View Full Version : GM help: Half the party wants to start a new campaign

2016-05-25, 07:26 PM
As the title.

Went from a party of 8 to a party of 5, due to some college stuff with the afflicted players. Now 2/5 of the remainder would like to start a new campaign, while 2/5 want to continue the campaign we are currently doing (the final player is indifferent and is with us to enjoy the company).

Any advice you guys have would be appreciated, along with any tales of a similar vein. We run 3 different games, 1 per week, with different GMs, but I don't want mine to be the game that half the group isn't looking forward to...

I do not mind either way, lower levels are easier on me, but higher levels are more fun to plan.

Background information on the players if relevant:
The group is currently level 15

Players that want to continue: Duskblade15 that is extremely happy that he can finally use arcane full attack (or what ever it is called) and a Barbarian/Fist of the Forest/Frost Rager that is extremely happy to be playing at high levels.

Players that want to start over (who are each the other GMs in the rotation): Warblade15 that has achieved everything they wanted during the campaign, and a Cleric/Radiant Servant of Pelor that realized he could win the fights without a party but doesn't believe he has enough self control to stop himself from over shadowing the content players, which is something I'm working on with him.

Indifferent: Fighter/Dwarven Defender that just enjoys being included.

Honest Tiefling
2016-05-25, 07:35 PM
Hrm. Am I mistaken in believing that the Duskblade and the Barbarian want to continue for power reasons? If so, ask your players if they would be alright restarting...On the condition that 1) Yes, you can rebuilt your old character if so desired. And 2) You're starting at higher levels. Would these two be upset if they started at say...10-12 and worked up from there? That should give a fresh start to the Warblade and to the Cleric, who...Probably needs a new character.

In fact, have you proposed that instead? That they can turn in their old characters for new ones? The warblade could have other goals to pursue with a new character, (suggest that the new character might be a student of the old?) and the ex-cleric can be given a new class to use. Maybe ask which one he'd feel challenged to optimize.

And thirdly, what is YOUR desire? Is there a bit of the story to wrap up? A few encounters to beat before moving on? This should be considered as well.

2016-05-25, 07:59 PM
In fact, have you proposed that instead? That they can turn in their old characters for new ones? The warblade could have other goals to pursue with a new character, (suggest that the new character might be a student of the old?) and the ex-cleric can be given a new class to use. Maybe ask which one he'd feel challenged to optimize.

Yes, this is what I'd suggest.

2016-05-26, 12:02 AM
Personally, I'd ask the two who want to start anew whether they want to restart the campaign, or to be playing different characters?

Because if the latter is the case, let them roll up new characters. The warblade retires to buy and own a Military Academy. Or joins a Circus, depending on their build choices. The cleric....uh, becomes a bishop?

Anyway, what I mean is, as a one off, retire their characters and offer the players reroll their characters with full level Wealth by Level and work with them closely to entwine their characters with the plot. it'll be easier than coming up with a whole new plot

If there is an overarching plot, sit down with the two re-rolls and work out how they've been approaching the problem that constitutes the plot from another angle.

2016-05-26, 04:06 AM
Starting a new campaign because some players don't want to play their own characters anymore makes no sense to me.

Retire the characters, not the campaign.

2016-05-26, 04:12 PM
Thank you for the advice, I spoke with the cleric and he says he would be alright rolling a new character with appropriate WBL, which solves that.

The war blade should be replying to my message any time now.

As far as campaign goals, these players (cleric and war blade) are least invested in story (as opposed to Duskblade and Barbarian), which makes me agree that the campaign shouldn't have to end for them to reroll.

As far as what I want to do, I don't mind either way. I love the simplicity of lower level games, but I also enjoy making higher level threats that my players will battle. I get a feeling of satisfaction when they are congratulating each other after a tough fight.

2016-05-27, 04:24 PM
Aye rerolling seems the most sensible approach for the disinterested pair, alternatively plan a final act, a last hurrah as those characters to end the campaign and start a fresh one, let's those invested use and enjoy all they have worked for and the others get closure and be reassured a new campaign is forthcoming.

2016-05-28, 01:00 PM
Are the players that left due to school going to be coming back? If they are you could put it on hold and have something to come back to later when they return. Also do the players that want to start over want lower level characters? I have noticed that some people dislike the higher levels just as some hate the lower levels.

2016-05-28, 03:31 PM
The war blade is also confirmed for re-rolling his character, all issues solved, thank you guys!

The ones leaving for school are doing out of state colleges and will be kept in contact via Skype for separate games, their characters had a nice send off via wrestling a Pyroclastic dragon in a volcano (which they lost, but enjoyed).

I'll be working with war blade and cleric to see how they would like to retire.