View Full Version : Have never played a barbarian befor need advice on question

Sir cryosin
2016-05-25, 07:31 AM
I was thinking of playing a two weapon fighter barbarian. My question because I'm afb right now is do I get rage damage on both weapons and should I play a different class because I want a 2 weapon fighter.

2016-05-25, 07:45 AM
You do get rage damage on both weapons.

The big problem is that you don't get to add your ability modifier to the second attack without a fighter or ranger dip. If you want a single class character, they are better options for the style. If not, barbarian with a dip sounds good. Barbarian 17/Champion 3 is fun for crit-fishing.

2016-05-25, 08:51 AM
I was thinking of playing a two weapon fighter barbarian. My question because I'm afb right now is do I get rage damage on both weapons and should I play a different class because I want a 2 weapon fighter.
Yes. And you're not wedded to TWF since you don't have a fighting style.

Take a barbarogue elk 5 / swash 3:
- TWF : 3d6+6+8 + 2d6 = 24.5 + 7
- GWF : 4d6+4+8 = 26

A fighter 5 with TWF would do +4 from the 3rd attack but miss the +6 from rage. And is more likely to pick defense style for AC since it won't have the damage resistance.

Joe the Rat
2016-05-25, 09:00 AM
It works best with a fighter dip for the fighting style, but it's okay without. If you're serious about it, get the Dual Wielder so you can switch up from handaxes to battle axes (or whatever your preferred tools for blood-letting), and pick up an AC bonus.

Like bid noted, as a Barbarian you don't have a style dedicated to it, so you can try out different configurations to see what you like best (though the feat does lock you in a bit). If you aren't vhuman, you have until 4th level to decide if you want to stick to it (feat selection), then pick up a class dip at 6 (don't delay the extra attack).

2016-05-25, 11:42 AM
I was thinking of playing a two weapon fighter barbarian. My question because I'm afb right now is do I get rage damage on both weapons and should I play a different class because I want a 2 weapon fighter.

Either fighter, barbarian, or ranger should do good 2-weapon damage. If you want to be a barbarian, I'd recommend dipping fighter for a level so you can add your strength to the off-hand attack.

You might want the dual wielder feat so you can wield weapons that aren't light. The difference will be dealing d8s instead of d6s, an increase of one point per attack. Also, getting your strength up will be a good idea since that applies to all your attacks.

2016-05-25, 12:17 PM
Be aware that TWF eats up your Bonus Action, which is exactly the action you need to initiate Rage. So on the first round of combat (when you're initiating Rage), you'll miss out on the offhand attack.

2016-05-25, 12:54 PM
1) Take the Fighting Style. It's a choice between one fighter level or two ranger's. Ranger's advantage is Hunter's Mark (+1d6 to all attacks), Fighter's advantage is requiring only 1 level.

2) Take the Dual Wielder feat. +1AC, +1 average damage and attack+rage on the first turn are worth it.

3) As they said, remember Rage is priority on the first turn; the bonus attack should only be used in the second turn.

2016-05-25, 01:08 PM
I've played about a half a dozen or so barbarians. Unless I'm playing a variant human with the GWM feat or PM feat I always start out dual wielding handaxes. Getting that extra attack at low levels is huge, even without str mod to damage on the off hand. The rage damage works great with the extra attack, as does reckless attack.

I do consider GWM and PM barbs to be "better" s in do more damage, but a TWF barb will still be a damage machine.

Just don't go Berserker

(as if you would :smallwink:)

The J Pizzel
2016-05-25, 02:05 PM
We have a min/maxed half-orc Barbarian crit-fisher in our group. Dipped 3 levels of fighter for improved crit, dual wields random d8 weapons, adds static str and rage to all attacks, and we all chip in to make sure he always has advantage on his attacks to try and trigger the crit. In all honesty, he doesn't put up constant dps like our GWM pally does, but he sure does pack a punch. Three attacks per round with all that static damage is pretty nice.

2016-05-25, 08:17 PM
you do gat rage damage on all attacks, but generally i prefer either going PAM when looking for bonus attack options. Another decent option for barbs would be to go battlerager for the spiked armor attack.

But that's just me. twf would be viable, if a bit sub-optimal.