View Full Version : Pathfinder 2 Melee Attacks vs 1 Melee Touch Attack: The Usefulness of Sorcerer Claws

2016-05-25, 10:38 AM
In an upcoming campaign I have applied to, I decided to roll up with a Ghoul Bloodline Sorcerer (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/sorcerer/bloodlines/bloodlines-from-paizo/ghoul-sorcerer-bloodline).

Like several other sorcerer bloodline powers, the bloodline's first level feature might seem odd to give to a first level full caster class with 1/2 BAB: the ability to turn your hands into claws and make two standard melee atttacks with them.

Thematic and flavorful? Certainly. But in terms of practical usefulness, I was rather underwhelmed. While the paralyzing feature they grant at hire levels is nice. the saving throw is rather lackluster.

Then I discovered this little bit of information in the pathfinder rules:

Holding the Charge: If you don't discharge the spell in the round when you cast the spell, you can hold the charge indefinitely. You can continue to make touch attacks round after round. If you touch anything or anyone while holding a charge, even unintentionally, the spell discharges. If you cast another spell, the touch spell dissipates. You can touch one friend as a standard action or up to six friends as a full-round action. Alternatively, you may make a normal unarmed attack (or an attack with a natural weapon) while holding a charge. In this case, you aren't considered armed and you provoke attacks of opportunity as normal for the attack. If your unarmed attack or natural weapon attack normally doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity, neither does this attack. If the attack hits, you deal normal damage for your unarmed attack or natural weapon and the spell discharges. If the attack misses, you are still holding the charge.

To summarize things for you: I can cast a touch attack spell one round, then use my two claw attacks in a following round to try and deliver the spell.

This comes with two drawbacks: (1) I have to wait an extra round after casting the spell to deliver it in this way [this can be mitigated by casting the spell in advance, strategic planning, and other factors, so I'm not really worried about taking this into account] and (2) The claws have to hit the Target's normal AC, not their touch AC.

But, what most people will probably forget or overlook is one potential benefit: at level 1, you have the opportunity to make two attacks to hit an enemy with a melee touch spell, instead of the usual one. Sure, attacking Beafy the Fighter wearing fullplate using claws will be a bad idea: his normal AC will be high, and his Touch AC is likely to suck.

But on the other hand, what if I'm trying to hit Sneaky the Ranger wearing leather armor with my claws. His normal AC might only be 2 points higher than his touch AC. While his normal AC is higher, I would get two opportunities to hit it. For those of you familiar with XCOM: Enemy Unknown, I realized that in some ways, this is similar to the Rapid Fire (http://xcom.wikia.com/wiki/Rapid_Fire) ability. Two attacks, each with a lower chance of hitting, but with a higher chance to deal damage overall.

So with all this said, I need some help with something. My math skills aren't great to begin with, and I wouldn't even know where to begin trying to determine when it's better for me to use two claw attacks to deliver a spell, or to use the default touch attack.

So, to anyone willing to give me a hand, here are some things to keep in mind:

1. I'm not interested in trying to determine the fairly small benefit that the claw damage provides, or the paralysis they can inflict at higher levels. To me, these are basically icing on the cake. If they happen, that just makes things even better.

2. Yes, I know making a sorcerer who specializes to go into melee combat is suboptimal at best. While there are some factors at play in this game that mitigate this effect (extra health and a strength score that's fairly high), i know it's still not the best strategy in the world. I am okay with this. Consider this optimizing the sub optimal.

3. At level 9, I get a number of free haste rounds equal to my sorcerer level, which can be used to let me make a third claw attack, also at my highest BAB. How would this change the calculations about attacking against touch AC vs multiple attacks vs normal AC.

4. Does anyone know that for spells like chill touch (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/coreRulebook/spells/chillTouch.html), which let me make multiple melee touch attacks as my level gets higher and higher, can be used in conjunction with my claws. If I were to hit someone twice with my claws in one round, would they take the 1d6 damage twice, or just once per round?

If you have any questions or need me to clarify something, I'd be more than willing to help.

2016-05-25, 11:06 AM
My question is, why not do both? You can make the free touch attack after casting the spell, then take two more bites at the apple with the claws. Mix and match against opponents based on what you know. EVen without a knowledge check, you can assume the lumbering hulk in full plate is going to be easier to hit with touch than a claw, to the point where going for a touch is better. Against the roguelikes, touch is close to armor so use claws. Against incorporeals, touch is normal ac and use claws. But you can always cast, move, then touch free action. Then grow claws and double tap if you need to. With haste and extra attacks from BAB then you are usually better off using the claws, but again better to figure out the AC based on the party rolls and just use your judgement.

You can always take weapon finesse if you don't care about the claw damage and use dex to hit. With chill touch, you can get multiple touches per level, but it can only discharge once a round. So if you hit twice with claws, you only get one discharge, but you might miss one claw so yeah.

2016-05-25, 11:27 AM
My question is, why not do both? You can make the free touch attack after casting the spell, then take two more bites at the apple with the claws.

Sure, in some cases I'll be doing this. However, even while growing the claws is a free action, attacking with them is not. And in some cases, I don't want to get anywhere near a target, let alone in melee range, without being fairly certain of my ability to effectively hamstring them.

So, if it turns out that I miss with the free touch given, I might just decide "Imma claw him" in the next round. In some cases though, I might only want to be near him after being certain I've debuffed him. I can't use the claws and the free touch in the same round untill I start casting spells as swfit action with quicken spell. Thats a long ways away from now.

Mix and match against opponents based on what you know. EVen without a knowledge check, you can assume the lumbering hulk in full plate is going to be easier to hit with touch than a claw, to the point where going for a touch is better. Against the roguelikes, touch is close to armor so use claws. Against incorporeals, touch is normal ac and use claws.But you can always cast, move, then touch free action. Then grow claws and double tap if you need to. With haste and extra attacks from BAB then you are usually better off using the claws, but again better to figure out the AC based on the party rolls and just use your judgement.

Oh I already plan on doing this too. I'm just wondering if a chart or spreadsheet can be made to determine at exactly what AC's i should claw at, and when I should use the touch attack at.

Why? For science, mostly. I don't know, i just figure it might be fun for someone to do the calculations for, and it could prove to be a useful reference for other people trying to figure out a way to make their sorcerer claws less useless.

You can always take weapon finesse if you don't care about the claw damage and use dex to hit.

While this is the most optimal choice for most builds, my character has a higher STR then DEX. I know it's not optimized, but I can't really justify him having a low STR based on his backstory, and the game I'm in is definatley prioritizing story over optimization.

With chill touch, you can get multiple touches per level, but it can only discharge once a round. So if you hit twice with claws, you only get one discharge, but you might miss one claw so yeah.


2016-05-25, 12:01 PM
I did some rough math, here is what I got for getting a touch spell to discharge on 1 touch vs 2 claws.

If their AC-your total attack bonus= is 1 or less use the claws

If their AC-your total attack bonus= less than or equal to 1.5 times their touch AC, use the claws.

If their AC-your total attack bonus=more than 1.5 times their touch AC, use touch.

If their AC or touch AC-your total attack bonus=20 or more, use the claws.