View Full Version : DM Help Supernatural Gifts and Other Rewards

2016-05-31, 01:04 AM
From time to time, I really enjoy giving my players memorable rewards. Sometimes it's in the form of a unique magic item, but I also like to try things that don't necessarily apply so directly to combat and other challenges as a +1 longsword with a few spiffy traits. Titles and land deeds, or special powers that can't be replicated by a magic staff out of the DMG are often what I like to think about.

Right now, I'm trying to brainstorm some cool Blessings that I could potentially hand out. The book suggests mimicking a wondrous item as a guideline, but I was curious if anyone had gotten more creative than "+1 to ac and saves" and would like to share their experiences, whether they delivered a balanced benefit or went over the line, and whether the players enjoyed it or it was a complete miss.

For an example of what I'm talking about, consider that as a consequence of a PC's actions, maybe an Archfey granted a blessing that gives that PC Fey-like traits, or an uncanny ability to sniff out hidden portals to the Feywild. Or, Pelor could give a blessing that simply has sunny weather follow someone wherever they go. Other possibilities could be of a sort where a god of secrets grants someone to see into the hearts of those around them, or a god of death could allow one to communicate with spirits, and so on.

I figured I'd start a thread about this because I thought it would be interesting to see how other folks like to take ideas like this, and it'd totes give me a chance to steal all your material. Any thoughts? Eager to see what pops up.

2016-05-31, 09:42 AM
So one mechanic i use is to allow players to spend hit dice to do something god related rather than just regain hitpoints. So yes, a faithful of a knowledge god would be able to expend a hit die and use it to try and ascertain a specific piece of knowledge, a devotee of umberlee might be able to expend a few hit dice - praying instead of recovering - to secure calmer seas for a a voyage.

It is all out of combat stuff and uses an existing resource so there is still a trade off.

The upside is it can give some players more narative power than they would have, the downside is it can begin to step on cleric's toes a bit if it is overdone. It is basically either a quest reward or someone RPing their faith well.

2016-05-31, 11:37 AM
So one mechanic i use is to allow players to spend hit dice to do something god related rather than just regain hitpoints. So yes, a faithful of a knowledge god would be able to expend a hit die and use it to try and ascertain a specific piece of knowledge, a devotee of umberlee might be able to expend a few hit dice - praying instead of recovering - to secure calmer seas for a a voyage.

It is all out of combat stuff and uses an existing resource so there is still a trade off.

The upside is it can give some players more narative power than they would have, the downside is it can begin to step on cleric's toes a bit if it is overdone. It is basically either a quest reward or someone RPing their faith well.

That sounds like a really cool concept. Have you developed a consistent method for how PCs can spend their HD for this? Or do you just sorta look at what they're trying to do, eyeball their current level and say "eh, half your hit dice will suffice"?

I'm also thinking that since Blessings might be taken away at any time, it would be cool to explore abilities like this for maybe half of a campaign, or something. Maybe an important plot point could be getting one PC this special benefit, but it's only granted for purposes of accomplishing a specific task. Ever try anything like that?

2016-05-31, 03:12 PM
For an example of what I'm talking about, consider that as a consequence of a PC's actions, maybe an Archfey granted a blessing that gives that PC Fey-like traits,
You could give them the Fey Ancestry trait that Elves and Half Elves get, that would be advantage against being charmed and immunity to sleep. For Elven and Half Elven characters upgrade their Fey Ancestry to immunity to being charmed.

2016-05-31, 08:28 PM
I like the idea of titles and land grants. How about access to a mage library or special temple giving greater access to spells. Maybe a servant who can take care of lands and day to day chores. A writ giving special privileges outside the characters homelands...

2016-05-31, 09:29 PM
I like the idea of titles and land grants. How about access to a mage library or special temple giving greater access to spells. Maybe a servant who can take care of lands and day to day chores. A writ giving special privileges outside the characters homelands...

Also really cool areas to explore. I particularly like the writ idea; it's something that gives an excuse for players to journey to a new land, and could lead into future adventures with a fresh tone, or contribute to a new campaign altogether.

Servants and other NPC helpers seem like something my players would dig. I never would have anticipated it, but they seem really keen to build their own fortress, and to fill it with all sorts of interesting characters they encounter. Sometimes I wonder if they're trying to build an army of adventurers.

2016-05-31, 09:31 PM
A blessing from a water Archfey which allows the party paladin to run across water as though it were dry land.

Just like Saber (Artoria) from Fate.

2016-06-01, 08:01 AM
Some lower- level ideas: licenses. Official permission to hunt bounties (and thus entrance into the appropriate guild), transport normally illegal goods like magic items, poisons, and spices, to tell the truth regardless of who it pisses off (for Bards, aka jesters), to enforce the law, and more.

Even for higher leveled PCs, the ability to show a guardsman that you have permission from the king to kill while enforcing his will is a powerful tool (that can be revoked if abused) and adds new dimension to gameplay.