View Full Version : Pathfinder Med'an in Pathfinder; How would you approach him?

2016-05-30, 10:03 AM
To those unfamiliar, Med'an is a character from the Warcraft comics who is the Half-Human/Fourth-Orc/Fourth-Draenei child of Garona and Medivh. He is a Paladin/Mage/Shaman.

My question is, how would you best represent him under pathfinder?

2016-05-30, 10:17 AM
Tiefling Witch.

2016-05-30, 10:23 AM
To those unfamiliar, Med'an is a character from the Warcraft comics who is the Half-Human/Fourth-Orc/Fourth-Draenei child of Garona and Medivh. He is a Paladin/Mage/Shaman.

My question is, how would you best represent him under pathfinder?

if I know bit of warcraft he finds party instead since daddy is medivh is arch mage of tirisfal their is a good change either he or med'an needs to recruit pcs for major problem in setting and consider ing current legion fluff you can bet your relic you see Hijo de pu*a illidan stormgage and his idiot brother malfurion the betreyed

2016-05-30, 01:34 PM
How would I approach him? With the intent of deadly force. I hate this character. So much. He ruined the whole purpose of WCIII.

However, what you're looking for then is a character who was born with incredible power and is able to amp it up further. First of all, I'd argue that no one in the WC Universe is a prepared caster, so I would think he's something along the lines of Arcanist or Sorcerer. His race is majority human, so probably go with that with the caveat that he should have some Alternate Racial Traits from Orc and Aasimir (closest analogue to Draenei in PF) to reflect his heritage. Given that he was imbued with the power of the Guardians, he's probably Mythic, on the Archmage path.

From there? Have him jump off a cliff. Please.

2016-05-30, 07:42 PM
Wow, this guy reeks of Marty Stu.

Yeah, Tiefling is probably the best way to succinctly represent his mongrel disparate heritage. From there I'd go with Arcanist.

Honest Tiefling
2016-05-30, 07:56 PM
Well, he is part orc. Aren't there some rules in pathfinder for other races making tieflings? If I recall correctly, it doesn't amount to diddly in mechanical terms, but a Half-Orc tiefling seems about right. The Orcs come from a different plane and were subject to demonic corruption frequently, so...There you go.

There just aren't a lot of shamanistic nature-loving hooved races as far as I know of. OTHER then centaurs I mean.

As for the classes...That is an interesting mix, literally one of three different power sources. Some sort of well...Oracle? Some mysteries get spirit or nature based abilities. You're going to be a bit specialized, but that's the best I can come up with.

2016-05-30, 08:26 PM
The big problem is that (lore wise) "multi-classing" in Warcraft makes you stronger than the sum of your parts, whereas in pathfinder multiclassing Paladin, Wizard and Shaman would result in a terrible terrible mess of conflicting class features and stat requirements. It'd be better to represent him as a tri-stalt of the three classes, although Pathfinder's character generation rules and class requirements still don't readily support that kind of character.

I'd recommend something like Paladin 2/Oracle X//Sorcerer (as opposed to Wizard) X//Shaman X? Although you'd probably be better off just gestalting Paladin 2/Oracle X//Sorcerer X(+2) and taking the nature mystery for your oracle.

I won't touch race since other people have already addressed that but really, pathfinder is not the system for trying to represent characters like Med'an.

2016-05-30, 09:24 PM
The big problem is that (lore wise) "multi-classing" in Warcraft makes you stronger than the sum of your parts, whereas in pathfinder multiclassing Paladin, Wizard and Shaman would result in a terrible terrible mess of conflicting class features and stat requirements. It'd be better to represent him as a tri-stalt of the three classes, although Pathfinder's character generation rules and class requirements still don't readily support that kind of character.

I'd recommend something like Paladin 2/Oracle X//Sorcerer (as opposed to Wizard) X//Shaman X? Although you'd probably be better off just gestalting Paladin 2/Oracle X//Sorcerer X(+2) and taking the nature mystery for your oracle.

I won't touch race since other people have already addressed that but really, pathfinder is not the system for trying to represent characters like Med'an.

If there was even a great way to represent Shaman in Pathfinder. The WoW shaman and the Pathfinder Shaman have very little overlap; the Shaman is probably better represented as a Cleric (Medium armor healer/caster/melee DPS hybrid) with some nature/elemental domains.

All said, Me'dan in the WC universe is a peculiar individual able to wield the Arcane, the Light, and the Elements. As such, any representation in PF must somehow emulate those three sources of power.

So. Arcanist, as previously mentioned, makes sense; probably the best mechanical representation for the WC Mages you'll find. No debates there.

However, representing the Light and the Elements becomes more difficult. I would argue that the best mechanical representation for this would be to go Cleric as the Cleric is able to channel positive energy (the Light), but Me'dan's domains would be something reflecting that elemental nature (Earth/Weather?).

Alternatively, we could represent Me'Dan's paladin size in using the Inquisitor or Paladin VMC. Likely Paladin for his connection to the Light, but still. Ergo, with this bastardization of a character, we arrive at a gestalt Arcanist 20//Cleric 20 with VMC Paladin. Still not sure about what his mutt should be.

Then we should have him jump off a cliff. He's still a horrible character.

2016-05-31, 12:27 AM
Then we should have him jump off a cliff. He's still a horrible character.

This. I think most WoW fans want to forget he exists. xD