View Full Version : You'll Never Take Me Alive!!!

2016-06-01, 04:12 AM
Every now and again our characters or favorite NPCs end up in a situation they shouldn't and you've got to use every resource at your disposal to bail them out in order to make a hasty retreat... Er.. completely planned, tactical withdrawal. I'm here to ask what the people of the playground use to get themselves out of a hairy situation. Favorite items or spells you guys can always rely on :smallsmile:

My personal favorites are the Shadow Cloak from Drow of the Underdark and the Boots of Temporal Acceleration from the Magic Item Compendium.

The cloak is always fun on characters vulnerable to melee. "This black cloak writhes as if it were alive. A shadow cloak grants a +1 deflection bonus to AC. If you are attacked, you can use the cloak three times per day to produce one or the other of the following effects. You can gain concealment for 1 round, or you can teleport to a space you can see clearly up to 10 feet in any direction." For a mere 5,500 GP this lovely piece of fabric can be yours :smallbiggrin:

The boots are always fun because you get the equivalent of the spell Timestop for 2 rounds once per day! That's two rounds of you putting distance between yourself and whatever horror the DM hurled with vehemence at the party after they derailed his grand scheme! And all it takes is a swift action to activate! It's got a price of 43k GP which definitely limits it to use in higher level games, but it is quite a wonderful item in my opinion.

2016-06-01, 07:41 AM
Of course any teletrasportation spell is the key, but I felt in love with Baleful Transposition only second level and it provides a lot of chances.

e.g. Oh! My evil NPC is sorrunded by the party and he's being beaten... wait, the archer is too far, finger snapping and you'll be out of the tornado's eye while the party is all together in the same place.

e.g. 2 You're in the edge of the cliff facing ten direwolfs , take a look to the bottom and... what's that? a goat chewing quitely? well finger snapping... the direwolfs will dinner a succulent goat and you'll survive to tell the tale.

And almost every illusion school's spells allow you to disappear in a flash, preparing the adecuated scenario, like and ilusionary wall or simply sillent image of yourself. I guess there's a kind of ninja smokebomb in CS... so dramatic. :smallbiggrin: if you could added to the action.

2016-06-01, 08:18 AM
In a weird way, you could use Silent Image as the poor man's Invisibility by projecting in your location what the location would look like without you there.

That said, I'm a huge fan of always keeping a Stilled, Silenced Teleport prepared.

Non-casters don't have it as easy in this regard. Often they will have to fall back on guile (when Open Lock and Escape artist have not netted the required results).

If you're a martial class with little to no skill points, joining the enemy is always an option.

2016-06-01, 08:31 AM
I had a scout with a Greater Shroud of Night (Tome of Magic page 157) that allowed him to use Voyage into Shadow once per day. It's effectively a superior version of Shadow Walk.

2016-06-01, 10:06 AM
Shapesand. Clever use of the stuff can turn any character into McGuyver.

2016-06-01, 01:25 PM
For NPCs who want to say, "you'll never take me alive?" A necklace of fireballs obviously. "From Hell's heart, I stab at thee!" Detonate one fireball at your feet. Voluntarily fail the save. Voluntarily fail the save for the rest of them going off. Gloat at the PC bodycount from beyond the grave.

2016-06-01, 01:26 PM
In a weird way, you could use Silent Image as the poor man's Invisibility by projecting in your location what the location would look like without you there.
Figments can't change your appearance. They can only cover it with something else. You'd need a glamer to do what you're describing.

You could project an image that looks like whatever is behind you, of course, but that would only work from one angle, and probably wouldn't be very convincing to anyone with depth perception.

2016-06-01, 01:34 PM
Figments can't change your appearance. They can only cover it with something else. You'd need a glamer to do what you're describing.

You could project an image that looks like whatever is behind you, of course, but that would only work from one angle, and probably wouldn't be very convincing to anyone with depth perception.Well... yeah. At least it's 3D, so better than hiding behind a cardboard tree.

2016-06-02, 03:27 AM
Shapesand. Clever use of the stuff can turn any character into McGuyver.

Shapesand is my jam! Absolutely endless possibilities.

2016-06-02, 05:29 AM
Shapesand is my jam! Absolutely endless possibilities.

Squeeeeee! Another shapesand enthusiest! :smallbiggrin:

Ive been thinking about putting together some tips and advice on shapesand use. What sort of items to make in a pinch. Common house rules. That sort of thing.