View Full Version : In a d20 Star Wars campaign how would I make a character like prong krell

2016-05-24, 07:10 PM
Hey guys. So one of my friends wants to start a d20 stars wars campaign in July. And this guy does some of the best campaigns in our group. So for this campaign I want to make a character who uses two double sided lightsabers. Like prong krell from Star Wars the clone wars. Problem is I'm a dnd 3.5 veteran. I have no clue about what feats or class levels I would need to take. So if you guys could help me make this build work i would be thankful.

2016-05-24, 07:24 PM
Hey guys. So one of my friends wants to start a d20 stars wars campaign in July. And this guy does some of the best campaigns in our group. So for this campaign I want to make a character who uses two double sided lightsabers. Like prong krell from Star Wars the clone wars. Problem is I'm a dnd 3.5 veteran. I have no clue about what feats or class levels I would need to take. So if you guys could help me make this build work i would be thankful.

First of all, this question belongs in the Other Systems forum, not the 3.5 forum.
Secondly, what version of Star Wars d20 are you using?
Revised Core?

The first two are most similar to 3.5; Saga was one of the 4e playtests, though it is still overall a much cleaner and more cinematic system than RCR.

Thirdly, I'm not even sure that the Besalisk species had been officially statted out in any version.

EDIT: It is in the RCR Ultimate Alien Anthology, so it shouldn't be hard to convert to Saga.

2016-05-24, 07:28 PM
Well we are using core. But pretty much rules from any of the books are fair game.

2016-05-24, 07:29 PM
Also the main reason I posted in this forum is because I've posted in the homebrews and other system forums. They are literal ghost towns whenever I post.

2016-05-24, 07:50 PM
Well we are using core. But pretty much rules from any of the books are fair game.

I'm not sure you understand. What does the cover of your Star Wars rulebook look like? Does it have Darth Vader choking you? Does it have Padme with a bare midriff? Or does it have Darth Maul's face on it?

2016-05-24, 09:01 PM
Ok it has padme on it.

2016-05-24, 09:27 PM
Ok it has padme on it.

Okay, if it's showing Padme's midriff, that means that it's the Revised Core Rules. The Besalisk is found in Ultimate Alien Anthology.
To build a character like Pong Krell, assuming that you are playing a Besalisk or other species with more than 2 arms, you need the Multiweapon Fighting and Multidexterity feats, also from UAA.

Double bladed lightsabers also require their own Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat.

Considering the martial nature of this character, you want to be be either a Soldier or a Jedi Guardian. Assuming you go the Jedi route, you'll also want to pick up the Lightsaber Defense, Knight Defense and Master Defense Force Feats. Heroic Surge is also a must for a Jedi because you lose move actions by using your Deflect class feature.

One of those Force Feats will be a bonus feat, so your final level-based feat is open, but I recommend Burst of Speed.
As for your other bonus feats, that largely depends on your stats. If your Dexterity is higher despite the racial penalty, go for Weapon Finesse, Combat Reflexes and then open; anything else is fine, except for Quickness and Toughness. Don't touch them ever.

If you have the Power of the Jedi sourcebook, multiclass to Jedi Weapon Master ASAP and never look back.

In either case, Jedi Master is your capstone; pick it up either as soon as you qualify or after you finish Weapon Master.

Sample build:
Make Besalisk Jedi Guardian 5/Jedi Weapon Master 10/Jedi Master 5
1: Multidexterity, Control
2b: Power Attack or Weapon Finesse
3: Multiweapon Fighting, Sense
4: Alter
6: Exotic Weapon Proficiency double bladed lightsaber, Heroic Surge.
7: Lightsaber Defense
9: Knight Defense, Weapon Focus
12: Master Defense, Improved Critical
15: Burst of Speed
18: Dissipate Energy.
19b: any from list

2016-05-24, 09:59 PM
Alright awesome blossom. I'm extremely thankful for all the help you've provided. :)

2016-05-25, 12:18 PM
That was..... I think we just witnessed..... Something...

2016-05-25, 12:39 PM
I agree. It was messy. But hey we got it figured out. :)

2016-05-25, 12:47 PM
It was one of those moments of game expertise that puts even the nerds to shame.

2016-05-25, 01:29 PM
I'll admit it may have been easier and not as in depth if I had some knowledge of d20 Star Wars.