View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Void Influenced Sorcerer (Sub-Class idea)

2016-05-28, 08:36 PM
NOTE: This thread/question is going to involve questions about game mechanics, lore, and interactions with other DM's gameworlds. Answering any question helps, and all responses are appreciated.
Good day to everyone out there.

(Also note, This applies to D&d 5e)

Dungeon master here, and I've had a character "sub-class" idea of the sorcerer for awhile now.

In short, this character sub class uses the base sorcerer format, but draws his/her power from extraterrestrial and other-worldly sources. Not to be confused with powers from other dimensions, simply from other worlds/planets. They will also be able to tap into powers from the void/deep space.

Some facts/rules about the class: (This class will be referred to as voidcaster from here on out)

-In order to first become a caster, one must have past magical experience, and be contacted by an outer-world figure of substantial power. This being/figure will be referred to as the caster's "Void-Mentor)

-In order for the voidcaster's knowledge of the void to grow properly, they will have to learn from their Void-Mentor. (The mentor cannot teach any void knowledge to their student above their own knowledge.) If the mentor is incapacitated/killed, the student(s) cannot learn from them or absorb any power from them.

-When one first becomes a caster, they will need to connect mentally to a "Void-Source". A Void-Source can pass off as anything that comes from a deep part of space/the void and has a strong magical/arcane presence.

Examples of Void-Sources: The core of a far away planet, A magical orb touched by the void, or even an extra-terrestrial figure of great power in some cases.

-If this void-source fails to give off power or is destroyed, the voidcaster will loose all of their ability to cast void magic, but will not loose any learned knowledge of void rituals/spells/incantations learned from spellbooks or their void-mentor.

-Both Void-Sources and Void-Mentors can be replaced

-Whenever a caster uses void magic, their source looses a little bit of power. So for example, if many voidcasters are connected to a single source of power, then that source will eventually "Dry up" and could even die or be destroyed from overuse.

Some things for roleplaying a voidcaster:

-The more one taps into their void knowledge, the more connected they become to the void.

-The death of a Void-Source will not only leave the caster unable to tap into ANY sort of power, it will also leave them physically drained, and incapable of running long distances and maintaining consciousness while they are without a source.

-Casters can still learn void knowledge without their mentor, but they will have to roll for effectiveness/success whenever they want to use this acquired knowledge. They can take this knowledge to their mentor, learn it properly, and then use the spells, rituals, etc. normally.

Becoming a voidcaster:

As stated in the OP, a voidcaster is a sorcerer who has been offered a special kind of power by an outer-world being, and has accepted it. So that means that the sorcerer must have already had their original "Explosion" of power, for lack of better words, and has become someone skilled with the power inside of them.

(The reason this is offered to sorcerers instead of wizards is because the voidcaster progression system offers the sorcerer a more stable and controlled approach to their magic. Even though there are sorcerers who can control their power easily, all voidcasters have a strong grip on the magic within them)

Maintaining voidcaster powers:

In order to cast voidcaster abilities, one needs more than just a source, but also needs to practice certain rituals to maximize the performance of their abilities. (The rituals will be described in detail down below). Once the ritual has been complete, the powers will be renewed and the caster will receive a buff depending on the ritual they performed. Failure to complete rituals on time results in the caster being unable to tap into void abilities until the ritual is complete.

1 Ritual buff may be active at a time, and one ritual must be performed atleast once a week.


The rituals, as stated above, buff the caster and allow them to keep using their void abilities. Here are the list of rituals that can be completed:

1. Starlight Ritual

-Requires 1x Purple Sand

-Must be performed on a surface elevated atleast 70 feet off the ground. (Ideal spots: Mountain tops, tops of temples and towers, etc.)

-Must be performed at anytime during the night when the stars are out.

-Must be open to the sky to perform this ritual

The ritual consists of the caster using the purple sand to draw 3 circles. 2 small, 1 big. The small circles will surround the larger one, and will be connected via the sides. The voidcaster will stand in the middle of the larger circle, and rubbing their hands together as if warming themselves as if they were by a fire.

They will look up to the stars, and will perform various handsignals and gestures meaning "Starlight", "Arcane", "Distance" and "Knowledge" in listed pattern, and will continue doing this for 3 in-game hours. (The time for the ritual can be fast-forwarded as long as they are not under attack)

When the ritual is over, they will receive the Starlight buff, which allows the voidcaster to cast 1 extra spell per turn

2. Void-Born Ritual:

-Requires 1x Purple Sand, 1x Black Gem, 2x Animal skulls, 1x Dagger (Of any kind)

-Must be performed at Midnight

-Can be performed on any flat surface

-Must be open to the sky to perform this ritual

This ritual, as stated above, can only take place at midnight. The ritual will begin with the voidcaster drawing shapes with the purple sand, similar to the Starlight ritual, except that this time the shapes will be 2 "Stretched" triangles facing each other, connected at their farthest tip.

At the bases of each triangle, the caster will put one animal skull at each base, with the faces pointed towards the connected tips. At one skull, the caster will place the black gem, and at the other skull, the dagger. The voidcaster will sit cross-legged at the connected points, and will sleep in this position. They must fall asleep at some time between 12:00 A.M and 1:00 A.M

When they awake, they will receive the Void-Born buff. The Void-Born buff allows the caster to detect all nearby out-of-world creatures/voidcasters 5 times a day.

The list of powers and abilities will be made soon.

What I am trying to achieve is making a viable branch of the sorcerer class which can result in more dynamic and specialized characterization

Final Hyena
2016-05-28, 08:54 PM
-In order to first become a caster, one must have past magical experience, and be contacted by an outer-world figure of substantial power. This being/figure will be referred to as the caster's "Void-Mentor)
Seems more like a warlock or cleric thing.
As far as I understand sorcerers are just innately adept with magic, they don't need to study it or be granted it by another being, they just one day accidentally magic something.

-The death of a Void-Source will not only leave the caster unable to tap into ANY sort of power, it will also leave them physically drained, and incapable of running long distances and maintaining consciousness while they are without a source.
This is a fairly reasonable thing to have happen when an overwhelmingly powerful thing that people draw power from dies, however if my DM made a class and went to the effort of writing that in I would suspect he wants a neat reason to pull the rug out from under me to enable his grand train and so play something else.

Given that it seems more free form I feel this is something you could add into a game and have as an RP progression rather than from your class.

2016-05-28, 10:22 PM
This is a fairly reasonable thing to have happen when an overwhelmingly powerful thing that people draw power from dies, however if my DM made a class and went to the effort of writing that in I would suspect he wants a neat reason to pull the rug out from under me to enable his grand train and so play something else.

Given that it seems more free form I feel this is something you could add into a game and have as an RP progression rather than from your class.

I am not setting anybody up for betrayal or an instant "Rocks fall, you die" Scenario. I am instead trying to add an interesting mechanic into the game, and to give players some freedom and reason to use judgement. If they are foolish and choose a bad source of power, such as the core of a planet about to be destroyed, they will be punished, but if they choose a wise source of power, they will be rewarded.

And if you can't tell by now, the voidcaster is extremely powerful, and therefore requires extra weaknesses in order to be balanced.