View Full Version : Help! My mystic needs multiclassing

2016-06-02, 11:33 PM
Last thread on mystic on here is from 2015 and I prefer to keep my necromancy in game, so here we go:

- Who's seen the updated mystic?
- Anyone seen play with it?
- What are the best race and multiclasses combinations for this updated class? (Feel free to post builds)

((Curse of Strahd is the setting, and the DM has okayed the class on faith. I'd love to see y'all's shenanigans with this class))

2016-06-02, 11:48 PM
Which direction did you want to take it in? In some ways Mystic is a contender for the single most versatile class ever released, as some form of it goes with just about anything.

To actually attempt to answer your question, one of the more effective builds I've seen in play started as a variant human Eldritch Knight 12/Immortal Mystic 3, and continued taking mystic levels from then on. Used a combination of EK spells and IM abilities to make themselves a nigh unstoppable force on the battlefield. Very tough to hit, even harder to defend against.

Note: there was a DM houserule involved for that campaign. EK spellslots would be translated to spellpoints as per the DMG variant, and the spellpoint and psipoint pools would stack according to the normal multiclassing rules (spellpoints and psipoints use the same scale, making the merge feasible). This was technically a slight reduction in raw power, but a gain in versatile spellcasting and ability use.

The only other mystic I've seen in actual play (same campaign, same houserule in effect) was a two level immortal dip for a wizard. I think it was slightly more effective than the straight wizard would have been, with the additional defense and new abilities making up for the lower effective caster level, but it would have been a close call.

2016-06-02, 11:58 PM
Of the top of my head, theorycrafting (as our DM doesn't allow unearthed arcana ufortunately).

Viable Order of the Awakened races:
High elf
...can't remember more atm.

Viable Order of the Immortal races:
High Elf
Tiefling (feral)
...more options elude me atm.
*Immortal Mystic can get by with low intelligence, if I recall correctly.

Possible multiclass options (assuming that mystic requires at least int 13):
Anything goes :) (I'm sure others have better ideas on that regard)

2016-06-03, 10:36 AM
Which direction did you want to take it in? In some ways Mystic is a contender for the single most versatile class ever released, as some form of it goes with just about anything.

To actually attempt to answer your question, one of the more effective builds I've seen in play started as a variant human Eldritch Knight 12/Immortal Mystic 3, and continued taking mystic levels from then on. Used a combination of EK spells and IM abilities to make themselves a nigh unstoppable force on the battlefield. Very tough to hit, even harder to defend against.

Note: there was a DM houserule involved for that campaign. EK spellslots would be translated to spellpoints as per the DMG variant, and the spellpoint and psipoint pools would stack according to the normal multiclassing rules (spellpoints and psipoints use the same scale, making the merge feasible). This was technically a slight reduction in raw power, but a gain in versatile spellcasting and ability use.

The only other mystic I've seen in actual play (same campaign, same houserule in effect) was a two level immortal dip for a wizard. I think it was slightly more effective than the straight wizard would have been, with the additional defense and new abilities making up for the lower effective caster level, but it would have been a close call.

Thanks for your quick response! I've been juggling ideas, but one I really like is basing him loosely off Magadon Kest from the Erevis Cale and Shadow War trilogies. Mag was a Tiefling "mind mage / psionicist" descended from Mephistopheles himself. I figured that kind of dark backstory is perfect for an antihero in CoS.
Therefore, feral Tiefling has crossed my mind. I'm heavily considering Order of the Awakened, because I feel that's closer to "mind mage" than Immortal IMO. I'm also considering running the flying variant by the DM, as he's pretty liberal, and I just love the idea of raining Thought Spears down on enemies. Is this a good choice? If not, what Tiefling variants would work well with this?

Follow up question: with this "mind mage" in...mind (lol), what caster multiclasses would support this idea? Please include spells, feats/ASI's if possible too.
My stat array isn't set in stone, and I'm using point buy, so a 13 in Wis or Cha is very possible for multiclass options. As an example, (though I know wizard would be a good choice to cut down on MAD, I don't know where I'd go with this) for the above build I was looking at Warlock possibilities.

Your suggestions so far have all been great! My other aim for this thread was to get some ideas rolling around for other posters who are looking for mystic tips, as I said before the other mystic thread is outdated. I'd love to hear stories, good or bad, of y'all's experience with the class from a player or DM standpoint.