View Full Version : Help / comments on my grappler.

2016-05-31, 03:21 PM
Hi everyone! First post here. :)

So, our DM want us to play our next scenario in "Out of the Abyss" (So please, no spoilers for me! :) )

We will be 7 players. And we're not allowed to know what characters the others are making. So we might be 7 barbarians as far as I know if everyone has the same idea.

It's why I wanted to make a character which will come out of the 'usual' builds, a grappler. At least there won't be two of the same in the party.

I just want to know if anyone has ideas which I didn't think about, to make it more fun or better in his role.

This character won't use magic tho, he won't cast any spell, as prefer characters who use their body rather than sparkly magics.

Here's the path:

Lvl 1 Barbarian, 16 str 14 dex 16 con 10 int 10 wis 8 cha (Human, variant trait with the feat)

Rage (gives advantage on strenght checks)
Feat: Tavern Brawler for the bonus action grapple when I hit an opponent.
Important skill: Athletism
Background: Criminal (Highway robber)

Lvl 2 Rogue

Sneak attack
Expertise (Athletism for a nice +7)

Lvl 3 Rogue

Cunning action

Lvl 4 Rogue

Rogue Archetype: Assassin Or Swashbuckler (I could go Trickster for the usefulness of spells, but mehh.)
Sneak attack

Lvl 5 Rogue

Feat: Mage Slayer

Lvl 6 Rogue

Sneak attack
Uncanny Dodge

Lvl 7 Fighter

Second Wind
Fighting Style Dueling (+2 damage)

Lvl 8 Fighter

Action Surge (In case I miss one grapple)

Lvl 9 Fighter

Battle Master (I think the maneuvers will help more than the champion's critical, to put an ennemy prone with a melee attack, then grappling him in the same round).

Lvl 10 Fighter

+2 STR

What do you guys think? Is there something I didn't see in multiclassing that would benefit more?

I know human isn't optimal in Out of the abyss (I know we're gonna be in the underdark, that's pretty much all I know XD), but in D&D I'm racist and I don't like elves and dwarves :D

Thanks! :)

2016-05-31, 03:37 PM
Tavern brawler only gives you a bonus grapple when you attack unarmed or with an improvised weapon. Neither of those type of attacks will be finesse so you won't get sneak attack.

Although grappler is not a great feat, it synergies well with sneak attack since it gives you advantage vs enemies you are grappling.

I think a rogue grappler is a solid idea, but I would take the grappler feat at 1 and start with rogue for sneak attack and expertise.

I don't think barbarian has more to offer this build than fighter does. A rogue fighter highbridge grappler might be something to look into.

2016-05-31, 03:59 PM
Tavern brawler only gives you a bonus grapple when you attack unarmed or with an improvised weapon. Neither of those type of attacks will be finesse so you won't get sneak attack.

Although grappler is not a great feat, it synergies well with sneak attack since it gives you advantage vs enemies you are grappling.

I think a rogue grappler is a solid idea, but I would take the grappler feat at 1 and start with rogue for sneak attack and expertise.

I don't think barbarian has more to offer this build than fighter does. A rogue fighter highbridge grappler might be something to look into.

Actually, with improvised weapon it lets you take weapons that 'looks like' weapons you can find in the weapon tab, so I plan on using a dagger-lookalike weapon. Kitchen knife maybe, or something similar. Besides, it's part of a movement to draw a new weapon when you're into grapple, if I don't find such improvised weapon.

In many cases, an improvised w eapon is similar
to an actual weapon and can be treated as such. For
example, a table leg is akin to a club.

The reason why I went Tavern brawler instead of Grappler is this: Tavern brawler gives +1 to str, which enables him to have 16/14/16 for physical stats. If I take grappler, I lose 1 AC, 1 stealth, 1 thief tool. Or 1 con/str, which sucks. :(

Grappler gives advantage on attack rolls, but if you shove down a grappled opponents, you also have advantage on your rolls so I thought grappler wasn't much usefull.

For the barbarian over fighter to start with, it's because with 2 rages per day, you have advantage on STR check rolls. Which means, I rage, then grapple with advantage on the STR (Athletic) check. At lvl 2, that's a +7 athletism with advantage, if I lose my roll I'm -very- unlucky.

2016-05-31, 06:55 PM
Yeah that should work with I suppose, the main problem I am seeing is action economy. You won't have extra attack from any class by level 10. Turn 1 is grapple (possible sneak attack if you were hidden or had advantage from some other situation), turn 2 shove prone, turn 3 sneak attack if turns 1 and 2 were successful.

If you go with rogue 5/fighter 5 you get that extra attack. You could even do rogue 4/fighter 5/barbarian 1 to get rage instead of uncanny dodge.

With grappler you would be grappling and sneak attacking from turn 1. EDIT: without needing to be hidden or rely on flank or improvised weapons.