View Full Version : Pathfinder Castle Seige Adventure?

2016-05-30, 08:21 AM
I had an idea not long ago to run an adventure about a city under seige by a magically-advanced army, with the PCs doing everything in thier power to make sure the city survives the assault. The campaign would take place over a span of time, with encounters being launched attacks or attempted infiltrations by the army outside the gates. The PCs would be given extra resources to defend the location, and as the foe gets progressively more desperate would have to be more creative with the tools they are given.

I was wondering if this sort of adventure would work for Pathfinder, and if there is any precedent for what I'm about to try. If there is, could any of ye offer advice or references to help evolve this plan to fruition?

2016-05-30, 09:35 AM
I would absolutely love to play in this kind of campaign. Are you planning to start the PCs at low-level, as an expendable team that gradually proves their value and rises to command? Or will they be starting already in command? Personally I'd find the first option much more satisfying, especially if there are chain-of-command issues they have to fight while simultaneously defending the city.

As for threats from the besieging forces, sappers were often a serious danger during real-world sieges, and sometimes you would have elaborate mining and counter-mining efforts. A crack battalion of dwarven miners could be a serious threat to throw against the city--and for a little amusement, you could require the PCs to rely on a band of kobolds trapped inside the city as the defenders' only mining experts. The PCs would have to oversee the kobolds' efforts to counter the enemy dwarven miners--while at the same time making sure the kobolds didn't simply tunnel their way past the siege lines and escape the whole situation.

And at a slightly higher level, the attacking army could make extensive use of thoqquas and xorns to bypass the city's defenses from beneath. A dwarven cave druid who specializes in summoning thoqquas could be a real headache at lower levels--and once the PCs deal with him, the attacking army could bring in the xorns as subterranean heavy assault.

2016-06-01, 01:43 PM
This sound s cool but i suggest you try making it more than a series of encounters. Try adding intrigue, spying, double agents, alliances with third parties, basically try adding an interesting plot. Or, i guess, you could just make it a series of encounters, if the group playing it was into that.

2016-06-01, 02:02 PM
This sound s cool but i suggest you try making it more than a series of encounters. Try adding intrigue, spying, double agents, alliances with third parties, basically try adding an interesting plot. Or, i guess, you could just make it a series of encounters, if the group playing it was into that.

If you do end up having the PCs gain levels and importance as time goes on, it would make sense for it to start out as a laundry list of encounters, and then move on to a more complex storyline, just to get the best of both worlds.