View Full Version : Goodness, am I back? (Who else has gone and returned to the forums? Why?)

2016-05-30, 11:56 PM
I seem to recall that I used to frequent this website, and I seem to find myself making a thread on said website even as I consider this statement. Good lord, what next. In any case, has anyone else done something like this? What convinced you to return? For me, I harbor nostalgic things about the community and the projects I participated in with said community. There, a clumsy "I'm sort of back" post has been made, for anyone who cares.

2016-06-03, 01:55 AM
My absences are largely from times I am not reading the comic. I don't think comic quality or community can be faulted, just that things get in the way. You make plans, then life happens.