Dex), Diplomacy (Cha), Autohypnosis (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Heal (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Knowledge (Psionics) (Int), Psicraft (Int) and Use Psionic Device (Cha)
Skill Points at 1st Level: (6 + Int modifier) × 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Pugnators are is proficient with all simple and martial weapons. Pugnators are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

Psionics: As a practitioner of psionics, you have access to special psionic powers. Whenever you achieve +1 Psionics on the table, you unlock the knowledge of new powers. Choose the powers known from levels 1 and 2 of the Psychic Warrior powers list. You can manifest any power that has a power point cost equal to or lower than your manifester level. Your maximum power level is shown on the table: Psionics, and your manifester level for your powers is equal to your Pugnator level.

The number of times a Pugnator can manifest powers in a day is limited only by his daily power points.

A Pugnator simply knows his powers; they are ingrained in his mind. He does not need to prepare them (in the way that some spellcasters prepare their spells), though he must get a good night’s sleep each day to regain all his spent power points.

The Difficulty Class for saving throws against the Pugnator's powers is 10 + the power’s level + the Pugnator's Charisma modifier.

To learn or manifest a power, a Pugnator must have an Charisma score of at least 10 + the power’s level.

Prohibited Disciplines: except for the powers on the psychic warriors list levels 1 to 2, all powers from any disciplines are prohibited. Powers from prohibited disciplines may not even be manifested from power stones or dorjes, and may not be learned through psychic chiurgury or independent research (unless it is on the psychic warrior list levels 1 to 2, even if the power is from an otherwise prohibited discipline). Disciplines will be made available when a Psionic Specialization Breakthrough occurs.

Psionic Specialization Breakthrough: at levels 5, 10, and 15 you make a Psionic Specialization Breakthrough that removes a single discipline from your prohibited disciplines. You may learn powers from the discipline on the psion/wilder list that you chose for your psionic breakthrough, and may also learn powers from the psion discipline powers corresponding to the discipline chosen. For example when Magnar reaches 5th level he chooses a telepathy as his psionic breakthrough. Thereafter telepathy is no longer a prohibited disciplines and may learn powers from that discipline, use dorjes with telepathic powers, and so on. In addition he also gains the ability to learn powers from the Telepath (Telepathy) Discipline Powers psion disciplines list. Magnar is able to manifest any power that he knows from the psychic warrior list levels 1 to 2 even if the power is from an otherwise prohibited school.

With a total of three Psionic Specialization Breakthroughs that means access to three disciplines, and three prohibited disciplines.

Power Points/Day
A Pugnator's ability to manifest powers is limited by the power points he has available. His base daily allotment of power points is given on Table: Psionics. In addition, he receives bonus power points per day if he has a high Charisma score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Power Points). His race may also provide bonus power points per day, as may certain feats and items.

Bonus Feats
The Pugnator gains a number of bonus feats each even level. This feat must be a psionic feat (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm), a metapsionic feat (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#metapsionicFeats), a psionic item creation feat (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#psionicItemCreationFeats), or a fighter bonus feat (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#fighterBonusFeats). A Pugnator must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score and base attack bonus minimums.

These bonus feats are in addition to the feat that a character of any class gets from advancing levels. A Pugnator is not limited to the list of fighter or psionic bonus feats when choosing these feats.

Meditant (Ex): You think deeply about a lot of things.
At 2nd level, you gain a bonus of 1/2 your class level on Concentration checks whenever you have psionic focus. Also, whenever you are psionically focused, you may treat all Knowledge skills as trained, and substitute a Concentration check for a Knowledge check at a -10 penalty.
At 10th level, this ability improves. Whenever you have psionic focus, you may substitute a Concentration check for a Knowledge check at a -5 penalty.
At 17th level, this ability improves. You gain the Steady Concentration feat (Races of Stone). While psionically focused, you may substitute a Concentration check for any Knowledge check at no penalty. You may treat such Knowledge checks as Concentration checks for the purpose of the Steady Concentration feat.

Telekinesis (Su): Through sheer force of will, you can move things with your mind. You gain various innate powers, which are only available to you when you have psionic focus. Your caster or manifester level for these effects is always equal to your character level. If these abilities imitate powers, you cannot augment them. Except where otherwise specified, these abilities work like spell-like abilities or psi-like abilities.

At 2st level, you can use matter agitation (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/matterAgitation.htm) and mage hand (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/mageHand.htm) effects at will.
At 4th level, you can use a levitate (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/levitate.htm) effect at will. Your weight limit for this effect is 100 lb per rank in Concentration.
At 6th level, you can use a telekinetic force (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/telekineticForce.htm) effect at will. Your weight limit for this effect is 50 lb per rank in Concentration.
At 8th level, you can use a telekinetic thrust (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/telekineticThrust.htm) effect at will, and are under a touchsight (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/touchsight.htm) effect whenever you are psionically focused. Your weight limit for the thrust effect is 50 lb per rank in Concentration.
At 10th level, you can use a telekinetic maneuver (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/telekineticManeuver.htm) effect at will.
At 12th level, all of your telekinetic abilities are automatically Enlarged (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#enlargePower) without having to expend your psionic focus in order to activate this effect.
At 14th level, you can telekinetically shape things to your desire. You can use a fabricate (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/fabricate.htm) effect at will. If you lack the appropriate Craft skill, you can use the Concentration skill to imitate any Craft skill for this effect at a -10 penalty on the check.
At 16th level, you can maintain concentration on a number of simultaneous telekinetic abilities equal to your Charisma modifier as long as you have psionic focus.
At 18th level, you can activate any of your telekinetic abilities as a swift or move action instead of a standard action, if applicable.
At 20th level this class feature becomes an extraordinary (Ex) ability instead of a supernatural (Su) ability, and the granted telekinetic abilities become extraordinary (Ex) instead of spell-like or psi-like (Sp/Ps).

Psionics: Power Points/Day, Powers Known, and Maximum Power Level table

Level PP/Day Known Maximum

1st 2 3 1st
2nd 6 5 1st
3rd 11 7 2nd
4th 17 9 2nd
5th 25 11 3rd
6th 35 13 3rd
7th 46 15 4th
8th 58 17 4th
9th 72 19 5th
10th 88 21 5th
11th 106 22 6th
12th 126 24 6th
13th 147 25 7th
14th 170 27 7th
15th 195 28 8th
16th 221 30 8th
17th 250 31 9th
18th 280 33 9th
19th 311 34 9th
20th 343 36 9th

The Pugnator reaches up to 6th level psionic powers (12th level psionics on the table: Psionics) at 20th level, but the Pugnator table goes to 20th level for epic levels and prestige classes.

Psionic prestige classes: A Pugnator can take a psionic PrC and the PrC can advance Psionic levels (from the table: Psionics) and manifester levels. Most Pugnators only take full BAB PrCs that advance psionics, such as the Slayer (SRD), or the Ghost Breaker (Hyperconscious).

Red Fel
2016-05-25, 09:03 AM
Yes, at 20th level the Pugnator has 20 manifester levels, and the equivalent of a 12 level Psion in terms of Power Points, Powers Known, etc. I am not considering making an 'Epic Pugnator" so I wanted to leave open a path for higher level powers for Pugnators pursuing epic levels. If the Pugnator at epic levels takes a class that grants full psionic progression then the Pugantor could get his first 9th level power at level 25. I think that is reasonable, if unlikely, to happen in most campaigns. Frankly the Pugnator is designed to be better than the Psychic Warrior, which is ranked at Tier 3. My goal is to have the Pugnator be a solid Tier 2 throughout the entire 20 levels.

See, I get that, but the problem is that I don't think PWars get 9th-level powers. According to the table (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/classes/psychicWarrior.htm), PsyWars only learn up to 6th level. Epic PsyWars (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/psionicClassProgressions.htm#epicPsychicWarrior) don't learn higher-level powers, either. So I don't see how you can have 9th-level powers drawn from the PsyWar list, is my point.

Now, Psionic Specialization Breakthrough resolves that, but basically raises its own issue - starting at level 5, you can learn Psion/Wilder powers. Okay, that explains why your casting goes up to 9th-level. So does that mean you could learn those unlocked powers at any time you could learn a power normally? I think that language needs some clarification, is my point.

I don't know enough about the Tome of Battle, to be honest.

The short version is, even if you don't want to give the class maneuver usage - and given that it already has psionics, I see no reason to give it both - you can steal a few nuggets and grant them as class features instead. Here's a quick list of useful maneuvers that use a Concentration check:
Action Before Thought / Mind Over Body / Moment of Perfect Mind: These three maneuvers allow you, as an immediate action, to roll a Concentration check in place of a Reflex, Fortitude, or Will save, respectively. You could implement this as follows: Once per day per five class levels, rounded down (up to four times per day at level 20), as an immediate action, you may substitute a Concentration check for one saving throw. You must do so before rolling the saving throw. You do not automatically fail on a 1.
Insightful Strike: As a standard action, make a melee attack; if it hits, roll Concentration instead of your usual damage. Normal sources of extra damage don't increase this amount (such as modifiers on your weapon, or your Str bonus). There's also a Greater version that deals twice your Concentration check in damage. You could implement this as follows: As a standard action, you may make a single melee attack. If it hits, roll Concentration; the result is the damage you deal. No other modifiers may increase this damage. At level X, this ability instead deals twice your Concentration check in damage.
Sapphire/Ruby/Diamond Nightmare Blade: As a standard action, roll a Concentration check, with a DC equal to your opponent's AC. If you succeed, your attack deals +1d6 and your opponent is flat-footed, or deals double damage, or deals quadruple damage. If you fail, you make a normal melee attack at -2 penalty. You could implement this as follows: As a standard action, you may make a single melee attack. Instead of rolling your attack, roll Concentration; the DC of the roll is your opponent's AC. If it succeeds, you deal +1d6 bonus damage. At level X, this ability instead deals double damage. At level Y, this ability instead deals quadruple damage.
Just a few suggestions. You could implement them as class features, or as selectable options, rather than as ToB maneuvers.

Yeah, about that - the way I see it the Pugnators are not particularly knowledgeable by themselves, which is why I only gave them Knowledge (Psionics). Instead of knowledge they gain insight through their mystical abilities. Also, I wanted to throw knowledge a bone since no doubt knowledge doesn't get much play in game when players have to 'waste' points on it.

Well, that depends on the character. Some classes are extremely well-suited to Knowledge skills, such as Wizards, Factotums, and Cloistered Clerics. And anybody can weaponize Knowledge with the Knowledge Devotion feat.

If you're only adding Knowledge to add Knowledge, then it really doesn't serve much function; you might consider losing it altogether unless it serves a purpose.

What do you think of the Tier Ranking for this class, levels 1 to 20? Solid Tier 2?

Tier 3 until level 5, then the world explodes. Here's why.

The gap between each tier at Tiers 3-5 is fairly narrow. It's a question of competence and numbers. It's not too hard to raise something from Tier 5 to Tier 4, or from Tier 4 to Tier 3. But the gap between Tiers 3 and 2 is much wider, because of how Tier 2 is defined. A Tier 2 class is capable of solving any problem in the game, but has limited resources with which to do so. Classic example is the Sorcerer, who has access to the Wizard spell list - the ultimate toolbox - but has a finite number of spells known. While the Sorcerer could solve any problem, he can't solve every problem, because he simply lacks the spell slots. That's Tier 2.

So let's look at this class. Its key features are:
Psionics: PsyWar casting, which is almost exclusively combat-related. You get certain things, like short-distance teleports and limited flight, but the big ground-breaking stuff is still beyond you. Until level 5, that is, at which point you gain access to the Psion list.
Meditant: Skill checks are nice. But bigger numbers or easier rolls, alone, don't breach the 2-3 gap.
Telekinesis: The PLAs are awesome, particularly when they become (Ex). But again, those are just nice tools; fun, useful, helpful at various things, but not groundbreaking.
The barrier between Tiers 1-2 and everyone else is a simple one: Do you have full access to a full caster spell/power list? Wizards are Tier 1 because they can learn and cast any spell. Psions are Tier 1 because they have a massive array of powers and can abuse the action economy. Clerics are Tier 1 because see Wizards, plus melee. Druids are Tier 1 because see Clerics, plus Wild Shape. If you are a full caster with unlimited access to one of these toolboxes, you are Tier 1, irrespective of anything else. If you are a full caster with unlimited access to one of these toolboxes, but only finite slots to fill, you are Tier 2. And if you are a partial caster, you are Tier 3.

Until level 5, this class is effectively a modified PsyWar. Take away the feats, add actual class features, but a PsyWar. At level 5, however, you unlock a chunk of the Psion's Tier 1 power list. Assuming this is full access - that is, you can now access Psion powers at every level, not just at 5, 10, and 15 - you're gaining access to a massive slice of that list.

That said, fixed-list casters are generally considered Tier 3, given the finite nature of their toolbox. Even by level 15, you've only got access to three disciplines. This could potentially give you game-breaking levels of power, mind you, but potentially not. I'd give it a tentative Tier 2 for that reason. In a vacuum, the class has the potential to wield some of the most potent powers in the game, abuse the action economy, and generally do obscene things with power points. It can't do everything, because no matter what, only three disciplines will become available, but it could do anything, because it can choose which three. I'd give it a tentative Tier 2 for that reason.

2016-05-26, 02:30 AM
See, I get that, but the problem is that I don't think PWars get 9th-level powers. According to the table (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/classes/psychicWarrior.htm), PsyWars only learn up to 6th level. Epic PsyWars (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/psionicClassProgressions.htm#epicPsychicWarrior) don't learn higher-level powers, either. So I don't see how you can have 9th-level powers drawn from the PsyWar list, is my point.

Now, Psionic Specialization Breakthrough resolves that, but basically raises its own issue - starting at level 5, you can learn Psion/Wilder powers. Okay, that explains why your casting goes up to 9th-level. So does that mean you could learn those unlocked powers at any time you could learn a power normally? I think that language needs some clarification, is my point.

I think I understand now. The Pugnator gets a basic number of potential powers that comprise the level 1 and 2 of the psychic warrior list. The Pugnator doesn't have access to level 3, 4, 5, or 6. Maybe what I will do is specifically specify exactly what powers the Pugantor can choose before level 5, and not mention the Psychic Warrior at all. And yes, the powers can be unlocked in the normal manner. Any suggested about how to clear up the language?

Tier 3 until level 5, then the world explodes. Here's why.

The gap between each tier at Tiers 3-5 is fairly narrow. It's a question of competence and numbers. It's not too hard to raise something from Tier 5 to Tier 4, or from Tier 4 to Tier 3. But the gap between Tiers 3 and 2 is much wider, because of how Tier 2 is defined. A Tier 2 class is capable of solving any problem in the game, but has limited resources with which to do so. Classic example is the Sorcerer, who has access to the Wizard spell list - the ultimate toolbox - but has a finite number of spells known. While the Sorcerer could solve any problem, he can't solve every problem, because he simply lacks the spell slots. That's Tier 2.

So let's look at this class. Its key features are:
Psionics: PsyWar casting, which is almost exclusively combat-related. You get certain things, like short-distance teleports and limited flight, but the big ground-breaking stuff is still beyond you. Until level 5, that is, at which point you gain access to the Psion list.
Meditant: Skill checks are nice. But bigger numbers or easier rolls, alone, don't breach the 2-3 gap.
Telekinesis: The PLAs are awesome, particularly when they become (Ex). But again, those are just nice tools; fun, useful, helpful at various things, but not groundbreaking.
The barrier between Tiers 1-2 and everyone else is a simple one: Do you have full access to a full caster spell/power list? Wizards are Tier 1 because they can learn and cast any spell. Psions are Tier 1 because they have a massive array of powers and can abuse the action economy. Clerics are Tier 1 because see Wizards, plus melee. Druids are Tier 1 because see Clerics, plus Wild Shape. If you are a full caster with unlimited access to one of these toolboxes, you are Tier 1, irrespective of anything else. If you are a full caster with unlimited access to one of these toolboxes, but only finite slots to fill, you are Tier 2. And if you are a partial caster, you are Tier 3.

Until level 5, this class is effectively a modified PsyWar. Take away the feats, add actual class features, but a PsyWar. At level 5, however, you unlock a chunk of the Psion's Tier 1 power list. Assuming this is full access - that is, you can now access Psion powers at every level, not just at 5, 10, and 15 - you're gaining access to a massive slice of that list.

That said, fixed-list casters are generally considered Tier 3, given the finite nature of their toolbox. Even by level 15, you've only got access to three disciplines. This could potentially give you game-breaking levels of power, mind you, but potentially not. I'd give it a tentative Tier 2 for that reason. In a vacuum, the class has the potential to wield some of the most potent powers in the game, abuse the action economy, and generally do obscene things with power points. It can't do everything, because no matter what, only three disciplines will become available, but it could do anything, because it can choose which three. I'd give it a tentative Tier 2 for that reason.

OK... that is exactly what I was looking for. Do you think most players would be inclined to remain a Pugnator right through to level 20, rather than prestige classing out?

Red Fel
2016-05-26, 10:13 AM
I think I understand now. The Pugnator gets a basic number of potential powers that comprise the level 1 and 2 of the psychic warrior list. The Pugnator doesn't have access to level 3, 4, 5, or 6. Maybe what I will do is specifically specify exactly what powers the Pugantor can choose before level 5, and not mention the Psychic Warrior at all. And yes, the powers can be unlocked in the normal manner. Any suggested about how to clear up the language?

I'm honestly not sure how you'd express it. You're basically switching from one casting list to another, which confuses me. My advice, lay out specifically how it works, and how it changes at what levels, and say that - then we can refine the language.

OK... that is exactly what I was looking for. Do you think most players would be inclined to remain a Pugnator right through to level 20, rather than prestige classing out?

Well, you're actually asking several questions. Basically, they are:
Why play this class over a regular Psion?
What do you get from PrCing out of this class?
Why stay in this class to level 20?
Let's answer each in turn.
Why play this class over a regular Psion? The Psion gets better powers access. So why this? Answer: The class features. This class is a lot like a Psion PrC, where you're gaining class features but losing part of your powers access. So if somebody is playing this class, they're doing it for the class features.
What do you get from PrCing out of this class? Nothing. If you're playing this class, as mentioned, you're doing it for the features, not the limited casting. A PrC would advance your BAB, which is fine, and your casting, which would be a waste. This is, in essence, one of those classes that it really doesn't pay to leave. So there is nothing gained by PrCing out.
Why stay in this class to level 20? Just because it doesn't pay to leave doesn't mean it feels rewarding to stay. At level 20, when people are crushing mountains and rewriting reality, do you still relevant? Maybe. And what about the class capstone? Well, the capstone takes your key class feature - Telekinesis - and makes it (Ex). If those are abilities that have value, that's an incredible boon. And they do have value - for example, you can use Fabricate to convert debris or parts of the ground into a wall to block the effects of an Antimagic Field while inside that Antimagic field. That's incredibly powerful.
So, yeah. If people like the class features, they'll really like the fact that they're (Ex) abilities. The capstone will keep people interested, because it 'roids up the thing that drew them to the class in the first place.

As a side note, you might want to clarify the Telekinesis (embiggened) language to specify what a "telekinetic power" is.

Also, it occurs to me, are you familiar with the Master of the Unseen Hand PrC? Because you kind of bit that one's gimmick, although you've really improved on it.

2016-05-26, 06:38 PM
Also, it occurs to me, are you familiar with the Master of the Unseen Hand PrC? Because you kind of bit that one's gimmick, although you've really improved on it.

Funnily enough the first time I saw it was last night when I did a google search for telekinetic classes.

I am going to think of a way the clean up the language and then put this one to bed. Do you know of any places where people offer to play-test homebrew?

Red Fel
2016-05-26, 07:02 PM
I am going to think of a way the clean up the language and then put this one to bed. Do you know of any places where people offer to play-test homebrew?

You're here, chief. If people are interested in homebrew, this is where they'd be.

You could try the game recruitment subforum, but that's really for if you're running a game. (That said, if you were to run a game that used your homebrew, bonus.)

Other than that, not sure what to tell you.

2016-05-27, 11:46 PM
Yet another rework! I have taken your advice about the Psychic Warrior list to heart. Instead I have made it more internally consistent by making a Minor Psionics class feature. I should start paying you...

The Pugnator

The Pugnators. Warriors. Telekinetics. Oracles. Psionic specialists and infiltrators.

Long ago man was subject to the rule of forgotten race now remembered as the Inhuman Elders. The inhuman elders held man in the grip of slavery, the minds of men shackled by magical bonds that were unrelenting. In this environment rose the Pugnators. Not much is known of this time but what is known is that the way of the Pugnator was formed at this time, and a revolt against the inhuman elders occurring over some several decades was ultimately successful. It was not the physical or combat effectiveness of the psionics of the Pugnators that brought victory, but the ability of powerful Pugnators to meditate on matters of knowledge, and have the universe provide the answer (the Meditant ability at 10th level). In this manner the Pugnators were able to discern the weaknesses of the inhuman elders, and destroy them completely.

Since those days the way of the Pugnator has spread beyond humans to other races. Although relatively rare compared to other classes, Pugnators are known to be involved in all kinds of adventures, conflicts, and even dispensing knowledge and advice.

In more modern days Pugnators are found in various roles, depending on their specific abilities.

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special Telekinesis
1st +1 +0 +0 +2 + 1 Psionics
2nd +2 +0 +0 +3 Bonus Feat Meditant, telekinesis (minor)
3rd +3 +1 +1 +3 + 1 Psionics
4th +4 +1 +1 +4 Bonus Feat telekinesis (levitate)
5th +5 +1 +1 +4 + 1 Psionics Psionic Specialization Breakthrough
6th +6/+1 +2 +2 +5 Bonus Feat Telekinesis (force)
7th +7/+2 +2 +2 +5 + 1 Psionics
8th +8/+3 +2 +2 +6 Bonus Feat telekinesis (thrust)
9th +9/+4 +3 +3 +6 + 1 Psionics
10th +10/+5 +3 +3 +7 Bonus Feat, Initiate mediant, telekinesis (maneuver), Psionic Specialization Breakthrough
+ 1 Psionics
11th +11/+6/+1 +3 +3 +7 + 1 Psionics
12th +12/+7/+2 +4 +4 +8 Bonus Feat telekinesis (embiggened)
13th +13/+8/+3 +4 +4 +8 + 1 Psionics
14th +14/+9/+4 +4 +4 +9 Bonus Feat telekinesis (fabricate)
15th +15/+10/+5 +5 +5 +9 + 1 Psionics Psionic Specialization Breakthrough
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +5 +5 +10 Bonus Feat telekinesis (multitask)
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +10 + 1 Psionics Master meditant
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +6 +6 +11 Bonus Feat telekinesis (swift)
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +6 +6 +11 + 1 Psionics
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +6 +6 +12 Bonus Feat telekinesis (simple)
+ 1 Psionics

Alignment: Any
Hit Die: 1d8

Class Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Bluff (Cha), Tumble (Dex), Diplomacy (Cha), Autohypnosis (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Heal (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Knowledge (Psionics) (Int), Psicraft (Int) and Use Psionic Device (Cha)
Skill Points at 1st Level: (6 + Int modifier) × 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Pugnators are is proficient with all simple and martial weapons. Pugnators are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

Psionics: As a practitioner of psionics, you have access to special psionic powers. Whenever you achieve +1 Psionics on the table, you unlock the knowledge of new powers. The powers that are available for you to choose are described in Minor Psionics, Prohibited Disciplines, Psionic Specialization Breakthrough. You can manifest any power that has a power point cost equal to or lower than your manifester level. Your maximum power level is shown on the table: Psionics, and your manifester level for your powers is equal to your Pugnator level.

The number of times a Pugnator can manifest powers in a day is limited only by his daily power points.

A Pugnator simply knows his powers; they are ingrained in his mind. He does not need to prepare them (in the way that some spellcasters prepare their spells), though he must get a good night’s sleep each day to regain all his spent power points.

The Difficulty Class for saving throws against the Pugnator's powers is 10 + the power’s level + the Pugnator's Charisma modifier.

To learn or manifest a power, a Pugnator must have an Charisma score of at least 10 + the power’s level.

Minor Psionics: You begin your career as a generalist, not a specialist and thus have some knowledge of Minor Psionics. The Pugnator may choose to learn any power from the Psychic Warrior and Psion/Wilder list, but only powers from levels 1 and 2 on the lists. The Pugnator may not learn powers from Discipline Powers Psion disciplines list through this class feature. If a particular power is on both the Psychic Warrior and Psion/Wilder list, the level of the power for purposes of learning and manifesting that power is the level indicated for the Psion/Wilder.

Prohibited Disciplines: Except for the powers allowable by your Minor Psionics class feature, all powers from any disciplines are prohibited. Powers from prohibited disciplines may not even be manifested from power stones or dorjes, and may not be learned through psychic chiurgury or independent research. Disciplines will be made available when a Psionic Specialization Breakthrough occurs.

Psionic Specialization Breakthrough: Your knowledge continues to grow and you now have access to third level and higher powers. At levels 5, 10, and 15 you make a Psionic Specialization Breakthrough and may select a single discipline to remove from your prohibited disciplines. Thereafter you may learn powers from that discipline from Psychic Warrior and Psion/Wilder lists, and may also learn powers from that discipline's Psion Discipline Powers. If a particular power is on both the Psychic Warrior and Psion/Wilder list, the level of the power for purposes of learning and manifesting that power is the level indicated for the Psion/Wilder.

With a total of three Psionic Specialization Breakthroughs that means access to three disciplines, and three prohibited disciplines.

Power Points/Day
A Pugnator's ability to manifest powers is limited by the power points he has available. His base daily allotment of power points is given on Table: Psionics. In addition, he receives bonus power points per day if he has a high Charisma score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Power Points). His race may also provide bonus power points per day, as may certain feats and items.

Bonus Feats
The Pugnator gains a number of bonus feats each even level. This feat must be a psionic feat (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm), a metapsionic feat (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#metapsionicFeats), a psionic item creation feat (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#psionicItemCreationFeats), or a fighter bonus feat (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#fighterBonusFeats). A Pugnator must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score and base attack bonus minimums.

These bonus feats are in addition to the feat that a character of any class gets from advancing levels. A Pugnator is not limited to the list of fighter or psionic bonus feats when choosing these feats.

Meditant (Ex): You think deeply about a lot of things.
At 2nd level, you gain a bonus of 1/2 your class level on Concentration checks whenever you have psionic focus. Also, whenever you are psionically focused, you may treat all Knowledge skills as trained, and substitute a Concentration check for a Knowledge check at a -10 penalty.
At 10th level, this ability improves. Whenever you have psionic focus, you may substitute a Concentration check for a Knowledge check at a -5 penalty.
At 17th level, this ability improves. You gain the Steady Concentration feat (Races of Stone). While psionically focused, you may substitute a Concentration check for any Knowledge check at no penalty. You may treat such Knowledge checks as Concentration checks for the purpose of the Steady Concentration feat.

Telekinesis (Su): Through sheer force of will, you can move things with your mind. You gain various innate powers, which are only available to you when you have psionic focus. Your caster or manifester level for these effects is always equal to your character level. If these abilities imitate powers, you cannot augment them. Except where otherwise specified, these abilities work like spell-like abilities or psi-like abilities.

At 2st level, you can use matter agitation (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/matterAgitation.htm) and mage hand (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/mageHand.htm) effects at will.
At 4th level, you can use a levitate (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/levitate.htm) effect at will. Your weight limit for this effect is 100 lb per rank in Concentration.
At 6th level, you can use a telekinetic force (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/telekineticForce.htm) effect at will. Your weight limit for this effect is 50 lb per rank in Concentration.
At 8th level, you can use a telekinetic thrust (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/telekineticThrust.htm) effect at will, and are under a touchsight (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/touchsight.htm) effect whenever you are psionically focused. Your weight limit for the thrust effect is 50 lb per rank in Concentration.
At 10th level, you can use a telekinetic maneuver (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/telekineticManeuver.htm) effect at will.
At 12th level, all of your telekinetic abilities are automatically Enlarged (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#enlargePower) without having to expend your psionic focus in order to activate this effect.
At 14th level, you can telekinetically shape things to your desire. You can use a fabricate (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/fabricate.htm) effect at will. If you lack the appropriate Craft skill, you can use the Concentration skill to imitate any Craft skill for this effect at a -10 penalty on the check.
At 16th level, you can maintain concentration on a number of simultaneous telekinetic abilities equal to your Charisma modifier as long as you have psionic focus.
At 18th level, you can activate any of your telekinetic abilities as a swift or move action instead of a standard action, if applicable.
At 20th level this class feature becomes an extraordinary (Ex) ability instead of a supernatural (Su) ability, and the granted telekinetic abilities become extraordinary (Ex) instead of spell-like or psi-like (Sp/Ps).

Psionics: Power Points/Day, Powers Known, and Maximum Power Level table

Level PP/Day Known Maximum

1st 2 3 1st
2nd 6 5 1st
3rd 11 7 2nd
4th 17 9 2nd
5th 25 11 3rd
6th 35 13 3rd
7th 46 15 4th
8th 58 17 4th
9th 72 19 5th
10th 88 21 5th
11th 106 22 6th
12th 126 24 6th
13th 147 25 7th
14th 170 27 7th
15th 195 28 8th
16th 221 30 8th
17th 250 31 9th
18th 280 33 9th
19th 311 34 9th
20th 343 36 9th

The Pugnator reaches up to 6th level psionic powers (12th level psionics on the table: Psionics) at 20th level, but the Pugnator table goes to 20th level for epic levels and prestige classes.

Psionic prestige classes: A Pugnator can take a psionic PrC and the PrC can advance Psionic levels (from the table: Psionics) and manifester levels. Most Pugnators only take full BAB PrCs that advance psionics, such as the Slayer (SRD), or the Ghost Breaker (Hyperconscious).

Red Fel
2016-05-28, 01:26 PM
Alright, let's see what you've got.

Psionics: As a practitioner of psionics, you have access to special psionic powers. Whenever you achieve +1 Psionics on the table, you unlock the knowledge of new powers. The powers that are available for you to choose are described in Minor Psionics, Prohibited Disciplines, Psionic Specialization Breakthrough. You can manifest any power that has a power point cost equal to or lower than your manifester level. Your maximum power level is shown on the table: Psionics, and your manifester level for your powers is equal to your Pugnator level.

The number of times a Pugnator can manifest powers in a day is limited only by his daily power points.

A Pugnator simply knows his powers; they are ingrained in his mind. He does not need to prepare them (in the way that some spellcasters prepare their spells), though he must get a good night’s sleep each day to regain all his spent power points.

The Difficulty Class for saving throws against the Pugnator's powers is 10 + the power’s level + the Pugnator's Charisma modifier.

To learn or manifest a power, a Pugnator must have an Charisma score of at least 10 + the power’s level.

Okay so far.

Minor Psionics: You begin your career as a generalist, not a specialist and thus have some knowledge of Minor Psionics. The Pugnator may choose to learn any power from the Psychic Warrior and Psion/Wilder list, but only powers from levels 1 and 2 on the lists. The Pugnator may not learn powers from Discipline Powers Psion disciplines list through this class feature. If a particular power is on both the Psychic Warrior and Psion/Wilder list, the level of the power for purposes of learning and manifesting that power is the level indicated for the Psion/Wilder.

And here's the first problem. A PsyWar gains access to 2nd-level powers at PsyWar 4. By this language, you're giving a Pugnator access to 2nd-level powers at Pug 1. There is nothing in here that limits when you cake take powers other than the appropriate ability score (Cha). I would advise you to modify this language. Under the "Psionics" section, I would advise you to add the following language: "Except as otherwise stated, when a Pugnator learns powers from the Psychic Warrior or Psion/Wilder lists, he does so as a Psychic Warrior or Psion/Wilder of his Pugnator level." Thus, you're limiting the Pugnator's access - he can only learn 1st-level PsyWar powers until Pugnator 4, at which point a PsyWar could learn 2nd-level PsyWar powers.

Prohibited Disciplines: Except for the powers allowable by your Minor Psionics class feature, all powers from any disciplines are prohibited. Powers from prohibited disciplines may not even be manifested from power stones or dorjes, and may not be learned through psychic chiurgury or independent research. Disciplines will be made available when a Psionic Specialization Breakthrough occurs.

I would modify this to be "Except as otherwise permitted by your Minor Psionics and Psionic Specialization Breakthrough class features," otherwise Prohibited Disciplines clashes with PSB.

Psionic Specialization Breakthrough: Your knowledge continues to grow and you now have access to third level and higher powers. At levels 5, 10, and 15 you make a Psionic Specialization Breakthrough and may select a single discipline to remove from your prohibited disciplines. Thereafter you may learn powers from that discipline from Psychic Warrior and Psion/Wilder lists, and may also learn powers from that discipline's Psion Discipline Powers. If a particular power is on both the Psychic Warrior and Psion/Wilder list, the level of the power for purposes of learning and manifesting that power is the level indicated for the Psion/Wilder.

With a total of three Psionic Specialization Breakthroughs that means access to three disciplines, and three prohibited disciplines.

Clear enough.

Power Points/Day
A Pugnator's ability to manifest powers is limited by the power points he has available. His base daily allotment of power points is given on Table: Psionics. In addition, he receives bonus power points per day if he has a high Charisma score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Power Points). His race may also provide bonus power points per day, as may certain feats and items.


Bonus Feats
The Pugnator gains a number of bonus feats each even level. This feat must be a psionic feat (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm), a metapsionic feat (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#metapsionicFeats), a psionic item creation feat (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#psionicItemCreationFeats), or a fighter bonus feat (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#fighterBonusFeats). A Pugnator must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score and base attack bonus minimums.

These bonus feats are in addition to the feat that a character of any class gets from advancing levels. A Pugnator is not limited to the list of fighter or psionic bonus feats when choosing these feats.

Holy crapbaskets, chief. This is insane. Consider the fact that the PsyWar is a 3/4 BAB class with two features - PsyWar powers and bonus feats every three levels (plus one at first and second). You've just made a class with full BAB, PsyWar and Psion/Wilder powers, and bonus feats at every even leve. By comparison, PsyWar 20 has 8 bonus feats; Pugnator 20 has 10. It's only two more, but stacked up with the BAB and additional powers, you've just created a class that's strictly superior to PsyWar in every way; there is no reason to take PsyWar over this class.

Not saying it's bad. Just pointing out the power disparity. And while we're at it, that also makes this class strictly better than the Fighter, whose only advantage is superior gear proficiency and one additional feat; Pugnator could take straight fighter feats all the way down and be "a Fighter, only ridiculously better."

Also, in that last paragraph, correct the last part to "choosing these other feats." That's the PsyWar language, and it's what separates your psionic / fighter bonus feats from regular feats. Without it, you contradict yourself.

Meditant (Ex): You think deeply about a lot of things.
At 2nd level, you gain a bonus of 1/2 your class level on Concentration checks whenever you have psionic focus. Also, whenever you are psionically focused, you may treat all Knowledge skills as trained, and substitute a Concentration check for a Knowledge check at a -10 penalty.
At 10th level, this ability improves. Whenever you have psionic focus, you may substitute a Concentration check for a Knowledge check at a -5 penalty.
At 17th level, this ability improves. You gain the Steady Concentration feat (Races of Stone). While psionically focused, you may substitute a Concentration check for any Knowledge check at no penalty. You may treat such Knowledge checks as Concentration checks for the purpose of the Steady Concentration feat.

I like it. Then again, I wrote it. :smallamused:

Telekinesis (Su): Through sheer force of will, you can move things with your mind. You gain various innate powers, which are only available to you when you have psionic focus. Your caster or manifester level for these effects is always equal to your character level. If these abilities imitate powers, you cannot augment them. Except where otherwise specified, these abilities work like spell-like abilities or psi-like abilities.

At 2st level, you can use matter agitation (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/matterAgitation.htm) and mage hand (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/mageHand.htm) effects at will.
At 4th level, you can use a levitate (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/levitate.htm) effect at will. Your weight limit for this effect is 100 lb per rank in Concentration.
At 6th level, you can use a telekinetic force (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/telekineticForce.htm) effect at will. Your weight limit for this effect is 50 lb per rank in Concentration.
At 8th level, you can use a telekinetic thrust (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/telekineticThrust.htm) effect at will, and are under a touchsight (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/touchsight.htm) effect whenever you are psionically focused. Your weight limit for the thrust effect is 50 lb per rank in Concentration.
At 10th level, you can use a telekinetic maneuver (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/telekineticManeuver.htm) effect at will.
At 12th level, all of your telekinetic abilities are automatically Enlarged (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#enlargePower) without having to expend your psionic focus in order to activate this effect.
At 14th level, you can telekinetically shape things to your desire. You can use a fabricate (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/fabricate.htm) effect at will. If you lack the appropriate Craft skill, you can use the Concentration skill to imitate any Craft skill for this effect at a -10 penalty on the check.
At 16th level, you can maintain concentration on a number of simultaneous telekinetic abilities equal to your Charisma modifier as long as you have psionic focus.
At 18th level, you can activate any of your telekinetic abilities as a swift or move action instead of a standard action, if applicable.
At 20th level this class feature becomes an extraordinary (Ex) ability instead of a supernatural (Su) ability, and the granted telekinetic abilities become extraordinary (Ex) instead of spell-like or psi-like (Sp/Ps).

And we've discussed this one.

Psionics: Power Points/Day, Powers Known, and Maximum Power Level table

Level PP/Day Known Maximum

1st 2 3 1st
2nd 6 5 1st
3rd 11 7 2nd
4th 17 9 2nd
5th 25 11 3rd
6th 35 13 3rd
7th 46 15 4th
8th 58 17 4th
9th 72 19 5th
10th 88 21 5th
11th 106 22 6th
12th 126 24 6th
13th 147 25 7th
14th 170 27 7th
15th 195 28 8th
16th 221 30 8th
17th 250 31 9th
18th 280 33 9th
19th 311 34 9th
20th 343 36 9th

The Pugnator reaches up to 6th level psionic powers (12th level psionics on the table: Psionics) at 20th level, but the Pugnator table goes to 20th level for epic levels and prestige classes.

I'm not sure I understand this last part. Please explain it to me. Text says 6th, table says 9th, what and why?

Psionic prestige classes: A Pugnator can take a psionic PrC and the PrC can advance Psionic levels (from the table: Psionics) and manifester levels. Most Pugnators only take full BAB PrCs that advance psionics, such as the Slayer (SRD), or the Ghost Breaker (Hyperconscious).

You'll really want to explain how the Psionics class feature from this class interacts with PrCs that advance your manifesting. Does it give you additional disciplines available? Does it only advance power points and ML? Does it give you more powers known?

Also, certain PrCs require access to certain powers, or give you abilities based on them. If a PrC gives you a PLA of a prohibited power, what happens? You probably need a special section on this. Consider, for example, that the Warlock class has an additional section on how its unusual mechanic - invocations - interacts with "arcane spellcaster level" classes.

2016-05-29, 09:38 PM
And here's the first problem. A PsyWar gains access to 2nd-level powers at PsyWar 4. By this language, you're giving a Pugnator access to 2nd-level powers at Pug 1. There is nothing in here that limits when you cake take powers other than the appropriate ability score (Cha). I would advise you to modify this language. Under the "Psionics" section, I would advise you to add the following language: "Except as otherwise stated, when a Pugnator learns powers from the Psychic Warrior or Psion/Wilder lists, he does so as a Psychic Warrior or Psion/Wilder of his Pugnator level." Thus, you're limiting the Pugnator's access - he can only learn 1st-level PsyWar powers until Pugnator 4, at which point a PsyWar could learn 2nd-level PsyWar powers.

This is my fault because I was not able to make a proper table. Here is the proper table.

The Pugnator
1st+1+0+0+2Minor Psionics

2nd+2+0+0+3Bonus Feat, Meditant
Telekinesis (minor)


4th+4+1+1+4Bonus Feat
telekinesis (levitate)

5th+5+1+1+4Psionic Specialization Breakthrough

6th+6/+1+2+2+5Bonus Feat
Telekinesis (force)


8th+8/+3+2+2+6Bonus Feat
telekinesis (thrust)


10th+10/+5+3+3+7Bonus Feat, Initiate mediant, Psionic Specialization Breakthrough
Telekinesis (maneuver)

12th+12/+7/+2+4+4+8Bonus Feat
Telekinesis (embiggened)


14th+14/+9/+4+4+4+9Bonus Feat
Telekinesis (fabricate)

15th+15/+10/+5+5+5+9Psionic Specialization Breakthrough

16th+16/+11/+6/+1+5+5+10Bonus Feat
telekinesis (multitask)

17th+17/+12/+7/+2+5+5+10Master meditant

18th+18/+13/+8/+3+6+6+11Bonus Feat
telekinesis (swift)


20th+20/+15/+10/+5+6+6+12Bonus Feat
telekinesis (simple)

Alignment: Any
Hit Die: 1d8
Alignment: Any
Hit Die: 1d8

Class Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Bluff (Cha), Tumble (Dex), Diplomacy (Cha), Autohypnosis (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Heal (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Knowledge (Psionics) (Int), Psicraft (Int) and Use Psionic Device (Cha)
Skill Points at 1st Level: (6 + Int modifier) × 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier


Finally able to make a proper table (why is this so hard? lol).

As you can see in the table, powers at a given level available only when the Pugnator is at the appropriate level.

I would modify this to be "Except as otherwise permitted by your Minor Psionics and Psionic Specialization Breakthrough class features," otherwise Prohibited Disciplines clashes with PSB.

Roger that.

Holy crapbaskets, chief. This is insane. Consider the fact that the PsyWar is a 3/4 BAB class with two features - PsyWar powers and bonus feats every three levels (plus one at first and second). You've just made a class with full BAB, PsyWar and Psion/Wilder powers, and bonus feats at every even leve. By comparison, PsyWar 20 has 8 bonus feats; Pugnator 20 has 10. It's only two more, but stacked up with the BAB and additional powers, you've just created a class that's strictly superior to PsyWar in every way; there is no reason to take PsyWar over this class.

Haha yes. A Pugnator is what an ex-Psychic Warrior becomes when he is ready to grow up and be a man. Seriously though, PW is a Tier 3 class and the Pugnator is a consciously Tier 2 class. So he is going to be better in a fight than a psychic warrior. Speaking of fights...

Not saying it's bad. Just pointing out the power disparity. And while we're at it, that also makes this class strictly better than the Fighter, whose only advantage is superior gear proficiency and one additional feat; Pugnator could take straight fighter feats all the way down and be "a Fighter, only ridiculously better."

Nothing I can do about the fighters. They are Tier 4 and totally gimped. A DM would have to use their judgement and help the fighter with some extra feats or something if there are Tier 2s and 1s in the party. Are there any people that actually choose fighter?

Also, in that last paragraph, correct the last part to "choosing these other feats." That's the PsyWar language, and it's what separates your psionic / fighter bonus feats from regular feats. Without it, you contradict yourself.

Grimlock not understand!

I'm not sure I understand this last part. Please explain it to me. Text says 6th, table says 9th, what and why?

You'll really want to explain how the Psionics class feature from this class interacts with PrCs that advance your manifesting. Does it give you additional disciplines available? Does it only advance power points and ML? Does it give you more powers known?

Here we go. OK, basically the Pugnator is very similar to a psion in terms of his psionic table. As you can see he gains powers, PP, etc like a psion except at a much slower pace. You can see that the Pugnator's psionics advances every second level (manifester level increases every level), but essentially the way he gains powers know, PP, etc, is separate from his Pugnator progression for purposes of epic levels or prestige classes. Lets have a look at the table that goes right to 20 for powers known/PP/etc.

Level PP/Day Known Maximum

1st 2 3 1st
2nd 6 5 1st
3rd 11 7 2nd
4th 17 9 2nd
5th 25 11 3rd
6th 35 13 3rd
7th 46 15 4th
8th 58 17 4th
9th 72 19 5th
10th 88 21 5th
11th 106 22 6th
12th 126 24 6th
13th 147 25 7th
14th 170 27 7th
15th 195 28 8th
16th 221 30 8th
17th 250 31 9th
18th 280 33 9th
19th 311 34 9th
20th 343 36 9th

When a Pugnator is at level 20 Pugnator, he is at level 12 on this table, which is the psion table. If at level 20 the Pugnator were to take 5 levels of a prestige class that advances psionics, he would be at level 17 on this table for the purposes of powers known, PP, maximum level. Or lets put it another way. A 1st level Pugnator is at 1st level on this table. If the Pugnator then takes a 5 level prestige class that advances psionics then the Pugnator would have powers known, PP, maximum level at level 6 on that table.

Also, certain PrCs require access to certain powers, or give you abilities based on them. If a PrC gives you a PLA of a prohibited power, what happens? You probably need a special section on this. Consider, for example, that the Warlock class has an additional section on how its unusual mechanic - invocations - interacts with "arcane spellcaster level" classes

Excellent question. If a class explicitly grants a power on prohibited to a Pugnator, what will happen? What do specialist wizards do?

Red Fel
2016-05-30, 01:01 PM
This is my fault because I was not able to make a proper table. Here is the proper table.


As you can see in the table, powers at a given level available only when the Pugnator is at the appropriate level.

That's fair. But remember one of the D&D rules of construction: Text trumps table. Wherever the text and table disagree, we are to assume that the text is correct. And your text simply states that the Pug gets level 1 and 2 powers from the PsyWar list. Without modifying that statement, that means they get them immediately.

Easiest modifier is to add "at the levels specified on the table." At that point, the text is explicitly yielding to the table, and you're golden.

Haha yes. A Pugnator is what an ex-Psychic Warrior becomes when he is ready to grow up and be a man. Seriously though, PW is a Tier 3 class and the Pugnator is a consciously Tier 2 class. So he is going to be better in a fight than a psychic warrior. Speaking of fights...

Nothing I can do about the fighters. They are Tier 4 and totally gimped. A DM would have to use their judgement and help the fighter with some extra feats or something if there are Tier 2s and 1s in the party. Are there any people that actually choose fighter?

Some, yeah. It's my personal position that if Warblade had come out first, and Fighter later, nobody would ever choose Fighter, but it is what it is. Still, power to you.

Grimlock not understand!

Let me offer you an illustration.

These bonus feats are in addition to the feats that a character of any class gains every three levels. A psychic warrior is not limited to fighter bonus feats and psionic feats when choosing these other feats.(Emphasis added.)

These bonus feats are in addition to the feat that a character of any class gets from advancing levels. A Pugnator is not limited to the list of fighter or psionic bonus feats when choosing these feats.(Emphasis added.)

Now, Fighter doesn't use the word "other," but PsyWar does, and I find it helpful. The word "other" separates the Bonus Feats from the PsyWar class from the other feats that a character ordinarily gets every several levels. This keeps the language from clashing - otherwise, a PsyWar gets bonus feats from the Fighter and Psionic feat lists, but somehow isn't limited to those lists when choosing feats. "Other" is a good way of clearly delineating, and clarity is never a bad thing, even if it's not 100% necessary.

Here we go. OK, basically the Pugnator is very similar to a psion in terms of his psionic table. As you can see he gains powers, PP, etc like a psion except at a much slower pace. You can see that the Pugnator's psionics advances every second level (manifester level increases every level), but essentially the way he gains powers know, PP, etc, is separate from his Pugnator progression for purposes of epic levels or prestige classes. Lets have a look at the table that goes right to 20 for powers known/PP/etc.


When a Pugnator is at level 20 Pugnator, he is at level 12 on this table, which is the psion table. If at level 20 the Pugnator were to take 5 levels of a prestige class that advances psionics, he would be at level 17 on this table for the purposes of powers known, PP, maximum level. Or lets put it another way. A 1st level Pugnator is at 1st level on this table. If the Pugnator then takes a 5 level prestige class that advances psionics then the Pugnator would have powers known, PP, maximum level at level 6 on that table.

See, that's needlessly confusing. The powers bit on the table you've added above, however, makes things much clearer - what PP, what powers, what levels, all neatly defined. My advice is to get rid of the secondary table, the one with 9th-level powers on it - it clashes and conflicts with the other one. If you want to add an Epic Pugnator progression, that's fine, but keep this Psion one elsewhere.

Excellent question. If a class explicitly grants a power on prohibited to a Pugnator, what will happen? What do specialist wizards do?

Well, frequently those classes have prerequisites that a specialist Wizard cannot meet - for example, a Wizard who bans Enchantment could not qualify for a class that requires Charm Person. I think that a specialist Wizard is prevented from learning these abilities in the future, even from another class, but don't hold me to that; arcane casters aren't my forte.