View Full Version : [IC] Diablo, Heroes of Sanctuary

2016-05-31, 04:10 PM

East... Always to the East

ACT 1: The Dark Wanderer

Chapter 1: Prequel

"We have just arrived in Tristram, and I must say I'm a bit dismayed. This place is a backwater filled with serfs and an ancient, broken-down monastery, hardly fit for the king of Khanduras! I cannot fathom why Lazarus was so intent on this becoming our new seat of power."
- Journal of King Leoric


Tristram indeed was a backwater, just a small village with an old Horadrim monestary. Leoric came to Khanduras from the other continent and declared himself king in name of Zakarum, turning the monestary into a cathedral of Zakarum and making it his palace. Many years later the king grew restless, some said insane. The king suddenly declared war on the neigbouring country of Westmarch and sent his troops to the front to expand his kingdom. At home things grew worse and the king ordered the formation of an inquisition led by his advisor Arch-Bishop Lazarusand soon the interrogations and executions began. The reason was unclear, although rumors spread the king was paranoid and feared he would be disposed by a conspiracy against him.

The war went very bad for the armies of the king and when the youngest son of the king went missing, the king lost his mind and even ordered the beheading of his own wife. Trials turned into mass executions of innocent civilians. Eventually zarus organized a search party to find the young boy Albrecht below in the cathedral catacombs. Also tired of the war, the kings general came home and saw no other choice to kill his once beloved king and end his reign of terror. They buried him in the cathedral catacombs. During these events three warriors came to Tristram. Jazreth A mage from the eastern mageclan, a rogue Moreina from the monestary closeby guarding the mountain pass to the deserts of Lut Golein and a warrior who fought at the front against the armies of Westmarch. Plagued by dreams they came to Tristram to search for answers. Here they heard of the misfortune that had befallen Tristram and the people and decided to venture in the catacombs where they encountered a terrible demon who had slaughtered all the villagers who went looking for the young prince.

Not long after they discovered that Lazarus controlled the demon and had taken the boy to the deepest levels of the catacombs where he had freed Diablo of his prison and offered him the boy as host to posses. When the heroes wanted to overthrow the dark bishop, the boys body started to boil and from his flesh arose Diablo, the Lord of Terror himself. Aparently he had been feeding on the agony of the King, which explained his madness, and had grown more stronger. The heroes however felt Diablo was not yet as powerful as he once was and managed to slay him and bind his soul to a shard of the soulstone in which the Lord of Terror had so long been imprisoned. The three heroes emerged from the depths victorious and the town celebrated both their victory over evil and the liberation from their mad king. The villagers celebrated for days in a row but the three heroes could not enjoy any of it. Their dreams had stopped, but were replaced by something worse, like they weren't themselves anymore. Somwhere in Sanctuary four simple beings awoke from their sleep, screaming in fear from a vivid nightmare about fire, death and demons....

Chapter 2: On the road

You have traveled from far to your destination: the town of Tristram, the seat of the king of all Khanduras. On the road you have seen some disturbing things, no demons and fire like in your dreams, but a strange chill down your spine. The closer you get to Tristram the more you see that the land is deserted. Aparently you were not the only one who packed their things and left, although you seem to be the only one heading towards Tristram in stead of away from it. But you travel not alone! Today you encountered four likeminded people from all corners of Sanctuary heading for this strange little village. A brave barbarian from the north, a rogue hardened by bloodsport to earn his money, a young wizard born in a wealthy family in the east, A warrior battlehardened from the war againt Westmarch and a witch doctor from the great marches decorated with all kinds of rare runes and object.

At first you were wary who they might be, but soon you noticed that they are very similar to you. You haven't talked much yet, but it is nice to have some company after these days traveling alone. Your companions seem to agree to this and they as well keep quiet except for some small talk.

When you walk up a hill you see at the horizon the Tristram cathedral like a neelde against the dark and cloudy sky. You estemate it being just another day before you reach it and you and your travel companions find shelter at the feet of a few trees which gives you shelter from the wind.


A tent is quickly made and a small fire burns as you prepare food for the evening. You sit rather comfortably against a treeroot warming yourself by the fire, smoking a pipe, playing your music instrument or doing something else to relaxe after a long days march.

The sun is setting and leaves the sky red, a beautiful but also rather frightning sight. You focus on the fire again, not too eager to go to sleep you start a conversation with your companions, aftera long day walk there is time to talk!

[OOC: You are sitting between a few trees that give you enough cover and shelter to camp for the night. Tristram is about half a day by foot so if you would leave tomorrow in the morning you would arrive at about 3 in the afternoon. There is no sign of anyone close to the party and you can let your guard down if you like, although it will be dark soon and a fire might attract unwelcome guests. You have still about an hour or so, so you have time to introduce yourselves. It is a bit weird if you already walked together fo a while, but for the sake of RP, let this be your official introduction and assume that you have been walking for about a day together, so there won't be much mistrust or suspicion of any kind, unless you belief you hve reason to. For the few who would come from the east. To make it logical to meet them, you aparently have taken a sideroad that led you past Tristram without your notice, so now you have to travel back just a little bit... just for the game's sake. Also if you wish you can have traveled together with someone coming from roughly the same side, butyou can work that out in the OOC if you want. ]



2016-06-05, 10:19 AM
When I set off from Mount Arreat on my expedition, I was alone; the path was fraught with dangers with aberrations haunting my dreams. But I emerged from the darkness, largely unscathed by the ghoulish horrors. Meeting with a band of like-minded individuals, noted a milestone on my intrepid adventure. United we stood a more of a chance of eliminating this plague from these lands.

Clearly we all had different strengths and weaknesses. Mine should have been fairly apparent, I was after all a hulking unarmoured warrior, it left little to the imagination. It was my intent to spend the night revelling and perhaps discussing battle tactics.

Final Hyena
2016-06-05, 10:53 AM
Spending his evening quietly tending, crafting his meal, was all Jirdos wanted.
Cooking Utensils
Absorbed in the comforting warmth of the fire and the mixed aromas of spices, meats and vegetables rising from the pot was enough to keep his mind busy, that was until the grey man started talking.
How on earth that thing walked around with so many muscles was a mystery, he looked more like one of those tiny obese lords, with the fat replaced with muscle of course. surely he should be tripping over himself at every turn Listening to this revelry and battle planing drew Jirdos's attention, drew it away from the bubbling pot.

After this had gone on for a while the words (showing a hint of annoyance) finally came.
"What kind of a name is Burl Anyway?"

2016-06-05, 01:22 PM
Koji is crouched next to the fire, shivering. A careful observer would note that he is as close to the fire as absolutely possible without actually being in the fire. He is muttering something under his breath while absent-mindedly stroking the three shrunken heads dangling from the haft of his warhammer.

Occasionally the fire flickers and gains a few bright blue tongues or lets off a puff of deep purple smoke. If Koji is causing these effects intentionally through his liturgies he appears not to notice.

At Jirdos' words Koji glances across the flames, his eyes flicker as though a lightning storm rages inside his head. "Don't," he says in a whisper that somehow seems to echo in his throat and carry much further than it should. He then goes back to staring at the fire and muttering.

2016-06-05, 03:31 PM
Megumi sits against a tree, looking over her spellbook, re-reading passages she's read countless times. But what else is there to pass the time. When the others say their first few words she looks up and sighs.

"Well aren't we a merry bunch of adventurers." Closing her book and picking herself off the ground, she dusts her silks from any dirt. She places a hand on her collarbone striking a very proud pose. "I, Megumi Ali of the proud Ali family, will not tolerate this type of mood. You should all be kind, for we are sharing a camp site tonight. Who knows, we might have to fight together. So let's play a little game, let's all state a small fact about us shall we? I shall start, I Megumi Ali of the proud Ali family am incredibly versed in magic, history, and surprisingly card games. If you'd like we can play a game, of course I can guarantee that I shall win. What about you all?"

2016-06-05, 03:52 PM
Gregory was silently paying attention, trying to get a feel on his traveling companions. He was cautious, noting each of their physical appearance and choice of words. He was nervous, somewhat scared to become attached. As Megumi said, they may be fighting together, and anything can happen in a fight. Gregory perked up at the thought of a game though, happy to break the gloom and doom of his own thoughts for a little excitement. Besides, getting to know more about these people would prove helpful. "Okay, I'll bite. My name is Gregory Pinth, and I served as an officer in the war between Khanduras and Westmarch." Gregory proudly tapped the pin on his cloak that showed his previous rank.

2016-06-05, 06:19 PM
Koji pulls his cloak tighter around himself, still focusing on the flames, "You may call me A'taka." A peal of thunder rings out over the camp. "Of the Great Marsh away east over the Twin Seas." With a shudder he adds under his breath, "A much warmer place than this."

Final Hyena
2016-06-05, 06:35 PM
Raising an eyebrow at the other travellers responses Jirdos listened, becoming increasingly exasperated at their continued speech. Taking a moment for internal deliberation he thought "if they're going to talk so be it."

"This Merry Adventurer is Jirdos Dwohnatt."

After a moments pause he turned to Gregory adding.

"On which side?"

2016-06-05, 06:39 PM
What a strange little man, my name? Why would he pick fault with my name? Out in the middle of nowhere surrounded by darkness, before I was able to reply to his question, however, the others began to talk.

First, a voice of reason, then a posh lady, and finally an officer of war, what a ragtag bunch we are. As they spoke about their achievements, I sat there, pondering what exactly I could say. I had never heard of the Ali family, nor did I know anything about the war. Back in my tribe, I had plenty to talk about, from the recent hunts to the exploits in battles, but it had never occurred to me just how little I had to say to outsiders. “I’m from the Mountain, and I can play the cowbell.” In truth, that was all I had to say. I was after all just a sixteen-year-old, I had yet to experience the world. Surely they did not want to hear that I was an apt forager, or that I could find water even in the volcanic region?

2016-06-05, 07:09 PM
Gregory's mood soured at the question, remembering the futility of the entire war and the rumors surrounding the king. "Khanduras. Our defeat was...inevitable, but that doesn't mean I'm not one of the best commanders that served." He tried his best to make himself still seem like a competent leader with some decent experience.

2016-06-05, 07:26 PM
OOC: Managed to cut this part off my post some how :p

I found the concept of losing a war and still being alive to tell the tale a confusing one, surely a warrior died in battle or won. I paused for a brief moment considering the possibility that this man was merely a charlatan, before rummaging through my belongings, to lift out a scrap of cloth from an old banner. “Here, do you know what clan this is from?” presenting the scarp to the officer.

2016-06-05, 09:21 PM
Gregory took the cloth and inspected it thoroughly, unsure of what the colors and the insignia stood for."I can't say I know exactly where the banner comes from. I wasn't a study soldier like some of my allies, I was trained from a young age in the art of combat." He shrugged and handed the piece back. "More fighting, less reading."

Final Hyena
2016-06-06, 11:39 AM
The conversations sudden addition overwhelmed Jirdos's thoughts. "I can play the cowbell...." "I can play the cowbell?" He would have burst out laughing if not for the utter dumbfoundedness the remark left behind. Then again what more did he expect from such a brute. Suddenly noticing the piece of cloth through his disturbed thoughts he stated with an impassive voice.

"Isn't that the sign of The Temple of Jade Secrets? I'm surprised someone would be carrying that around! I mean they're nice, better than Whore & Peace, but still..."

Although his face was straight Jirdos was smiling on the inside. From ear, to ear.

2016-06-06, 12:19 PM
Koji rolls his eyes and sighs quietly. Children... At least they've warmed up some. I wish I could, he thinks turning his back to the fire and rubbing his chest with his arms. First that infernal hell with its beating sun that stole every drop of water, and now this horrible chill. I miss my swamp.

2016-06-06, 03:26 PM
Chapter 3: The Village

You wake up from the rising sun in your eyes. although the weather isn't bad, it is still quite cold. From the hilltop where you are you can see the mountians covered in mist at the horizon. Behind it lay the deserts of Lut Golein and beyond that the Twin Seas and even further, your homeand (of some of you). Far away you can hear the thunder in the clouds embracing the mountain peeks, almost an unnatural sight. You quickly pack your things and walk with your companions the last few hours to the village. With the daylight giving you a clear view in the distance you now see smoke rising from the village. Yesterday it was already to dark to notice it, but now it looks like your dreams weren't just a fantasy.

When you appraoch the village you see two women in armour blocking the entrance to the village; a small brige over a creek (southwest corner of the map) is the only way in from this side. They ready their bow when they see you approach. The part of the village where you arrive seems to be spared from the fire, it's just a few houses and over the second bridge you can see the rest of the village; dozens of houses burned to ashes, all the way to the cathedral which still stands, but barely. Most of the townsfolk are gathered in this area. You count maybe twenty twentyfive people, although there seem to be more in the actual village

Mh, Natasha,says the one to the other They don't exactly look like humans, but they're not demons... she smirks as she looks at your tettered clothes especially those of the one who lived in the swamps.
Are you sure Kashya, they hardly look human to me the other chuckles, but she lowers her bow and makes a gesture you can come closer.
The lady who's name appears to be Kashya puts her bow over her shoulder and appreaches you. She takes a look a you one at a time and then recognizes the officers pin on one of the strangers chests.

Welcome, my name is Kashya, I am the military leader of Tristram, or well what is left of it. Are you here to help? I don't see any provisions... She looks again as if she would have missed a large cart behind you stocked with food, only to discover her eyes didn't betray her and there is indeed no food coming. You see officer, food is running out and although there are just few of us left, we have to eat. My apoligies, I thought you were the help we were waiting for, but nonetheless you are more than welcome!

She walks with you over the bridge. The other woman gives you a friendly nod and continues to stare towards the horizon. The people you walk by also look at you in a friendly way, although you can see they suffered alot in their desperate eyes. Some children play with sticks in the dirt close to the well. Close to them sits a young woman with long blonde hair and white, red and silver armour, you notice the sign of Zakarum on her shield but she just looks like another soldier. She wields some sticks as well and plays with the children, looking up when you pass by.

You recognize her as a crusader a secret order of Zakarum once formed to fight evil and bring religion across the world. Unless you did know, you never knew it to be more than a myth that they excisted. You know that even the lowest in rank are held in higest regard for there are no devoted warriors in all of Sanctuary

I will take you to Akara Kashya continues she is the leader here in town. You see, we came from the mountains. Our monestary was attacked by demons as well. We fought bravely, but we had no other choice to retreat so safe those who were still alive, and when we saw the village burning we came here to look after the survivors. Our monestary is lost though, but these people need us now. Maybe we will reclaim it when Tritram no longer needs us. The look in her eyes tell you she does miss the place and for a moment she is nothing more than a young woman who lost her home, like all the villagers you pass by Tristram.

You walk with her past a few houses. One close to the water which looks like a bakery of some kind, a tavern, a larger house and a smithy with smoke coming from the chimney. The remains of a what usedf to be a watch tower guards the entrance over the bridge to the actual village. Everywhere you see the remains of the houses, pieces of wood and blackburned stone is pushed aside to create a path through the rubble on the streets. Most of the corpses are removed but still there is blood everywhere. It is gruesome sight. Some people sit at the side of the road, searching through the debris. Maybe they are looking for what is left of their belingings, maybe they are still looking for their loved ones?

Not far into the village there is a tent where also a few women are gathered in the same uniform as Kashya. In their midst stands a woman with purple robes. She is unarmed but there is sometehing about her that makes you instantly respect her. When you close in on her Kashya bows slightly and introduces you: Ma'am, these she hesitates for a moment, looks at the officer's pin and continues soldiers just arrived, I brought them to you right away.

The older woman, shrouded in purple, takes a long intense look at you and smiles These are not soldiers, well not all of them at least. She glances at Megumi and Koji, her eyes seem to pierce right through you like she knows all your thoughts and secrets. Fear not travelers, although the tragedy that has befallen Trstram, you are safe here. Kashya, please let someone bring our guests some water, they must be thirsty from their journey. Akara invites you in her tent. it's just a small tent, just big enough for about ten people, but there are some chars and she invites you to sit down. She sits down as well and waits for you to tell you of your journey

Part of the Village

Notable Villagers

Inhabitants of Tristram



Charsi is a young smith girl. Being the apprentice of the village smith, who died during the massacre, she is now the owner of the smithy. She sells and buys weapons and might know some of the enchantments her master used to imbue weapons to fight against evil.

Akara is an older woman and the spiritual leader of the Rogues who fled to tristram from the monestary to help the village and look for shelter. She is the oldest in town and ovesees the care for the injured villagers and is kind of the new village elder..

A middle-aged woman and military leader of the rogues who can to Tristram. She commands the rogue battlesisters in the village and always has a stern look on her face, but has quite some humor when you get to know her. She obeys Akara as her superior, although she is the leader in military matters.

An eastern traveler and merchant. He was in Tristram during the massacre and stayed because of the way to the east is not safe anymore. He still has most of his wares, like magic elixers and rare items for sale.

https://wallpaperscraft.com/image/diablo_iii_reaper_of_souls_crusader_art_girl_shiel d_armor_weapons_97494_2048x2048.jpg
A member of the crusaders. She used to be a villager of this town and just lost her parents. She stays to help. She is trained in combat and probably the most experienced warrior in the village. It is said she is the only one who stood a chance against the demons because of her years of experience fighting these mosnters.

Some say she is a witch and though it is not unknown she has magical powers most people do not fear her as some might. Some say she was educated by the best mages in the east before she came to Tristram. She is pregnant and her husband missing, most likely died in the fire.

Used to be the innleeper of the Slaughtered Cow Inn, although still is since it is one of the few buildings that didn't burn down to the ground. He accomodates a roof above the head of most of the villagers since they do not have a place to stay anymore

Deckard Cain
Deckard is probably one of the odlest members of Tristram and the last descendant of one of the horadrim and keeper of the tomes of his anscestors. He used to be the teacher of the village children and the village elder who gave advice to the other people in town. He spent most of his time studying the old tomes. It was Cain who helped the three heroes venture in the cathedral catacombs to defeat Diablo.

2016-06-06, 03:53 PM
Taking in the scene of the village causes Koji's heart to break. As the group is led by Kashya, the witch doctors silently weeps for the suffering of these people.

Once inside the tent, Koji senses Akara's power and also makes no attempt to shield his own from her. At her words he raises a hand, a gesture intended to halt Kashya. "Forgive me," he says to the priestess in his strange booming voice. Looking to the warrior woman he says, "Nay, bring vessels. As many as need filling. Gather them outside."

When it is done Koji step out of the tent. Raising his hand to his cheek he collects a single tear from his face and smears the moisture across his fingers. He raises his hands to the heavens and lets out a powerful undulating cry. A small dark cloud forms in the air above the town and clean, clear water fills the various containers laid out before him. "A gift of water, and of life, holy mother," Koji says to Akara.

Casting Create Water as either a 1st level spell (10 gallons) or a 2nd level spell (20 gallons) as fits the situation. Koji is willing to cast it multiple times if that is called for.

This is all on the presumption that all the blood and other goings on have fouled the river and that the town is in need of water.

Final Hyena
2016-06-06, 04:10 PM
Walking through the village Jirdos mutters although quietly, but not exactly under his breath. It appears his words are merely his thoughts coming out on their own, with no intent to be heard nor unheard.
"This does remind me of the Jade Temple, although even then there are still far too few men around."

As they get towards the centre he wonders to himself (this time without any verbalisation) If anyone "owns" that destroyed tower. It would make a good hide away and vantage point. before moving on he stored away this memory so that he could check it out later. Arriving in the tent Jirdos sits down in a very deliberate fashion and asks, during Koji's performance.
"Are you sure it's safe to give drink to non-humans?"
As the water fills the pots Jirdos glances sideways at it in an almost accusing fashion.

2016-06-06, 05:14 PM
Gregory silently followed, acknowledging Kashya's mentions of his rank with a simple nod. He was to embarrassed to speak, the sight of what was once a mighty town in Khanduras in it's current state. Gregory tried not to make eye contact with the people he let down, his pin serving as not only a symbol of his rank, but a brand of his failure. He stayed silent in the tent as well, thinking about giving out some of his own rations for those in need. It was the least he could do. Gregory shook it all of, and remembered that their...party?...was there for a reason. "Excuse me, Madam Akara, but..." He was unsure of how to ask about what he saw in his nightmares. "was Tristam truly destroyed by demonic forces?"

2016-06-06, 05:27 PM
Bows and arrows? The weapons of children! First, this runt questions my name, then my ability to play the cowbell. Now these cowards dared to mock my appearance. My cyan eyes narrowed ever so slightly, a small display of my growing irritation. The sick and wounded should not have to pay for their impudence, so I'd offer my services along with the Clerics. He was able to produce a vast quantity of water, whereas I could provide food, it wouldn't be much, but I doubt in the face of starvation that they would refuse my offer.

“This Jade Temple, what is it? I took the banner from a coward. His army fled. So I crushed his skull with my bare hands.”

All their talking repulsed me. Accolades? What a joke, they are COWARDS: only a coward fears death, only a coward flees the battlefield. Fought bravely, but lost and remained alive? What was that phrase, the one that meant to opposites? A moron, yes it was a moron.

2016-06-06, 05:39 PM
Upon arriving at the tent, Megumi's gaze never left Akara's. It almost seemed like she was being challenged. "Allow me to introduce myself," she cleared her throat as if getting ready to make a valiant speech. "I am Megumi Ali of the proud Ali family. I have come from very far away based on a divination of mine. So I'd like to repeat my traveling companion's question: what happened here."

After that last phrase, a devilish grin spread across her face. "And more importantly, how could my talents be of use?"

Final Hyena
2016-06-06, 07:54 PM
“This Jade Temple, what is it? I took the banner from a coward. His army fled. So I crushed his skull with my bare hands.”
"You could call it a magical suite where secrets are sold and bought, with enough coin you can even get a symphony. Of course what everyone really wants is the soprano. Which is why sh"
Catching himself on his words Jirdos merely smiles.
"It's so expensive."

2016-06-06, 09:03 PM
What on earth did he mean? I pondered briefly, giving no reply; the matter was of little significance given the current situation. So I progressed onward with the others.

Akara's comment about not all being soldiers almost made me laugh, A'taka and I were the only soldiers in our party. Upon invitation, I entered the tent, and took up a seat, removing my backpack, along with a few of my weapons, so that I could sit comfortably. Once again I had the displeasure of listening to Megumi's formal introduction; perhaps I should come with with a fancy title like that.

2016-06-07, 03:36 AM
Akara smiles when the strange man produces water out of nothing. She thanks him and lets a few of her rogues carry to water to some of the villagers and let them drink. It indeed seems like food and water is scarse and although there is a well, clean water is as important as anything.

When the girl speaks proudly of her family Akara returns the favor, not to brag but maybe letting the girl know she comes from a good family as well, will establish some trust between them. I am Akara, high-priestess of the Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye. The monestary in the mountains is my home and I command the rogue sisters here in Tristram. It is good to see more of your kind here, Megumi for your talent is needed more than ever in this world.

Akara turns to Gregory
Indeed it was. From what I have heard there was some kind of festival in honour of three heroes and the defeat of their mad king. A truly sad story. You seethe Archbishop hadkidnapped his young son and took him down in the cathedral catacombs. The king went mad and many innocent villagers died in his effort to find the one who did it. These three heroes came here just like you, like strangers from the outer corners of the world. This is why they look at you like that, are you here to safe them again or is this only the beginning of yet another terrifying disaster? You cannot blame them really. Once you seen these demons you would be as scared as they are. I do not know where the demons come from or why they would strike this seemingly unimportant village. Maybe because this is the seat of the King, although he was long dead when the demonic horde attacked. All I know is that dark forces are at work here, never before did demons emerge out of nothing before in these numbers. I ofcourse have heard rumours from Kurast, but as any scholar do I know that it sometimes happens when the veil is thin that monsters from the other side materialize in our world, but something like this I have never seen before.

Master Jirdos, forgive my sisters their behavior, I think they merely need something to laugh about in times where one can hardly affort to. You You are among friends here and you have my personal thanks for even being here and showing these people that they are not forgotten.

Akara takes some of the pots and with a nod to Koji serves you all a bit of the refreshing water. (1st level will be fine).

So tell me, why did you come here?

2016-06-07, 09:26 AM
Koji breathes deeply from the now vaguely humid air. A wistful expression crosses his face as he returns to the tent. Glancing at the proffered chairs he merely sits upon the bare ground with the slightest of shudders from the cold.

For his part he answers Akara's question simply not intending to be obtuse or evasive but managing too anyways. "I was called," he says touching one of the ornaments in his hair. He pauses for a moment as if considering his next words carefully, this time his voice does not boom, it wavers. "What news of my home?"

Final Hyena
2016-06-07, 09:32 AM
"Master." The honorific circled around his mind unpleasantly. The only time people would use such a title for him was if he was paying them well, or when someone was intending to gouge out his coin purse or heart. As he had not payed them there was only one alternative. He went to subtly tap his coin purse when the realisation dawned. He never gave his name. The bloody witch, quickly trying to decide what to do all the while attempting to not think Jirdos gave up and decided to let his instinct take over.

Smiling as she finished her words Jirdos said in a softer yet still very audible tone.
"Did you hear that?"
Reaching into a pocket he retrieved a brown rat whose most noticeable feature was a stump where a tail should of been.
Holding the creature up to his face he finished saying in a slightly higher pitched voice.
"You're a human too!"
A cheeky smile spread across his face as the rat was petted and placed down on his lap.

Hopefully with everyone distracted by the new attendee he tried again for his purse, this time thinking only of Scruffy.
Action; Jirdos checks to see that his coin purse has not been stolen from, without being noticed.

2016-06-07, 01:01 PM
Glancing over towards the talkative rogue I noticed his rat. A rat? Quite the fitting pet. I sat there, content to listen to everyone else's idle chit chat. There was only one question that concerned me. A tale about the king meant nothing to me, a false idol, I cared not for royalty. Then some garbage about Heros, being just like us. Well, from the sound of things they didn’t shape up to be all that great, if they had done their jobs we wouldn't be in this mess. Her pointless drivel concluded with a short question, 'why did you come here?' Why else would anyone come to this cesspit?

“The great shamans have sent me to this godforsaken place, monsters, demons, knights of the abyss; I have come to slay them all. I'll rip their heads from their spines, the meat from their bones, grind their bones to dust!” I was starting to become quite irate, grasping at my greatsword with my right hand, I took a firm grip trying to maintain my grip on reality.

2016-06-07, 02:46 PM
Akara seems not at all overwhelmed by your readiness to fight evil, although the look in her eyes betrays that she might find your passion for mutilation a bit odd.

I do appreciate your will to fight, but there are no demons here.. at least not in the village itself.

You say you were called? Before she can continue or you can answer her question a woman rushes into the tent. She is dressed in robes and holds a staf in her hand. Not because she is old, she is in her early twenties, at most, but by the looks of it, it is some sort of magical stave. Although her robes cover it you can see she is with child.

Are they here to find Cain? then she notices you Are you? Are you here to find Cain? She turns to you all and continues Please, we haven't heard from him for days, but I feel he is still alive, we have to find him!

Calm down Adria, I know you miss him, but these men, and woman are not here to go on foolish missions. We already lost several sisters on trying to find him, I really cannot do more.

Adria looks a bit ashamed for running into the tent like that. She nods in understanding and turns around to leave the tent. Akara still sits and looks at you politely drinking her water and seemingly wanting to continue the conversation.

Final Hyena
2016-06-07, 05:07 PM
Increasingly annoyed by the presence of yet more magicians Jirdos in an attempt to keep his thoughts empty, as much as a reaction to the situation quickly remarks in an upbeat tone.

"So, does this mean I win Sanctuary's Greatest Chef: Tristram by default?"

Although this time the usual cheeky grin did not appear among his features...

2016-06-08, 11:08 AM
Megumi raises an eyebrow, but doesn't say anything until Adria is about to leave the tent. "Excuse me, but what happened? Someone went missing you say?" Bringing her hands, to her hips Megumi continued. "I am not ordinary, and with one look at my traveling companions I can quickly tell you they aren't either. And if you've lost so many of your 'sisters' doesn't that mean that you should just be searching for this person, but also your sisters? That seems like an apt job for us."

2016-06-08, 12:05 PM
I'll rip their heads from their spines, the meat from their bones, grind their bones to dust!”

"Calm yourself, child," Koji says gently from his place on the floor

"So, does this mean I win Sanctuary's Greatest Chef: Tristram by default?"

"Don't," he says in a tone that brooks no argument.

"I am not ordinary, and with one look at my traveling companions I can quickly tell you they aren't either. And if you've lost so many of your 'sisters' doesn't that mean that you should just be searching for this person, but also your sisters? That seems like an apt job for us."

"Some things, once lost, cannot be found,"

Koji fixes his gaze on Akara. "Amid a storm of fear, carnage, and malice I heard a voice of calm. The darkness of that place showed me the light. And I came east. You shine like a beacon, holy mother. I will serve."

2016-06-08, 03:13 PM
Akara sighs, not out boredome or annoyance, but because she knows you are not just a couple of fools who will believe an evasive answer.

You are right, Megumi, I am nor ordinary, I am blessed with the power of insight although my powers are no match for yours, I poses wisdom and counsil. And the demonattack was no coincidence. Tristram is a place of a great evil. In ancient times one of the Prime Evils, Diablo Lord of Terror burried here, underneetjh the cathedral. You have certainly heard it was ayth, well it is true. Cain and I helped three heroes, like you, to venture down the cathedral and slay the demon. Only he knows what happened which led to the attack. That is why I search for him, but no luck so far and there is a limit to what I can ask of the order, we already suffered so much when our monestary was attacked.

I understand it sounds crazy, but this village is proof something terrible and dark is at work here.

Adria was also deeply involved with the mission and... one of the heroes. she adds.

She is also the one to see Cain last, near the cathedral, I think that is why she cares so much that we find him.

She turns to Koji and nods at him, not a friendly nod, but one of deep understanding and mutual respect.

2016-06-08, 03:16 PM
"You spoke of Kurast, my home," Koji reminds Akara. "What news of the Marsh?"

2016-06-08, 04:30 PM
Akara raises her eyebrows. The City of Kurast is corrupted, not long ago the High Council of Zakarum fell to darkness. They strayed from the true path of the light. I do not know what to believe anymore, but I hear not much good. The once great city is not what it used to be. Not only the people but also the forests fall prey to the darkness. You must have been on your way before it happened, I am sorry.

2016-06-09, 09:56 AM
I already knew that I was losing my grip, slipping into a state of rage, only for me to calm myself anchoring myself to my greatsword. My fellow barbarians would have met my speech with roars, or cries of encouragement, it appeared however that the barbarian standards didn't hold true in the towns and cities.

Perhaps this was the first time they had ever heard someone speak in such an aggressive manner? The look in Akara's eyes told me that she felt my passion; one of the party members even commented on it. ‘Calm yourself, child’ did he think me just a mindless berserker, that I’d willingly rampage inside the town?

“This Cain, he is a mighty warrior? If what you say is true and you faced down the demons, then I Burl Weaver second boy of the Northern Bear tribe, will assist you.” It seemed that people from the south had a particular way in which they introduced themselves, one that consisted of stating their house and rank within it, as such I’d attempt fit in better by mimicking it. Perhaps this way they would treat me with more respect.

Final Hyena
2016-06-09, 10:40 AM
Jirdos couldn't understand the fools surrounding him, by the sound of it everyone was "called" to this place, and if that was the case this Akara in front of us was the most likely candidate to have been pulling at our strings. Listening to each of the fools blindly offering their lives to this witch in an infuriatingly grandiose manner was maddening. He interjected with an equally righteous tone.

"Kurast has fallen?! I Jirdos Dwohnatt, number one fan of The Kurasty Boys will not rest until I have my vengeance!"

Immediately afterwards he continues, but in a more coldly aggressive manner.

"Did you honestly think after using these plaguing visions, you would get help?"

Action; Jirdos is attempting to read Akara's reaction to determine if she is responsible for, or knew about the visions.

2016-06-09, 01:27 PM
The moment you 'accuse' Akara she is genuinely surprized. You had visions as well? Dreams maybe...could it be? Cain would know... Did you have dreams about something that might happen, in the future? I rememeber the three heroes who came here were tormented by agonizing dreams, they were looking for answers. an almost enthousiastic smile asppears on her face if so, the powers of light have not abandoned us and something or someone led you here, but it was not me. I do not posses that kind of power.

Kurast, fallen, no not that I know of, just the church... these are dark times and I fear the future will bring only more darkness.

She again looks at the barbarian from top to feet. Yes, Cain is a brave warrior, or was and I can see you are one too. He is old now, Cain, but the last of an ancient brotherhood led by angels to rid the world of evil. There are many brave souls in this village, but Cain is the oldest and wisest of us all. Thank you for your aid. It seems finding Cain is of great importance and he might be the only one who can answer the questions you may have.

Akara thinks for a moment.

We barricaded the cathedral and keep watch by the main doors, no one really dares to come real close except for the bravest battlesisters and Elina, maybe you should talk to her before you take action.

And, thank you. Akara smiles I will arrange fresh clothes, food and a place to sleep for you at Darrens inn for this evening. It is not much, but it is all I can give you.

[OOC: Akara acts like the conversation is over, although there is time to ask her more if you like. See the notable villagers for who the names refer to. Also it is about noon now, so it is at least 8 hours before it gets dark.]

2016-06-09, 03:32 PM
Gregory looks to the group, "I am going to consult Adria, she might have more clues about Cain's whereabouts. Who wishes to come with me?" Things seemed like they needed to be done with haste, but going off alone was a recipe for disaster. Gregory saw enough soldiers try that tactic to no avail.

2016-06-09, 05:06 PM
An old warrior. Surely the woman must have realised how I’d interrupt that information, for a true warrior only ever lost once. Such an honour to meet an elder, only the greatest of us lived into old age, he must have faced countless battles, and slain numerous enemies. Upon further consideration, I felt that my conclusion had made a lot of sense, after all, this Cain had faced off against a greater evil.

My savage mind started to spin a tall tale, injecting my own perspective of the world into it, I dared to imagine that Cain had faced the demon lord in single combat and that I to could ascend to such a level. Eventually, only a slither of the truth remained, but I knew that I had to find and save Cain. No matter the cost. In fact, I’d gladly sacrifice this worthless lot to acquire such power.

The Shamans’ visions all made sense to me now, they had sent me to save this man; why else would I cross this Wench's path, I cared little for her other line of questioning nor any of the villagers. “Rest assured, that I will save Cain,” I stated rather matter-of-factly, if one were to have looked into my eyes however they would have seen my conviction to the statement.

[If she had anything else to say, then I’d stay where I was, however if our conversation was truly finished then I’d head off towards the blacksmiths.]

2016-06-09, 07:04 PM
"I'll come as well." Megumi steps forward with a confident grin. "Someone has to keep you out of trouble."

Final Hyena
2016-06-09, 07:41 PM
Genuine surprise, that was unexpected. Perhaps it meant she was not responsible, after all if she was powerful enough to see the accusation coming despite his misdirection then would she really have bothered to summon him here knowing how he would act? While it could all be one big game Akara was currently no longer at the top of the list of suspects. With this conclusion Jirdos had no desire nor a need to stick around the witch a moment longer. Standing up from the table he mumbled.

"I'm going to go get some cheese."

Anyone who had difficulty with his accent or wasn't paying full attention would have had difficulty making sense of the words, but that was the point. Pocketing Scruffy and leaving the tent, there was only one place or rather one person to learn more from, Adria. Jirdos quickened his pace as he moved away from the tent.

2016-06-10, 12:10 PM
Akara looks at all of you. Yes we should search for Cain. We all need answers to this and he is the only one who knows more. He was very closely involved with the three. I need to stay here and look after the village, but Kashya can lead you there. Again: Thank you!

Alright, so we're going down there again, are we? Kaysha says Meet me in an hour here by the well. Take your time to get something decent to eat and rest. She nods at Akara and marches out of the tent.

Adria is outside on the square where the tent is,


The crusader girl, Akara identified as Elina, is on the square as well, still playing with some of the children. Although she keeps looking in your direction, but seems to evade eye contact. You do not recognice fear or another emotion in that direction, she just seems not very interested in talking to you aparently.

If you are looking for food. In thefirst part of the village where you passed through when you entered the village is a tavern. This must be the place Akara was talking about when arranging your place to stay. The innkeeper's name is Darren.

On the square are more people than just Adria and Elina. There are several people just sitting around or doing their daily business in improvised houses made of the wood and stone that is still intace. Think of a city after a hurricane, pieces of cloth used to make roofs, pieces of wood to make some sort of walls to shelter against the weather.

If you are looking for the smithy, there is one close to the tavern.


Final Hyena
2016-06-10, 12:54 PM
Beelining straight for Adria head lowered allowing Jirdos to collect himself, he reaches her with a gentle but heavy smile. The kind of smile of one who genuinely cares, but is all to aware of the grave circumstances of the situation. As much as he knew he needed to speak slowly to gain her confidence he also knew there was little time.

"Forgive my outbursts, I'm just so disturbed by the world I now live in, I don't know what to believe any more."
"It was Adria wasn't it? I couldn't quite catch what you were saying, but I knew from the concern in your voice it must be important. Why don't we go somewhere a little less"
He gestures around to the unpleasant scenery of burned houses and sorrowful citizens. Before continuing, but now in a quicker pace.

"To discuss it, after all the air here can't be good for the baby."
He turns to the side and extends his elbow so that she might follow and link arms.

Just encase you wanted a charm/lie roll as he is trying to persuade her to follow, but is doing so by feigning sympathy.
Jirdos has the same modifiers for either.

2016-06-10, 01:08 PM
As Megumi steps out of the tent she looks around and her eyes meet the paladin looking at them once again. "Gregory, I'll accompany you to meet Adria but there is something I want to do first. Give me a few moments." With a confident step, she made her way over to the paladin and the children. "Don't think you were sneaky, we clearly saw you staring at us. So are you a school girl with a crush on me? Or do you need something from us?"

2016-06-10, 01:34 PM
Adria bites her lip and looks worrying. When you suggest to go somehwere else she doesn't resist for a moment and as seemingly in thought she follows you wherever you want to do (OOC, Before this continues maybe others want to join in here as well)

Elina pets the closest little boy on the head and gives him the stick she is holding before she stands up. She is taller than you expected. She is almost a foot taller than you.She must be in her late twenties by the looks of her face. The rest is covered in light armor, nt the kind a crusader would normally wear. But then again there is no immediat threat at this moment, but she wears enough to be called to arms if the situation would occur. A schoolgirl? Elina grins a nifty one are you? ghm She stands firm. Elina Grimwald. and yes I was looking at you. You are new here and I don't think I need more reason than that. The last time newcomers came, this town went up in flames and I had to fight hordes of demons only to lose my parents I was visiting and countless others. So yes, I am looking and if need be I will prevent another catastrophe might I see something suspicious. She says this not intimidating, but calm and controling. It is clear she is not some naive girl who is easily persuaded.

2016-06-10, 03:10 PM
Gregory follows Megumi over to the strong Elina, somewhat caught off-guard by her size. He feels pain for her loss, as well as admiration for being able to endure the horrors that he only had to witness in a vision. "Then you have nothing to worry about, we have no intentions of causing...THAT again. The only thing we brought are questions about that night, how it all happened, and how we could prevent it again." Gregory wasn't sure about everyone there, but he's wasn't planning on letting that night happen a second time.

2016-06-10, 03:48 PM
Koji bows deeply to Akara and follows Kashya out of the tent. While the others scatter about their business he addresses himself to the warrior woman, "Where will you be taking us?"

2016-06-10, 04:17 PM
"So you helped stop the attack huh? Good job, you must be pretty impressive." Megumi looked at her nails, feigning interest. "Of course," She looked up at the paladin, meeting her gaze once more. "Now that I, Megumi Ali of the Proud Ali family, and of course my companions as well. Now that we are here, we will be doing the preventing. With my divinations, I'll be able to warn everyone before an attack. And from there? It's just a simple matter of strategy." Megumi's grin only seemed to grow more confident. "Although your order is pretty impressive. I am a bit of a history enthusiast, mind telling me a bit about it?"

2016-06-11, 01:05 PM
I separate off from the others, in an attempt to find a blacksmith, I’d like to hone my weapon with their tools if possible. Taking whatever action is necessary to get there, i.e. asking directions, following signs, etc. I hope that working on my weapons will give me some peace of mind, as I have not seen my family in some time now.

Final Hyena
2016-06-11, 04:21 PM
[OOC: I think it's safe to continue as everyone seems to be talking to another npc]

Jirdos Leads Adria back towards the outskirts of the village ending up behind the town hall so that they might look out onto a more natural environment instead of the unpleasantness of the scared buildings and haunted townsfolk around them. During the journey he asks still with his gentle smile and soft tone.

"You were telling me about the thoughts that troubled you."

2016-06-13, 12:47 PM
Gregory and Megumi
Elina watches you as you speak so highly of yourself. her golden hair blows in her face, but she ignores it looking at your with frowned face You entered this village not more than half an hour aho and you already see it as your responsibility to protect it? Tell me, mage, what is it that you so desperatly need to prove yourself, what is it that you think this town needs your protection anyway. Elina clears her throat and looks around I don't see anyone here who caled for you protection. And even if they did you are a little late, don't you think. she nods over to some improvides graves a yard away.
As far as the Crusaders concerned, yes they are pretty impressive. I joined them when I was pretty young and been in the order ever since. My visit here was the first time since a few years and now they are all dead.... no point in staying, realy.

She turns to Gregory and her face takes a more friendly look. If you were here to create such an event again, you must be some powerful demons.. hehe. I highly doubt you even come close.

What is your interest in this village, I think but I realy cannot think of any reason.

Elina is aparently not aware of the exact details of the event, nor is she up to date with recent events it seems.

Kasha pulls back her hair and pins it up while she walks over the bridge back to the other part of town. She paces pretty quick although with a little effort you can keep up. She answers your question You see the Cathedral over there? she points to the north east side of the vilage That used to be the seat of power of the king. Not a real fancy place though, although it is quite big.. bigger than our miserable homes were... But,where are we going. Well into the cathedral. We barricaded the entrance because it seemed like the demons were coming from there.

It is the last place where we saw Deckard Cain and we already send six sisters into the catacombs, but they didn't return. I fear there is still a threat out there, so if it were me, I wouldn't go in there. Cain will probably be dead anyway, so there is no point in risking your lives. But, I have faith in Akara, if she says there is a chance and we need him that badle, I do my duty no questions asked. The warrior woman enters the remains of the tower with you right behind her. The place seems to be some storage place. There are some simple weapons and armour stashed and several sags with flour and other food supplies. I can see you brought your own equipment, but I guess you can take some of these if you see fit. There are a couple long swords, but mostly bows and a few quivers with arrows. Although I think a man of your kind doesn't need actual weapons. She sounds professional, but she cannot hide a little admiration and curiousity for you. You can imagine you must be very exotic to her, looking like that.

Quite strange that you and your friends came here, I mean of all places, you chose to come here? She starts unbuttoning her simple outfit to change into some more protectiv armor. If you don't turn away from her right then she says with a smile: Do you mind?

When you walk out of the tent, you just have to follow the familiar smell of hot metal and burning charcoal. The Smithy is located in the first part of the village where you entered. It's a nice stone building with a wooden door. Outside you see some iron bars, ready for use and a pile of coal. The door is half open and when you look inside you can see the inside is actualy a workplace. Hot fires burn and there are several tables and furnaces placed in the room.

In the middle of the room dressed in just a shirt, short pants and a leather apron stands a girl. Although she is shorter than her muscles almost matches your own. Her face is dirty from the work and her curly hair is pulled back in a ponytail. Although she is not one of your own kind, she does remand you of home. When you opened the door she loweres her hammer and looks at you.

Welcome stranger! She ipes the sweat off her face What can I do for ya? She doesn't look too surprized, but still seems a bit uneasy with an unfamiliar face in her workingplace.

Adria follows you away from others so you can talk privatly. She takes off her cap and long black hair falls on her shoulders. You see she is actually still a young girl not oler than maybe twenty to twenty too. Bright blue eyes pierce yours as she looks at you in wonder and awaits what you are going to say.

Yes I am worried... Deckard is gone for a few days now. He is the one who always knows what to do. I mean I like Akara and I thank her for her aid and that of her sisters of the Order. We are just villagers and farmers. We are not fighters, so I am happy they are here to protect us... but I fear once they have somewhere else to go, they will just abandon us. And than? No Cain, no help.. we have nothing here. What has to become of us. We need him. Are you going to find him? She takes your hand and looks at you, tears appear in her eyes as she begs you.

2016-06-13, 03:47 PM
"It's not that it needs me, it's that I ma here so I might as well protect it. Megumi shrugs. "I am a diviner. I have short glimpses of the future through my magic, or through fortune telling such as playing cards. My visions led me here, and probably for a reason. So maybe someone did call for my help. Why else would I have had visions then, if not to help?

2016-06-13, 04:16 PM
The scent of beeswax smoke was thick in the air; it was a unique scent distinctly dissimilar the ruff coal smoke. The scent and the young lady’s visage reminded me of my homeland, how long had it been since I saw my parents. My inflection soon ceased, upon hearing the girl’s call. “Well Met, blacksmith. My name is Burl.” I pause for a moment considering whether the additional titles are really necessary in this social situation, deciding against it I push forth, stepping into the store and removing my greatsword. “I’ve ventured from The Great Mountain, and now I’m to adventure once again on the behest of Mistress Akara. Before I depart, however, I wonder if you might hone my blade.” From observing the young maiden I was able to note her considerable strength, as such I did not detail why it needed to be rehoned—that and the fact that she was a blacksmith—made me think that the reason was rather plain to see.

Final Hyena
2016-06-13, 07:06 PM
Action: Jirdos trying to determine if she's pretending, OOC I doubt she is and have continued under that assumption.
Edit; What an appropriate roll...
As Jirdos listened to her desperate plea he felt something, something weak and buried deep, but there all the same. While he had heard many a tale across the years from ladies of the night, and they were good, some of them very good this was different. What was in front of him while hitting all the same notes (an overture of concern, a cavatina of vulnerability, before the crescendo of despair finishing with a rubato of tears harmonised with a delicate touch) felt genuine. Looking down at her unborn child a long sigh slid through his lips. After a moments pause he replied, his smile faded and his voice still soft, but more saddened than before.

"While the other townsfolk might be farmers, you are clearly more."

He gestures towards her staff.

"What do you know about the situation, and who is Deckard?"

2016-06-14, 06:25 AM

Elina takes a step away from you. You had visions of a villages attacked by demons and you think it is because you need to save it? Ever thought it might be the demons that called you?? Elina seems to get a bit more protective. Mh but maybe you didn't know it and you're not to blame.. or you're that good at playing innocent and I should purge you right here right now of your heresy and corruption. She turns to Gregory. Don't you think it is strange? Elina links the visions you have on your magical power, she doesn't seem to presume that you might have had these visions as well.

She turns to Megumi after a few seconds of thinking. I guess you're not here with ill-intentions, right? She fumbles a bit with her hair.. I'm sorry I didn't mean to be so rude... this situation brings out the worst in me, losing friends and family doesn't help either. I can see you're not here to cause any harm.

The girl stands at her anvil facing the door where you just entered. She strangly seems to avoid your gaze and seems more interested in the rest of your face. she takes a few seconds to respond "Hello Buwl of the mountain." she looks at you in concentration and then shows a face of recognizance "Blade fow Akara, Yes wight away." She walks to you to take over the blade. (OOC: No these are not typos, and I did not misundestand the situation. Deal with it :smalltongue:)

Adria smilesa bit shy. Yes, I am not ordinary. Some call me a witch, but I prefer the name sorceress. I am just an apprentice really... I do not posess great power liek you would expect from most mages, but I can perform the necassary magic to get by, help people and earn a living. Hereyes become wet again. Dechard is like family to me. He tutors me, although he is not a real mage he certainly posesses great power, from his ancestors the Horadrim. She cannot help to gaze over to the cathedral During the attack I was with him and he tried t protect me, luring the demons away from me to the cathedral. I do not exactly know what happened, but that is the last thing I have seen of him... I miss him so much... She shakes her head a bit in confusion Oh, you mean who he IS? well he is the village elder, a scholar. Some say he is a little crazy always rambling about the darkness being on the move. We didn't believe him, even with the king turning mad we didn't believe him. But now, look he was right all along... we need to find him because he is the only one with the answers we need.

2016-06-14, 10:29 AM
I observed the girl, and her store, cyan orbs inspecting everything within the room at a quick glance. She had a strange demeanour around her, I noted that she did not take my gaze, along with what seemed to be a look of concentration. Perhaps my skill with the Common tongue wasn’t as great as I’d thought it? Pausing for a brief moment, I consider a universal form of communication that I could engage the blacksmith in. One of my hands leaves the hilt of the greatsword so that I might form a gesture. My fingers curl as if holding an instrument of sorts before I begin to run the hand along the blades cutting edge, only a thin margin away from touching the actual blade as I did not want to cut myself. With my motion complete, I’d fully extend my arm so that the girl could take the sword.

2016-06-14, 10:58 AM
The girl looks at your hands and smiles. "You are smawt" she says while taking the blade. She examines is, balances it in her hand and waves it around. Nodding she adds: "Good bwade!"

"Need sharping?" She walks back in the room to the whetstone and begins to shrpen the weapon You see she is very skilled at what she does. It takes a few minutes, but when she gives you back the edges reflect the light of the fire like a mirror.

"Is free for you." She doesn't say more but you see he is looking at you full of questions.

2016-06-14, 12:12 PM
I watch the young maiden intently as she waves my blade around, for a country girl she seems rather proficient with a sword; perhaps she practises with the ones she forges. In response to her question, I answer with a solid nod. After a few minutes she returned with the blade, and I reach down to make some form of payment before hearing her respond.

I note the look on her face and ponder for a long moment. “How about I repay you with information instead of gold?” I wonder if my words will have any meaning to the woman before me, perhaps she isn’t all that used to the common tongue.

2016-06-14, 01:35 PM
Gregory shrugs at what Elina says, shaking his head when she asks him if it seemed strange. "Megumi isn't the only one who had visions. I was plagued with nightmares, a glimpse into that horrid night." Gregory left out the part that included the visions of his past. He didn't want to let his new allies know that those previously under his command perished in battle. "I could hardly sleep anymore, and took it upon myself to come to this town to investigate. It's a shame about the King, I always wanted to serve him personally." Gregory had a dismal expression.

2016-06-14, 01:36 PM

The girl simply looks at you in wonder. "Infwomation? what about? You notice that she watched the movement of your lips while you speak.

Elina nods as you explain to her the predicament you and your fellow companions are in. You are all having demonic dreams? Elina's eyes widen and she looks at you from top to toe. You sre sure you are not corrupted with evil? she asks not able to hide her disbelief W.w..whst are you going to do here anyway? and.. what prove do I have you do not turn into demons yourself tonight and murder the innocent villagers who amanged to survive the last carnage?

She takes out the cross you regocnize as the symbol of Zakarum. She steps towars you carefully and to your (maybe humorous) surprize she lays the item on your skin. When she takes it off, she looks if it left a mark, but seems relieved that your skin is still the same as it was before.

Seems alrigt. She murmles, a littlebit upset about her strange behaviour Uh sorry, you can never be too careful, I mean I.. She turns to mehumi as well. Join me in prayer tomorrow morning?

Final Hyena
2016-06-14, 03:46 PM
As she told her story it became apparent that this Cain would be the most likely character to have the answers Jirdos sought. Feeling that good progress was being made he pushed on eagerly.

"The Horadrim? What kind of magic can he do? And what did he used to say was happening?"

2016-06-14, 03:46 PM
"No we are not demons ourselves, I think you've just proven that. We are... Well at least for now, adventurers just trying to discover what is going on." When the paladin shows a sweeter side, Megumi crosses her arms and sighs. "I am not the most religious of people, I believe in what is in front of me and what was studied by others. However if it will put your mind at rest, I will join you. In return, I'd like to learn anything you can teach me about the history of this place. Anything you can teach me about your order, and obviously anything you might know about the demons. Her mischievous grin shows up once more. "I'd like to know more about them before I bring them to extinction."

2016-06-15, 11:23 AM
Kasha pulls back her hair and pins it up while she walks over the bridge back to the other part of town. She paces pretty quick although with a little effort you can keep up. She answers your question You see the Cathedral over there? she points to the north east side of the vilage That used to be the seat of power of the king. Not a real fancy place though, although it is quite big.. bigger than our miserable homes were... But,where are we going. Well into the cathedral. We barricaded the entrance because it seemed like the demons were coming from there.

Koji follows Kashya nodding when appropriate but not saying much. Despite all of their differences he sees shades of his lost daughter in this young woman. Strong, proud, brave, she is older than Mikiah was but if Koji's sense of Kashya is correct, and he is usually a good judge of character, then he would have been proud to see her grow into a woman like the one beside him.

It is the last place where we saw Deckard Cain and we already send six sisters into the catacombs, but they didn't return. I fear there is still a threat out there, so if it were me, I wouldn't go in there. Cain will probably be dead anyway, so there is no point in risking your lives. But, I have faith in Akara, if she says there is a chance and we need him that badle, I do my duty no questions asked.[/COLOR] The warrior woman enters the remains of the tower with you right behind her. The place seems to be some storage place. There are some simple weapons and armour stashed and several sags with flour and other food supplies. I can see you brought your own equipment, but I guess you can take some of these if you see fit. There are a couple long swords, but mostly bows and a few quivers with arrows. Although I think a man of your kind doesn't need actual weapons. She sounds professional, but she cannot hide a little admiration and curiousity for you. You can imagine you must be very exotic to her, looking like that.

"It is true," Koji says laying a hand on the head of his hammer. "My real weapons are in the air all around us."

Quite strange that you and your friends came here, I mean of all places, you chose to come here? She starts unbuttoning her simple outfit to change into some more protective armor.

Koji immediately steps outside when he sees Kashya reach for her shirt. He is not embarrassed or upset in anyway, merely respectful and maybe a touch fatherly, she does remind him so much of his little girl. Mikiah was smart and observant too. He stands in front of the door like a stalwart guardian but he still continues their conversation, "It was not a choice. It was a calling, like a steel rod to a lightning bolt. I was drawn here. By what and for what purpose I do not know. But what I do know is that there is much pain here, and I will see it eased."

2016-06-16, 04:14 PM

Horadrim are some ancient brotherhood formed by an angels they said. I mean if you believe the myths.... Cain's ancestor was one of them. They fought the Prima Evils, the rulers of the burning Hells... but again if you believe those myths to be true, although the more I think about it, the more I see my error of not believing Cain earlier.

Adria looks around if no one has heard them.

HE didn't mention this event in particular, but he said that darkness was rising and that something bad was going to happen. It did though, but that was jsut the king who put alot of villages on trial and executed them, but that couldn't have been what he meant. Cain always talked about bigger things.. like the end of the world

Adria lookas around again.

I think Cain was plotting something with the heroes who came to town. I do not know what they were up to, but they talked alot and although I don't really know what went down, they played some part in the removal of the Mad King. The Heroes were pretty secretive.

Adria comea a bit closer to you and amost whispers

Okay listen, don't tell anyone okay? I think Cain and the adventurers killed the King, maybe used some dark power to aid them which fired back on them and the village payed the price. Again don't tell anyone I said this... they don't know I suspect this. All they know is that the King was dethroned by some of his captains.. but I think there is more at work here. This is why we need him. Cain knows what happened and he probably knows how to fix things, because this darkness is spreading and if Cain said only half from what is true, everyone is in danger!!

She looks at you intensly. You see? We need him, and you really cannot tell anyone!

Elina smiles but also looks a bit suspicious at you. You know I cannot really tell you everything about the Order.. I mean you know already more than most people, but I think I can tell you some things, yes.

You are going to fight them as well? Great we need more brave souls like you!

She nods Mhh mhh, yes we do.

Kashya comes out a bit later wearing protective but flexible armour. She is an archer after all so she need to be able to be more nimble than a knight with just a sword.
In the air you say.. he grins, petting her bow and slinging a quiver on her shoulder.

You must be a brave warrior, where you are from, a bit odd maybe with your magics, but wise and noble.
Again she grins and nods over to the bridge.
C'mon old man, let's check that Cathedral out and try not to die, shall we? I still got some good years ahead of me. Kashya's humor is sharp and a bit bitter, but still it's humor.

Final Hyena
2016-06-17, 02:05 PM
Her answers confirmed his previous suspicions, this Cain was the most likely person to be responsible for the dreams, or at least know who is. With everything of importance learned there was only one thing left to do.

"Then there is no time to waste."

He states standing up off the back wall of the town hall. Jirdos takes quick bold step towards the church, but after a few he calls back.

"And don't worry your secrets are safe with me."

After turning the corner of the building he waits for just a moment before stepping back out into her view. His hand grasping the hilt of a Kehjistanian dagger, unmistakable due to the unique curved protrusion found in the base of the pommel, a particular favourite of the desert tribes, the hooked end helping the wielder to keep a firm grip on the weapon. The blade although still sheathed was clearly visible for Adria to see. Looking deep into her eyes he waits for her to meet his gaze before continuing in an emotionless tone.

"Your visions have caused me enough trouble."

Action: Jirdos is attempting to read Adria's reaction to determine if she is responsible for, or knew about the visions.

2016-06-17, 05:43 PM
Koji is forced to trot to keep up with the much taller warrior. "Aye," he says.

2016-06-18, 05:07 AM
Adria looks at you while you walk away from her and genuine looks surprized and a bit frightened when you make your last remark while showing your dagger (OOC:Of what you can see she has no idea what you're talking about at least not about the dreams and she possibly being responsible for it. So No you can be pretty sure she is not the one doing it)

Chapter 4: The Cathedral
You all went to another place in town, talked to people and discovered a little more about what happened here. Adria appears to know the most, since her relation with Cain seems to be pretty close. According to her he is some sort of non-practicing wizard, or at least a very knowledgable scholar. He was last seen in the cathedral which the Sisters of the Order of the Sightless Eye barred shut to prevent anything that might still be in there, from escaping and going rampage on the village.

What you understood from the sisters is that they had to flee their monestary in the mountains, because of a demon attack there as well. It all seem to be related and even if you had doubts, you certainly think there must be something going on here that needs to be solved.

Than there is Elina, a brave and strong, but incredably superstitious crusader. She doesn't reveal much about her past, but she lived in Tristram before she started her training in the Holy Order. She might be of help to you in the future, although you might see her never fading faith as an obstacle in a possible cooperation.

Burl met the strange blacksmith girl. Being deaf the first encounter was a bit awkward, but she seems very eager to help. Her blacksmith holds several tools and anvils and her skill withthe hammer and bellows is excelent. For those who need weapons and armor she might be a valuable ally.

Akara remains in her tent, she is a wise woman and friendly and welcoming, but it is clear she knows that with leadership comes great responsebility. Her kind words are not fake, but are also a means to an end; the liberation of Tristram and the reclaimation of her monestary. She also offered you a place to stay in the inn of Darren, that is, if you survive your quest.

Kashya arrives first at the well in the center of town. With her walks Koji. Also Jirdos arrives soon after. They wait a moment and then the rest arrives as well.

She takes you through the village to the cathedral. It is a massive building of gray stone. The wooden door is 10 feet high, giving you an idea of the full measurements of the structure. You can see it is very old and the fire in the village also left the cathedral more damaged. In front of the door are some wooden planks and logs piled up. It is not much of a barricade and you highly doubt it would keep pretty much any demon in, but this is not the time to critizise it. It takes Kashya not long to remove enough to enter the Cathedral. It is late afternoon but still it is pretty dark insight. Most of the windows are blackened by the fire and the only light that lets you see comes through some shattered windows. You enter in the main hall. A large room with rows of seats and an alter all the way across is. The ceiling is not as high as a church, although the architecture makes it look like you're lokoing right up into the heavens.

Here we are Kashya says. I've never been here, but I think the way to the catacombs is that way. she points to a door at the other side of the hall. At least I think they dragged him over there, if anyway in this Zakarum-forsaken place.

2016-06-18, 11:19 AM
Koji looks around. "A shadow of a shadow," he mutters to himself. Koji straps on the animal skull that serves as his shield and draws his warhammer. Stroking each of the three heads tied to the end of the haft, Koji breathes a quiet prayer. His eyes glow and spark with electricity. "Let's ease the pain of this place."

2016-06-18, 11:23 AM
Gregory pulls out his bow and knocks an arrow, but leaving his bowstring loose. He was preparing himself to be jumped by...something. I mean look at this place, it isn't actually the most inviting in recent events. Gregory looked down the hallway, a chill running up his spine. He turned to Burl. "Are you going to take point on this one, Mighty Burl?" Gregory sincerely meant it too, never before had he seen a man as massive as the northern barbarian.

2016-06-18, 11:53 AM
"Don't count on me to go first that's for sure." Megumi grins, and unsheathes her dagger with her left hand. On her main hand she holds on tightly to the orb that serves as her arcane focus. Even if she joked about it, this place gave her chills.

Final Hyena
2016-06-18, 03:28 PM
These "capable people" standing around making noise was sickening. Jirdos shook his head slowly before taking out a dagger, holding it up to his lips then whispering.

"You all have no creep, stay low and a few steps back. Any noise and it's my blade up your ass."

Relaxing his muscles Jirdos moves forward keeping his feet flat as he explores the area gradually moving towards the door at the other end of the hall.

Action; looking around for hidden creatures/traps.

Action; keeping quiet from possibly hiding creatures.

2016-06-19, 07:21 AM

When you enter the church there are two rows of pillars on each side marking the path to the other side of the church towards the altar. On both sides of the great hall are several doors. You do not know what is behind these doors, although some are open, or shattered, it is too dark to actually see inside.

Your knowledge about religion and their practices tells you the doors on each sides are most likely storage rooms, residence of the clergi and special rooms for confession and solitary prayer. Normally there would be at least 1 to 4 clergi in a church like thise, probably more in such an important cathedral.

However this cathedral was turned into the seat of the king, so there have been made modifications. The alter made room for a throne, but there are still alot of wooden banks like there would in a normal house of Zakarum.

You smell the scent of burned wood and stone. Also a much more vile stench penetrates your nose, something you cannot quite identify.

You look around but you cannot see anything or anyone that seems to be a threat. The banks are thrown aside and rubble covers the floor. There is enough to hide behind, so if someone saw you come in, it might be waiting for you to pass by the banks and tables to ambush you. But for now there is no one to be seen, that includes no Cain.

Kashya looks around and growls This place is a dump... looks like quite a fight She too takes out her bow and an arrow. When looking around and she thinks it's clear she turns to you. So, anything you see that might point to where Cain might be... or his body?

2016-06-19, 08:08 AM
Ahh. It suddenly dawned on me this girl’s speech pattern, and the way that she was watching my lips was she by chance deaf? How interesting. Taking this impediment into account, I’d answer with a nod signifying a yes, “My tribe, my adventures so far, or my time as a warden” I speak in a deliberate and slow manner so that she might read my lips. “But first, I must meet with my companions, I fear that they await my return.”

When I meet back up with the party Gregory asks if I am willing to take the point, and of course, I oblige. Honed greatsword at the ready.

2016-06-19, 09:12 AM
"Perhaps we should look behind those doors." Megumi suggests. "If Cain is alive, he is most certainly hiding. That seems like the first place to search for someone, and after we get a better lay out of the place we'll be sure to think of others places he could be hiding."

2016-06-19, 06:16 PM
Koji walks further into the cathedral. He cannot help comparing this mean little chapel to the great temple back home. Still, his heart breaks to see such a holy place brought low.

Once he reaches the foot of the dais he closes his eyes. Taking a deep breath he centers himself and then opens his eyes to carefully examine the place. Clearly there was a struggle here but maybe there is also a hidden clue, a fresher bit of destruction, a mote of fair or foulness that would lead deeper, something, anything. Beckoning Kashya to him he asks in a low voice, "How deep do these catacombs go?"

2016-06-20, 01:41 PM
If he's alive... yes, he might, But I don't know if it's wise to randomly pulling doors open. I doubt he will be hiding on this floor since it was overrun by demons. I don't know the exact layout of the building, but there should be a stairway in the back at the left side. Akara told me the catacombs go as deep as two levels.

Kashya advances to the middle of the building. Still nothing or no one to be seen what or who would pose a threat.

2016-06-21, 02:53 PM
So from where you stand there are pillars on the side, every 5 feet there is a pillar of aproximatly 4 feet thick. It is made of solid granite. On the ground is a nicely decorated rug, but it is covered in gravel and dust from the ceiling, some parts of it ar eburned.

Close to the entrance there is a door to the right. It closed. A few step further into the cathedral is another door on the right behind the first pillar. It is closed as well. behind the third right pillar is another door. It is open, but the door itself blocks your view in the room.

On the left are two doors as well, They are made of a more darker wood and are undamaged and closed. Behind the first pillar however is an small hallway. The first pillar blocks your view into the corridor and it is also too dark to see inside. Normally there would be torches to light the place when the sun set.

To the right is another door also made of the darker stronger wood, again closed. After that is the 'throne room'; a Large hall with wooden banks and an alter at the end in the center back of the cathedral. On it is a throne, it is emptry and partially damaged. From where you stand you cannot see what is behind the corner.

Kashya stands still with her bow, waiting for you to make a decision what to do next, what place to search first, or what door to open first.

2016-06-21, 03:48 PM
"Well if he isn't around here, Megumi looks ahead trying to assert the right choice. "It's strange that these doors on the left are undamaged. I suggest we go there first."

2016-06-22, 10:02 AM
Indeed, it was not wise to go around randomly opening doors. An attacker could be lying in wait for all we knew. I advanced towards the centre of the room still acting as the point guard. I removed my left hand from the hilt of my weapon for a long moment, with the hand outstretched I motioned for them to cover this area. It was remarkable that these doors were undamaged, which begged the question of why they were in such a condition, I for one was not willing to advance into this situation off-guard. Communication needed to be kept to a minimal in my view, as we had no idea what these demons were capable of doing, their hearing could be immense, so idle chit chat would merely serve to give our position away. As the others considered which route to take, I sniffed at the air, as an outlander I often tracked all manner of creatures, and I was acutely aware of the importance of scent, perhaps these demons held a scent about them?

2016-06-22, 11:51 AM
Koji gives his hammer a casual spin and steps up to the right side of undamaged door closest to the cathedral entrance. With a nod to the rest of the party he tries the handle.


I mean this door

2016-06-23, 08:16 AM
If demons or Cain have a scent, you would not smell it because of the smell of burned wood and cloth, or maybe that is how demons smell, who knows.


When you open the door you see a room with 7 wooden seats. They would probably normally be for a smaller mass, or maybe for monks to do their mornign or evening prayer. The room however is undamaged, nothing is burned inside it, nor are the furnature broken or damaged or burned. In the middle stand 3 chests, they are wbout 3 feet long and are as high as your knee. Big enough toput some stuff in but not an entire person. If you check them, they are locked. With a good swing of a weapon you can probably crush the lit, it doesn't look like very strong wood, although the sound might echo through the halls.

In the room is yet another door, it's closed as well and a key sticks out the keyhole. If you check it, it's locked, so someone must have locked it when they fled the cathedral. On the oposite of that door is another. There isn't a key in this one and it is closed and locked. You would need a key to open it. Kashya follows you as you wlak in the room and walks by the walls to check for anything that might give a clue. Nothing here... It seems like this area was left alone

2016-06-23, 04:53 PM
Gregory's attention is taken up solely by the door with the key within it. Who would lock a door and leave the key within? Even if you were fleeing for your life, it only makes sense to take a key with you. Without a sign of a struggle within the room, it is also unlikely that the one who locked the door was ripped away by foul hands. It may be a form of trap as well, one set for those to curious for their own good. Gregory spoke softly, only loud enough for those near would hear it. "The door with the key. I think we should investigate it." There was only one way to really find out what was beyond the mysterious door anyways.

Final Hyena
2016-06-25, 04:49 AM
Three locked chests in what used to be the kings cathedral! The promise of plunder itched an old scratch drawing a tantalising look for the briefest of moments before a deep throbbing pain surfaced in his middle finger, or at least where it should be. The pain a reminder of past mistakes brought new focus. A prayer room with three locked chests and a locked door, key left in place. The room was certainly suspicious, it demanded care. Jirdos began carefully examining the door lacking a key. As a softly whispered question went Kashya's way.

"Did anyone escape the church?"

2016-07-03, 11:16 AM
Koji goes to the door with the key in it and tries to open it.