View Full Version : DM Help I made my own Dragonborn race and wanted some feats to go with it.

2016-05-27, 01:22 PM
So, I'm making up a few feats for my dragonborn race. There's one that gives him fly speed, and then two wing attacks and there's one that allows him to use his breath attack whenever he crits. Anyway, I wanted to ask you what you thought of this particular one. Their lore is that they were once true dragons, but due to a 1000 year war they regressed and devolved into Dragonborn with no memory of their past glory. This feat allows the strongest of them to access that glory for a price.

Draconic Surge:
Prerequisite: Caster Level 11th
Benefit: When you cast a spell with a descrpitor of your element, you may expend a spell slot of at least half the level of the spell you're casting to add +1 damage to it per die or add a +2 to its DC. Choosing to add +1 damage per die does not stack with Metamagic Feats or Abilities that grant similar effects.

2016-05-27, 03:37 PM
1. This is probably best suited in the homebrew subforum.

2. What exactly does 'abilities that give you similar effects' entail? I can see a lot of player-GM debate on what falls within the feat's limits and what doesn't.

2016-05-27, 04:15 PM
also the typical lingo is "expend a spell slot" not "burn a spell slot", just if we want to be technically accurate here.

2016-05-27, 04:24 PM
1. This is probably best suited in the homebrew subforum.

2. What exactly does 'abilities that give you similar effects' entail? I can see a lot of player-GM debate on what falls within the feat's limits and what doesn't.

It basically blocks you from using metamagic feats(such as Fiery) or the Draconic/Primal/Orcish/Goblin bloodline arcana that Sorc nets you with this ability.

I should however word it in a more proper way. that part only goes for the +1 damage per die part of the feat, not +2 to DCs.

Honest Tiefling
2016-05-27, 05:13 PM
I think you need to expand on the lore. A group of Dragons suddenly regressing to humanoid forms for no apparent reason just kinda reminds me of that crummy Star Trek Voygaer episode where Tom Paris and Captain Janeway evolved into salamanders for some strange reason.

2016-05-27, 07:45 PM
I think you need to expand on the lore. A group of Dragons suddenly regressing to humanoid forms for no apparent reason just kinda reminds me of that crummy Star Trek Voygaer episode where Tom Paris and Captain Janeway evolved into salamanders for some strange reason.

The lore is there, but this post isn't about it so I didn't put the details in. I was just wondering whether the playground thought this feat was in line.