View Full Version : DM Help [3.5] Templates That Don't Increase CR

2016-05-26, 11:00 PM
Working on a list of templates that don't increase monster CR (just stumbld across the Ice Beast template, and got me thinking):

CR +0 templates
Bone Creature (BV)
Dragonborn of Bahamut (RDr)
Dungeonbred Monster (Du)
Necropolitan (LM)
Primordial Giant (SX)
Shadow-Bound (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20030728a)
Tainted Raver (HoH)
Yuan-ti Broodguard (SS)

Situational CR +0
Dark Creature (TM) (CR +0 or CR +1 depending on the base creature)
Vecna-blooded (MM5) (after the template has been lost, only the Cloak of Mystery ability remains)
Xorvintaal Dragon (MM5) (rises to CR +1 or higher if extra abilities are added)

CR +0 when applied to creatures of 3HD or less
Anarchic Creature (PlH)
Axiomatic Creature (PlH)
Celestial (MM)
Element Creature (MP)
Entropic Creature (PlH)
Fiendish (MM)
Psuedonatural (LoM)
Spellwarped (MM3)

CR = x 0.5
Incarnate Construct

CR = 1 + 1/2 HD
Ice Beast

DMG2 CR+0 NPC traits
Graced from outside
Guardian spirit

...please let me know any I've missed.

Cheers - T

2016-05-28, 05:44 AM
Aquatic, Artic, Desert, Magic-Blooded, and Wild from Dragon Magazine 306 are all +0 LA with no mention of CR adjustments although that is still under 3.0 printing

2016-06-08, 11:06 PM
Added Shadow-Bound (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20030728a)

...anyone? I'm sure there must be some I've missed?

2016-06-09, 12:22 AM
Unseelie Fey, is the only one I can think of that I didn't see.

2016-06-09, 12:55 AM
Unseelie Fey, is the only one I can think of that I didn't see.

The official errata (https://paizo.com/download/dragon/compendium/DragonCompendiumVolumeIErrata.pdf) for Dragon Compendium gave Unseelie Fey a CR +1, but bizarrely, no LA.

2016-06-09, 03:36 PM
CR +0 templates
Bonesinger (Ghostwalk)
Elephantine Creature (Dangerous Denizens: The Monsters of Tellene)
Mythal Ghost (Pool of Radiance: Attack on Myth Drannor)
Smoking Eye Creature (Shackled City Adventure Path)
Warforged, Quorcraft (Secrets of Xen'drik)

Situational CR +0
Mulhorandi Divine Minion (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20050209a) (of Anhur, Hathor, Isis, Nephthys, Sebek, or Thoth)

CR +0 when applied to creatures of 3HD or less
Beast of Bane (Shadowdale: The Scouring of the Land)

CR = x 0.5
Shadow Simulacrum (Shadowdale: The Scouring of the Land)
Skeletal Dragon (Draconomicon)

CR = (x 0.5)+1
Zombie Dragon (Draconomicon)

CR -1
Anthromorphic Animal (Savage Species) - Large size only

CR -4
Incorporeal Sentinel (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/wn/20030521a)

CR = 0
Disembodied Spirit (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/pg/20030924a)

Do you need templates from magazines?
Kingdoms of Kalamar?
Legend of the Five Rings?

Some templates are just set CR to specific number rather than increase or subtract from it (such as Skeleton (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/skeleton.htm), Zombie (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/zombie.htm), and aforementioned Disembodied Spirit)
Depending on what was the base CR, such templates may to don't increase it
Do you need some?
If yes, then up to what number?

2016-06-09, 04:01 PM
I was going to link to this (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=12219.0), but I was a little surprised to find that while it has a list of templates that increase or decrease CR, it doesn't actually have a list of templates that leave CR the same.

2016-06-09, 10:46 PM
I was going to link to this (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=12219.0), but I was a little surprised to find that while it has a list of templates that increase or decrease CR, it doesn't actually have a list of templates that leave CR the same.
Yeah, weird...good list nonetheless.

CR +0 templates
Bonesinger (Ghostwalk)
Elephantine Creature (Dangerous Denizens: The Monsters of Tellene)
Mythal Ghost (Pool of Radiance: Attack on Myth Drannor)
Smoking Eye Creature (Shackled City Adventure Path)
Warforged, Quorcraft (Secrets of Xen'drik)

Situational CR +0
Mulhorandi Divine Minion (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20050209a) (of Anhur, Hathor, Isis, Nephthys, Sebek, or Thoth)

CR +0 when applied to creatures of 3HD or less
Beast of Bane (Shadowdale: The Scouring of the Land)

CR = x 0.5
Shadow Simulacrum (Shadowdale: The Scouring of the Land)
Skeletal Dragon (Draconomicon)

CR = (x 0.5)+1
Zombie Dragon (Draconomicon)

CR -1
Anthromorphic Animal (Savage Species) - Large size only

CR -4
Incorporeal Sentinel (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/wn/20030521a)

CR = 0
Disembodied Spirit (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/pg/20030924a)

Wow, perfect, thanks!

Do you need templates from magazines?
Kingdoms of Kalamar?
Legend of the Five Rings?
I'd probably limit it to "official" 3.X, so DLC campaign setting and Dragon Compendium are gold.

Dragon Magazine should be fine, for the sake of completeness.

Some templates are just set CR to specific number rather than increase or subtract from it (such as Skeleton (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/skeleton.htm), Zombie (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/zombie.htm), and aforementioned Disembodied Spirit)
Depending on what was the base CR, such templates may to don't increase it
Do you need some?
If yes, then up to what number?
Anything that potentially keeps CR the same or lower is great!

2016-06-10, 06:17 PM
CR +0 templates
Half-Doppelganger (Dragon #313)
Half-Satyr (Dragon #313)
Nagpa (Dragon #339)
Scorned Creature (Dungeon #136)
Sign of the Smoking Eye (Dungeon #107)

Situational CR +0
Half-Ogre (Dragon #313) if no size change

CR +0 when applied to creatures of 3HD or less
Guardian Skeleton (Knights of the Dinner Table #72)

Templates with static CR values
I can't say for any possible Template/Creature combination, but for example:
Allosaurus (10 HD) is CR 7
Advanced Allosaurus (20 HD) should be CR 10 (correct?)
Zombie (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/zombie.htm) Allosaurus is CR 6
Skeleton (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/skeleton.htm) Advanced Allosaurus is CR 8
Revived Fossil (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20041001a&page=3) Advanced Allosaurus is CR 9

Note: Symbiotic Creature have CR: "As mixed pair". Depending on Guest/Host combo, it may stay withing "+0" range