View Full Version : D&D 5e AKA Europoor D&D

2016-05-26, 12:11 PM
Why is this game so terrible? Where are all the magic items? DM made us slog thru 4 hour dungeon crawl and all I got was this crappy chainmail shirt.

2016-05-26, 12:19 PM
That sounds like a DM problem, not a system problem...

Did you ask your DM why you got was "this crappy chainmail shirt"? Which adventure are you playing?

2016-05-26, 12:20 PM
Instead of making whiny threads, you can just ask your DM to add more magic items to your adventures. It's not game's fault your DM decided to make low-power campaign.

2016-05-26, 12:21 PM
homebrew dungeon for 10th level characters.

the only magic item the party has is a crossbow that doesn't need ammunition to fire.

I have learned to macguyver my way out of situations. Take for example the dm had us doing a castle quest to kill a dark knight who stole a princess and was holding her hostage. seeing how the castle was four floors tall and full of traps and badguys and could easily just kill the king and his six guards in the city (there were only six legos for the hero town.) I had to think fast and act on my feet. I wound up drinking some dr. pepper and secretly taking a swig of tabasco sauce in order to trigger my gag reflex and throw up, so I could pretend I was sick and avoid the crappy dungeon. I went home and played Destiny and it was great.

2016-05-26, 12:26 PM
homebrew dungeon for 10th level characters.

the only magic item the party has is a crossbow that doesn't need ammunition to fire.

I have learned to macguyver my way out of situations. Take for example the dm had us doing a castle quest to kill a dark knight who stole a princess and was holding her hostage. seeing how the castle was four floors tall and full of traps and badguys and could easily just kill the king and his six guards in the city (there were only six legos for the hero town.) I had to think fast and act on my feet. I wound up drinking some dr. pepper and secretly taking a swig of tabasco sauce in order to trigger my gag reflex and throw up, so I could pretend I was sick and avoid the crappy dungeon. I went home and played Destiny and it was great.

Yep, definitely a DM/group problem. Have you tried talking to your DM, or is Destiny (:smallsigh:) more your expectation for a D&D game as well?

2016-05-26, 12:27 PM
Bravo. I want more!

Occasional Sage
2016-05-26, 12:28 PM
Your complaint is with the homemade adventure then, not the edition. This is a conversation to have with your DM, and also in large part an incorrect expectation set by your 3.5 experience.

One of the design goals of 5e was to remove the need for ever-more and -better magic items to keep pace with the monsters (what folks call the Christmas Tree Effect). From other posts you've made I gather that you're a 3.5 fan, and that's great; it does, however, create for you a way of thinking about "what D&D is" that does not translate well to 5e.

Also, I'm sorry you didn't enjoy your first run-in with 5e very much. If there's a next time I hope it goes better for you!

2016-05-26, 12:29 PM
i tried talking to him and he's like "well im the dm I bought the books so therefore what I say is law" and im liek "dude your game sucks! it needs magic items and cool stuff otherwise were all just glorified peasants" then he says to me "dont like it go find another DM"

glhf finding another DM in literally nowhere louisiana. so either I'm stuck playing d&d great depression edition or I'll have to go play destiny and I can't do that anymore because there's no new content.

2016-05-26, 12:30 PM
While it is up to the DM on how to run his/her adventure the DM should always entice the players. If the end quest item is something they could have easily gotten anyways, then why go adventuring. If chain shirts are ultra-rare and don't come up in any shops then the chain shirt would be an awesome reward. But if the adventurer can open up a small roadside shop and get enough money to get a chain shirt without going on an adventure, then to many why go?

Another note, 5e is meant to be lower magic than previous editions. You can't attune a thousand items anymore. You are supposed to get very few permanent items, and most of your treasure will be potions. Now running a level 10 adventure, I would expect at the very least some potions of healing, maybe a potion of hill giant strength. Another thing, encounter difficulty in 5e is based off characters not having any magic items. Your DM may not want to go through all the extra work of trying to figure out what is truly a medium level encounter with all the extra variables of magic included.

Hope it helps


Joe the Rat
2016-05-26, 12:33 PM
How's your internet? Look for games on Fantasy Grounds or Roll20 for different perspectives.

2016-05-26, 12:34 PM
Well, 5th edition does get much more stingy with magic items by default than 3rd or 4th edition did, and there are reasons for that. The biggest one is that, in prior editions, many characters were somewhat shackled to the "magic item treadmill", which meant that the game's math was balanced around the assumption that you would be regularly obtaining and upgrading magic items in order to keep up with the curve. This resulted in a high-powered feel at higher levels, but was a lot of information to track and record, and meant that magic items were no longer special or unique, but built-to-order out of tables in the PHB and DMG, and that players could, quite reasonably, expect several to come their way during the course of a mid-level adventure.

This was a fairly big change from the days of yore. In 1st and 2nd edition games, magical items were somewhat more rare (although this, of course, always depended more on the DM than the edition itself...), and as such, were supposed to feel more unique and powerful. A magic sword wasn't necessarily something you expected to get (barring some exceptions, such as paladins hunting down their holy avenger), but something that put you above the line, a valuable extra. 5th edition is, in part, aiming to scale back the assumption that magic items are a required part of the game, partly to capture that old-school feel of "this is really special!" when you do run across one, and partly to make it so that the characters and their innate abilities are the source of the player's power to affect the game, not the golf-bag of magical weapons they're carrying around.

There is some debate on exactly how much magic items are supposed to play into the average 5th edition game, but the answer is almost definitely, "less than 3.5" for sure. The advent of bounded accuracy preventing to-hit and AC numbers from launching themselves into the 70s and a deliberate attempt to constrain the game within a more well-defined set of limits leaves less room for the more powerful or outlandish magical items of days past, while at the same time making even a simple +1 weapon much more powerful than it has been for a very long time.

That being said, if you are unhappy with the tone or level of power in the game you're playing, there's no harm in talking to your DM about your expectations. 5e can support gonzo, high-level, rocket-tag sorts of games, doling out +3 armor and weapons to PCs and upping the challenge level of encounters to match, but the default assumption of the rulebooks is much more mundane than that. This is intended to be an edition where a +1 sword is remarkable, a +2 sword is legendary, and a +3 sword is mythical. If you want to play a game closer to the idea of mythic heroes slaying great and terrible beasts, but your DM and the other players want to play a more down-to-earth, medieval survival-fantasy game, you may need to compromise or find another group.

2016-05-26, 12:34 PM
I think I can name everything that the local shop in town sold.

Leather armor, daggers, swords, bows, arrows, healing potions, rope, flint and steel, firewood, rations, and torches. That's about it. I probably missed a few things, but that's what I have on my sheet and I think that's like everything that I thought might be useful so that's all that mattered from the shop.

Do people ACTUALLY PLAY roll20? All I ever see on there is 'Voice only' games where everyone's awkward AF, or you have furry homebrew magical realms where they take the most "Nothin Personnel...... kid" characters as serious and get mad if you laugh at them. Where are all the normal people who just want to play a game where you go on a great adventure without DMPCs and you actually have the power to do things besides move n hit?

2016-05-26, 12:47 PM
What class are you? If you can cast spells then you could craft magic items. Also how difficult was this adventure the "4 hour slog"? Because if all you were fighting was mountains of kobolds then in it makes sense that you might not get as much stuff then from say, fighting 3 hobgoblin captains and a vampire spell caster.

2016-05-26, 12:51 PM
What class are you? If you can cast spells then you could craft magic items. Also how difficult was this adventure the "4 hour slog"? Because if all you were fighting was mountains of kobolds then in it makes sense that you might not get as much stuff then from say, fighting 3 hobgoblin captains and a vampire spell caster.

Monk. We were fighting skeletal knights (who's gear convienently shattered every time they died. some bull**** about 'its magically conjured and bound to them'), lizardfolk rangers and there was even a half-troll hydra (so it had stronger regenerating powers) as a mid boss. The boss of the dungeon was merely a physical visage of the big bad, so even though we beat him he just faded into mist and taunted us, telling us where the NEXT dungeon is.

2016-05-26, 12:52 PM
Do people ACTUALLY PLAY roll20? All I ever see on there is 'Voice only' games where everyone's awkward AF, or you have furry homebrew magical realms where they take the most "Nothin Personnel...... kid" characters as serious and get mad if you laugh at them. Where are all the normal people who just want to play a game where you go on a great adventure without DMPCs and you actually have the power to do things besides move n hit?

Yes, they do. I personally use it only to create battle maps but otherwise no. I met up with a great group on roll20, you just have to specify your criteria. Such as voice and video and give a descriptor of the game you want. Of course our group doesn't play over roll20, we play over Skype but overall roll20 is a great place to meet people interested in the game.

2016-05-26, 12:52 PM
*clap clap*

Good classic trolling. 6 stars out of 10.

2016-05-26, 12:54 PM
A monk with leather armor, eh?

2016-05-26, 12:55 PM
i tried talking to him and he's like "well im the dm I bought the books so therefore what I say is law" and im liek "dude your game sucks! it needs magic items and cool stuff otherwise were all just glorified peasants" then he says to me "dont like it go find another DM"

glhf finding another DM in literally nowhere louisiana. so either I'm stuck playing d&d great depression edition or I'll have to go play destiny and I can't do that anymore because there's no new content.

In this case, you may try playing online (Roll20 is very nice). It'll be easier for you to find group, and some aspects of playing online (like light/darkvision mechanic) is much better than when you play with "real" battlemat and miniatures.

2016-05-26, 12:56 PM
For anyone who doesn't know the drill for lazy troll threads: ignore and report, do not respond.

2016-05-26, 12:56 PM
A monk with leather armor, eh?

I wear the leather armor to hide my power level. When it comes time to fight I flex and the armor is ripped off my body revealling my bulging muscles and giving me a +4 bonus for the combat. I carry a lot of armor.

2016-05-26, 12:58 PM
For anyone who doesn't know the drill for lazy troll threads: ignore and report, do not respond.

Aww, this is pretty fun stuff though:

I wear the leather armor to hide my power level. When it comes time to fight I flex and the armor is ripped off my body revealling my bulging muscles and giving me a +4 bonus for the combat. I carry a lot of armor.

I also liked the Dr. Pepper and hot sauce joke.

2016-05-26, 12:58 PM
for anyone who doesn't know the drill for lazy troll threads: Ignore and report, do not respond.

delete this

2016-05-26, 12:59 PM
I wear the leather armor to hide my power level. When it comes time to fight I flex and the armor is ripped off my body revealling my bulging muscles and giving me a +4 bonus for the combat. I carry a lot of armor.
Ken M, is that you?

2016-05-26, 01:04 PM
Ok, you got me. I can't believe it.


2016-05-26, 01:10 PM

Dammit. I actually took this seriously...

2016-05-26, 01:29 PM

Dammit. I actually took this seriously...

dont feel bad. I actually got some useful information from the thread.

Blue Lantern
2016-05-26, 01:56 PM
Ok, you got me. I can't believe it.


You think? I would not give him a 5 out of 10.

2016-05-26, 02:40 PM
You think? I would not give him a 5 out of 10.

I think because this forum seems friendly and people are nice, he caught me off guard. When you dig through threads on /tg you expect everyone to be trolling ;).

2016-05-26, 02:43 PM
You think? I would not give him a 5 out of 10.

Even 2/10 is generous. 4chan would laugh at this lazy bait.

He got less than 10 serious replies, and even this relatively slow board had him dead to rights in an hour. Half of this thread has been ridiculing his attempt.

2016-05-26, 02:52 PM
i keep replying. not because I'm making any meaningful effort to the thread, but just because I like the taste of this bait. I won't admit that though.

this is you.

2016-05-26, 02:56 PM
the only magic item the party has is a crossbow that doesn't need ammunition to fire.
This edition was built with the idea that you don't need magic items, though they are nice if you find them.

I have learned to macguyver my way out of situations. Good. That's good D&D right there.

castle was four floors tall and full of traps and badguys
Good, the game is called D&D, this is a standard challenge across many editions of the game.

I had to think fast and act on my feet.
Good. That makes D&D fun.

... trigger my gag reflex and throw up, so I could pretend I was sick and avoid the crappy dungeon. I went home and played Destiny and it was great.
Then maybe stick to video games.

i tried talking to him and he's like "well im the dm I bought the books so therefore what I say is law" and im liek "dude your game sucks! it needs magic items and cool stuff otherwise were all just glorified peasants" then he says to me "dont like it go find another DM" You now have more free time. Enjoy it. I hear that in Louisiana the fishing is great.

2016-05-26, 03:02 PM
You now have more free time. Enjoy it. I hear that in Louisiana the fishing is great.

Apparently the fishing's better in the Playground. :smalltongue:

Occasional Sage
2016-05-26, 03:03 PM
You now have more free time. Enjoy it. I hear that in Louisiana the fishing is great.

I don't know that you'd learn much about fishing in North Korea.

2016-05-26, 03:40 PM
I'd just like to say that I love the turn of the phrase"D&D Depression Ed"

2016-05-26, 03:52 PM
I'd just like to say that I love the turn of the phrase"D&D Depression Ed"

Lol, I have to admit, I found that funny as well.

2016-05-26, 07:47 PM
This thread is a train wreck, but the kind you see on a reality show about awesome explosions.

2016-05-26, 07:52 PM
I sense the aura of OneTrueWay-ism!

2016-05-26, 08:21 PM
glhf finding another DM in literally nowhere louisiana. so either I'm stuck playing d&d great depression edition or I'll have to go play destiny and I can't do that anymore because there's no new content.

Have you considered DMing, yourself? You don't NEED the DMG; you can use just the PHB or even just the SRD (though that's pretty sparse pickings).

2016-05-26, 09:57 PM
In this case, you may try playing online (Roll20 is very nice). It'll be easier for you to find group, and some aspects of playing online (like light/darkvision mechanic) is much better than when you play with "real" battlemat and miniatures.

Even though its an obvious troll thread, I'd like to point out that Fantasy Grounds is much better than roll20 because it automates all the math leaving your brain in role playing mode much longer and more often. It also has nearly all the features of Roll20. The only difference is Fantasy Grounds is the price of a cheap PC or Console game or you can buy it on a monthly basis for much cheaper. Its also uses the DMs computer as a dedicated server instead of the roll20 site which means no more dcing when they go down.

2016-05-27, 04:15 AM
Even though its an obvious troll thread, I'd like to point out that Fantasy Grounds is much better than roll20 because it automates all the math leaving your brain in role playing mode much longer and more often. It also has nearly all the features of Roll20. The only difference is Fantasy Grounds is the price of a cheap PC or Console game or you can buy it on a monthly basis for much cheaper. Its also uses the DMs computer as a dedicated server instead of the roll20 site which means no more dcing when they go down.

If you pick a good character sheet, roll20 is going to automate the majority of the math as well, if not all of it while playing. And using the DM's computer as a server isn't necessarily an upside. Do they need to connect via an ip? What if port-forwarding isn't an option for some reason, which is the case for me.

2016-05-27, 05:15 AM
There is a thread about the AL, or adventurer's league. See if they have one near you.

It is the same game at the end of the day. 5E, IMO, is much more reliant on chance and the roll of the dice. Every class is viable, and every class feels like an adventurer first, than the class.

The wizard is just as good with hurting someone with his staff, as is the fighter. Both get the same proficiency score, its not a walking stick, that wizard can still use it. Doesn't that seem more reasonable?

In 3.5, I swear, you either hit like you were a Navy Seal or a private in the supply room or galley peeling potatoes.

In 5E you feel like that wizard can march right along side you. And that fighter can know just as much about arcana as anyone else.

No class IMO is a liability. And magic weapons and gear, skew the game. I read thread upon thread about people creating characters around gauntlets and belts. Its silly.

5E has toned down that shenanigans. Just play.

2016-05-27, 02:13 PM
If you pick a good character sheet, roll20 is going to automate the majority of the math as well, if not all of it while playing. And using the DM's computer as a server isn't necessarily an upside. Do they need to connect via an ip? What if port-forwarding isn't an option for some reason, which is the case for me.

I've played with roll20. It is no where as automated as Fantasy Grounds. Try it out for yourself and you'll see what I'm talking about.

2016-05-27, 04:05 PM
I've played with roll20. It is no where as automated as Fantasy Grounds. Try it out for yourself and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Have you tried with V2 of the shaped sheet for 5e? It automatically parses all class abilities on level up to the sheet, as long as it's in the SRD and not part of a subclass.
All items from the SRD can be dragged in as well, making that automated. Same with spells.

I don't really see how you could automate it more, except for the stuff handled by API scripts, like importing monsters from JSON and setting up their tokens.

Sir cryosin
2016-05-27, 06:31 PM
It sounds like you néed to run a campaign use 3.5 and then run another campaign using 5e. Then you'll realize 5e is not ment to have a lot of magic iteams. You could ask your DM to incorporate magic items. That don't add to much to combat like.
1: a magic map that when you open it. It is all way a map of the region where you are at at the time.
2: gloves of mending where when you put the gloves on allows you to cast the cantrip mending.
3: weightless plate-mail waitress plate mail its plate mail armor that weighs nothing.

2016-05-28, 03:22 AM
waitress plate mail

When not worn, this armour will serve its wearer as per the unseen servant spell. The armour can also be ordered to buckle itself, halving both don and doff times. Oddly, whatever the make of the armour, it will address its wearer with a feminine voice.

2016-05-28, 11:58 AM
When not worn, this armour will serve its wearer as per the unseen servant spell. The armour can also be ordered to buckle itself, halving both don and doff times. Oddly, whatever the make of the armour, it will address its wearer with a feminine voice.

Nice one!
I might steal it for a future game :D

2016-05-28, 12:10 PM
Nice one!
I might steal it for a future game :D

Another Regitnui Original!

Go ahead. I might use it as well at some point in the future.

2016-05-28, 04:11 PM
I too will use this Waitress Armor in my next campaign.

*Cue 5 years from now when our players cross paths on a message board*

2016-05-28, 04:23 PM
i tried talking to him and he's like "well im the dm I bought the books so therefore what I say is law" and im liek "dude your game sucks! it needs magic items and cool stuff otherwise were all just glorified peasants" then he says to me "dont like it go find another DM"

glhf finding another DM in literally nowhere louisiana. so either I'm stuck playing d&d great depression edition or I'll have to go play destiny and I can't do that anymore because there's no new content.

Why not become a DM?

2016-05-28, 04:39 PM
Why not become a DM?
I think you missed a few critical posts here.:biggrin:

2016-05-28, 05:20 PM
Mod of the Broken Pattern: Thread closed.