View Full Version : Earth glide and grappling

2016-05-25, 07:50 PM
If I get earth glide as a movement mode can I grab and pull people under ground and then leave them there?
Also regardless of that answer what are some ways to get earth glide as a permanent movement mode? Also do I still need to breathe if I have a ring of sustenance on while earth gliding?

2016-05-25, 08:02 PM
Also regardless of that answer what are some ways to get earth glide as a permanent movement mode?

Only one I know of is 12 levels of Underdark Knight Paladin, I believe it's called (AFB atm). For your other questions, I'm not certain of the answers.

2016-05-25, 08:45 PM
If I get earth glide as a movement mode can I grab and pull people under ground and then leave them there? Why not? If you had a swim speed, would you question your ability to drown people by dragging them under the water?

2016-05-25, 08:48 PM
The Earth Dreamer PrC is one way I know to get Earth Glide.

Why not? If you had a swim speed, would you question your ability to drown people by dragging them under the water?

I'd imagine most creatures can move through water. The same couldn't be said for solid stone. Does Earth Glide bestow the ability to move through earth to people they touched as well?

2016-05-25, 08:50 PM
As far as entombing people, I rule yes. Just check for rules about weight and movement if any. All my earth gliding monster use that as a tactic. You grapple, maintain, then move. Barring haste or improve grab it isn't a one turn kill, and it fits thematically.

From the lists of stuff:

Burrow (or earth glide)
Paladin 12, class variant, Complete Champion, equal to land speed, see text
Earth Dreamer 5, ecl 12, Races of Stone - equal to base speed, limited use
Stonespeaker Guardian 5, ecl 11, Races of Stone - half base speed
Mineral Warrior, template, LA+1, FR: Underdark, equal to half highest speed, lose flight
Earth Glider, elemental graft, Magic of Eberron, equal to base land speed, see text
Haztaratain 9, ecl 14, Eberron: Secrets of Sarlona, limited duration
Darkrunner 10, ecl 14, Lords of Madness - equal to base speed, limited use
Burrowing Claws, Illithid Graft, Lords of Madness, 20'
Lord of Tides 3, ecl 8, Sandstorm - 5' through soft earth only
Ashworm Dragoon 6, 10/10, ecl 11, Sandstorm - only while on mount, see text
Thrall of Eltab 3, ecl 8, Champions of Ruin - 10'
Elemental Warrior (earth) 4, ecl 11, Planar Handbook, 30'
Planar Touchstone (Echolost), feat, Planar Handbook - varies

Not sure how many are earth glide off hand, i think mineral warrior is but IDK. A place to start looking.

2016-05-25, 08:56 PM
I'd imagine most creatures can move through water. The same couldn't be said for solid stone. Does Earth Glide bestow the ability to move through earth to people they touched as well?

Not under their own power. Just like a flying creature can carry people with it, but it's a one-way trip to Plummettown if the fall off, those with Earth Glide can carry people, but they're SOL if they let go.

2016-05-26, 04:37 AM
Not under their own power. Just like a flying creature can carry people with it, but it's a one-way trip to Plummettown if the fall off, those with Earth Glide can carry people, but they're SOL if they let go.

It's not the air that prevents you from flying, AFAIK. You can move forward, right? Air exists in front of you just as it does above you, and you simply displace it as you move through it. Earth Glide doesn't displace earth, or there would be signs of the creature while it passes through the earth.

I don't think that comparison works either...

2016-05-26, 05:03 AM
The spell description says that only one is affected, so i don't think you can entomb people. In addition to Efrate's list,
you could perma-persistent it with Incantatrix's metamagic effect (3rd level Incantatrix). The ring enables you to breathe through magical means (it does not gives you the necessary organs, it just does it) so i think you can breathe the rock :smallbiggrin:

2016-05-26, 06:41 AM
As far as entombing people, I rule yes. Just check for rules about weight and movement if any. All my earth gliding monster use that as a tactic. You grapple, maintain, then move. Barring haste or improve grab it isn't a one turn kill, and it fits thematically.

From the lists of stuff:

Burrow (or earth glide)
Paladin 12, class variant, Complete Champion, equal to land speed, see text
Earth Dreamer 5, ecl 12, Races of Stone - equal to base speed, limited use
Stonespeaker Guardian 5, ecl 11, Races of Stone - half base speed
Mineral Warrior, template, LA+1, FR: Underdark, equal to half highest speed, lose flight
Earth Glider, elemental graft, Magic of Eberron, equal to base land speed, see text
Haztaratain 9, ecl 14, Eberron: Secrets of Sarlona, limited duration
Darkrunner 10, ecl 14, Lords of Madness - equal to base speed, limited use
Burrowing Claws, Illithid Graft, Lords of Madness, 20'
Lord of Tides 3, ecl 8, Sandstorm - 5' through soft earth only
Ashworm Dragoon 6, 10/10, ecl 11, Sandstorm - only while on mount, see text
Thrall of Eltab 3, ecl 8, Champions of Ruin - 10'
Elemental Warrior (earth) 4, ecl 11, Planar Handbook, 30'
Planar Touchstone (Echolost), feat, Planar Handbook - varies

Not sure how many are earth glide off hand, i think mineral warrior is but IDK. A place to start looking.

Also: Wizard 9 or Sorcerer 10 with the 'Xorn movement' spell.

Druid 16: elemental wild shape (earth elemental), although they can summon elementals to drag them around with SNAII by level 3.

Shapechange spell

2016-05-26, 06:54 AM
It probably depends on the source of the earth glide ability.

The PF spell (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/e/earth-glide) only works for you. So while you could enter the wall, your intended victim can't, and it would be effectively solid for him. There's no suggestion that a xorn's (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/xorn) ability works differently to that.

If you win a grapple contest, you could use your earth glide to enter a wall, but unless your opponent has that ability themselves, or your ability somehow extends to them, doing so would break the grapple and leave him where he was immediately before you entered the wall.

Willie the Duck
2016-05-26, 02:56 PM
Yeah, unless you can convey the power as a touch ability, I'm going to say that reaching out of a wall and trying to drag someone into the earth only ends with you slamming them against the wall (or squeezing them between your encircling arms and the wall, if you grapple-dragged them to the wall). It isn't like flying (where all they needed was lift to get them into the air) or swimming (where they too can swim/sink).

2016-05-27, 12:23 AM
Whatever decision you make, realize it'll allow people with EG to take along allies too. Your DM may find his dungeon bypassed faster than you can say 'earth elemental'.

2016-05-27, 08:24 AM
Whatever your DMs decision, just remember that any class option that contains a pet/familiar/animal companion would be subject to those rules as well. So, a DM saying no - that creatures touched/held/equipped don't gain the earth move ability, you might leave your buddy hanging in the dust while you head off to override the rest of the dungeon by yourself.

Also - if this is PF i'd say no. because of this (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/genie/shaitan).

The Shaitan Genie specifically has the "Stone Curse" as a SU. As this is a specific ability that had to be outlined under this monster and not all the other monsters with earth glide, I'd rule that if you want an effect like stonecurse, be a Shaitan.

However, this is a moot point if not PF... so carry on!

2016-05-27, 02:10 PM
There's a monster with Earth Glide that specifically has the special ability to allow a rider to glide with it when mounted in the FR Underdark book.
Not exactly conclusive considering the mess that is 3.5 rules, but it certainly indicates that you can't just take people with you when you earth glide.

On the other hand any earth glider can carry his gear, so the only reason you couldn't carry a person would be arbitrary rules distinction. In case of dragging an unwilling person underground you'd have to succeed in an appropriate grappling check of course.
Given that grappling isn't exactly the most effective fighting style and the non-trivial cost of getting earth glide on someone actually good at grappling? I'd allow it. Also because it's cool.:smallbiggrin:

2016-05-27, 04:57 PM
Whatchagottado, see, is win the grapple and then wear the person like a cloak. Just make sure you have an open slot for, you know, cloak.

Honest Tiefling
2016-05-27, 05:26 PM
Does this mean that a wizard who earth glides cannot bring with him or her any living creatures within the spell component pouch?

2016-05-28, 07:22 AM
Does this mean that a wizard who earth glides cannot bring with him or her any living creatures within the spell component pouch?

I am pretty sure all spell component pouches are just latent psychic organisms able to understand what the caster needs when he sticks his hand in and create that item out of empty air. It's the only way to explain having small flasks of water when traveling through a frozen wasteland or the Plane of Fire.

2016-05-28, 08:20 AM
Whatchagottado, see, is win the grapple and then wear the person like a cloak. Just make sure you have an open slot for, you know, cloak.

Like this?

[This should be that image of Ace Ventura wearing the monopoly guy like a scarf, but on a tablet I cant get it to i sert into the post :smallsigh:]

2016-05-28, 09:08 AM
Like this?

[This should be that image of Ace Ventura wearing the monopoly guy like a scarf, but on a tablet I cant get it to i sert into the post :smallsigh:]

Here you go:


2016-05-28, 04:20 PM
Like this?

[This should be that image of Ace Ventura wearing the monopoly guy like a scarf, but on a tablet I cant get it to i sert into the post :smallsigh:]

Yes, and thank you both, Vizzerdrix and Dire_Stirge.