View Full Version : Pathfinder Creating Artifacts

2016-05-26, 10:26 AM
So I recently made a template with a friend of mine that is all about item crafting. The end result was some kinda crazy to say the least as this man can at mythic tier 1 create a +6 belt in like 1-2 days. However this posed an issue as I had no persona or play style to go with this concept. After playing game last night however, an idea passed my mind that I never thought about.
In our game we are in a town that a mysterious illness that is magical in nature is effecting. The town is in lockdown mode and plague docs are all over the place. Nobody knows where it is coming from, but the numbers make Resident Evil look like a happy visual novel. The idea that passed my mind was...
"If I was a spellcaster, would I be able to build a fountain in town that had permanent remove disease as a base for its construction?"

This of course gives me a concept to play with now, but only if I could do this sort of thing. It would be a static structure and create water and remove disease would both be needed spells. I also think permanency would be required giving it a CL of about 10 or so.

Does this sound about right?

Red Fel
2016-05-26, 10:33 AM
Does this sound about right?

Why not just make an automatically resetting magic trap of Remove Disease? Or a spell clock (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cw/20070312a)?

Spell clock works pretty well, actually. Just have the clock tower in the middle of town rigged up to radiate over the town square or somesuch at noon every day. The afflicted gather there shortly before noon, then bong, bong, bong and they're healed.

Or something like that.

EDIT: Whoops, PF. Well, here are PF's rules for traps (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/traps-hazards-and-special-terrains/traps). You could make a resetting magic trap of Remove Disease. An automatic reset magic trap costs 500 gp x caster level x spell level. Remove Disease is a 3rd level spell, assuming a minimum CL of 5, that's 500x5x3= 7500 gp. There's an additional cost for material components, but Remove Disease has none, so score there. It takes 1 day to construct per 500 gp, so 15 days to build, and then you have a device that automatically resets and spits out Remove Disease when triggered - say, by placing both hands upon a tablet marked with the symbol of the god of healing or something.

2016-05-26, 10:52 AM
So, not Pathfinder but still useful: check the Stronghold Builder's Guide 3.0 splatbook, it has a section on Wondrous Architecture that IIRC has an item that does that essentially.
Or, barring that, The Book of Exalted Deeds has magical relics that can produce the effect weekly or monthly iirc

2016-05-26, 04:32 PM
Thanks for the replies guys.
I just wanted to make sure I COULD do things like this, and this will at give me the information I need.