View Full Version : So I Threw A Player Into The Land Of War And Blood...

2016-05-25, 04:30 PM
In a solo session. BEFORE the rest of the party showed up. Basically, he was witness to the court wizard stabbing himself to death to summon a Bloodthirster, and while he initially fled, he came back to fight the Bloodthirster alone. Not wanting to kill him off on session one, I had the beast grab him and throw him into the portal, depositing him in Khorne's homeland.

So my question is this-how the heck do I introduce other players?

2016-05-25, 04:33 PM
In a solo session. BEFORE the rest of the party showed up. Basically, he was witness to the court wizard stabbing himself to death to summon a Bloodthirster, and while he initially fled, he came back to fight the Bloodthirster alone. Not wanting to kill him off on session one, I had the beast grab him and throw him into the portal, depositing him in Khorne's homeland.

So my question is this-how the heck do I introduce other players?
First, construct a tavern ...

2016-05-25, 04:33 PM
First, construct a tavern ...

This made me laugh out loud. Thank you, Korvin.

2016-05-25, 04:38 PM
I mean, there's nothing wrong with spending 30 minutes to an hour coming up with crazy-go-nuts gonzo situations for each new character that ends with them stranded in the same place, is there? They all end up in the Land of Blood and Grimness and Darkness and Super-Duper-For-Realsies-Hardcore-Violence-Shut-Up-Mom-It's-Not-Just-A-Phase around the same time after each having a little solo adventure, and then they have to get out together. I've started campaigns by spending 30 minutes or so on each person individually, and if you make it kind of fun and high-action, the other players stay engaged because, hey, it's exciting.

2016-05-25, 04:39 PM
I'm not sure whether this is entirely appropriate to the setting, but "group of people trying to summon demon accudentally summon random shmuck trapped in hell" is fairly classic.

It doesn't even have to be the party, they could easily just run into some really disappointed cultists.

2016-05-25, 04:40 PM
I laughed out loud at Korvin's comment too. :smallbiggrin:

How about this...the rest of the party has been having dark and twisted dreams about a world beyond their own. You narrate them entering and exploring an ancient abandoned temple, and bring them in at the boss fight, the guardian of an altar. As the battle unfolds, a portal opens and the other character falls out. How are they connected? Why these characters and no one else? What secrets did the temple once hold, and what clues remain? Adventure and find out!

2016-05-25, 05:18 PM
In a solo session. BEFORE the rest of the party showed up. Basically, he was witness to the court wizard stabbing himself to death to summon a Bloodthirster, and while he initially fled, he came back to fight the Bloodthirster alone. Not wanting to kill him off on session one, I had the beast grab him and throw him into the portal, depositing him in Khorne's homeland.

So my question is this-how the heck do I introduce other players?

Depends, do you want to have the campaign in Khorne's homeland (BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD) where the player currently is, or do you want to have it back where the court wizard was from?

2016-05-25, 05:27 PM
I'm good in either location. I could ask my players, but I don't have most of their phone numbers.

2016-05-25, 06:22 PM
If in Khorneland:

First player is immediately beset upon by the servants of Khorne and torn apart.

Other players are attacked by servants of Khorne and their skulls removed from their heads (gotta go on that throne). Their "souls" awaken in Khorneland at the same time as the first player. Roll from there sans equipment they scavenge off other bodies.

If not in Khorneland:

A double-agent/usurper in Khorneland gets the First Player to work with them to defeat the Bloodthirster (could be a jealous 2nd Bloodthirster, etc) and sends him back through the portal. Proceed as normal from there.