View Full Version : Pathfinder Venedaemon Optimization?

2016-05-24, 05:04 PM
I want to use a Venedaemon as the final bosses of a shortish campaign I'm writing. There will probably be 4-6 players, level 7ish, maybe 8, and I was thinking great way to run the fight would be using the Venedaemon's Arcane Soul-Crush ability, which lets it have effectively unlimited spellcasting, as long as it hoards a supply of soul gems. Adding one HD and 2 levels of Souldrinker(also from the Book of the Damned, Volume 3) gives 4th level spells, a cacodaemon familiar(for soul gems), and a level-draining touch attack, as well as what amounts to unlimited staff charges. Thus, I think the best way to optimize this Venedaemon would be a very drawn out fight, something that lets him use spells over and over, as well as a staff. I'm not against a custom staff either.

Thus far I picture the Venadaemon using:
Wall of Fire/Sound
Major Image/Illusory Wall
Shocking Image + Greater Invisibility
Bestow Curse/Shadow Trap

Essentially he leads the players around on a wild goose chase and chips away at them, perhaps splitting them up with illusions and walls. Thus, he's a very intelligent and tactical boss, using his flight and fullcasting to the fullest.

Suggestions on other spells and/or tactics, as well as the staff contents?