View Full Version : 3rd Ed Tripping While Small?

2016-05-29, 10:15 AM
I was curious if there was any way to make tripping viable for small characters. The -4 size penalty on trip attempts really hurts and not being able to trip anything larger than medium is rather discouraging. Enlarge person helps in this regard, but it doesn't give any additional reach as it would if used on a medium-sized character.

Overall I've been put off the idea of ever trying to make a tripping build with a small character. But I was still wondering if it were possible to make it somewhat viable regardless of the existing hurdles.

Honest Tiefling
2016-05-29, 10:59 AM
...You know, it took me a while to figure out what tripping had to do with size. I...Either need to get out more, or get out less.

Anyway, what of polymorph/shapeshifting? Or is that cheating?

2016-05-29, 11:02 AM
I was curious if there was any way to make tripping viable for small characters. The -4 size penalty on trip attempts really hurts and not being able to trip anything larger than medium is rather discouraging. Enlarge person helps in this regard, but it doesn't give any additional reach as it would if used on a medium-sized character.

Overall I've been put off the idea of ever trying to make a tripping build with a small character. But I was still wondering if it were possible to make it somewhat viable regardless of the existing hurdles.

If the Book of Nine Blades is an option, one of the disciplines that focuses on throwing actually has a few manuevers that give you a bonus on your throw/trip when you are smaller than your opponent. You also trip with dexterity instead of strength.

Edit: Nevermind, I remembered wrong. Still, the setting sun style offers at least enough maneuvers that can offset your penality, and there are many other maneuvers so that you are not a one trick pony.

2016-05-29, 01:03 PM
Have a look at the feat Confound the big folk in Races of the Wild. It helps you a bit.

Red Fel
2016-05-29, 01:09 PM
I was curious if there was any way to make tripping viable for small characters. The -4 size penalty on trip attempts really hurts and not being able to trip anything larger than medium is rather discouraging. Enlarge person helps in this regard, but it doesn't give any additional reach as it would if used on a medium-sized character.

Overall I've been put off the idea of ever trying to make a tripping build with a small character. But I was still wondering if it were possible to make it somewhat viable regardless of the existing hurdles.

Well, there are two (three?) options I can think of off the top of my head.

First, the Pebble Underfoot feat from Dragon Compendium. Get +4 to Trip checks against enemies 2 sizes larger than you, and if you fail, the enemy can't counter-trip. Simple and effective.

Second (and third), from Races of the Wild, Confound the Big Folk, and its prerequisite Underfoot Combat. UC allows you to move into the space of an enemy 2 sizes larger, and gives you soft cover (an AC bonus) against all attacks while doing so. CtBF is a tactical feat, with three options:
While in the space of a larger opponent, he is flat-footed and you gain a bonus to confirm crits.
If you fight defensively while in a larger opponent's space, attacks against you have a chance to hit him instead.
On the round after you move into a larger opponent's space, you can make a Trip attempt based on Str or Dex, your choice; your opponent does not gain his size bonus to the opposing roll. If you fail, he doesn't get to counter-trip. Also, this may trigger Improved Trip.
The third one is the biggest. Basically, UC + CtBF allows a Small or smaller character with no attack range to move safely into an opponent's space, deny him his size bonus, and trip the fool out of him.

Also, there are the (similar) Don't Mind Me and Twining Trip feats from this article (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fools/20030401c). If you have 0 reach, DMM lets you move directly into an opponent's space without provoking AoOs. TT lets you trip your opponent with a Dex instead of Str check, and moreover the opponent must oppose with Dex - great against a high Str, low Dex opponent.

2016-05-29, 10:00 PM
You can't trip opponents two or more size categories larger than yourself. Pebble Underfoot doesn't clarify that it allows users to ignore this rule; therefore it only serves to give a bonus to trip attempts that will always fail.

However, I will concede that the intention was most likely to allow for characters with the feat to trip any enemy regardless of its size. I don't believe it would be overpowered to allow for it as size bonuses and penalties still weigh heavily on the outcome. Still the feat as is seems rather poorly written.

I'm not sure whether or not I'll incorporate it into my build or simply opt for a Medium-size race instead. But regardless thanks for the help, everyone.

2016-05-30, 12:12 AM
You can't trip opponents two or more size categories larger than yourself. Pebble Underfoot doesn't clarify that it allows users to ignore this rule; therefore it only serves to give a bonus to trip attempts that will always fail.

Confound the Big Folk does.

Really, the only way to trip while not stacking up on sizes is by being a cat, as mentioned by Red Fel.