View Full Version : New Yu-gi-oh: the Abridged Series.

2007-06-27, 08:04 PM
I didn't see a thread on this, but I know there are some fans of LittleKuribo's work around here. You probably remember when LK promised us an abridged movie at the end of last month. He produced the results late, but man, were they worth it!


Too many good quotes to be listed, but I guess I could put down a few.

"Your mother plays card games....IN HELL!"

"Maybe it's a shemale, like Bakura."

"My hair will huff, and my hair will puff, and my hair will blow your house in!"

"And then I said 'attention duelists!' Man, you guys should have been there!"

2007-07-03, 10:02 AM
Oh thank you, thank you for pointing this out, both the movie and the new episodes are great! (Not as good as ep. 13 though! Because it'd something special to beat that episode!)

Samurai General
2007-07-03, 11:53 AM
New ones are still awesome. Not getting old, never will.:smallwink:

Zoraciel Ivtel
2007-07-04, 02:11 AM
I almost want to watch the original Yugioh movie to see if it makes as little sense as LittleKuriboh suggests it does...

2007-07-04, 08:00 AM
Damn, I need to catch up. I'm only on 19.

I love these, so amazingly funny. I'm really glad he made the movie, I was skeptical on how serious he was about it.

("Fear my generic motives!")

2007-07-04, 08:29 AM
A lot of my friends like these things, and I must say that they're not funny. At all. In the least. I just don't understand, this guy takes clips of the yugioh series (which sucked more than a vacuum cleaner) and does voiceovers making fun of it, and it's immediately extremely funny?

I don't get it.

2007-07-04, 08:43 AM
A lot of my friends like these things, and I must say that they're not funny. At all. In the least. I just don't understand, this guy takes clips of the yugioh series (which sucked more than a vacuum cleaner) and does voiceovers making fun of it, and it's immediately extremely funny?

Yes, it is.

2007-07-04, 08:54 AM
A lot of my friends like these things, and I must say that they're not funny. At all. In the least. I just don't understand, this guy takes clips of the yugioh series (which sucked more than a vacuum cleaner) and does voiceovers making fun of it, and it's immediately extremely funny?

I don't get it.

I know what you are saying.

You have no soul. that is the explanation :smallbiggrin:

2007-07-04, 09:33 AM
It's good to know there's new ones still.

2007-07-04, 09:38 AM
I absolutely loved episode 21. I was literally laughing out loud the entire time.

2007-07-04, 10:53 AM
I really don't see why a new thread was needed, seeing as we already had two or three (pro tip: there's more than one page of threads in this forum), however, it's partly my fault for not bumping an old one when I watched these.

Yes, all the new chunk of stuff was amazing, especially the movie:
"By the power of Greyskull!"
"Meanwhile, thousands of miles away"
"Screw the money, I have rules! Wait, let me try that again."
Kaiba's way-off-script rant
"We have to defeat Anubis so that crappy spinoff show is never created"
"I just tore that guy's ****ing arm clean off! This is the best movie ever!"
"Shut up, Mokuba"

And of course, you can't go wrong with filler episodes, amirite?

2007-07-04, 08:37 PM
What has to be my favorite part, is the demon teddy bear, and all his lines, and to the non-believer, Little Kuriboh will soon rule all of geek fandom, his supporters will defeat the trekkies, the furries, the gamers, all fans will fall before his army, MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

2007-07-04, 08:48 PM
Those were amazing, but I didn't get the "by the power of greyskull" thing.

2007-07-04, 08:57 PM
He-Man/Masters of the universe, what He-man/Prince Adam said.

And My Axe
2007-07-04, 09:09 PM
I love this series. Episode 14 has to be my favorite.

YAMI: I shall fuse my Mammoth Graveyard with your Dragon, causing it to decay from the inside!

KAIBA: How the hell did you do that?

YAMI: It's called cheating, deal with it!

2007-07-04, 09:56 PM
"We're going to duel with ancient Egyptian laser beams!"

/epic music

2007-07-04, 11:18 PM
The entirety of Episode 8 is always my favorite. Great lines, Rex as Butthead, Back to the Future reference, Bakura with his inappropriate accent and Omen music, and of course, everyone's favorite card.

"And I'm the Dark Magician"
*holds up picture of Black Mage*

"That's what you get for taking all of my screentime, bitch."

Although the first appearance of Yu-Gi-Oh GX DMX was also great.

The New Bruceski
2007-07-05, 05:50 AM
"No! Yugi! You can't be dead! 4kids would have censored it!"

2007-07-05, 06:04 AM
Anything said by Tristen. Best character ever. Although with them twin dudes that kept dancing. @do you think these could be the gay people?' 'There is a slight possiblity'

Gavin Sage
2007-07-05, 06:19 AM
A lot of my friends like these things, and I must say that they're not funny. At all. In the least. I just don't understand, this guy takes clips of the yugioh series (which sucked more than a vacuum cleaner) and does voiceovers making fun of it, and it's immediately extremely funny?

I don't get it.

While there are many imitations which are not funny, or only mildly funny for awhile like Naruto Abrigded..... YGO: Abridged is hilarious so the answer to your question is: Yes.

If you don't understand, well I suppose there is no accounting for taste:smallwink:

2007-07-05, 09:37 AM
Actually Naruto the abridged series is pretty good just no were near as good as Little Kuriboh whom is a master of humor.

2007-07-05, 09:55 AM
I love episode 18:

Yugi: I need to remember everything Gramps taught me about playing card games
Gramps: Playing card games is like making love. You usually do it on a table, and you always feel deep shame when you are done. Also, the older you get, the less fun it is. So remember, always use a condom when playing cardgames.

*back to the present*

Yugi: Hmm... I should wash my hands before using these.

And the pointy-hair dude is always funny.

"Attention duelists! My hair is attacking this defenseless child!"

2007-07-05, 10:02 AM
And the pointy-hair dude is always funny.

"Attention duelists! My hair is attacking this defenseless child!"

When does he say that?
I know he attakcs a defenceless child but he says:
"Attention duelists! My hair is assaulting you!

But yeah, he is my favourite charecter, sad to see him go in ep21.

2007-07-05, 10:05 AM
When does he say that?
I know he attakcs a defenceless child but he says:
"Attention duelists! My hair is assaulting you!

But yeah, he is my favourite charecter, sad to see him go in ep20.

Oh, maybe that was what he said. I was along the same lines.

"I'm glad I took all those child-grabbing lessons"

that was a good one too.

2007-07-05, 10:14 AM
Did anyone notice that alot of Kuriboh's videos are missing from his dailymotion account, you know not just movie part 2, but all from like 1-10? What is up with that?

2007-07-05, 10:18 AM
A lot of my friends like these things, and I must say that they're not funny. At all. In the least. I just don't understand, this guy takes clips of the yugioh series (which sucked more than a vacuum cleaner) and does voiceovers making fun of it, and it's immediately extremely funny?

I don't get it.

Well, the abridged series doesn't try to sell the show on you, but is a lovingly made and internally referencing parody of something we're all vaguely aware sucks completely, but maybe have only seen a few episodes of. It's clear Little Kuriboh is or was a huge fan of the series, but he makes fun of the show's aspects in hilarious and over-the-top ways. Whether through exaggeration of aspects of anime which are already rather pervasive, such as Americans identifying themselves as Americans with something extremely few human beings would do, like wearing an American flag bandanna... or through hilarious rewrites of a generically loving "protective older brother" storyline in Joey's continuous forgetfulness that he even has a sister, much less that he's in a card game tournament to save her vision somehow.

MST3K is funny, even if the movies they make fun of are terrible. ESPECIALLY when the movies they make fun of are terrible. It's sort of the same concept for us I think.

2007-07-05, 10:36 AM
Did anyone notice that alot of Kuriboh's videos are missing from his dailymotion account, you know not just movie part 2, but all from like 1-10? What is up with that?

It seems that the powers that be of Yu-gi-oh are a bit upset over that one person can take thier product, and on his own can make a far better, and funnier version of it. So they are starting to threaten both dailymotion and youtube with lawsuits. They instead of standing by and defending Kuriboh's work under the copyright fair use for purpose of parody ruling, weakly cave in and delete the scenes threatened by said law suits.

If you want them, all of Kuriboh's abridged series can be found here.


2007-07-05, 12:27 PM
Wow, dailymotion caved in aswell, how long til' Miketyndall caves in, then what Littlekuriboh's magic will wain what can we do,*runs around screaming*

2007-07-06, 09:10 AM
Little Kuriboh is a genius. Youtube is a piece o'crap for deleting his videos.

Gavin Sage
2007-07-07, 12:56 PM
Someone needs to tell Youtube and Daily Motion the YGO Abridged is a parody and thus protected by the 1st Ammendment......

2007-07-07, 03:32 PM
Personally, I've liked Ep12, "what, and give my screen time to Bakura?!" and similar Bakura hating references. Basically there's very little about them I don't like. The movie was funny too.:smallbiggrin: "By the Power of Greyskull!"
Tristan, Mokuba. Bandit Keith..."in America"

The Series and Movie are too funny for words.
Ep 12 is still my fav though; Thriller, Zombies "in America"

2007-07-07, 05:33 PM
I believe you mean the US Copyright Act of 1979. The First Amendment does not allow people to freely utilize and broadcast the intellectual property of others. The Copyright Act, however, does, as long as it is limited in scope, not for profit, and for parody purposes.

Seems like a nitpick, I know, but if you're going to argue with lawyers, it helps to get the incidental facts straight.

2007-07-07, 06:27 PM
Personally, I've liked Ep12, "what, and give my screen time to Bakura?!" and similar Bakura hating references. Basically there's very little about them I don't like. The movie was funny too.:smallbiggrin: "By the Power of Greyskull!"
Tristan, Mokuba. Bandit Keith..."in America"

The Series and Movie are too funny for words.
Ep 12 is still my fav though; Thriller, Zombies "in America"

I loved everything about the american guy.

"I wasn't going to say 'in america!'... in america!"