View Full Version : Contingency

2016-05-29, 10:47 AM
So there are a number of forums and discussions on this spell. I'm looking for creative uses of Contingency but I'm also looking for practicality.

What I do not think is always practical are things like, "Polymorph if I'm about to be hit by something that would drop me to zero hit points." Don't get me wrong, this is insanely useful.

The problem with that Contingency is it is a 6th level spell which cannot be earned back with Arcane Recovery and must be used in conjunction with another spell. So while the above example is a great use of Contingency, it may not be sustainable for recasting during any adventure that takes longer than one day. So you set up this combination the night before, you just Polymorphed and now that's over. Now what? Are you going to use your 6th level spell slot and a 4th level spell slot in the middle of the dungeon just in case you get hurt again? You're a 12th level wizard your DM is throwing crazy battles your way are you really going to have your 6th level spell slot and a 4th level spell slot available when you try to long rest? Bounded accuracy in 5E and the nature of rolling dice makes it so even lower CR enemies can be lethal to even the most optimized PC. You can't always set up a contingency for something that is very likely to happen in one or two battles such as being reduced to X hit points due to limited resources for recasting.

From a sustainability point of view, doesn't it make more sense to set up a Contingency for a trigger that is less likely to happen every single day? For example, "when I'm about to be hit by fire/cold damage, cast Fire Shield" or "when I'm about to be caught in a Silence field, cast Dimension Door." The problem with this reasoning is that if the situation is too unique and doesn't happen, your Contingency can be useless.

The answer may lie in compiling a list of the best uses of Contingency based on what spell slots you have available before a long rest. What are the best uses of this spell when you only have level 3 spell slots available, or level 2, or level 1? What are the best uses of Contingency that don't accidentally break your concentration on another spell?

I would really appreciate your input and experiences.


2016-05-29, 11:28 AM
Let's see, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere is a good substitute for polymorph.

Some others: Banishment if you get shunted off to another plane. Feign death upon taking a bad hit while keeping fingers crossed. Haste upon losing concentration on Haste. Invisibility upon blinking right eye twice. Dimension Door or some other teleport effect upon curling one's tongue in the right way (good for many situations, including escaping someone that knew to bind your hands and mouth) Mirror Image upon being surprised by an enemy. Dispel Magic upon being hit with something nasty.

If you can snag some of the better healing spells somehow, an auto HP recovery setup isn't a bad idea either.

2016-05-29, 11:42 AM
I second Otiluke's, I don't think that anything else is worth the trouble.
In 3.5, contigency is extremely strong due to celerity/timestop. It gives you free actions so it's a pretty versatile setup.
5e doesn't really have spells like that so the best you can do is give yourself some breathing room.

2016-05-29, 11:49 AM
When I look at the possibilities for contingency triggers, I'd almost rather make them actions you can do yourself. Like if you say a specific nonsense word, then the spell goes off. That gives you a lot more flexibility over when the effect happens.

I'd want to put in spells that would either be fantastic to cast without an action, or that you don't want to blow a preparation slot on. It could be nice to just have a wall of force poof into existence when you want it, or to have water breathing or feather fall without needing to prepare them.

2016-05-29, 12:06 PM
When I look at the possibilities for contingency triggers, I'd almost rather make them actions you can do yourself. Like if you say a specific nonsense word, then the spell goes off. That gives you a lot more flexibility over when the effect happens.

I'd want to put in spells that would either be fantastic to cast without an action, or that you don't want to blow a preparation slot on. It could be nice to just have a wall of force poof into existence when you want it, or to have water breathing or feather fall without needing to prepare them.

Keep in mind, contingency can only be used on spells that affect the caster, and when the contingency goes off they do effect the caster. Wall of force, isn't a legal use of the spell, and haste would just cast haste on the caster, which is probably not that useful. Furthermore it's a 5th level spell or less and the spell has to be able to be cast in a single action, which limits things even more.

On the upside, it's nice to have up before you go into a dungeon, but it's not really ultra powerful in 5e.

2016-05-29, 10:46 PM
"dispel magic, should I be affected by magic such that I am unable to cast spells". That will give you a fighting chance against feeblemind, turned to stone, polymorphed, held, silenced.

The only other one I'd think of would be "dimension door when I focus on a destination and think the word 'flerbldy'"

Otiluke's hamster ball just seems like a sure fire way to delay your death by 1 minute.

It's a shame you can't have "counterspell a counterspell that counterspells my counterspell of a counterspell".

2016-05-30, 12:49 AM
So there are a number of forums and discussions on this spell. I'm looking for creative uses of Contingency but I'm also looking for practicality.

What I do not think is always practical are things like, "Polymorph if I'm about to be hit by something that would drop me to zero hit points." Don't get me wrong, this is insanely useful.

The problem with that Contingency is it is a 6th level spell which cannot be earned back with Arcane Recovery and must be used in conjunction with another spell. So while the above example is a great use of Contingency, it may not be sustainable for recasting during any adventure that takes longer than one day. So you set up this combination the night before, you just Polymorphed and now that's over. Now what? Are you going to use your 6th level spell slot and a 4th level spell slot in the middle of the dungeon just in case you get hurt again? You're a 12th level wizard your DM is throwing crazy battles your way are you really going to have your 6th level spell slot and a 4th level spell slot available when you try to long rest? Bounded accuracy in 5E and the nature of rolling dice makes it so even lower CR enemies can be lethal to even the most optimized PC. You can't always set up a contingency for something that is very likely to happen in one or two battles such as being reduced to X hit points due to limited resources for recasting.

From a sustainability point of view, doesn't it make more sense to set up a Contingency for a trigger that is less likely to happen every single day? For example, "when I'm about to be hit by fire/cold damage, cast Fire Shield" or "when I'm about to be caught in a Silence field, cast Dimension Door." The problem with this reasoning is that if the situation is too unique and doesn't happen, your Contingency can be useless.

Er. If your 12th level wizard is getting dropped to zero HP every single day, either you're doing it wrong or your DM is doing it wrong. Probably the former.

2016-05-30, 04:20 AM
why not make it fun and make it a Geas in stead using the following:

"whenever any being that is able to understand me takes a hostile action against me that causes me bodily harm, that person shall be targeted with a Geas forbidding it to cause me and my allies any further harm, instead to attack those who wish us harm"

Now they have a choice: attack their allies/your enemies, or take 5d10 psychic damage.

Alternatively you could have it do something extremely embarressing. Whatever floats your boat.

2016-05-30, 07:08 AM
why not make it fun and make it a Geas in stead using the following:

"whenever any being that is able to understand me takes a hostile action against me that causes me bodily harm, that person shall be targeted with a Geas forbidding it to cause me and my allies any further harm, instead to attack those who wish us harm"

Now they have a choice: attack their allies/your enemies, or take 5d10 psychic damage.

Alternatively you could have it do something extremely embarressing. Whatever floats your boat.

That is an illegal use of the spell, you can only target yourself with a Contigency. Unless you want to Geas yourself.

2016-05-30, 08:34 AM
That is an illegal use of the spell, you can only target yourself with a Contigency. Unless you want to Geas yourself.

Ok, well, better way then:

contingency to dimension door to 20 ft. above the entity that takes a hostile action towards the holder of the contingency spell. next time you fall 20'on top of the person harming you, having them take damage...

2016-05-30, 08:48 AM
Ok, well, better way then:

contingency to dimension door to 20 ft. above the entity that takes a hostile action towards the holder of the contingency spell. next time you fall 20'on top of the person harming you, having them take damage...

I don't think this is a legal use of the spell either, Contingency says that the spell must target yourself and Dimension Door targets empty space, unless you wish to Dimension Door to the same spot you stand on.

Also what is the point of this? You will also take falling damage if you land on the person as well.

Also I would argue that anything that does not either have a clear definition be invalid. Would a hostile action also include things like a shove or mean words?You could try to be as exhaustive as possible but you also risk irritating your DM. Trying to be as broad as possible means you risk potentially activating the Contingency when you don't want to.

2016-05-30, 03:24 PM
I don't think this is a legal use of the spell either, Contingency says that the spell must target yourself and Dimension Door targets empty space, unless you wish to Dimension Door to the same spot you stand on.

Also what is the point of this? You will also take falling damage if you land on the person as well.

Also I would argue that anything that does not either have a clear definition be invalid. Would a hostile action also include things like a shove or mean words?You could try to be as exhaustive as possible but you also risk irritating your DM. Trying to be as broad as possible means you risk potentially activating the Contingency when you don't want to.

Dimension Door targets self, and allows for movement to either a spot, or along a vector. You don't target a space neccessarily, but you do target yourself.

As for the damage, you fall feet first and are entitled to acrobatics or a dex save to land.

2016-05-30, 07:28 PM
Dimension Door targets self, and allows for movement to either a spot, or along a vector. You don't target a space neccessarily, but you do target yourself.

As for the damage, you fall feet first and are entitled to acrobatics or a dex save to land.

You aren't entitled to anything, outside DM fiat. And as written, only the falling creature (or object) takes damage, not anything it lands on.

2016-05-30, 08:43 PM
You aren't entitled to anything, outside DM fiat. And as written, only the falling creature (or object) takes damage, not anything it lands on.

Really, the only one who is entitled to a Dex save would be the guy you are falling on.

2016-05-31, 08:07 AM
Dimension Door targets self, and allows for movement to either a spot, or along a vector. You don't target a space neccessarily, but you do target yourself.

As for the damage, you fall feet first and are entitled to acrobatics or a dex save to land.

Dimension Door targets a space, hence the range is 500 feet, not self. The magic affects you but the target is somewhere else, unless you are willing to Dimension Door where you are since you are within your own space.

As for fall damage, if you take damage from a fall you will always land prone and by RAW Acrobatics does nothing to reduce the damage from a fall and there is nothing at all that would require a dex save. The only way by RAW to reduce damage is if you are a Monk 4, you could also cast Feather Fall but that would negate any fall damage you would inflict on the opponent, if you could deal damage since that is within DM fiat.

Even if I were to accept your Dimension Door as a legal spell, by RAW you'll only up hurting yourself and best case scenario you will take damage as will your opponent. It is a bad plan no matter how you cut it.

I would say to teleport away when being threatened but that is bad in two ways, first that you don't know how much a threat is (can someone who just verbally threaten you with violence be enough?), you could try to torture the circumstance so that you can fine tune the way you want it to activate but you might end up with a irritated DM. Point 2 is because you don't know where you'll end up, you could end up teleporting off a cliff or into the sea or into another group of enemies.

Contingent teleportation is just a bad idea.

2016-06-01, 04:42 AM
Dimension Door targets a space, hence the range is 500 feet, not self. The magic affects you but the target is somewhere else, unless you are willing to Dimension Door where you are since you are within your own space.
except that it does not automatically need a target, but functions with a vector as well (specifically mentioned in the spell description by mention of direction and distance), so that woudl make the spell a targeted spell that does not pecifically needs a target, which would make it very confusing...

As for fall damage, if you take damage from a fall you will always land prone and by RAW Acrobatics does nothing to reduce the damage from a fall and there is nothing at all that would require a dex save. The only way by RAW to reduce damage is if you are a Monk 4, you could also cast Feather Fall but that would negate any fall damage you would inflict on the opponent, if you could deal damage since that is within DM fiat.
got a good poitn there, woudl be funy though. I imagine a Majro Armstrong type wizard (buff) who teleports to amke a mario buttstomp

Even if I were to accept your Dimension Door as a legal spell, by RAW you'll only up hurting yourself and best case scenario you will take damage as will your opponent. It is a bad plan no matter how you cut it.
still funny though. I imagine an ezio style assassintrying to hit the wizard for lethal damage and suddenly a wizard falling on him...

I would say to teleport away when being threatened but that is bad in two ways, first that you don't know how much a threat is (can someone who just verbally threaten you with violence be enough?), you could try to torture the circumstance so that you can fine tune the way you want it to activate but you might end up with a irritated DM. Point 2 is because you don't know where you'll end up, you could end up teleporting off a cliff or into the sea or into another group of enemies.

Contingent teleportation is just a bad idea.

Most certainly, though more fun then just contingency Otiluke's resillient sphere...

also, depending on wehter or not youc an see yourself, passwall might be funny... Antilife shell might be handy against melee attackers, fire/ice shield is boring but practical

2016-06-01, 06:42 AM
except that it does not automatically need a target, but functions with a vector as well (specifically mentioned in the spell description by mention of direction and distance), so that woudl make the spell a targeted spell that does not pecifically needs a target, which would make it very confusing...

Which means it is an illegal spell unless it can affect a point.

got a good poitn there, woudl be funy though. I imagine a Majro Armstrong type wizard (buff) who teleports to amke a mario buttstomp still funny though. I imagine an ezio style assassintrying to hit the wizard for lethal damage and suddenly a wizard falling on him...

I would prefer and appreciate actual utility and seriousness in my games than trying to be "funny" but if that is how you want to roll. Most people I play with don't appreciate this type of humor.

also, depending on wehter or not youc an see yourself, passwall might be funny... Antilife shell might be handy against melee attackers, fire/ice shield is boring but practical

Passwall is illegal because it targets a wall, not yourself.

Antilife shell is useless because if the creature attacks then he is in the barrier since it extends into a 10 foot radius.

We should stick with boring but practical since that has the best chance of working both in actually working and not doing us in with lolrandom humor.

2016-06-01, 07:11 AM
Which means it is an illegal spell unless it can affect a point.
except that the spell will always affect the caster as a target to teleport whatever direction the spell will go

I would prefer and appreciate actual utility and seriousness in my games than trying to be "funny" but if that is how you want to roll. Most people I play with don't appreciate this type of humor.
that's a personal preference and perfecty within your right to like or dislike. The OP was looking for creative, yet practical uses for contingency... I felt encouraged to use humour.

Passwall is illegal because it targets a wall, not yourself.
Passwall targets any point the caster can see on a wooden, plaster or stone surface. surround oneself with wooden plates (or better, carry, but not wield a wooden shield), then that is (literally reading within the limit of the spell). Wether it's practical to create a passage through is quite another thing as it's not determined wether you go through teh wall or if you are able to make paths. Definitely up to the DM to adjudicate...

Antilife shell is useless because if the creature attacks then he is in the barrier since it extends into a 10 foot radius.
the spell says: A shimmering barrier extends out from you in a 10-foot-radius and moves with you, remaining centered on you and hedging out creatures other than undead and constructs. The barrier lasts for the duration., so it moves them away from you. and you could be funny and take warcaster and booming blade for that to combo some damage with it.
We should stick with boring but practical since that has the best chance of working both in actually working and not doing us in with lolrandom humor.[/QUOTE]
That is certainly an option, but as I said before, I don't boring but practical not to adhere to the query of creative use in the first post. I am terribly sorry if I have insulted you with my sense of humour andalteral thinking.

2016-06-01, 07:56 AM
except that the spell will always affect the caster as a target to teleport whatever direction the spell will go that's a personal preference and perfecty within your right to like or dislike.

Therefore the spell is invalid for Contigency because it must target the caster, The spell designates the target as a point in space (hence why the spell range is 500 feet). You are not the target even if the magic does affect you. The spell must target you the caster.

The OP was looking for creative, yet practical uses for contingency... I felt encouraged to use humour.

Maybe you should actually try to follow the OP's wishes then for something practical. Or better yet something legal to the rules.

Passwall targets any point the caster can see on a wooden, plaster or stone surface. surround oneself with wooden plates (or better, carry, but not wield a wooden shield), then that is (literally reading within the limit of the spell). Wether it's practical to create a passage through is quite another thing as it's not determined wether you go through teh wall or if you are able to make paths. Definitely up to the DM to adjudicate...

Again read the Contingency spell, it says that the spell must target you, you are targeting a part of the wall which is not a valid part of Contingency, never mind your bad idea of surrounding yourself with plates for who knows what reason. I doubt any DM would even entertain your idea in the first place.

the spell says: A shimmering barrier extends out from you in a 10-foot-radius and moves with you, remaining centered on you and hedging out creatures other than undead and constructs. The barrier lasts for the duration., so it moves them away from you. and you could be funny and take warcaster and booming blade for that to combo some damage with it.

The barrier is 10 feet in radius, anything within the radius is not affected by the spell because the barrier is not touching them. It is a barrier not a field.

That is certainly an option, but as I said before, I don't boring but practical not to adhere to the query of creative use in the first post. I am terribly sorry if I have insulted you with my sense of humour andalteral thinking.

Considering that you have basically struck out in nearly all creative uses of the spell (Because the spell you have chosen is illegal or ends up hurting yourself regardless of what you have said). Your best choice was Antilife Shell and even then that still has some glaring issues (Can't push anyone within the shell and the spell breaks if you try to move with someone in the shell because you'd be forcing the shell on them).

2016-06-01, 08:55 AM
Therefore the spell is invalid for Contigency because it must target the caster, The spell designates the target as a point in space (hence why the spell range is 500 feet). You are not the target even if the magic does affect you. The spell must target you the caster.

Maybe you should actually try to follow the OP's wishes then for something practical. Or better yet something legal to the rules.

Again read the Contingency spell, it says that the spell must target you, you are targeting a part of the wall which is not a valid part of Contingency, never mind your bad idea of surrounding yourself with plates for who knows what reason. I doubt any DM would even entertain your idea in the first place.

The barrier is 10 feet in radius, anything within the radius is not affected by the spell because the barrier is not touching them. It is a barrier not a field.

Considering that you have basically struck out in nearly all creative uses of the spell (Because the spell you have chosen is illegal or ends up hurting yourself regardless of what you have said). Your best choice was Antilife Shell and even then that still has some glaring issues (Can't push anyone within the shell and the spell breaks if you try to move with someone in the shell because you'd be forcing the shell on them).

So, by your reading any spell that targets your, does not target your clothes, attended items, the air in your lungs, etc.?
In the case of antilife shell the spell, when cast, extends outwards form you, teh caster, to a reange of 10 feet. It specifically is written as hedging out living matter and non-living matter. it then specifically states that if you move in such a way that you force a creature into the range of the spell that then the spell ends. As written this condition only triggers if you move.

2016-06-01, 10:57 AM
So, by your reading any spell that targets your, does not target your clothes, attended items, the air in your lungs, etc.?

I am not going to continue with this conversation if you are going to act in such an unflattering manner and misquote me. Please keep to the topic at hand and try not to be so snarky, thank you.

In the case of antilife shell the spell, when cast, extends outwards form you, teh caster, to a reange of 10 feet. It specifically is written as hedging out living matter and non-living matter. it then specifically states that if you move in such a way that you force a creature into the range of the spell that then the spell ends. As written this condition only triggers if you move.

Well it is a valid use of the spell if you read it like that.

2016-06-01, 01:19 PM
I am not going to continue with this conversation if you are going to act in such an unflattering manner and misquote me. Please keep to the topic at hand and try not to be so snarky, thank you.
it was a question since I was talking in that case about attended objects. Which are either part of the caster (and thus also targeted by self) or not part of the caster (and your caster travels naked). But I'll stop this point

Well it is a valid use of the spell if you read it like that.

Thank you.

2016-06-01, 01:39 PM
So there are a number of forums and discussions on this spell. I'm looking for creative uses of Contingency but I'm also looking for practicality.

What I do not think is always practical are things like, "Polymorph if I'm about to be hit by something that would drop me to zero hit points." Don't get me wrong, this is insanely useful.

The problem with that Contingency is it is a 6th level spell which cannot be earned back with Arcane Recovery and must be used in conjunction with another spell. So while the above example is a great use of Contingency, it may not be sustainable for recasting during any adventure that takes longer than one day. So you set up this combination the night before, you just Polymorphed and now that's over. Now what? Are you going to use your 6th level spell slot and a 4th level spell slot in the middle of the dungeon just in case you get hurt again? You're a 12th level wizard your DM is throwing crazy battles your way are you really going to have your 6th level spell slot and a 4th level spell slot available when you try to long rest? Bounded accuracy in 5E and the nature of rolling dice makes it so even lower CR enemies can be lethal to even the most optimized PC. You can't always set up a contingency for something that is very likely to happen in one or two battles such as being reduced to X hit points due to limited resources for recasting.

From a sustainability point of view, doesn't it make more sense to set up a Contingency for a trigger that is less likely to happen every single day? For example, "when I'm about to be hit by fire/cold damage, cast Fire Shield" or "when I'm about to be caught in a Silence field, cast Dimension Door." The problem with this reasoning is that if the situation is too unique and doesn't happen, your Contingency can be useless.

The answer may lie in compiling a list of the best uses of Contingency based on what spell slots you have available before a long rest. What are the best uses of this spell when you only have level 3 spell slots available, or level 2, or level 1? What are the best uses of Contingency that don't accidentally break your concentration on another spell?

I would really appreciate your input and experiences.


Contingency requires conditions that have happened.

Anything phrased like: "About to blahdity blah" is not describing something that has happened.

So "When I fall 30 feet" is valid, but "When I'm about to fall 30 feet" isn't because it isn't describing something that's happened, but rather something that hasn't happened.

Let's see, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere is a good substitute for polymorph.

Only if the Wizard has a means of escaping after the, relative, safety of the sphere is imposed.

When I look at the possibilities for contingency triggers, I'd almost rather make them actions you can do yourself. Like if you say a specific nonsense word, then the spell goes off. That gives you a lot more flexibility over when the effect happens.

I'd want to put in spells that would either be fantastic to cast without an action, or that you don't want to blow a preparation slot on. It could be nice to just have a wall of force poof into existence when you want it, or to have water breathing or feather fall without needing to prepare them.

I'd think the best use would be in circumstances where even casting could become prohibitive:

Grappled (grabbed), Restrained (held), Paralyzed (held), Engulfed in Water (can't breathe), Unable to Speak, Deafened.

The only other one I'd think of would be "dimension door when I focus on a destination and think the word 'flerbldy'"

This suffers from the pink elephant problem whereby trying to not think of something results in thinking it.

i.e. I tell you not to think about pink elephants, and you find yourself unable to do anything but think of pink elephants. Same problem, there's no way to memorize a password without thinking it, and at some point one will be thinking it while looking at a location, auto-triggering it even though they don't want to.

That's not even taking into account mischievous teammates who deliberately ask the character what they are doing when casting contingency and then ask them what the trigger is resulting in immediately using it (or worse, the teammates saying something to them mid-way through the adventure that makes them teleport themselves into a crevasse or something).

Assuming of course that Dimension Door were targeting oneself and not a point in space (good eye Shaofoo).

2016-06-01, 03:06 PM
Only if the Wizard has a means of escaping after the, relative, safety of the sphere is imposed.

A Wizard can end Concentration and escape the sphere anytime he wants. Contingency does not waive any Concentration requirements.

2016-06-03, 06:57 PM
A Wizard can end Concentration and escape the sphere anytime he wants. Contingency does not waive any Concentration requirements.

Yes but the purpose of the sphere was because they were in mortal peril. Why have the contingency at all if running away on foot was an option?

2016-06-03, 08:25 PM
Yes but the purpose of the sphere was because they were in mortal peril. Why have the contingency at all if running away on foot was an option?
Being unable to run, but being safe for the moment and able to plan out one's next move before the mortal peril resumes is infinitely better than being unable to run and still in mortal peril. Now, a better contingency would be one that removed the mortal peril, but that isn't always an option, even if one knows what is coming.

2016-06-06, 02:53 AM
Contingency feather fall. "on when I slip and plummet to my death" a valueable spell when climbing in the mountains.

Contingency remove curse "should I be cursed"

Contingency Water Breathing: Should I be submersed in water. (might be kinda handy if on a ship in a storm)

Contingency: Non detection: Should someone attempt to scry on me. (that last one could be handy, as contingency lasts far longer then non detection does.)

2016-06-06, 04:00 AM
Being unable to run, but being safe for the moment and able to plan out one's next move before the mortal peril resumes is infinitely better than being unable to run and still in mortal peril. Now, a better contingency would be one that removed the mortal peril, but that isn't always an option, even if one knows what is coming.

well, when in Otiluke's you could cast Leomund's tiny Hut, giving you 8 hours to prepare whatever it is you need to get out (either resting and getting spells back or something), or casting a long cast time spell like teleportation, or to refresh your contingency. Or both. You've got 8 hours, so who cares.

2016-06-06, 05:28 AM
well, when in Otiluke's you could cast Leomund's tiny Hut, giving you 8 hours to prepare whatever it is you need to get out (either resting and getting spells back or something), or casting a long cast time spell like teleportation, or to refresh your contingency. Or both. You've got 8 hours, so who cares.

This does not work at all, there is nothing that says that Leomund's Tiny Hut is in anyway resilient, a Wall of Force is impervious because it says so but the hut has no such language. Anyone can come in and smash the hut if they so want to.

2016-06-06, 06:25 AM
This does not work at all, there is nothing that says that Leomund's Tiny Hut is in anyway resilient, a Wall of Force is impervious because it says so but the hut has no such language. Anyone can come in and smash the hut if they so want to.

True, but the hut expressivly mentiones that nothing that wasn't within the designated range when the spell was cast, can get in and that no magic can get in or out. The fact that no rules exist in regards to damage the hut van take or a DC that will break it (or a disintegration effect dismissing the spell like Otiluke mentions) means that the Hut's fate in terms of ruinability is at best in Limbo. It might work once when you spring it on the DM.

Leomund's Tiny Hut is an awfully unclear written spell and that fact is, when going by raw, abusable. The fact that the spell niether mentions an imperviousness, nor mentions a vulnerability means neither impercious, nor vulnerable. Fact remains that while the spell is in effect that nothing can get in from the outside and no magic can go out. that is what the spell by RAW says.

2016-06-06, 07:18 AM
True, but the hut expressivly mentiones that nothing that wasn't within the designated range when the spell was cast, can get in and that no magic can get in or out. The fact that no rules exist in regards to damage the hut van take or a DC that will break it (or a disintegration effect dismissing the spell like Otiluke mentions) means that the Hut's fate in terms of ruinability is at best in Limbo. It might work once when you spring it on the DM.

Leomund's Tiny Hut is an awfully unclear written spell and that fact is, when going by raw, abusable. The fact that the spell niether mentions an imperviousness, nor mentions a vulnerability means neither impercious, nor vulnerable. Fact remains that while the spell is in effect that nothing can get in from the outside and no magic can go out. that is what the spell by RAW says.

Anything that is solid is designed not to get in, that doesn't mean that nothing couldn't get in if you didn't apply force.

Saying that nothing can get in is pointless. A wall is designed to let nothing in yet that can be destroyed. By RAW there is nothing that helps you get uninterrupted 8 hours of sleep with just the hut. A DM can just rule that since it doesn't say that it is invulnerable then it is vulnerable like nearly every other thing. You are twisting RAW to your own interpretation when any other interpretation is just as valid if not more.

If the DM can easily rule that the hut is breakable and never break stride then you can't say that you can use the Hut as an invincible fortress. And I sincerely doubt any DM would even allow this to fly. RAW is of no help to you.

2016-06-06, 07:30 AM
More urbanely, you can't concentrate on Resilient Sphere while you cast Tiny Hut.

2016-06-06, 04:38 PM
another thing to remember resiliant sphere may only buy time but sometimes buying a few rounds for the fighter to clear you is all you need. remember D&D is a party based game

2016-06-06, 05:31 PM
Contingency Feign Death when you scream "AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGH!". Best used when fighting sentient creatures as the non-sentient ones tend to be bitey. Heck, it even works as a makeshift stoneskin in the face of massive damage.

2016-06-06, 05:55 PM
Contingency Feign Death when you scream "AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGH!". Best used when fighting sentient creatures as the non-sentient ones tend to be bitey. Heck, it even works as a makeshift stoneskin in the face of massive damage.

Just as an aside if you use it on yourself you'll be unable to dispel it, so as a stoneskin substitute it is very poor since you can't act at all for an hour.

2016-06-06, 08:49 PM
Feign death upon taking a bad hit while keeping fingers crossed.

Haha, I love this idea. The thought of a wizard who uses magic to make it look like they die in one hit cracks me up. I'm going to use it for a wizard villain in a game I'm running. When the party encounters him again, they'll be all, "wait, didn't we kill you?"

Assuming the group's cleric of Kossuth doesn't insist on burning the body.