View Full Version : The Budget Armor Online Calculator, with Shields, Amulets, Rings, Gloves, and more!

2016-06-03, 05:10 AM
The Budget Armor Calculator

Hello again everyone. My original goal in organizing ideal armors for various situations turned out to not be efficient since there were so many variables to take into consideration, such as specific armors being banned or an RP reason to avoid certain magical enhancements.

Instead, I have written a webpage using JavaScript that will give you a list of the cheapest armors giving various AC's when you put in various criteria. You can find it in the link below:

The Budget Armor Calculator (http://www.wdtaylor.net/calculator.html)

I will be continuing to update the script, stay tuned for updates.

This guide is designed to be a handy reference for people looking for the most efficient way to armor up. Here you will find the cheapest ways to gain an armor bonus of a specific amount.

The guide is broken into several parts. The main sections are explained below with links to the posts contianing the relevant lists. The categories the lists are broken into are as follows:

Exotic/Non-Exotic: Whether exotic armors are allowed.
Druid-Friendly/Not Druid-Friendly: Contains armors appropriate for use by Druids (Druid-Friendly) or may contain metal armors (Not Druid-Friendly).
Exact Weight/Maximum Weight/No Penalty: Lists armors specifically of a weight (Exact) or up to a given weight (Maximum) or up to the weight and also higher weight armors with 0 ACP, i.e. those armors that will not impose a penalty to attack rolls for someone proficient up to the weight (No Penalty).

An asterisk indicates that the post has not been updated since new modifiers or armors have been added to the program.

The Main Lists
This section contains links to the armor lists for the "default assumptions" we make: all 3.5 armors and modifiers are available.

Best AC for the GP

Not Druid-Friendly
Exact Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20850206&postcount=2)
Maximum Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20850206&postcount=2)
No Penalty (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20850213&postcount=6)

Exact Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20851993&postcount=34)
Maximum Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20851668&postcount=27)
No Penalty (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20851648&postcount=26)

Exotic Not Druid-Friendly
Exact Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20851700&postcount=28)
Maximum Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20851895&postcount=29)
No Penalty (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20851914&postcount=30)

Exact Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20851974&postcount=33)
Maximum Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20851957&postcount=32)
No Penalty (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20851936&postcount=31)

Cheapest Armor with 0 ACP

Not Druid-Friendly
Exact Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20857562&postcount=62)
Maximum Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20850212&postcount=5)
No Penalty (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20856660&postcount=35)

Exact Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20857554&postcount=61)
Maximum Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20857562&postcount=62)
No Penalty (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20856668&postcount=36)

Exotic Not Druid-Friendly
Exact Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20850208&postcount=3)
Maximum Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20857513&postcount=54)
No Penalty (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20857517&postcount=55)

Exact Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20850210&postcount=4)
Maximum Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20857518&postcount=56)
No Penalty (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20857525&postcount=57)

Cheapest Armor with 0% ASF

Not Druid-Friendly
Exact Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20850213&postcount=6)
Maximum Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20850208&postcount=3)
No Penalty (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20856677&postcount=37)

Exact Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20850212&postcount=5)
Maximum Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20857535&postcount=58)
No Penalty (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20856682&postcount=38)

Exotic Not Druid-Friendly
Exact Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20851648&postcount=26)
Maximum Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20857544&postcount=59)
No Penalty (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20857098&postcount=45)

Exact Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20851668&postcount=27)
Maximum Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20857552&postcount=60)
No Penalty (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20857554&postcount=61)

Cheapest Armor with 0 ACP and 0% ASF

Not Druid-Friendly
Exact Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20857133&postcount=52)
Maximum Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20850210&postcount=4)
No Penalty (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20856688&postcount=40)

Exact Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20857135&postcount=53)
Maximum Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20856914&postcount=43)
No Penalty (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20856685&postcount=39)

Exotic Not Druid-Friendly
Exact Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20857131&postcount=51)
Maximum Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20857110&postcount=46)
No Penalty (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20857117&postcount=47)

Exact Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20857129&postcount=50)
Maximum Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20857124&postcount=49)
No Penalty (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20857123&postcount=48)

The Magic Vestment Lists
These lists only include up to a +1 enhancement bonus to the armors, allowing for magic vestment to increase AC while keeping costs low.

Best AC for the GP, Maximum +1 Enhancement
Not Druid-Friendly

Exact Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20858948&postcount=71)
Maximum Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20858948&postcount=71)
No Penalty (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20858962&postcount=72)


Exact Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20858962&postcount=72)
Maximum Weight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20858971&postcount=73)
No Penalty (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20858971&postcount=73)

Note that in this analysis I am only considering the following properties:

Armor Weight (i.e. Light, Medium, or Heavy)
Max Dex Bonus
Armor Check Penalty
Arcane Spell Failure Chance
Market Price

Some Things that Are Not (Currently) Considered in this Guide

Special Abilities that don't affect one of the properties above
Natural Armor
Deflection Bonuses to AC
Armor that doesn't sit on the armor slot, like the Dastana
Pathfinder Material that doesn't appear in 3.5
3.0 Material

I found these armors and formatted the tables by using a Python script. Below are the armors and modifiers the script considers.

Update: I have improved the script's speed and output formatting dramatically.

Studded Leather
Chain Shirt
Cord ArmorStormwrack
Hooked ArmorPlanar Handbook
Gnome Twist ClothRoS
Mammoth_LeatherExotic, RoS
Sharkskin ArmorStormwrack

Scale Mail
Chitin ArmorStormwrack
Interlocking ScaleExotic, RoS
Living CoralStormwrack
Shell ArmorStormwrack
Siege Beetle ChitinMM V
Tumbler's BreastplateExotic, RoS

Splint Mail
Banded Mail
Half Plate
Full Plate
Sectioned ArmorPlanar Handbook (Including reductions)
Mechanus GearPlanar Handbook
Stone PlateRoS
Heavy PlateRoS
Interlocking PlateExotic, RoS
Battle PlateExotic, RoS
Mountain PlateExotic, RoS

Basic Properties

Special Properties
Enhancement Bonus (+1 to +5)

Special Materials
Blue IceFrostburn

Item Templates
FeycraftDMG II
GithcraftDMG II

Thistledown PaddingRotW

I have started with the most common armors I have seen appear in discussions about gearing. I will continue to expand this list to make sure I have the optimal choices listed. Please let me know if there are any particular armors or armor properties you would be interested in seeing an analysis of.

2016-06-03, 05:11 AM
The Best AC for the GP, No Exotic Armor, Not Druid-Friendly, Maximum Weight

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Studded Leather Armor25
17Chain Shirt100
18+1 Chain Shirt1250
19+2 Chain Shirt4250
20+2 Blue Ice Chainmail7300
21+3 Blue Ice Chainmail12300
22+4 Blue Ice Chainmail19300
23+5 Blue Ice Chainmail28300

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Studded Leather Armor25
18Chain Shirt100
19+1 Chain Shirt1250
20+2 Chain Shirt4250
21+2 Blue Ice Breastplate7350
22+3 Blue Ice Breastplate12350
23+4 Blue Ice Breastplate19350
24+5 Blue Ice Breastplate28350

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
22+2 Mithral Breastplate8200
23+3 Mithral Breastplate13200
24+4 Mithral Breastplate20200
25+5 Mithral Breastplate29200

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+5 Mithral Breastplate of Nimbleness40200

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+5 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37100

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+5 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37100

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37100
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
12Padded Armor5
13Leather Armor10
14Hide Armor15
15Scale Mail50
17+1 Chainmail1300
18+2 Chainmail4300
19Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
13Padded Armor5
14Leather Armor10
15Hide Armor15
16Scale Mail50
18+1 Chainmail1300
19+2 Chainmail4300
20Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Hide Armor15
17Scale Mail50
19+1 Breastplate1350
20+2 Breastplate4350
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
22+3 Chitin Breastplate9700
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
22+2 Mithral Breastplate8200
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Bracers of Armor +11000
23Bracers of Armor +24000
24Bracers of Armor +39000
25Bracers of Armor +416000
26Bracers of Armor +525000
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 12
Total ACArmorPrice
23Bracers of Armor +11000
24Bracers of Armor +24000
25Bracers of Armor +39000
26Bracers of Armor +416000
27Bracers of Armor +525000
28Bracers of Armor +636000
29Bracers of Armor +749000
30Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 0
Total ACArmorPrice
11Padded Armor5
12Leather Armor10
13Hide Armor15
14Scale Mail50
16Splint Mail200
17Half Plate600
18Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+4 Mechanus Gear17900
25+5 Mechanus Gear26900

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
12Padded Armor5
13Leather Armor10
14Hide Armor15
15Scale Mail50
17Banded Mail250
18+1 Banded Mail1400
19Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+4 Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
13Padded Armor5
14Leather Armor10
15Hide Armor15
16Scale Mail50
18+1 Chainmail1300
19Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Hide Armor15
17Scale Mail50
19+1 Breastplate1350
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Bracers of Armor +11000
23Bracers of Armor +24000
24Bracers of Armor +39000
25Bracers of Armor +416000
26Bracers of Armor +525000
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 12
Total ACArmorPrice
23Bracers of Armor +11000
24Bracers of Armor +24000
25Bracers of Armor +39000
26Bracers of Armor +416000
27Bracers of Armor +525000
28Bracers of Armor +636000
29Bracers of Armor +749000
30Bracers of Armor +864000

The Best AC for the GP, No Exotic Armor, Not Druid-Friendly, Exact Weight

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Studded Leather Armor25
17Chain Shirt100
18+1 Chain Shirt1250
19+2 Chain Shirt4250
20+2 Blue Ice Chainmail7300
21+3 Blue Ice Chainmail12300
22+4 Blue Ice Chainmail19300
23+5 Blue Ice Chainmail28300

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Studded Leather Armor25
18Chain Shirt100
19+1 Chain Shirt1250
20+2 Chain Shirt4250
21+2 Blue Ice Breastplate7350
22+3 Blue Ice Breastplate12350
23+4 Blue Ice Breastplate19350
24+5 Blue Ice Breastplate28350

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
22+2 Mithral Breastplate8200
23+3 Mithral Breastplate13200
24+4 Mithral Breastplate20200
25+5 Mithral Breastplate29200

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
16Sectioned Armor (Fully Reduced)3000
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+5 Mithral Breastplate of Nimbleness40200

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
16Sectioned Armor (Fully Reduced)3000
17Cord Armor15
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+5 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37100

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
16Sectioned Armor (Fully Reduced)3000
17Cord Armor15
18Leather Armor10
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+5 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37100

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
16Sectioned Armor (Fully Reduced)3000
17Cord Armor15
18Leather Armor10
19Padded Armor5
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37100

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
16Sectioned Armor (Fully Reduced)3000
17Cord Armor15
18Leather Armor10
19Padded Armor5
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Leafweave Padded Armor of Nimbleness36895

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
16Sectioned Armor (Fully Reduced)3000
17Cord Armor15
18Leather Armor10
19Padded Armor5
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Leafweave Padded Armor of Nimbleness36895

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
14Hide Armor15
15Scale Mail50
17+1 Chainmail1300
18+2 Chainmail4300
19Blue Ice Full Plate8500
20Blue Ice Heavy Plate9000
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
15Hide Armor15
16Scale Mail50
18+1 Chainmail1300
19+2 Chainmail4300
20Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
16Hide Armor15
17Scale Mail50
19+1 Breastplate1350
20+2 Breastplate4350
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
16Shell Armor25
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
22+3 Chitin Breastplate9700
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Shell Armor25
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
22+3 Chitin Breastplate9700
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 0
Total ACArmorPrice
15Wildwood Splint Mail700
16Splint Mail200
17Half Plate600
18Full Plate1500
19Heavy Plate2000
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+4 Mechanus Gear17900
25+5 Mechanus Gear26900

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
16Splint Mail200
17Banded Mail250
18+1 Banded Mail1400
19Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+4 Mechanus Gear17900
25+5 Mechanus Gear26900
26+5 Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness37900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
16Splint Mail200
17Banded Mail250
18+1 Banded Mail1400
19Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+4 Mechanus Gear17900
25+5 Mechanus Gear26900
26+5 Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness37900

2016-06-03, 05:12 AM
The Cheapest Armor with 0% Arcane Spell Failure Chance, No Exotic Armor, Not Druid-Friendly, Maximum Weight

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
20+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
21+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
22+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
23+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
24+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate21550
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate30550

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate of Nimbleness41550

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Feycraft Padded Armor505
15Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
16Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
17Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
18+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate5700
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
22+1 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate15850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate20850
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate27850
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate36850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Feycraft Padded Armor505
16Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
17Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
18Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
19+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
20+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate20850
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate27850
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate36850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
20+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
21+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
22+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
23+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
24+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate21550
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate30550
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate of Nimbleness41550
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Feycraft Padded Armor505
15Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
16Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
17Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
18+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate5700
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
22+1 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate15850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate20850
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate27850
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate36850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Feycraft Padded Armor505
16Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
17Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
18Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
19+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
20+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate20850
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate27850
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate36850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
20+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
21+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
22+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
23+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
24+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate21550
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate30550
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate of Nimbleness41550
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Cheapest Armor with 0 Armor Check Penalty, Exotic Armor, Not Druid-Friendly, Exact Weight

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
20+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
21+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)15150
22+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)22150
23+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)31150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
21+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
22+4 Blue Ice Chain Shirt17000
23+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt26000
24+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)37000

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
22+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
23+4 Blue Ice Chain Shirt17000
24+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt26000
25+5 Blue Ice Breastplate of Nimbleness39350

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
17Masterwork Cord Armor165
18Padded Armor5
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+1 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness8450
24+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness13450
25+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness20450
26+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness29450
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
17Masterwork Cord Armor165
18Leather Armor10
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+1 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness8450
24+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness13450
25+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness20450
26+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness29450
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
17Masterwork Cord Armor165
18Leather Armor10
19Padded Armor5
20Gnome Twist Cloth150
21+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
22+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
23+1 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness8450
24+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness13450
25+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness20450
26+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness29450
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
16Masterwork Leafweave Hide Armor905
17+1 Leafweave Hide Armor1905
18+1 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness4225
19+1 Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced) of Nimbleness7150
20+2 Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced) of Nimbleness12150
21+3 Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced) of Nimbleness19150
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
17Masterwork Leafweave Hide Armor905
18+1 Leafweave Hide Armor1905
19+1 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness4225
20+2 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness9225
21+3 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness16225
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+1 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness16000
24+2 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness21000
25+3 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness28000
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
18Masterwork Leafweave Hide Armor905
19+1 Leafweave Hide Armor1905
20+1 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness4225
21+2 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness9225
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+1 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness16000
24+2 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness21000
25+3 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness28000
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
18Masterwork Leafweave Hide Armor905
19+1 Leafweave Hide Armor1905
20+1 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness4225
21+2 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness9225
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+1 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness16000
24+2 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness21000
25+3 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness28000
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

There are no such heavy armors.

2016-06-03, 05:13 AM
Cheapest Armor with 0 Armor Check Penalty and 0% Arcane Spell Failure Chance, No Exotic Armor, Not Druid-Friendly, Maximum Weight

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate of Nimbleness41550

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Leafweave Leather Armor1250
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate of Nimbleness41550

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Leafweave Leather Armor1250
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate of Nimbleness41550

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Leafweave Leather Armor1250
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Cheapest Armor with 0 Armor Check Penalty, Exotic Armor, Druid-Friendly, Exact Weight

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
20+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
21+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)15150
22+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)22150
23+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)31150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
21+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
22+4 Blue Ice Chain Shirt17000
23+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt26000
24+5 Blue Ice Chainmail of Nimbleness39300

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
22+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
23+4 Blue Ice Chain Shirt17000
24+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt26000
25+5 Blue Ice Breastplate of Nimbleness39350

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+1 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness7600
23+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness12600
24+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness19600
25+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness28600
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
17Masterwork Cord Armor165
18Padded Armor5
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+1 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness7600
23+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness12600
24+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness19600
25+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness28600
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
17Masterwork Cord Armor165
18Leather Armor10
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+2 Padded Armor4155
22+1 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness7600
23+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness12600
24+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness19600
25+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness28600
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
17Masterwork Cord Armor165
18Leather Armor10
19Padded Armor5
20Gnome Twist Cloth150
21+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
22+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
23+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
24+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
25+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
16Masterwork Leafweave Hide Armor905
17+1 Leafweave Hide Armor1905
18+1 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness4225
19+2 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness9225
20+3 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness16225
21+4 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness25225
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
17Masterwork Leafweave Hide Armor905
18+1 Leafweave Hide Armor1905
19+1 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness4225
20+2 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness9225
21+3 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness16225
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
18Masterwork Leafweave Hide Armor905
19+1 Leafweave Hide Armor1905
20+1 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness4225
21+2 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness9225
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
18Masterwork Leafweave Hide Armor905
19+1 Leafweave Hide Armor1905
20+1 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness4225
21+2 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness9225
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

There are no such heavy armors.

2016-06-03, 05:14 AM
The Cheapest Armor with 0 Armor Check Penalty, No Exotic Armor, Not Druid-Friendly, Maximum Weight

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
20+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
21+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)15150
22+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)22150
23+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)31150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
21+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
22+4 Blue Ice Chain Shirt17000
23+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt26000
24+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)37000

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
22+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
23+4 Blue Ice Chain Shirt17000
24+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt26000
25+5 Blue Ice Breastplate of Nimbleness39350

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+5 Mithral Breastplate of Nimbleness40200

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+5 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37100

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+5 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37100

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37100
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
20+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
21+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+1 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness16000
24+2 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness21000
25+3 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness28000
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
22+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
23+1 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness16000
24+2 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness21000
25+3 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness28000
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Bracers of Armor +11000
23Bracers of Armor +24000
24Bracers of Armor +39000
25Bracers of Armor +416000
26Bracers of Armor +525000
27Bracers of Armor +636000
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
20+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
21+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+1 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness16000
24+2 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness21000
25+3 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness28000
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
22+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
23+1 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness16000
24+2 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness21000
25+3 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness28000
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Bracers of Armor +11000
23Bracers of Armor +24000
24Bracers of Armor +39000
25Bracers of Armor +416000
26Bracers of Armor +525000
27Bracers of Armor +636000
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Cheapest Armor with 0% Arcane Spell Failure Chance, No Exotic Armor, Druid-Friendly, Exact Weight

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Feycraft Padded Armor505
16Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
17Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
19+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
20+1 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate8700
21+2 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate13700
22+3 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate20700
23+4 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate29700
24+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate40700

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
22+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
23+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
24+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt37750
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate of Nimbleness53700

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt of Nimbleness50750

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+2 Feycraft Padded Armor4655
22+3 Feycraft Padded Armor9655
23+4 Feycraft Padded Armor16655
24+5 Feycraft Padded Armor25655
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Leafweave Padded Armor of Nimbleness36895

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Leafweave Padded Armor of Nimbleness36895

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Hide Armor5265
18+2 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Hide Armor10265
19+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
20+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
21+3 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate18050
22+4 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate27050
23+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate38050
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Living Coral53250

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Shell Armor5275
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Hide Armor5265
19+2 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Hide Armor10265
20+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
21+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
22+3 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate18050
23+4 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate27050
24+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate38050
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Living Coral of Nimbleness66250

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Shell Armor5275
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Hide Armor5265
19+1 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor5405
20+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
21+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
22+3 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate18050
23+4 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate27050
24+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate38050
25+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate of Nimbleness51050

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Shell Armor5275
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Hide Armor5265
19+1 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor5405
20+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
21+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
22+3 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate18050
23+4 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate27050
24+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate38050
25+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate of Nimbleness51050

There are no such heavy armors.

2016-06-03, 05:15 AM
The Best AC for the GP, No Exotic Armor, Not Druid-Friendly, No Penalty

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Studded Leather Armor25
17Chain Shirt100
18+1 Chain Shirt1250
19+2 Chain Shirt4250
20+2 Blue Ice Chainmail7300
21+3 Blue Ice Chainmail12300
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Studded Leather Armor25
18Chain Shirt100
19+1 Chain Shirt1250
20+2 Chain Shirt4250
21+2 Blue Ice Breastplate7350
22+3 Blue Ice Breastplate12350
23+1 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness16000
24+2 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness21000
25+3 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness28000
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
22+2 Mithral Breastplate8200
23+3 Mithral Breastplate13200
24+4 Mithral Breastplate20200
25+3 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness28000
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Bracers of Armor +11000
23Bracers of Armor +24000
24Bracers of Armor +39000
25Bracers of Armor +416000
26Bracers of Armor +525000
27Bracers of Armor +636000
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
12Padded Armor5
13Leather Armor10
14Hide Armor15
15Scale Mail50
17+1 Chainmail1300
18+2 Chainmail4300
19Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
13Padded Armor5
14Leather Armor10
15Hide Armor15
16Scale Mail50
18+1 Chainmail1300
19+2 Chainmail4300
20Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Hide Armor15
17Scale Mail50
19+1 Breastplate1350
20+2 Breastplate4350
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
22+3 Chitin Breastplate9700
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
22+2 Mithral Breastplate8200
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Bracers of Armor +11000
23Bracers of Armor +24000
24Bracers of Armor +39000
25Bracers of Armor +416000
26Bracers of Armor +525000
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 12
Total ACArmorPrice
23Bracers of Armor +11000
24Bracers of Armor +24000
25Bracers of Armor +39000
26Bracers of Armor +416000
27Bracers of Armor +525000
28Bracers of Armor +636000
29Bracers of Armor +749000
30Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 0
Total ACArmorPrice
11Padded Armor5
12Leather Armor10
13Hide Armor15
14Scale Mail50
16Splint Mail200
17Half Plate600
18Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+4 Mechanus Gear17900
25+5 Mechanus Gear26900

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
12Padded Armor5
13Leather Armor10
14Hide Armor15
15Scale Mail50
17Banded Mail250
18+1 Banded Mail1400
19Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+4 Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
13Padded Armor5
14Leather Armor10
15Hide Armor15
16Scale Mail50
18+1 Chainmail1300
19Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Hide Armor15
17Scale Mail50
19+1 Breastplate1350
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Bracers of Armor +11000
23Bracers of Armor +24000
24Bracers of Armor +39000
25Bracers of Armor +416000
26Bracers of Armor +525000
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 12
Total ACArmorPrice
23Bracers of Armor +11000
24Bracers of Armor +24000
25Bracers of Armor +39000
26Bracers of Armor +416000
27Bracers of Armor +525000
28Bracers of Armor +636000
29Bracers of Armor +749000
30Bracers of Armor +864000

Cheapest Armor with 0% Arcane Spell Failure Chance, No Exotic Armor, Not Druid-Friendly, Exact Weight

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
20+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
21+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
22+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
23+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
24+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate21550
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate30550

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate of Nimbleness41550

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Sectioned Armor (Fully Reduced)8250
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Sectioned Armor (Fully Reduced)8250
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Sectioned Armor (Fully Reduced)8250
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Sectioned Armor (Fully Reduced)8250
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Leafweave Padded Armor of Nimbleness36895

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Sectioned Armor (Fully Reduced)8250
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Leafweave Padded Armor of Nimbleness36895

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Hide Armor5265
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Scale Mail5550
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate5700
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate10700
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate17700
22+1 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate15850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate20850
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate27850
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate36850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Shell Armor5275
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Hide Armor5265
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate5700
20+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
21+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
22+1 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate15850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate20850
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate27850
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate36850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Shell Armor5275
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Hide Armor5265
19+1 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor5405
20+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
21+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
22+1 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate15850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate20850
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate27850
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate36850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Shell Armor5275
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Hide Armor5265
19+1 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor5405
20+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
21+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
22+1 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate15850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate20850
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate27850
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate36850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

There are no such heavy armors.

2016-06-03, 05:22 AM
I think this guide would be incomplete without mentioning how to get con to AC, like a character with +9 dex bonus, with bracers of armor +8, might want to get his +4 con to AC, maybe twice!

2016-06-03, 05:27 AM
Are you sure that you can stack those modifiers freely? Especially the "-craft" types.

2016-06-03, 05:30 AM
Are you sure that you can stack those modifiers freely? Especially the "-craft" types.

Feycraft is the only "-craft" template that can be combined with other "-craft" templates. In this case, I am only ever using Feycraft and Githcraft together (as those are the only templates that matter for this exercise). This would require a fey to mentally control a gith while the gith is creating the armor on the Astral Plane, but it is indeed possible.

I believe I have double-checked that all the other templates and modifications only go on armor that can take them. If you see any errors, please point them out!

2016-06-03, 05:33 AM
That's useful.

I' ve got to ask: is a Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness allowed in your table, or just a theoretical approach to 0 ASF?

2016-06-03, 05:39 AM
Awsome work Bakkan, thanks a lot!
I have heard about dragoncraft armor and I was interested in, but I couldn't find it also I'd to optimizate it. So if you could list it.

2016-06-03, 05:44 AM
That's useful.

I' ve got to ask: is a Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness allowed in your table, or just a theoretical approach to 0 ASF?

I do not currently have a table, I'm sad to say; however, I would happily allow it in one of my games, as without Medium armor proficiency it still has a decent ACP. I think it would be fun to make obtaining one a mini-quest; it would either be a legendary item that mages have sought for years or it would be up to the player to go through the (complicated) process of getting all the people and parts necessary.


Awsome work Bakkan, thanks a lot!
I have heard about dragoncraft armor and I was interested in, but I couldn't find it also I'd to optimizate it. So if you could list it.

I'm looking at it in the Draconomicon now (page 117). It looks like it has similar properties to mithral, but can be applied to hide armor, whereas mithral cannot. I'll see if it changes anything.

2016-06-03, 06:00 AM
You might want to check how your script classifies armor for the medium and heavy tables. A lot of them it seems have armor of all lighter categories in them.

Noticed in:
AC for GP, medium table includes light armor and the heavy table includes light and medium armor.
0 ACP and 0% ASF, medium table includes light armor and heavy table has no heavy armor listed.
0 ACP with 0% ASF, medium and heavy tables have no armor of the appropriate type in them.

This was not done looking at what proficiencies are needed for them, just what classification the final armor is. Mostly in regards to mithral.

2016-06-03, 06:05 AM
You might want to check how your script classifies armor for the medium and heavy tables. A lot of them it seems have armor of all lighter categories in them.

Noticed in:
AC for GP, medium table includes light armor and the heavy table includes light and medium armor.
0 ACP and 0% ASF, medium table includes light armor and heavy table has no heavy armor listed.
0 ACP with 0% ASF, medium and heavy tables have no armor of the appropriate type in them.

This was not done looking at what proficiencies are needed for them, just what classification the final armor is. Mostly in regards to mithral.

Ah, I see that I need to update my labeling. My intention was that in the "Medium Armor" spoiler, you would see information for both light and medium armors, since medium armor proficiency implies light armor proficiency in all cases I'm familiar with.

2016-06-03, 06:09 AM
Ah, I see that I need to update my labeling. My intention was that in the "Medium Armor" spoiler, you would see information for both light and medium armors, since medium armor proficiency implies light armor proficiency in all cases I'm familiar with.

I think it would be better to just have medium armor in the medium armor tables, ditto for heavy armor. People are probably going to be looking in the table of the category they want thier character to wear anyway. Plus only 2 of the definitions (GP for AC, and 0% ASF) even care about proficiency, the other 2 have no penalties for wearing the armor even when non proficient.

2016-06-03, 06:14 AM
I think it would be better to just have medium armor in the medium armor tables, ditto for heavy armor. People are probably going to be looking in the table of the category they want thier character to wear anyway. Plus only 2 of the definitions (GP for AC, and 0% ASF) even care about proficiency, the other 2 have no penalties for wearing the armor even when non proficient.

I'm not aware of a mechanical reason why someone would want to wear heavier armor if they can get the same AC for less GP if they go to a lighter one. Do you have something in mind? The advantage to the current system is that you only need to look at the list corresponding to the highest proficiency you have.

I am keeping those two lists separated for the benefit of classes whose class features require them to wear below a certain armor weight (e.g. ranger, monk, rogue), irrespective of that armor's ACP.


Awsome work Bakkan, thanks a lot!
I have heard about dragoncraft armor and I was interested in, but I couldn't find it also I'd to optimizate it. So if you could list it.

I added the Dragoncraft material to the program. It didn't change anything; unfortunately, the cost for Dragoncraft is really high.

2016-06-03, 09:38 AM
How about a list for druid ok armors?

Also I think seige beetles can be crafted into armor. Dont remember anything more than that though.

2016-06-03, 10:37 AM
This is great. There's a similar guide I've used a few times but this is far more extensive.

I would like to see a list of 'other' armor bonuses including shields, dex boosts, deflection, and natty armor too but I'm sure I'll be using this either way.

Fuzzy McCoy
2016-06-03, 11:00 AM
I feel like there's something wrong with your program - for total ac, for dex mod of 10, it lists bracers of armor +1 through +6 as the cheapest option, but gnome twist cloth should be there instead. For example, +5 gnome twist cloth gives +6 ac for 25450, which beats out the bracers of armor +6 by about 10.5K, which is a pretty substantial amount.

What about specific magical armors? Specifically, celestial/millennial chainmail. If you have a dex mod of 7 to 12, these beat out just about any other armor.

2016-06-03, 11:06 AM
I feel like there's something wrong with your program - for total ac, for dex mod of 10, it lists bracers of armor +1 through +6 as the cheapest option, but gnome twist cloth should be there instead. For example, +5 gnome twist cloth gives +6 ac for 25450, which beats out the bracers of armor +6 by about 10.5K, which is a pretty substantial amount.

What about specific magical armors? Specifically, celestial/millennial chainmail. If you have a dex mod of 7 to 12, these beat out just about any other armor.

Some Things that Are Not (Currently) Considered in this Guide

Special Abilities that don't affect one of the properties above
Natural Armor
Deflection Bonuses to AC
Armor that doesn't sit on the armor slot, like the Dastana
Pathfinder Material that doesn't appear in 3.5

Furthermore, I am for the moment not including Exotic armors in the tables below. They will come in a later update.

Bolded answers gnome twist cloth.

2016-06-03, 11:11 AM
I'm not aware of a mechanical reason why someone would want to wear heavier armor if they can get the same AC for less GP if they go to a lighter one. Do you have something in mind?
Some class abilities depend on heavy armour, I think. I know there's definitely a feat in RoS, Deflective Armour, that adds your armour bonus to touch AC while psionically focused. It only works when wearing heavy armour (presumably, that means mithral is not an option, too).

I feel like there's something wrong with your program - for total ac, for dex mod of 10, it lists bracers of armor +1 through +6 as the cheapest option, but gnome twist cloth should be there instead. For example, +5 gnome twist cloth gives +6 ac for 25450, which beats out the bracers of armor +6 by about 10.5K, which is a pretty substantial amount.
As per the OP, exotic armours are not included, and the twist cloth requires Exotic Armour Proficiency to use.

Fuzzy McCoy
2016-06-03, 12:08 PM
Ah, whoops, reading fail right there. Perhaps though, Bakkan, you could take out the exotic armors out of the "Armors in the Program" list, until you're ready to fully add them in? Maybe put them in a to be considered category?

2016-06-03, 12:59 PM
So you know, I've already used this to put some armor on a boss of mine that needed some 0% ASF :smallbiggrin:

2016-06-03, 01:39 PM
Update: Based on feedback I am expanding the scope of this project to address as many people's needs as possible. The OP now has a list of topics that will have links to the relevant posts as I fill them in.

How about a list for druid ok armors?

Also I think seige beetles can be crafted into armor. Dont remember anything more than that though.

Both have been coded and will be used as I expand the lists.

This is great. There's a similar guide I've used a few times but this is far more extensive.

I would like to see a list of 'other' armor bonuses including shields, dex boosts, deflection, and natty armor too but I'm sure I'll be using this either way.

I'd love to have a comprehensive AC guide eventually, I feel like this is a good first step.

What about specific magical armors? Specifically, celestial/millennial chainmail. If you have a dex mod of 7 to 12, these beat out just about any other armor.

Since specific armors have no way to be upgraded (usually) I did not include them. If there is enough interest I can try to include them.

Some class abilities depend on heavy armour, I think. I know there's definitely a feat in RoS, Deflective Armour, that adds your armour bonus to touch AC while psionically focused. It only works when wearing heavy armour (presumably, that means mithral is not an option, too).

Some of the lists are now "Exact Weight", which means they will only list armors of the weight in the title.

Ah, whoops, reading fail right there. Perhaps though, Bakkan, you could take out the exotic armors out of the "Armors in the Program" list, until you're ready to fully add them in? Maybe put them in a to be considered category?

I've broken up the lists into Exotic and Non-Exotic, so that should hopefully clear up the question.

So you know, I've already used this to put some armor on a boss of mine that needed some 0% ASF :smallbiggrin:

Glad I could help! Which armor did you wind up using?

2016-06-03, 01:56 PM
Glad I could help! Which armor did you wind up using?

+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt. It's approximately the amount of wealth I wanted to use for armour, and having 0 ACP makes it more likely that my PC wizard will use it after/if they defeat the boss.

2016-06-03, 02:02 PM
The Best AC for the GP, No Exotic Armor, Druid-Friendly, No Penalty

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Studded Leather Armor25
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+1 Blue Ice Chainmail4300
20+2 Blue Ice Chainmail7300
21+3 Blue Ice Chainmail12300
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Studded Leather Armor25
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+1 Blue Ice Breastplate4350
21+2 Blue Ice Breastplate7350
22+3 Blue Ice Breastplate12350
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
22+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
23+4 Blue Ice Chain Shirt17000
24+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt26000
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+3 Sharkskin Armor9235
23+4 Sharkskin Armor16235
24+5 Sharkskin Armor25235
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+3 Sharkskin Armor9235
23+4 Sharkskin Armor16235
24+5 Sharkskin Armor25235
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+2 Padded Armor4155
22+3 Padded Armor9155
23+4 Padded Armor16155
24+5 Padded Armor25155
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
12Padded Armor5
13Leather Armor10
14Hide Armor15
15Chitin Armor75
16Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
17+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
18+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
19Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
13Padded Armor5
14Leather Armor10
15Hide Armor15
16Chitin Armor75
17Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
18+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
19+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
20Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Hide Armor15
17Chitin Armor75
18Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
19+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
20+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
22+3 Chitin Breastplate9700
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
22+3 Chitin Breastplate9700
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+3 Sharkskin Armor9235
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+3 Sharkskin Armor9235
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+2 Padded Armor4155
22+3 Padded Armor9155
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Bracers of Armor +11000
23Bracers of Armor +24000
24Bracers of Armor +39000
25Bracers of Armor +416000
26Bracers of Armor +525000
27Bracers of Armor +636000
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
12Padded Armor5
13Leather Armor10
14Hide Armor15
15Chitin Armor75
16Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
17Stone Plate750
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
21+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
13Padded Armor5
14Leather Armor10
15Hide Armor15
16Chitin Armor75
17Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Hide Armor15
17Chitin Armor75
18Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
19+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+2 Padded Armor4155
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Bracers of Armor +11000
23Bracers of Armor +24000
24Bracers of Armor +39000
25Bracers of Armor +416000
26Bracers of Armor +525000
27Bracers of Armor +636000
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Cheapest Armor with 0% Arcane Spell Failure Chance, Exotic Armor, Not Druid-Friendly, Exact Weight

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
20+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
21+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
22+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
23+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
24+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate21550
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate30550

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Sectioned Armor (Fully Reduced)8250
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Sectioned Armor (Fully Reduced)8250
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Sectioned Armor (Fully Reduced)8250
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
21+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
22+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
23+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Hide Armor5265
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Scale Mail5550
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate5700
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate10700
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate17700
22+1 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate15850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate20850
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate27850
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate36850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Shell Armor5275
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Hide Armor5265
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate5700
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate5950
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate10950
22+1 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate15850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate20850
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate27850
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate36850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Shell Armor5275
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Hide Armor5265
19+1 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor5405
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate5950
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate10950
22+1 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate15850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate20850
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate27850
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate36850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Shell Armor5275
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Hide Armor5265
19+1 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor5405
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate5950
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate10950
22+1 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate15850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate20850
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate27850
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate36850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

There are no such heavy armors.

2016-06-03, 02:11 PM
The Best AC for the GP, Non-Exotic, Druid-Friendly, Maximum Weight

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Studded Leather Armor25
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+1 Blue Ice Chainmail4300
20+2 Blue Ice Chainmail7300
21+3 Blue Ice Chainmail12300
22+4 Blue Ice Chainmail19300
23+5 Blue Ice Chainmail28300

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Studded Leather Armor25
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+1 Blue Ice Breastplate4350
21+2 Blue Ice Breastplate7350
22+3 Blue Ice Breastplate12350
23+4 Blue Ice Breastplate19350
24+5 Blue Ice Breastplate28350

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
22+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
23+4 Blue Ice Chain Shirt17000
24+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt26000
25+5 Blue Ice Breastplate of Nimbleness39350

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+3 Sharkskin Armor9235
23+4 Sharkskin Armor16235
24+5 Sharkskin Armor25235
25+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37000

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+3 Sharkskin Armor9235
23+4 Sharkskin Armor16235
24+5 Sharkskin Armor25235
25+5 Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness36235

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+2 Padded Armor4155
22+3 Padded Armor9155
23+4 Padded Armor16155
24+5 Padded Armor25155
25+5 Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness36235
26Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
12Padded Armor5
13Leather Armor10
14Hide Armor15
15Chitin Armor75
16Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
17+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
18+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
19Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
13Padded Armor5
14Leather Armor10
15Hide Armor15
16Chitin Armor75
17Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
18+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
19+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
20Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Hide Armor15
17Chitin Armor75
18Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
19+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
20+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
22+3 Chitin Breastplate9700
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
22+3 Chitin Breastplate9700
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+3 Sharkskin Armor9235
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+3 Sharkskin Armor9235
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+2 Padded Armor4155
22+3 Padded Armor9155
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Bracers of Armor +11000
23Bracers of Armor +24000
24Bracers of Armor +39000
25Bracers of Armor +416000
26Bracers of Armor +525000
27Bracers of Armor +636000
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
12Padded Armor5
13Leather Armor10
14Hide Armor15
15Chitin Armor75
16Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
17Stone Plate750
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
21+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
13Padded Armor5
14Leather Armor10
15Hide Armor15
16Chitin Armor75
17Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Hide Armor15
17Chitin Armor75
18Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
19+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+2 Padded Armor4155
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Bracers of Armor +11000
23Bracers of Armor +24000
24Bracers of Armor +39000
25Bracers of Armor +416000
26Bracers of Armor +525000
27Bracers of Armor +636000
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Cheapest Armor with 0% Arcane Spell Failure Chance, Exotic Armor, Druid-Friendly, Exact Weight

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Feycraft Padded Armor505
16Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
17Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
19+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
20+1 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate8700
21+2 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate13700
22+3 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate20700
23+4 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate29700
24+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate40700

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
21+1 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate8950
22+2 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate13950
23+3 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate20950
24+4 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate29950
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate40950

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate40950
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+2 Feycraft Padded Armor4655
22+3 Feycraft Padded Armor9655
23+4 Feycraft Padded Armor16655
24+5 Feycraft Padded Armor25655
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
21+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
22+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
23+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
24+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
25+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Hide Armor5265
18+2 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Hide Armor10265
19+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
20+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
21+3 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate18050
22+4 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate27050
23+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate38050
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Living Coral53250

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Shell Armor5275
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Hide Armor5265
19+2 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Hide Armor10265
20+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
21+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
22+3 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate18050
23+4 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate27050
24+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate38050
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Living Coral of Nimbleness66250

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Shell Armor5275
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Hide Armor5265
19+1 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor5405
20+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
21+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
22+3 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate18050
23+4 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate27050
24+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate38050
25+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate of Nimbleness51050

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Shell Armor5275
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Hide Armor5265
19+1 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor5405
20+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
21+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
22+3 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate18050
23+4 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate27050
24+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate38050
25+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate of Nimbleness51050

There are no such heavy armors.

2016-06-03, 02:20 PM
The Best AC for the GP, Exotic Armor, Not Druid-Friendly, Exact Weight

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Studded Leather Armor25
17Chain Shirt100
18+1 Chain Shirt1250
19+2 Chain Shirt4250
20+2 Blue Ice Chainmail7300
21+3 Blue Ice Chainmail12300
22+4 Blue Ice Chainmail19300
23+5 Blue Ice Chainmail28300

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Studded Leather Armor25
18Chain Shirt100
19+1 Chain Shirt1250
20+2 Chain Shirt4250
21+2 Blue Ice Breastplate7350
22+3 Blue Ice Breastplate12350
23+4 Blue Ice Breastplate19350
24+5 Blue Ice Breastplate28350

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+1 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate4600
22+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate7600
23+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate12600
24+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate19600
25+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate28600

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate20450
26+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate29450

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate20450
26+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate29450
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate20450
26+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate29450
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Gnome Twist Cloth150
21+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
22+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate20450
26+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate29450
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Gnome Twist Cloth150
22+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
23+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
24+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
25+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
26+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Gnome Twist Cloth150
23+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
24+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
25+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
26+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
27+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
14Hide Armor15
15Scale Mail50
17+1 Chainmail1300
18+2 Chainmail4300
19Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
15Hide Armor15
16Scale Mail50
18+1 Chainmail1300
19+2 Chainmail4300
20Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
16Hide Armor15
17Scale Mail50
19+1 Breastplate1350
20+2 Breastplate4350
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Tumbler's Breastplate450
20+1 Tumbler's Breastplate1600
21+2 Tumbler's Breastplate4600
22+3 Tumbler's Breastplate9600
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Tumbler's Breastplate450
20+1 Tumbler's Breastplate1600
21+2 Tumbler's Breastplate4600
22+3 Tumbler's Breastplate9600
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Tumbler's Breastplate450
20+1 Tumbler's Breastplate1600
21+2 Tumbler's Breastplate4600
22+3 Tumbler's Breastplate9600
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Chitin Armor75
19Tumbler's Breastplate450
20+1 Tumbler's Breastplate1600
21+2 Tumbler's Breastplate4600
22+3 Tumbler's Breastplate9600
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Tumbler's Breastplate450
20+1 Tumbler's Breastplate1600
21+2 Tumbler's Breastplate4600
22+3 Tumbler's Breastplate9600
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20+1 Tumbler's Breastplate1600
21+2 Tumbler's Breastplate4600
22+3 Tumbler's Breastplate9600
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21+2 Tumbler's Breastplate4600
22+3 Tumbler's Breastplate9600
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22+3 Tumbler's Breastplate9600
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 12
Total ACArmorPrice
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 13
Total ACArmorPrice
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 14
Total ACArmorPrice
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 15
Total ACArmorPrice
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 16
Total ACArmorPrice
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 17
Total ACArmorPrice
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 0
Total ACArmorPrice
16Splint Mail200
17Half Plate600
18Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+4 Mechanus Gear17900
25+5 Mechanus Gear26900

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
16Splint Mail200
17Banded Mail250
18+1 Banded Mail1400
19Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+4 Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mountain Plate26400
26+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate35400

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
16Splint Mail200
17Banded Mail250
18+1 Banded Mail1400
19Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mountain Plate16250
25+3 Mithral Mountain Plate21250
26+4 Mithral Mountain Plate28250
27+5 Mithral Mountain Plate37250

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
16Splint Mail200
17Banded Mail250
18+1 Banded Mail1400
19Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mountain Plate16250
25+3 Mithral Mountain Plate21250
26+4 Mithral Mountain Plate28250
27+5 Mithral Mountain Plate37250
28+5 Mithral Mountain Plate of Nimbleness48250

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
16Splint Mail200
17Banded Mail250
18+1 Banded Mail1400
19Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mountain Plate16250
25+3 Mithral Mountain Plate21250
26+4 Mithral Mountain Plate28250
27+5 Mithral Mountain Plate37250
28+5 Mithral Mountain Plate of Nimbleness48250

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Splint Mail200
17Banded Mail250
18+1 Banded Mail1400
19Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mountain Plate16250
25+3 Mithral Mountain Plate21250
26+4 Mithral Mountain Plate28250
27+5 Mithral Mountain Plate37250
28+5 Mithral Mountain Plate of Nimbleness48250

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Banded Mail250
18+1 Banded Mail1400
19Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mountain Plate16250
25+3 Mithral Mountain Plate21250
26+4 Mithral Mountain Plate28250
27+5 Mithral Mountain Plate37250
28+5 Mithral Mountain Plate of Nimbleness48250

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18+1 Banded Mail1400
19Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mountain Plate16250
25+3 Mithral Mountain Plate21250
26+4 Mithral Mountain Plate28250
27+5 Mithral Mountain Plate37250
28+5 Mithral Mountain Plate of Nimbleness48250

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mountain Plate16250
25+3 Mithral Mountain Plate21250
26+4 Mithral Mountain Plate28250
27+5 Mithral Mountain Plate37250
28+5 Mithral Mountain Plate of Nimbleness48250

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mountain Plate16250
25+3 Mithral Mountain Plate21250
26+4 Mithral Mountain Plate28250
27+5 Mithral Mountain Plate37250
28+5 Mithral Mountain Plate of Nimbleness48250

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mountain Plate16250
25+3 Mithral Mountain Plate21250
26+4 Mithral Mountain Plate28250
27+5 Mithral Mountain Plate37250
28+5 Mithral Mountain Plate of Nimbleness48250

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mountain Plate16250
25+3 Mithral Mountain Plate21250
26+4 Mithral Mountain Plate28250
27+5 Mithral Mountain Plate37250
28+5 Mithral Mountain Plate of Nimbleness48250

Dex Mod: 12
Total ACArmorPrice
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mountain Plate16250
25+3 Mithral Mountain Plate21250
26+4 Mithral Mountain Plate28250
27+5 Mithral Mountain Plate37250
28+5 Mithral Mountain Plate of Nimbleness48250

Dex Mod: 13
Total ACArmorPrice
24+2 Mithral Mountain Plate16250
25+3 Mithral Mountain Plate21250
26+4 Mithral Mountain Plate28250
27+5 Mithral Mountain Plate37250
28+5 Mithral Mountain Plate of Nimbleness48250

Dex Mod: 14
Total ACArmorPrice
25+3 Mithral Mountain Plate21250
26+4 Mithral Mountain Plate28250
27+5 Mithral Mountain Plate37250
28+5 Mithral Mountain Plate of Nimbleness48250

Dex Mod: 15
Total ACArmorPrice
26+4 Mithral Mountain Plate28250
27+5 Mithral Mountain Plate37250
28+5 Mithral Mountain Plate of Nimbleness48250

Dex Mod: 16
Total ACArmorPrice
27+5 Mithral Mountain Plate37250
28+5 Mithral Mountain Plate of Nimbleness48250

Dex Mod: 17
Total ACArmorPrice
28+5 Mithral Mountain Plate of Nimbleness48250

2016-06-03, 03:21 PM
Best AC for the GP, Exotic Armor, Not Druid-Friendly, Maximum Weight

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Studded Leather Armor25
17Chain Shirt100
18+1 Chain Shirt1250
19+2 Chain Shirt4250
20+2 Blue Ice Chainmail7300
21+3 Blue Ice Chainmail12300
22+4 Blue Ice Chainmail19300
23+5 Blue Ice Chainmail28300

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Studded Leather Armor25
18Chain Shirt100
19+1 Chain Shirt1250
20+2 Chain Shirt4250
21+2 Blue Ice Breastplate7350
22+3 Blue Ice Breastplate12350
23+4 Blue Ice Breastplate19350
24+5 Blue Ice Breastplate28350

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+1 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate4600
22+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate7600
23+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate12600
24+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate19600
25+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate28600

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate20450
26+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate29450

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate20450
26+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate29450
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate20450
26+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate29450
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Gnome Twist Cloth150
21+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
22+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate20450
26+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate29450
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Gnome Twist Cloth150
22+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
23+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
24+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
25+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
26+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Gnome Twist Cloth150
23+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
24+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
25+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
26+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
27+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
12Padded Armor5
13Leather Armor10
14Hide Armor15
15Scale Mail50
17+1 Chainmail1300
18+2 Chainmail4300
19Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
13Padded Armor5
14Leather Armor10
15Hide Armor15
16Scale Mail50
18+1 Chainmail1300
19+2 Chainmail4300
20Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Hide Armor15
17Scale Mail50
19+1 Breastplate1350
20+2 Breastplate4350
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Tumbler's Breastplate450
20+1 Tumbler's Breastplate1600
21+2 Tumbler's Breastplate4600
22+3 Tumbler's Breastplate9600
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Tumbler's Breastplate450
20+1 Tumbler's Breastplate1600
21+2 Tumbler's Breastplate4600
22+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate7600
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Gnome Twist Cloth150
21+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
22+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Gnome Twist Cloth150
22+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
23+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
24+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
25+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
26+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Gnome Twist Cloth150
23+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
24+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
25+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
26+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
27+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 12
Total ACArmorPrice
23Gnome Twist Cloth150
24+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
25+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
26+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
27+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
28+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
29Bracers of Armor +749000
30Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 0
Total ACArmorPrice
11Padded Armor5
12Leather Armor10
13Hide Armor15
14Scale Mail50
16Splint Mail200
17Half Plate600
18Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+4 Mechanus Gear17900
25+5 Mechanus Gear26900

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
12Padded Armor5
13Leather Armor10
14Hide Armor15
15Scale Mail50
17Banded Mail250
18+1 Banded Mail1400
19Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+4 Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
13Padded Armor5
14Leather Armor10
15Hide Armor15
16Scale Mail50
18+1 Chainmail1300
19Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Hide Armor15
17Scale Mail50
19+1 Breastplate1350
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Tumbler's Breastplate450
20+1 Tumbler's Breastplate1600
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Tumbler's Breastplate450
20+1 Tumbler's Breastplate1600
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Gnome Twist Cloth150
21+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
22+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Gnome Twist Cloth150
22+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
23+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
24+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
25+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
26+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Gnome Twist Cloth150
23+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
24+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
25+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
26+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
27+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 12
Total ACArmorPrice
23Gnome Twist Cloth150
24+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
25+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
26+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
27+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
28+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
29Bracers of Armor +749000
30Bracers of Armor +864000

2016-06-03, 03:25 PM
Best AC for the GP, Exotic Armor, Not Druid-Friendly, No Penalty

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Studded Leather Armor25
17Chain Shirt100
18+1 Chain Shirt1250
19+2 Chain Shirt4250
20+2 Blue Ice Chainmail7300
21+3 Blue Ice Chainmail12300
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Studded Leather Armor25
18Chain Shirt100
19+1 Chain Shirt1250
20+2 Chain Shirt4250
21+2 Blue Ice Breastplate7350
22+3 Blue Ice Breastplate12350
23+1 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness16000
24+2 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness21000
25+3 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness28000
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+1 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate4600
22+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate7600
23+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate12600
24+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate19600
25+3 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness28000
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate20450
26+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate29450
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate20450
26+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate29450
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate20450
26+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate29450
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Gnome Twist Cloth150
21+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
22+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate20450
26+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate29450
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Gnome Twist Cloth150
22+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
23+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
24+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
25+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
26+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Gnome Twist Cloth150
23+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
24+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
25+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
26+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
27+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
12Padded Armor5
13Leather Armor10
14Hide Armor15
15Scale Mail50
17+1 Chainmail1300
18+2 Chainmail4300
19Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
13Padded Armor5
14Leather Armor10
15Hide Armor15
16Scale Mail50
18+1 Chainmail1300
19+2 Chainmail4300
20Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Hide Armor15
17Scale Mail50
19+1 Breastplate1350
20+2 Breastplate4350
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Tumbler's Breastplate450
20+1 Tumbler's Breastplate1600
21+2 Tumbler's Breastplate4600
22+3 Tumbler's Breastplate9600
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Tumbler's Breastplate450
20+1 Tumbler's Breastplate1600
21+2 Tumbler's Breastplate4600
22+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate7600
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Gnome Twist Cloth150
21+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
22+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Gnome Twist Cloth150
22+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
23+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
24+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
25+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
26+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Gnome Twist Cloth150
23+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
24+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
25+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
26+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
27+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 12
Total ACArmorPrice
23Gnome Twist Cloth150
24+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
25+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
26+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
27+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
28+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
29Bracers of Armor +749000
30Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 0
Total ACArmorPrice
11Padded Armor5
12Leather Armor10
13Hide Armor15
14Scale Mail50
16Splint Mail200
17Half Plate600
18Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+4 Mechanus Gear17900
25+5 Mechanus Gear26900

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
12Padded Armor5
13Leather Armor10
14Hide Armor15
15Scale Mail50
17Banded Mail250
18+1 Banded Mail1400
19Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+4 Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
13Padded Armor5
14Leather Armor10
15Hide Armor15
16Scale Mail50
18+1 Chainmail1300
19Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Hide Armor15
17Scale Mail50
19+1 Breastplate1350
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Tumbler's Breastplate450
20+1 Tumbler's Breastplate1600
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Tumbler's Breastplate450
20+1 Tumbler's Breastplate1600
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+2 Mechanus Gear5900
23+3 Mechanus Gear10900
24+2 Mithral Mechanus Gear14750
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Gnome Twist Cloth150
21+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
22+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
23+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate8450
24+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate13450
25+3 Mithral Mechanus Gear19750
26+4 Mithral Mechanus Gear26750
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Gnome Twist Cloth150
22+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
23+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
24+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
25+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
26+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
27+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear35750
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Gnome Twist Cloth150
23+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
24+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
25+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
26+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
27+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
28+5 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness46750
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 12
Total ACArmorPrice
23Gnome Twist Cloth150
24+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
25+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
26+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
27+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
28+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
29Bracers of Armor +749000
30Bracers of Armor +864000

2016-06-03, 03:29 PM
Best AC for the GP, Exotic Armor, Druid-Friendly, No Penalty

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Studded Leather Armor25
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+1 Blue Ice Chainmail4300
20+2 Blue Ice Chainmail7300
21+3 Blue Ice Chainmail12300
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Studded Leather Armor25
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+1 Blue Ice Breastplate4350
21+2 Blue Ice Breastplate7350
22+3 Blue Ice Breastplate12350
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+1 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate4600
22+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate7600
23+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate12600
24+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate19600
25+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate28600
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate7600
23+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate12600
24+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate19600
25+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate28600
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate7600
23+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate12600
24+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate19600
25+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate28600
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+2 Padded Armor4155
22+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate7600
23+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate12600
24+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate19600
25+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate28600
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Gnome Twist Cloth150
21+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
22+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
23+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
24+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
25+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Gnome Twist Cloth150
22+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
23+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
24+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
25+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
26+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
12Padded Armor5
13Leather Armor10
14Hide Armor15
15Chitin Armor75
16Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
17+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
18+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
19Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
13Padded Armor5
14Leather Armor10
15Hide Armor15
16Chitin Armor75
17Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
18+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
19+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
20Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Hide Armor15
17Chitin Armor75
18Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
19+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
20+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
22+3 Chitin Breastplate9700
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate4600
22+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate7600
23+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate12600
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate7600
23+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate12600
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate7600
23+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate12600
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+2 Padded Armor4155
22+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate7600
23+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate12600
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Gnome Twist Cloth150
21+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
22+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
23+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
24+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Gnome Twist Cloth150
22+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
23+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
24+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
25+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
26+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Gnome Twist Cloth150
23+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
24+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
25+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
26+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
27+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
12Padded Armor5
13Leather Armor10
14Hide Armor15
15Chitin Armor75
16Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
17Stone Plate750
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
21+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
13Padded Armor5
14Leather Armor10
15Hide Armor15
16Chitin Armor75
17Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Hide Armor15
17Chitin Armor75
18Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
19+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+2 Padded Armor4155
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Gnome Twist Cloth150
21+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
22+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
23+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
24+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Gnome Twist Cloth150
22+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
23+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
24+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
25+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
26+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Gnome Twist Cloth150
23+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
24+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
25+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
26+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
27+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

2016-06-03, 03:33 PM
Best AC for the GP, Exotic Armor, Druid-Friendly, Maximum Weight

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Studded Leather Armor25
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+1 Blue Ice Chainmail4300
20+2 Blue Ice Chainmail7300
21+3 Blue Ice Chainmail12300
22+4 Blue Ice Chainmail19300
23+5 Blue Ice Chainmail28300

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Studded Leather Armor25
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+1 Blue Ice Breastplate4350
21+2 Blue Ice Breastplate7350
22+3 Blue Ice Breastplate12350
23+4 Blue Ice Breastplate19350
24+5 Blue Ice Breastplate28350

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+1 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate4600
22+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate7600
23+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate12600
24+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate19600
25+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate28600

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate7600
23+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate12600
24+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate19600
25+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate28600
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate7600
23+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate12600
24+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate19600
25+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate28600
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+2 Padded Armor4155
22+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate7600
23+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate12600
24+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate19600
25+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate28600
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Gnome Twist Cloth150
21+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
22+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
23+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
24+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
25+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Gnome Twist Cloth150
22+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
23+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
24+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
25+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
26+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
12Padded Armor5
13Leather Armor10
14Hide Armor15
15Chitin Armor75
16Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
17+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
18+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
19Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
13Padded Armor5
14Leather Armor10
15Hide Armor15
16Chitin Armor75
17Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
18+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
19+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
20Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Hide Armor15
17Chitin Armor75
18Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
19+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
20+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
22+3 Chitin Breastplate9700
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate4600
22+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate7600
23+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate12600
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate7600
23+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate12600
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate7600
23+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate12600
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+2 Padded Armor4155
22+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate7600
23+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate12600
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Gnome Twist Cloth150
21+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
22+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
23+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
24+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Gnome Twist Cloth150
22+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
23+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
24+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
25+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
26+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Gnome Twist Cloth150
23+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
24+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
25+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
26+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
27+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
12Padded Armor5
13Leather Armor10
14Hide Armor15
15Chitin Armor75
16Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
17Stone Plate750
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
21+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
13Padded Armor5
14Leather Armor10
15Hide Armor15
16Chitin Armor75
17Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Hide Armor15
17Chitin Armor75
18Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
19+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+2 Padded Armor4155
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Gnome Twist Cloth150
21+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
22+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
23+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
24+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Gnome Twist Cloth150
22+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
23+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
24+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
25+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
26+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Gnome Twist Cloth150
23+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
24+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
25+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
26+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
27+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

2016-06-03, 03:36 PM
Best AC for the GP, Exotic Armor, Druid-Friendly, Exact Weight

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Studded Leather Armor25
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+1 Blue Ice Chainmail4300
20+2 Blue Ice Chainmail7300
21+3 Blue Ice Chainmail12300
22+4 Blue Ice Chainmail19300
23+5 Blue Ice Chainmail28300

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Studded Leather Armor25
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+1 Blue Ice Breastplate4350
21+2 Blue Ice Breastplate7350
22+3 Blue Ice Breastplate12350
23+4 Blue Ice Breastplate19350
24+5 Blue Ice Breastplate28350

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+1 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate4600
22+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate7600
23+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate12600
24+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate19600
25+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate28600

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate7600
23+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate12600
24+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate19600
25+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate28600
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate7600
23+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate12600
24+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate19600
25+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate28600
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+2 Padded Armor4155
22+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate7600
23+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate12600
24+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate19600
25+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate28600
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Gnome Twist Cloth150
21+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
22+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
23+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
24+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
25+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Gnome Twist Cloth150
22+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
23+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
24+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
25+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
26+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
14Hide Armor15
15Chitin Armor75
16Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
17+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
18+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
19Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
15Hide Armor15
16Chitin Armor75
17Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
18+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
19+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
20Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
16Hide Armor15
17Chitin Armor75
18Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
19+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
20+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
22+3 Chitin Breastplate9700
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
22+3 Chitin Breastplate9700
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
22+3 Chitin Breastplate9700
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
22+3 Chitin Breastplate9700
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
22+3 Chitin Breastplate9700
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
22+3 Chitin Breastplate9700
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
22+3 Chitin Breastplate9700
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22+3 Chitin Breastplate9700
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 12
Total ACArmorPrice
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 13
Total ACArmorPrice
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 14
Total ACArmorPrice
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 15
Total ACArmorPrice
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 16
Total ACArmorPrice
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
16Wildwood Splint Mail700
17Stone Plate750
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
21+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
22+1 Blue Ice Mountain Plate11400
23+2 Blue Ice Mountain Plate14400
24+3 Blue Ice Mountain Plate19400
25+4 Blue Ice Mountain Plate26400
26+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate35400

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
16Wildwood Splint Mail700
17Stone Plate750
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+4 Chitin Full Plate19300
25+4 Blue Ice Mountain Plate26400
26+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate35400
27+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate of Nimbleness46400

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
16Wildwood Splint Mail700
17Stone Plate750
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+4 Chitin Full Plate19300
25+4 Blue Ice Mountain Plate26400
26+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate35400
27+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate of Nimbleness46400

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
16Wildwood Splint Mail700
17Stone Plate750
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+4 Chitin Full Plate19300
25+4 Blue Ice Mountain Plate26400
26+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate35400
27+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate of Nimbleness46400

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Wildwood Splint Mail700
17Stone Plate750
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+4 Chitin Full Plate19300
25+4 Blue Ice Mountain Plate26400
26+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate35400
27+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate of Nimbleness46400

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Stone Plate750
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+4 Chitin Full Plate19300
25+4 Blue Ice Mountain Plate26400
26+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate35400
27+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate of Nimbleness46400

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+4 Chitin Full Plate19300
25+4 Blue Ice Mountain Plate26400
26+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate35400
27+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate of Nimbleness46400

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+4 Chitin Full Plate19300
25+4 Blue Ice Mountain Plate26400
26+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate35400
27+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate of Nimbleness46400

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+4 Chitin Full Plate19300
25+4 Blue Ice Mountain Plate26400
26+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate35400
27+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate of Nimbleness46400

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+4 Chitin Full Plate19300
25+4 Blue Ice Mountain Plate26400
26+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate35400
27+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate of Nimbleness46400

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+4 Chitin Full Plate19300
25+4 Blue Ice Mountain Plate26400
26+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate35400
27+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate of Nimbleness46400

Dex Mod: 12
Total ACArmorPrice
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+4 Chitin Full Plate19300
25+4 Blue Ice Mountain Plate26400
26+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate35400
27+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate of Nimbleness46400

Dex Mod: 13
Total ACArmorPrice
24+4 Chitin Full Plate19300
25+4 Blue Ice Mountain Plate26400
26+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate35400
27+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate of Nimbleness46400

Dex Mod: 14
Total ACArmorPrice
25+4 Blue Ice Mountain Plate26400
26+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate35400
27+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate of Nimbleness46400

Dex Mod: 15
Total ACArmorPrice
26+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate35400
27+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate of Nimbleness46400

Dex Mod: 16
Total ACArmorPrice
27+5 Blue Ice Mountain Plate of Nimbleness46400

2016-06-03, 03:40 PM
Best AC for the GP, No Exotic Armor, Druid-Friendly, Exact Weight

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Studded Leather Armor25
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+1 Blue Ice Chainmail4300
20+2 Blue Ice Chainmail7300
21+3 Blue Ice Chainmail12300
22+4 Blue Ice Chainmail19300
23+5 Blue Ice Chainmail28300

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Studded Leather Armor25
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+1 Blue Ice Breastplate4350
21+2 Blue Ice Breastplate7350
22+3 Blue Ice Breastplate12350
23+4 Blue Ice Breastplate19350
24+5 Blue Ice Breastplate28350

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
22+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
23+4 Blue Ice Chain Shirt17000
24+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt26000
25+5 Blue Ice Breastplate of Nimbleness39350

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+3 Sharkskin Armor9235
23+4 Sharkskin Armor16235
24+5 Sharkskin Armor25235
25+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37000

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+3 Sharkskin Armor9235
23+4 Sharkskin Armor16235
24+5 Sharkskin Armor25235
25+5 Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness36235

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+2 Padded Armor4155
22+3 Padded Armor9155
23+4 Padded Armor16155
24+5 Padded Armor25155
25+5 Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness36235

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Leafweave Padded Armor of Nimbleness36895

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Leafweave Padded Armor of Nimbleness36895

Dex Mod: 12
Total ACArmorPrice
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Leafweave Padded Armor of Nimbleness36895

Dex Mod: 13
Total ACArmorPrice
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Leafweave Padded Armor of Nimbleness36895

Dex Mod: 14
Total ACArmorPrice
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Leafweave Padded Armor of Nimbleness36895

Dex Mod: 15
Total ACArmorPrice
26+5 Leafweave Padded Armor of Nimbleness36895

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
14Hide Armor15
15Chitin Armor75
16Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
17+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
18+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
19Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
15Hide Armor15
16Chitin Armor75
17Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
18+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
19+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
20Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
16Hide Armor15
17Chitin Armor75
18Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
19+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
20+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
22+3 Chitin Breastplate9700
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
22+3 Chitin Breastplate9700
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
22+3 Chitin Breastplate9700
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
22+3 Chitin Breastplate9700
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
22+3 Chitin Breastplate9700
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
22+3 Chitin Breastplate9700
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21+2 Chitin Breastplate4700
22+3 Chitin Breastplate9700
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22+3 Chitin Breastplate9700
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 12
Total ACArmorPrice
23+2 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear12900
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 13
Total ACArmorPrice
24+3 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear17900
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 14
Total ACArmorPrice
25+4 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear24900
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 15
Total ACArmorPrice
26+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear33900
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 16
Total ACArmorPrice
27+5 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness44900

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
16Wildwood Splint Mail700
17Stone Plate750
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
21+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
22+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
23+4 Chitin Full Plate19300
24+5 Chitin Full Plate28300

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
16Wildwood Splint Mail700
17Stone Plate750
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+4 Chitin Full Plate19300
25+5 Chitin Full Plate28300

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
16Wildwood Splint Mail700
17Stone Plate750
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+4 Chitin Full Plate19300
25+5 Chitin Full Plate28300
26+5 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness39300

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
16Wildwood Splint Mail700
17Stone Plate750
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+4 Chitin Full Plate19300
25+5 Chitin Full Plate28300
26+5 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness39300

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Wildwood Splint Mail700
17Stone Plate750
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+4 Chitin Full Plate19300
25+5 Chitin Full Plate28300
26+5 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness39300

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Stone Plate750
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+4 Chitin Full Plate19300
25+5 Chitin Full Plate28300
26+5 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness39300

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+4 Chitin Full Plate19300
25+5 Chitin Full Plate28300
26+5 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness39300

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+4 Chitin Full Plate19300
25+5 Chitin Full Plate28300
26+5 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness39300

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+4 Chitin Full Plate19300
25+5 Chitin Full Plate28300
26+5 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness39300

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+4 Chitin Full Plate19300
25+5 Chitin Full Plate28300
26+5 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness39300

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22+2 Chitin Full Plate7300
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+4 Chitin Full Plate19300
25+5 Chitin Full Plate28300
26+5 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness39300

Dex Mod: 12
Total ACArmorPrice
23+3 Chitin Full Plate12300
24+4 Chitin Full Plate19300
25+5 Chitin Full Plate28300
26+5 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness39300

Dex Mod: 13
Total ACArmorPrice
24+4 Chitin Full Plate19300
25+5 Chitin Full Plate28300
26+5 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness39300

Dex Mod: 14
Total ACArmorPrice
25+5 Chitin Full Plate28300
26+5 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness39300

Dex Mod: 15
Total ACArmorPrice
26+5 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness39300

2016-06-05, 12:49 AM
Cheapest Armor with 0 ACP, No Exotic Armor, Not Druid-Friendly, No Penalty

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
20+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
21+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+1 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness16000
24+2 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness21000
25+3 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness28000
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
22+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
23+1 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness16000
24+2 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness21000
25+3 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness28000
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Bracers of Armor +11000
23Bracers of Armor +24000
24Bracers of Armor +39000
25Bracers of Armor +416000
26Bracers of Armor +525000
27Bracers of Armor +636000
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

2016-06-05, 12:53 AM
Cheapest Armor with 0 ACP, No Exotic Armor, Druid-Friendly, No Penalty

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
20+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
21+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
22+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
23+4 Blue Ice Chain Shirt17000
24+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt26000
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+3 Sharkskin Armor9235
23+4 Sharkskin Armor16235
24+5 Sharkskin Armor25235
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+3 Sharkskin Armor9235
23+4 Sharkskin Armor16235
24+5 Sharkskin Armor25235
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+2 Padded Armor4155
22+3 Padded Armor9155
23+4 Padded Armor16155
24+5 Padded Armor25155
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

2016-06-05, 01:00 AM
Cheapest Armor with 0% Arcane Spell Failure Chance, No Exotic Armor, Not Druid-Friendly, No Penalty

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
20+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
21+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
22+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
23+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
24+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate21550
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate30550

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate of Nimbleness41550

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Feycraft Padded Armor505
15Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
16Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
17Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
18+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate5700
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
22+1 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate15850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate20850
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate27850
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate36850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Feycraft Padded Armor505
16Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
17Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
18Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
19+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
20+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate20850
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate27850
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate36850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
20+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
21+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
22+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
23+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
24+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate21550
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate30550
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate of Nimbleness41550
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Feycraft Padded Armor505
15Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
16Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
17Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
18+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate5700
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
22+1 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate15850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate20850
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate27850
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate36850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Feycraft Padded Armor505
16Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
17Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
18Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
19+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
20+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate20850
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate27850
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate36850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
20+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
21+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
22+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
23+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
24+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate21550
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate30550
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate of Nimbleness41550
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

2016-06-05, 01:04 AM
Cheapest Armor with 0% Arcane Spell Failure Chance, No Exotic Armor, Druid-Friendly, No Penalty

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Feycraft Padded Armor505
16Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
17Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
19+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
20+1 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate8700
21+2 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate13700
22+3 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate20700
23+4 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate29700
24+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate40700

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
22+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
23+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
24+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt37750
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate of Nimbleness53700

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt of Nimbleness50750

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+2 Feycraft Padded Armor4655
22+3 Feycraft Padded Armor9655
23+4 Feycraft Padded Armor16655
24+5 Feycraft Padded Armor25655
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Feycraft Padded Armor505
15Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
16Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
18+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
19+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
20+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
21+3 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate18050
22+4 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate27050
23+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate38050
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Living Coral53250

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Feycraft Padded Armor505
16Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
17Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
19+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
20+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
21+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
22+3 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate18050
23+4 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate27050
24+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate38050
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Living Coral of Nimbleness66250

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
22+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
23+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
24+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt37750
25+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate of Nimbleness51050

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt of Nimbleness50750

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+2 Feycraft Padded Armor4655
22+3 Feycraft Padded Armor9655
23+4 Feycraft Padded Armor16655
24+5 Feycraft Padded Armor25655
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Feycraft Padded Armor505
15Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
16Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
18+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
19+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
20+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
21+3 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate18050
22+4 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate27050
23+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate38050
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Living Coral53250

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Feycraft Padded Armor505
16Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
17Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
19+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
20+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
21+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
22+3 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate18050
23+4 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate27050
24+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate38050
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Living Coral of Nimbleness66250

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
22+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
23+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
24+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt37750
25+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate of Nimbleness51050

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt of Nimbleness50750

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+2 Feycraft Padded Armor4655
22+3 Feycraft Padded Armor9655
23+4 Feycraft Padded Armor16655
24+5 Feycraft Padded Armor25655
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

2016-06-05, 01:06 AM
Cheapest Armor with 0 Armor Check Penalty and 0% Arcane Spell Failure Chance, No Exotic Armors, Druid-Friendly, No Penalty

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
22+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
23+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
24+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt37750
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate of Nimbleness53700

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt of Nimbleness50750

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Leafweave Leather Armor1250
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+2 Feycraft Padded Armor4655
22+3 Feycraft Padded Armor9655
23+4 Feycraft Padded Armor16655
24+5 Feycraft Padded Armor25655
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

2016-06-05, 01:07 AM
Cheapest Armor with 0 Armor Check Penalty and 0% Arcane Spell Failure Chance, No Exotic Armors, Not Druid-Friendly, No Penalty

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate of Nimbleness41550

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Leafweave Leather Armor1250
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

2016-06-05, 01:10 AM
You should add blue ice (Frostburn). It is cheaper than mithral for reducing armor category, and druid-friendly (because ice is not metal). There are also some druid-friendly armors in Stormwrack that you're missing, and chitin is a druid-friendly special material in Races of the Dragon that increases max Dex.

Is Arms & Equipment Guide intentionally omitted? There are a lot of modifiers in that book.

2016-06-05, 01:21 AM
You should add blue ice (Frostburn). It is cheaper than mithral for reducing armor category, and druid-friendly (because ice is not metal). There are also some druid-friendly armors in Stormwrack that you're missing, and chitin is a druid-friendly special material in Races of the Dragon that increases max Dex.

Is Arms & Equipment Guide intentionally omitted? There are a lot of modifiers in that book.

Blue ice, chitin, and the armors from stormwrack will be added immediately, and the previous posts will be updated after I do so.

For the moment I am ignoring all 3.0 sources, partially because of the "minor adjustments" that DMs are expected to make to 3.0 material to use in 3.5 games, which I can't predict. Eventually I hope to add those in and create a list of armors with all 3.0 material included for those who use them in their games.

EDIT: It amuses me that there are, so far, at least three different ways to wear chitin armor.

2016-06-05, 03:23 AM
Cheapest Armor with 0 Armor Check Penalty and 0% Arcane Spell Failure Chance, No Exotic Armor, Druid-Friendly, Maximum Weight

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
22+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
23+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
24+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt37750
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate of Nimbleness53700

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt of Nimbleness50750

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Leafweave Leather Armor1250
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+2 Feycraft Padded Armor4655
22+3 Feycraft Padded Armor9655
23+4 Feycraft Padded Armor16655
24+5 Feycraft Padded Armor25655
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
22+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
23+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
24+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt37750
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate of Nimbleness53700

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt of Nimbleness50750

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Leafweave Leather Armor1250
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+2 Feycraft Padded Armor4655
22+3 Feycraft Padded Armor9655
23+4 Feycraft Padded Armor16655
24+5 Feycraft Padded Armor25655
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
22+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
23+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
24+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt37750
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate of Nimbleness53700

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt of Nimbleness50750

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Leafweave Leather Armor1250
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+2 Feycraft Padded Armor4655
22+3 Feycraft Padded Armor9655
23+4 Feycraft Padded Armor16655
24+5 Feycraft Padded Armor25655
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

2016-06-05, 03:38 AM
I am just going to post this for some insane armor if you would like. This is not my work just something I happened to find.


2016-06-05, 05:32 AM
Cheapest Armor with 0% Arcane Spell Failure Chance, Exotic Armor, Not Druid-Friendly, No Penalty

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
20+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
21+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
22+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
23+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
24+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate21550
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate30550

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
21+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
22+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
23+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
22+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
23+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
24+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
25+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
26+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
23+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
24+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
25+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
26+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
27+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Feycraft Padded Armor505
15Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
16Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
17Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
18+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate5700
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
22+1 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate15850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate20850
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate27850
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate36850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Feycraft Padded Armor505
16Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
17Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
18Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
19+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
20+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate20850
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate27850
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate36850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
20+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
21+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
22+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
23+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
24+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate21550
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate30550
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
21+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
22+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
23+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
22+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
23+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
24+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
25+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
26+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
23+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
24+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
25+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
26+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
27+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Feycraft Padded Armor505
15Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
16Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
17Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
18+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate5700
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
22+1 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate15850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate20850
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate27850
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate36850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Feycraft Padded Armor505
16Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
17Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
18Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
19+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
20+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate20850
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate27850
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate36850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
20+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
21+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
22+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
23+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
24+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate21550
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate30550
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
21+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
22+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
23+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
22+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
23+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
24+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
25+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
26+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
23+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
24+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
25+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
26+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
27+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

2016-06-05, 05:40 AM
Cheapest Armor with 0 Armor Check Penalty and 0% Arcane Spell Failure Chance, Exotic Armor, Not Druid-Friendly, Maximum Weight

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate of Nimbleness41550

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Leafweave Leather Armor1250
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+1 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness9800
24+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness14800
25+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness21800
26+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+1 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness9800
24+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness14800
25+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness21800
26+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
21+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
22+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
23+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
24+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness14800
25+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness21800
26+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
22+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
23+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
24+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
25+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
26+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
23+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
24+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
25+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
26+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
27+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate of Nimbleness41550

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Leafweave Leather Armor1250
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+1 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness9800
24+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness14800
25+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness21800
26+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+1 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness9800
24+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness14800
25+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness21800
26+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
21+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
22+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
23+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
24+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness14800
25+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness21800
26+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
22+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
23+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
24+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
25+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
26+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
23+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
24+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
25+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
26+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
27+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate of Nimbleness41550

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Leafweave Leather Armor1250
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+1 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness9800
24+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness14800
25+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness21800
26+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+1 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness9800
24+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness14800
25+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness21800
26+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
21+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
22+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
23+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
24+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness14800
25+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness21800
26+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
22+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
23+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
24+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
25+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
26+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
23+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
24+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
25+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
26+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
27+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

2016-06-05, 05:43 AM
Cheapest Armor with 0 Armor Check Penalty and 0% Arcane Spell Failure Chance, Exotic Armor, Not Druid-Friendly, No Penalty

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate of Nimbleness41550

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Leafweave Leather Armor1250
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+1 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness9800
24+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness14800
25+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness21800
26+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+1 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness9800
24+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness14800
25+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness21800
26+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
21+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
22+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
23+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
24+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness14800
25+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness21800
26+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
22+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
23+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
24+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
25+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
26+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
23+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
24+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
25+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
26+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
27+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

2016-06-05, 05:47 AM
Cheapest Armor with 0 Armor Check Penalty and 0% Arcane Spell Failure Chance, Exotic Armor, Druid-Friendly, No Penalty

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
22+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
23+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
24+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt37750
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate of Nimbleness53700

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+4 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40950
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Leafweave Leather Armor1250
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+2 Feycraft Padded Armor4655
22+3 Feycraft Padded Armor9655
23+4 Feycraft Padded Armor16655
24+5 Feycraft Padded Armor25655
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
21+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
22+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
23+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
24+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
25+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

2016-06-05, 05:48 AM
Cheapest Armor with 0 Armor Check Penalty and 0% Arcane Spell Failure Chance, Exotic Armor, Druid-Friendly, Maximum Weight

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
22+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
23+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
24+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt37750
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate of Nimbleness53700

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+4 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40950
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Leafweave Leather Armor1250
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+2 Feycraft Padded Armor4655
22+3 Feycraft Padded Armor9655
23+4 Feycraft Padded Armor16655
24+5 Feycraft Padded Armor25655
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
21+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
22+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
23+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
24+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
25+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
22+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
23+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
24+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt37750
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate of Nimbleness53700

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+4 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40950
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Leafweave Leather Armor1250
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+2 Feycraft Padded Armor4655
22+3 Feycraft Padded Armor9655
23+4 Feycraft Padded Armor16655
24+5 Feycraft Padded Armor25655
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
21+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
22+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
23+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
24+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
25+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
22+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
23+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
24+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt37750
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate of Nimbleness53700

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+4 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40950
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Leafweave Leather Armor1250
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+2 Feycraft Padded Armor4655
22+3 Feycraft Padded Armor9655
23+4 Feycraft Padded Armor16655
24+5 Feycraft Padded Armor25655
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
21+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
22+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
23+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
24+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
25+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

2016-06-05, 05:51 AM
Cheapest Armor with 0 Armor Check Penalty and 0% Arcane Spell Failure Chance, Exotic Armor, Druid-Friendly, Exact Weight

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
22+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
23+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
24+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt37750
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate of Nimbleness53700

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+4 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40950
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Leafweave Leather Armor1250
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+2 Feycraft Padded Armor4655
22+3 Feycraft Padded Armor9655
23+4 Feycraft Padded Armor16655
24+5 Feycraft Padded Armor25655
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
21+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
22+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
23+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
24+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
25+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
18+1 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor5405
19+2 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor10405
20+3 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor17405
21+4 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor26405
22+5 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor37405

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Shell Armor of Nimbleness10275
19+1 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor5405
20+2 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor10405
21+3 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor17405
22+4 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor26405
23+5 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor37405

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Shell Armor of Nimbleness10275
19+1 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor5405
20+2 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor10405
21+3 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor17405
22+4 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor26405
23+5 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor37405
24+5 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor of Nimbleness50405

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Shell Armor of Nimbleness10275
19+1 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor5405
20+2 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor10405
21+3 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor17405
22+4 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor26405
23+5 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor37405
24+5 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor of Nimbleness50405

There are no such heavy armors.

2016-06-05, 05:52 AM
Cheapest Armor with 0 Armor Check Penalty and 0% Arcane Spell Failure Chance, Exotic Armor, Not Druid-Friendly, Exact Weight

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate of Nimbleness41550

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Leafweave Leather Armor1250
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+1 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness9800
24+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness14800
25+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness21800
26+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+1 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness9800
24+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness14800
25+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness21800
26+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
21+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
22+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
23+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
24+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness14800
25+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness21800
26+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
18+1 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor5405
19+2 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor10405
20+3 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor17405
21+4 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor26405
22+5 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor37405

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Shell Armor of Nimbleness10275
19+1 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor5405
20+2 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor10405
21+3 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor17405
22+4 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor26405
23+5 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor37405

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Shell Armor of Nimbleness10275
19+1 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor5405
20+2 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor10405
21+3 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor17405
22+4 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor26405
23+5 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor37405
24+5 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor of Nimbleness50405

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Shell Armor of Nimbleness10275
19+1 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor5405
20+2 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor10405
21+3 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor17405
22+4 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor26405
23+5 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor37405
24+5 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor of Nimbleness50405

There are no such heavy armors.

2016-06-05, 05:55 AM
Cheapest Armor with 0 Armor Check Penalty and 0% Arcane Spell Failure Chance, No Exotic Armor, Not Druid-Friendly, Exact Weight

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate of Nimbleness41550

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Leafweave Leather Armor1250
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+3 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt10850
24+4 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt17850
25+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt26850
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37850

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Leafweave Padded Armor of Nimbleness36895

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Leafweave Padded Armor of Nimbleness36895

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
18+1 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor5405
19+2 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor10405
20+3 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor17405
21+4 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor26405
22+5 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor37405

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Shell Armor of Nimbleness10275
19+1 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor5405
20+2 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor10405
21+3 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor17405
22+4 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor26405
23+5 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor37405

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Shell Armor of Nimbleness10275
19+1 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor5405
20+2 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor10405
21+3 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor17405
22+4 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor26405
23+5 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor37405
24+5 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor of Nimbleness50405

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Shell Armor of Nimbleness10275
19+1 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor5405
20+2 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor10405
21+3 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor17405
22+4 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor26405
23+5 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor37405
24+5 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor of Nimbleness50405

There are no such heavy armors.

2016-06-05, 05:56 AM
Cheapest Armor with 0 Armor Check Penalty and 0% Arcane Spell Failure Chance, No Exotic Armor, Druid-Friendly, Exact Weight

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
22+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
23+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
24+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt37750
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate of Nimbleness53700

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Masterwork Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1335
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt of Nimbleness50750

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Leafweave Leather Armor1250
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+2 Feycraft Padded Armor4655
22+3 Feycraft Padded Armor9655
23+4 Feycraft Padded Armor16655
24+5 Feycraft Padded Armor25655
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Leafweave Padded Armor of Nimbleness36895

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Leafweave Padded Armor of Nimbleness36895

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
18+1 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor5405
19+2 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor10405
20+3 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor17405
21+4 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor26405
22+5 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor37405

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Shell Armor of Nimbleness10275
19+1 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor5405
20+2 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor10405
21+3 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor17405
22+4 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor26405
23+5 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor37405

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Shell Armor of Nimbleness10275
19+1 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor5405
20+2 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor10405
21+3 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor17405
22+4 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor26405
23+5 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor37405
24+5 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor of Nimbleness50405

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Shell Armor of Nimbleness10275
19+1 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor5405
20+2 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor10405
21+3 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor17405
22+4 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor26405
23+5 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor37405
24+5 Feycraft Leafweave Twilight Hide Armor of Nimbleness50405

There are no such heavy armors.

2016-06-05, 09:46 AM
Cheapest Armor with 0 Armor Check Penalty, Exotic Armor, Not Druid-Friendly, Maximum Weight

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
20+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
21+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)15150
22+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)22150
23+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)31150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
21+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
22+4 Blue Ice Chain Shirt17000
23+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt26000
24+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)37000

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
22+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
23+4 Blue Ice Chain Shirt17000
24+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt26000
25+5 Blue Ice Breastplate of Nimbleness39350

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+1 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness8450
24+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness13450
25+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness20450
26+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness29450
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+1 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness8450
24+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness13450
25+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness20450
26+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness29450
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Gnome Twist Cloth150
21+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
22+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
23+1 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness8450
24+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness13450
25+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness20450
26+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness29450
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Gnome Twist Cloth150
22+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
23+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
24+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
25+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
26+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Gnome Twist Cloth150
23+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
24+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
25+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
26+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
27+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
20+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
21+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)15150
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
21+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+1 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness16000
24+2 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness21000
25+3 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness28000
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
22+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
23+1 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness16000
24+2 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness21000
25+3 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness28000
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+1 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness8450
24+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness13450
25+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness20450
26+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness29450
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+1 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness8450
24+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness13450
25+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness20450
26+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness29450
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Gnome Twist Cloth150
21+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
22+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
23+1 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness8450
24+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness13450
25+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness20450
26+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness29450
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Gnome Twist Cloth150
22+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
23+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
24+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
25+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
26+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Gnome Twist Cloth150
23+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
24+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
25+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
26+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
27+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
20+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
21+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)15150
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
21+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+1 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness16000
24+2 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness21000
25+3 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness28000
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
22+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
23+1 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness16000
24+2 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness21000
25+3 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness28000
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+1 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness8450
24+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness13450
25+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness20450
26+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness29450
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+1 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness8450
24+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness13450
25+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness20450
26+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness29450
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Gnome Twist Cloth150
21+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
22+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
23+1 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness8450
24+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness13450
25+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness20450
26+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness29450
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Gnome Twist Cloth150
22+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
23+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
24+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
25+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
26+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Gnome Twist Cloth150
23+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
24+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
25+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
26+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
27+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

2016-06-05, 09:47 AM
Cheapest Armor with 0 Armor Check Penalty, Exotic Armor, Not Druid-Friendly, No Penalty

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
20+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
21+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)15150
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
21+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+1 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness16000
24+2 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness21000
25+3 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness28000
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
22+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
23+1 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness16000
24+2 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness21000
25+3 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness28000
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+1 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness8450
24+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness13450
25+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness20450
26+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness29450
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+1 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness8450
24+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness13450
25+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness20450
26+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness29450
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Gnome Twist Cloth150
21+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
22+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
23+1 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness8450
24+2 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness13450
25+3 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness20450
26+4 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness29450
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Gnome Twist Cloth150
22+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
23+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
24+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
25+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
26+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
27+5 Mithral Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness40450
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Gnome Twist Cloth150
23+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
24+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
25+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
26+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
27+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

2016-06-05, 09:48 AM
Cheapest Armor with 0 Armor Check Penalty, Exotic Armor, Druid-Friendly, Maximum Weight

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
20+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
21+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)15150
22+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)22150
23+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)31150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
21+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
22+4 Blue Ice Chain Shirt17000
23+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt26000
24+5 Blue Ice Chainmail of Nimbleness39300

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
22+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
23+4 Blue Ice Chain Shirt17000
24+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt26000
25+5 Blue Ice Breastplate of Nimbleness39350

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+1 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness7600
23+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness12600
24+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness19600
25+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness28600
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+1 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness7600
23+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness12600
24+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness19600
25+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness28600
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+2 Padded Armor4155
22+1 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness7600
23+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness12600
24+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness19600
25+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness28600
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Gnome Twist Cloth150
21+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
22+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
23+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
24+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
25+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Gnome Twist Cloth150
22+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
23+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
24+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
25+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
26+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
20+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
21+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)15150
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
21+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
22+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
23+4 Blue Ice Chain Shirt17000
24+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt26000
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+1 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness7600
23+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness12600
24+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness19600
25+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness28600
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+1 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness7600
23+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness12600
24+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness19600
25+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness28600
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+2 Padded Armor4155
22+1 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness7600
23+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness12600
24+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness19600
25+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness28600
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Gnome Twist Cloth150
21+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
22+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
23+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
24+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
25+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Gnome Twist Cloth150
22+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
23+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
24+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
25+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
26+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
20+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
21+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)15150
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
21+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
22+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
23+4 Blue Ice Chain Shirt17000
24+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt26000
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+1 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness7600
23+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness12600
24+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness19600
25+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness28600
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+1 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness7600
23+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness12600
24+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness19600
25+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness28600
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+2 Padded Armor4155
22+1 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness7600
23+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness12600
24+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness19600
25+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness28600
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Gnome Twist Cloth150
21+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
22+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
23+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
24+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
25+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Gnome Twist Cloth150
22+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
23+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
24+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
25+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
26+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

2016-06-05, 09:50 AM
Cheapest Armor with 0 Armor Check Penalty, Exotic Armor, Druid-Friendly, No Penalty

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
20+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
21+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)15150
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
21+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
22+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
23+4 Blue Ice Chain Shirt17000
24+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt26000
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+1 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness7600
23+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness12600
24+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness19600
25+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness28600
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+1 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness7600
23+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness12600
24+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness19600
25+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness28600
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+2 Padded Armor4155
22+1 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness7600
23+2 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness12600
24+3 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness19600
25+4 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness28600
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Gnome Twist Cloth150
21+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
22+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
23+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
24+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
25+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
26+5 Blue Ice Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness39600
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Gnome Twist Cloth150
22+1 Gnome Twist Cloth1300
23+2 Gnome Twist Cloth4300
24+3 Gnome Twist Cloth9300
25+4 Gnome Twist Cloth16300
26+5 Gnome Twist Cloth25300
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

2016-06-05, 09:54 AM
Cheapest Armor with 0% Arcane Spell Failure Chance, No Exotic Armor, Druid-Friendly, Maximum Weight

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Feycraft Padded Armor505
16Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
17Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
19+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
20+1 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate8700
21+2 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate13700
22+3 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate20700
23+4 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate29700
24+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate40700

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
22+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
23+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
24+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt37750
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate of Nimbleness53700

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt of Nimbleness50750

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+2 Feycraft Padded Armor4655
22+3 Feycraft Padded Armor9655
23+4 Feycraft Padded Armor16655
24+5 Feycraft Padded Armor25655
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Feycraft Padded Armor505
15Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
16Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
18+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
19+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
20+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
21+3 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate18050
22+4 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate27050
23+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate38050
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Living Coral53250

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Feycraft Padded Armor505
16Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
17Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
19+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
20+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
21+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
22+3 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate18050
23+4 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate27050
24+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate38050
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Living Coral of Nimbleness66250

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
22+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
23+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
24+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt37750
25+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate of Nimbleness51050

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt of Nimbleness50750

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+2 Feycraft Padded Armor4655
22+3 Feycraft Padded Armor9655
23+4 Feycraft Padded Armor16655
24+5 Feycraft Padded Armor25655
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Feycraft Padded Armor505
15Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
16Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
18+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
19+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
20+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
21+3 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate18050
22+4 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate27050
23+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate38050
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Living Coral53250

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Feycraft Padded Armor505
16Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
17Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
19+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
20+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
21+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
22+3 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate18050
23+4 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate27050
24+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate38050
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Living Coral of Nimbleness66250

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
22+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
23+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
24+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt37750
25+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate of Nimbleness51050

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Thistledown Twilight Chain Shirt of Nimbleness50750

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+2 Feycraft Padded Armor4655
22+3 Feycraft Padded Armor9655
23+4 Feycraft Padded Armor16655
24+5 Feycraft Padded Armor25655
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

2016-06-05, 10:01 AM
Cheapest Armor with 0% Arcane Spell Failure Chance, Exotic Armor, Not Druid-Friendly, Maximum Weight

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
20+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
21+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
22+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
23+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
24+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate21550
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate30550

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
21+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
22+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
23+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
22+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
23+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
24+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
25+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
26+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
23+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
24+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
25+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
26+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
27+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Feycraft Padded Armor505
15Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
16Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
17Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
18+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate5700
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
22+1 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate15850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate20850
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate27850
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate36850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Feycraft Padded Armor505
16Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
17Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
18Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
19+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
20+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate20850
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate27850
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate36850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
20+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
21+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
22+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
23+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
24+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate21550
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate30550
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
21+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
22+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
23+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
22+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
23+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
24+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
25+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
26+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
23+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
24+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
25+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
26+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
27+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Feycraft Padded Armor505
15Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
16Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
17Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
18+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate5700
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
21+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
22+1 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate15850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate20850
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate27850
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate36850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Feycraft Padded Armor505
16Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
17Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
18Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
19+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
20+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate20850
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate27850
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate36850
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
20+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
21+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
22+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate9550
23+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate14550
24+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate21550
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Breastplate30550
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate47850
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Twilight Full Plate of Nimbleness60850

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt1850
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt2850
22+2 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Chain Shirt5850
23+2 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
21+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
22+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
23+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
24+3 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate14800
25+4 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate21800
26+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate30800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
22+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
23+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
24+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
25+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
26+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
27+5 Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Thistledown Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness41800
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
23+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
24+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
25+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
26+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
27+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

2016-06-05, 10:02 AM
Cheapest Armor with 0% Arcane Spell Failure Chance, Exotic Armor, Druid-Friendly, Maximum Weight

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Feycraft Padded Armor505
16Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
17Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
19+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
20+1 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate8700
21+2 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate13700
22+3 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate20700
23+4 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate29700
24+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate40700

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
21+1 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate8950
22+2 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate13950
23+3 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate20950
24+4 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate29950
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate40950

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate40950
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+2 Feycraft Padded Armor4655
22+3 Feycraft Padded Armor9655
23+4 Feycraft Padded Armor16655
24+5 Feycraft Padded Armor25655
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
21+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
22+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
23+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
24+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
25+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Feycraft Padded Armor505
15Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
16Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
18+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
19+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
20+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
21+3 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate18050
22+4 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate27050
23+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate38050
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Living Coral53250

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Feycraft Padded Armor505
16Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
17Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
19+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
20+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
21+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
22+3 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate18050
23+4 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate27050
24+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate38050
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Living Coral of Nimbleness66250

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
21+1 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate8950
22+2 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate13950
23+3 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate20950
24+4 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate29950
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate40950

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate40950
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+2 Feycraft Padded Armor4655
22+3 Feycraft Padded Armor9655
23+4 Feycraft Padded Armor16655
24+5 Feycraft Padded Armor25655
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
21+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
22+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
23+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
24+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
25+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Feycraft Padded Armor505
15Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
16Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
18+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
19+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
20+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
21+3 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate18050
22+4 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate27050
23+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate38050
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Living Coral53250

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Feycraft Padded Armor505
16Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
17Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
19+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
20+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
21+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
22+3 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate18050
23+4 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate27050
24+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate38050
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Living Coral of Nimbleness66250

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
21+1 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate8950
22+2 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate13950
23+3 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate20950
24+4 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate29950
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate40950

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate40950
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+2 Feycraft Padded Armor4655
22+3 Feycraft Padded Armor9655
23+4 Feycraft Padded Armor16655
24+5 Feycraft Padded Armor25655
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
21+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
22+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
23+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
24+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
25+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

2016-06-05, 10:04 AM
Cheapest Armor with 0% Arcane Spell Failure Chance, Exotic Armor, Druid-Friendly, No Penalty

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Feycraft Padded Armor505
16Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
17Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
19+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
20+1 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate8700
21+2 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate13700
22+3 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate20700
23+4 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate29700
24+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate40700

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
21+1 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate8950
22+2 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate13950
23+3 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate20950
24+4 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate29950
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate40950

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate40950
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+2 Feycraft Padded Armor4655
22+3 Feycraft Padded Armor9655
23+4 Feycraft Padded Armor16655
24+5 Feycraft Padded Armor25655
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
21+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
22+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
23+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
24+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
25+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Feycraft Padded Armor505
15Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
16Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
18+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
19+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
20+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
21+3 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate18050
22+4 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate27050
23+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate38050
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Living Coral53250

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Feycraft Padded Armor505
16Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
17Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
19+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
20+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
21+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
22+3 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate18050
23+4 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate27050
24+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate38050
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Living Coral of Nimbleness66250

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
21+1 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate8950
22+2 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate13950
23+3 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate20950
24+4 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate29950
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate40950

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate40950
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+2 Feycraft Padded Armor4655
22+3 Feycraft Padded Armor9655
23+4 Feycraft Padded Armor16655
24+5 Feycraft Padded Armor25655
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
21+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
22+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
23+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
24+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
25+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Feycraft Padded Armor505
15Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
16Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
17+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
18+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
19+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
20+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
21+3 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate18050
22+4 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate27050
23+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate38050
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Living Coral53250

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Feycraft Padded Armor505
16Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
17Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
18+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
19+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
20+1 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate6050
21+2 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate11050
22+3 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate18050
23+4 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate27050
24+5 Chitin Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Breastplate38050
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Twilight Living Coral of Nimbleness66250

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Feycraft Padded Armor505
17Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
18Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
19+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
20+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
21+1 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate8950
22+2 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate13950
23+3 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate20950
24+4 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate29950
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate40950

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Feycraft Padded Armor505
18Feycraft Githcraft Leather Armor1110
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate40950
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Feycraft Padded Armor505
19Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor1185
20+1 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor2335
21+2 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor5335
22+3 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor10335
23+4 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor17335
24+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor26335
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Feycraft Padded Armor505
20+1 Feycraft Padded Armor1655
21+2 Feycraft Padded Armor4655
22+3 Feycraft Padded Armor9655
23+4 Feycraft Padded Armor16655
24+5 Feycraft Padded Armor25655
25+5 Feycraft Githcraft Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness37335
26+5 Blue Ice Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Twilight Tumbler's Breastplate of Nimbleness53950

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth650
21+1 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth1800
22+2 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth4800
23+3 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth9800
24+4 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth16800
25+5 Feycraft Gnome Twist Cloth25800
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Cheapest Armor with 0 Armor Check Penalty, No Exotic Armor, Druid-Friendly, Exact Weight

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
20+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
21+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)15150
22+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)22150
23+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)31150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
21+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
22+4 Blue Ice Chain Shirt17000
23+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt26000
24+5 Blue Ice Chainmail of Nimbleness39300

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
22+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
23+4 Blue Ice Chain Shirt17000
24+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt26000
25+5 Blue Ice Breastplate of Nimbleness39350

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+3 Sharkskin Armor9235
23+4 Sharkskin Armor16235
24+5 Sharkskin Armor25235
25+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37000

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
17Masterwork Cord Armor165
18Padded Armor5
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+3 Sharkskin Armor9235
23+4 Sharkskin Armor16235
24+5 Sharkskin Armor25235
25+5 Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness36235

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
17Masterwork Cord Armor165
18Leather Armor10
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+2 Padded Armor4155
22+3 Padded Armor9155
23+4 Padded Armor16155
24+5 Padded Armor25155
25+5 Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness36235

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
17Masterwork Cord Armor165
18Leather Armor10
19Padded Armor5
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
17Masterwork Cord Armor165
18Leather Armor10
19Padded Armor5
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Leafweave Padded Armor of Nimbleness36895

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
17Masterwork Cord Armor165
18Leather Armor10
19Padded Armor5
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Leafweave Padded Armor of Nimbleness36895

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
16Masterwork Leafweave Hide Armor905
17+1 Leafweave Hide Armor1905
18+1 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness4225
19+2 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness9225
20+3 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness16225
21+4 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness25225
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
17Masterwork Leafweave Hide Armor905
18+1 Leafweave Hide Armor1905
19+1 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness4225
20+2 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness9225
21+3 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness16225
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
18Masterwork Leafweave Hide Armor905
19+1 Leafweave Hide Armor1905
20+1 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness4225
21+2 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness9225
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
18Masterwork Leafweave Hide Armor905
19+1 Leafweave Hide Armor1905
20+1 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness4225
21+2 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness9225
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

There are no such heavy armors.

2016-06-05, 10:07 AM
Cheapest Armor with 0 Armor Check Penalty, No Exotic Armor, Druid-Friendly, Maximum Weight

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
20+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
21+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)15150
22+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)22150
23+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)31150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
21+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
22+4 Blue Ice Chain Shirt17000
23+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt26000
24+5 Blue Ice Chainmail of Nimbleness39300

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
22+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
23+4 Blue Ice Chain Shirt17000
24+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt26000
25+5 Blue Ice Breastplate of Nimbleness39350

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+3 Sharkskin Armor9235
23+4 Sharkskin Armor16235
24+5 Sharkskin Armor25235
25+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37000

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+3 Sharkskin Armor9235
23+4 Sharkskin Armor16235
24+5 Sharkskin Armor25235
25+5 Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness36235

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+2 Padded Armor4155
22+3 Padded Armor9155
23+4 Padded Armor16155
24+5 Padded Armor25155
25+5 Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness36235
26Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
20+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
21+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)15150
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
21+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
22+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
23+4 Blue Ice Chain Shirt17000
24+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt26000
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+3 Sharkskin Armor9235
23+4 Sharkskin Armor16235
24+5 Sharkskin Armor25235
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+3 Sharkskin Armor9235
23+4 Sharkskin Armor16235
24+5 Sharkskin Armor25235
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+2 Padded Armor4155
22+3 Padded Armor9155
23+4 Padded Armor16155
24+5 Padded Armor25155
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
20+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
21+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)15150
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
21+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
22+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
23+4 Blue Ice Chain Shirt17000
24+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt26000
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+3 Sharkskin Armor9235
23+4 Sharkskin Armor16235
24+5 Sharkskin Armor25235
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+2 Sharkskin Armor4235
22+3 Sharkskin Armor9235
23+4 Sharkskin Armor16235
24+5 Sharkskin Armor25235
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+2 Padded Armor4155
22+3 Padded Armor9155
23+4 Padded Armor16155
24+5 Padded Armor25155
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Cheapest Armor with 0 Armor Check Penalty, No Exotic Armor, Not Druid-Friendly, Exact Weight

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
20+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
21+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)15150
22+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)22150
23+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)31150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
21+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
22+4 Blue Ice Chain Shirt17000
23+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt26000
24+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced)37000

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Masterwork Studded Leather Armor175
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+2 Blue Ice Chain Shirt5000
22+3 Blue Ice Chain Shirt10000
23+4 Blue Ice Chain Shirt17000
24+5 Blue Ice Chain Shirt26000
25+5 Blue Ice Breastplate of Nimbleness39350

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+5 Mithral Breastplate of Nimbleness40200

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
17Masterwork Cord Armor165
18Padded Armor5
19Masterwork Sharkskin Armor235
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+5 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37100

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
17Masterwork Cord Armor165
18Leather Armor10
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+2 Mithral Chain Shirt5100
23+3 Mithral Chain Shirt10100
24+4 Mithral Chain Shirt17100
25+5 Mithral Chain Shirt26100
26+5 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37100

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
17Masterwork Cord Armor165
18Leather Armor10
19Padded Armor5
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness37100

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
17Masterwork Cord Armor165
18Leather Armor10
19Padded Armor5
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Leafweave Padded Armor of Nimbleness36895

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
17Masterwork Cord Armor165
18Leather Armor10
19Padded Armor5
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+2 Leafweave Padded Armor4895
23+3 Leafweave Padded Armor9895
24+4 Leafweave Padded Armor16895
25+5 Leafweave Padded Armor25895
26+5 Leafweave Padded Armor of Nimbleness36895

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
16Masterwork Leafweave Hide Armor905
17+1 Leafweave Hide Armor1905
18+1 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness4225
19+1 Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced) of Nimbleness7150
20+2 Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced) of Nimbleness12150
21+3 Sectioned Armor (Partially Reduced) of Nimbleness19150
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+2 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness19150
24+3 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness26150
25+4 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness35150
26+5 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness46150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
17Masterwork Leafweave Hide Armor905
18+1 Leafweave Hide Armor1905
19+1 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness4225
20+2 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness9225
21+3 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness16225
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+1 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness16000
24+2 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness21000
25+3 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness28000
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
18Masterwork Leafweave Hide Armor905
19+1 Leafweave Hide Armor1905
20+1 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness4225
21+2 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness9225
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+1 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness16000
24+2 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness21000
25+3 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness28000
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
18Masterwork Leafweave Hide Armor905
19+1 Leafweave Hide Armor1905
20+1 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness4225
21+2 Chitin Armor of Nimbleness9225
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+1 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness16000
24+2 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness21000
25+3 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness28000
26+4 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness37000
27+5 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness48000

There are no such heavy armors.

2016-06-05, 06:43 PM
Best AC for the GP, No Exotic Armor, Not Druid-Friendly, Exact Weight, Maximum +1 Enhancement

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Studded Leather Armor25
17Chain Shirt100
18+1 Chain Shirt1250
19+1 Blue Ice Chainmail4300

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Studded Leather Armor25
18Chain Shirt100
19+1 Chain Shirt1250
20+1 Blue Ice Breastplate4350

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+1 Mithral Breastplate5200

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
16Sectioned Armor (Fully Reduced)3000
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+1 Mithral Breastplate of Nimbleness8200

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
16Sectioned Armor (Fully Reduced)3000
17Cord Armor15
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+1 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness5100

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
16Sectioned Armor (Fully Reduced)3000
17Cord Armor15
18Leather Armor10
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+1 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness5100

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
16Sectioned Armor (Fully Reduced)3000
17Cord Armor15
18Leather Armor10
19Padded Armor5
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+1 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness5100

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
16Sectioned Armor (Fully Reduced)3000
17Cord Armor15
18Leather Armor10
19Padded Armor5
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+1 Leafweave Padded Armor of Nimbleness4895

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
16Sectioned Armor (Fully Reduced)3000
17Cord Armor15
18Leather Armor10
19Padded Armor5
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+1 Leafweave Padded Armor of Nimbleness4895

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
14Hide Armor15
15Scale Mail50
17+1 Chainmail1300
18Blue Ice Half Plate7600
19Blue Ice Full Plate8500
20Blue Ice Heavy Plate9000
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
15Hide Armor15
16Scale Mail50
18+1 Chainmail1300
19+1 Blue Ice Banded Mail8400
20Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
16Hide Armor15
17Scale Mail50
19+1 Breastplate1350
20Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
16Shell Armor25
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Shell Armor25
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Chitin Breastplate of Nimbleness4700
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
16Shell Armor25
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Chitin Breastplate of Nimbleness4700
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750

Dex Mod: 0
Total ACArmorPrice
15Wildwood Splint Mail700
16Splint Mail200
17Half Plate600
18Full Plate1500
19Heavy Plate2000
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
16Splint Mail200
17Banded Mail250
18+1 Banded Mail1400
19Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+1 Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness5900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
16Splint Mail200
17Banded Mail250
18+1 Banded Mail1400
19Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+1 Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness5900

Best AC for the GP, No Exotic Armor, Not Druid-Friendly, Maximum Weight, Maximum +1 Enhancement

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Studded Leather Armor25
17Chain Shirt100
18+1 Chain Shirt1250
19+1 Blue Ice Chainmail4300
20Bracers of Armor +749000
21Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Studded Leather Armor25
18Chain Shirt100
19+1 Chain Shirt1250
20+1 Blue Ice Breastplate4350
21Bracers of Armor +749000
22Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+1 Mithral Breastplate5200
22Bracers of Armor +749000
23Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+1 Mithral Breastplate of Nimbleness8200
23Bracers of Armor +749000
24Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+1 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness5100
23Bracers of Armor +636000
24Bracers of Armor +749000
25Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+1 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness5100
23Bracers of Armor +525000
24Bracers of Armor +636000
25Bracers of Armor +749000
26Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+1 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness5100
23Bracers of Armor +416000
24Bracers of Armor +525000
25Bracers of Armor +636000
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
12Padded Armor5
13Leather Armor10
14Hide Armor15
15Scale Mail50
17+1 Chainmail1300
18Blue Ice Half Plate7600
19Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
21Masterwork Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8900
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
13Padded Armor5
14Leather Armor10
15Hide Armor15
16Scale Mail50
18+1 Chainmail1300
19+1 Blue Ice Banded Mail8400
20Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Hide Armor15
17Scale Mail50
19+1 Breastplate1350
20Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Chitin Breastplate of Nimbleness4700
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+1 Mithral Breastplate of Nimbleness8200
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+1 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness5100
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750
25Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+1 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness5100
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750
25Bracers of Armor +749000
26Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+1 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness5100
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750
25Bracers of Armor +636000
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Bracers of Armor +11000
23Bracers of Armor +24000
24Bracers of Armor +39000
25Bracers of Armor +416000
26Bracers of Armor +525000
27Bracers of Armor +636000
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 0
Total ACArmorPrice
11Padded Armor5
12Leather Armor10
13Hide Armor15
14Scale Mail50
16Splint Mail200
17Half Plate600
18Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
20Masterwork Mechanus Gear1900
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
12Padded Armor5
13Leather Armor10
14Hide Armor15
15Scale Mail50
17Banded Mail250
18+1 Banded Mail1400
19Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+1 Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness5900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
13Padded Armor5
14Leather Armor10
15Hide Armor15
16Scale Mail50
18+1 Chainmail1300
19Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+1 Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness5900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Hide Armor15
17Scale Mail50
19+1 Breastplate1350
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+1 Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness5900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+1 Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness5900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+1 Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness5900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+1 Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness5900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+1 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness5100
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750
25Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+1 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness5100
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750
25Bracers of Armor +749000
26Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+1 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness5100
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750
25Bracers of Armor +636000
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Bracers of Armor +11000
23Bracers of Armor +24000
24Bracers of Armor +39000
25Bracers of Armor +416000
26Bracers of Armor +525000
27Bracers of Armor +636000
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

2016-06-05, 06:49 PM
Best AC for the GP, No Exotic Armor, Not Druid-Friendly, No Penalty, Maximum +1 Enhancement

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Studded Leather Armor25
17Chain Shirt100
18+1 Chain Shirt1250
19+1 Blue Ice Chainmail4300
20Bracers of Armor +749000
21Bracers of Armor +864000
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Studded Leather Armor25
18Chain Shirt100
19+1 Chain Shirt1250
20+1 Blue Ice Breastplate4350
21Bracers of Armor +749000
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+1 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness16000

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+1 Mithral Breastplate5200
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23+1 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness16000

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+1 Mithral Breastplate of Nimbleness8200
23+1 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness16000
24Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+1 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness5100
23+1 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness16000
24Bracers of Armor +749000
25Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+1 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness5100
23+1 Mithral Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness16000
24Bracers of Armor +636000
25Bracers of Armor +749000
26Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+1 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness5100
23Bracers of Armor +416000
24Bracers of Armor +525000
25Bracers of Armor +636000
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
12Padded Armor5
13Leather Armor10
14Hide Armor15
15Scale Mail50
17+1 Chainmail1300
18Blue Ice Half Plate7600
19Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
21Masterwork Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8900
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
13Padded Armor5
14Leather Armor10
15Hide Armor15
16Scale Mail50
18+1 Chainmail1300
19+1 Blue Ice Banded Mail8400
20Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Hide Armor15
17Scale Mail50
19+1 Breastplate1350
20Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Chitin Breastplate of Nimbleness4700
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+1 Mithral Breastplate of Nimbleness8200
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+1 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness5100
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750
25Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+1 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness5100
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750
25Bracers of Armor +749000
26Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+1 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness5100
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750
25Bracers of Armor +636000
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Bracers of Armor +11000
23Bracers of Armor +24000
24Bracers of Armor +39000
25Bracers of Armor +416000
26Bracers of Armor +525000
27Bracers of Armor +636000
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 0
Total ACArmorPrice
11Padded Armor5
12Leather Armor10
13Hide Armor15
14Scale Mail50
16Splint Mail200
17Half Plate600
18Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
20Masterwork Mechanus Gear1900
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
12Padded Armor5
13Leather Armor10
14Hide Armor15
15Scale Mail50
17Banded Mail250
18+1 Banded Mail1400
19Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+1 Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness5900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
13Padded Armor5
14Leather Armor10
15Hide Armor15
16Scale Mail50
18+1 Chainmail1300
19Full Plate1500
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+1 Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness5900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Hide Armor15
17Scale Mail50
19+1 Breastplate1350
20Mechanus Gear1750
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+1 Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness5900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+1 Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness5900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Mechanus Gear2900
22+1 Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness5900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+1 Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness5900
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+1 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness5100
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750
25Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20Mithral Chain Shirt1100
21+1 Mithral Chain Shirt2100
22+1 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness5100
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750
25Bracers of Armor +749000
26Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+1 Mithral Chain Shirt of Nimbleness5100
23+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear11750
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750
25Bracers of Armor +636000
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24+1 Mithral Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness14750
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
22Bracers of Armor +11000
23Bracers of Armor +24000
24Bracers of Armor +39000
25Bracers of Armor +416000
26Bracers of Armor +525000
27Bracers of Armor +636000
28Bracers of Armor +749000
29Bracers of Armor +864000

Best AC for the GP, No Exotic Armor, Druid-Friendly, Exact Weight, Maximum +1 Enhancement

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Studded Leather Armor25
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+1 Blue Ice Chainmail4300

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Studded Leather Armor25
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+1 Blue Ice Breastplate4350

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+1 Blue Ice Breastplate of Nimbleness7350

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt of Nimbleness5000

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
17Cord Armor15
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+1 Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness4235

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
17Cord Armor15
18Leather Armor10
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+1 Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness4235

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
17Cord Armor15
18Leather Armor10
19Padded Armor5
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
17Cord Armor15
18Leather Armor10
19Padded Armor5
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+1 Leafweave Padded Armor of Nimbleness4895

Dex Mod: 11
Total ACArmorPrice
17Cord Armor15
18Leather Armor10
19Padded Armor5
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+1 Leafweave Padded Armor of Nimbleness4895

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
14Hide Armor15
15Chitin Armor75
16Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
17+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
18Blue Ice Half Plate7600
19Blue Ice Full Plate8500
20Blue Ice Heavy Plate9000
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
15Hide Armor15
16Chitin Armor75
17Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
18+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
19+1 Blue Ice Banded Mail8400
20Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
16Hide Armor15
17Chitin Armor75
18Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
19+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
20Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
16Shell Armor25
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Shell Armor25
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Chitin Breastplate of Nimbleness4700
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
16Shell Armor25
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Chitin Breastplate of Nimbleness4700
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
16Wildwood Splint Mail700
17Stone Plate750
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20+1 Chitin Full Plate4300

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
16Wildwood Splint Mail700
17Stone Plate750
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
16Wildwood Splint Mail700
17Stone Plate750
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+1 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness7300

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
16Wildwood Splint Mail700
17Stone Plate750
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+1 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness7300

2016-06-05, 06:52 PM
Best AC for the GP, No Exotic Armor, Druid-Friendly, Maximum Weight, Maximum +1 Enhancement

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Studded Leather Armor25
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+1 Blue Ice Chainmail4300
20Bracers of Armor +749000
21Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Studded Leather Armor25
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+1 Blue Ice Breastplate4350
21Bracers of Armor +749000
22Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+1 Blue Ice Breastplate of Nimbleness7350
22Bracers of Armor +749000
23Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt of Nimbleness5000
22Bracers of Armor +636000
23Bracers of Armor +749000
24Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+1 Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness4235
22Bracers of Armor +525000
23Bracers of Armor +636000
24Bracers of Armor +749000
25Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+1 Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness4235
22Bracers of Armor +416000
23Bracers of Armor +525000
24Bracers of Armor +636000
25Bracers of Armor +749000
26Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22Bracers of Armor +39000
23Bracers of Armor +416000
24Bracers of Armor +525000
25Bracers of Armor +636000
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
12Padded Armor5
13Leather Armor10
14Hide Armor15
15Chitin Armor75
16Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
17+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
18Blue Ice Half Plate7600
19Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
21Masterwork Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8900
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
13Padded Armor5
14Leather Armor10
15Hide Armor15
16Chitin Armor75
17Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
18+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
19+1 Blue Ice Banded Mail8400
20Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Hide Armor15
17Chitin Armor75
18Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
19+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
20Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Chitin Breastplate of Nimbleness4700
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+1 Chitin Breastplate of Nimbleness4700
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900
24Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+1 Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness4235
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900
24Bracers of Armor +749000
25Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+1 Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness4235
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900
24Bracers of Armor +636000
25Bracers of Armor +749000
26Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22Bracers of Armor +39000
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900
24Bracers of Armor +525000
25Bracers of Armor +636000
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
12Padded Armor5
13Leather Armor10
14Hide Armor15
15Chitin Armor75
16Wildwood Splint Mail700
17Stone Plate750
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
21Masterwork Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8900
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
13Padded Armor5
14Leather Armor10
15Hide Armor15
16Chitin Armor75
17Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Hide Armor15
17Chitin Armor75
18Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
19+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+1 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness7300
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+1 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness7300
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+1 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness7300
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+1 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness7300
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900
24Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+1 Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness4235
22+1 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness7300
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900
24Bracers of Armor +749000
25Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+1 Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness4235
22+1 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness7300
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900
24Bracers of Armor +636000
25Bracers of Armor +749000
26Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+1 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness7300
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900
24Bracers of Armor +525000
25Bracers of Armor +636000
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Best AC for the GP, No Exotic Armor, Druid-Friendly, No Penalty, Maximum +1 Enhancement

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Studded Leather Armor25
17Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
18+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
19+1 Blue Ice Chainmail4300
20Bracers of Armor +749000
21Bracers of Armor +864000
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Studded Leather Armor25
18Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
19+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
20+1 Blue Ice Breastplate4350
21Bracers of Armor +749000
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Blue Ice Chain Shirt850
20+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt2000
21+1 Blue Ice Breastplate of Nimbleness7350
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+1 Blue Ice Chain Shirt of Nimbleness5000
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23Bracers of Armor +749000
24Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+1 Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness4235
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23Bracers of Armor +636000
24Bracers of Armor +749000
25Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+1 Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness4235
22+1 Blue Ice Sectioned Armor (full) of Nimbleness14150
23Bracers of Armor +525000
24Bracers of Armor +636000
25Bracers of Armor +749000
26Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22Bracers of Armor +39000
23Bracers of Armor +416000
24Bracers of Armor +525000
25Bracers of Armor +636000
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
12Padded Armor5
13Leather Armor10
14Hide Armor15
15Chitin Armor75
16Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
17+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
18Blue Ice Half Plate7600
19Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
21Masterwork Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8900
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
13Padded Armor5
14Leather Armor10
15Hide Armor15
16Chitin Armor75
17Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
18+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
19+1 Blue Ice Banded Mail8400
20Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Hide Armor15
17Chitin Armor75
18Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
19+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
20Blue Ice Full Plate8500
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8750
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Chitin Breastplate of Nimbleness4700
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+1 Chitin Breastplate of Nimbleness4700
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900
24Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+1 Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness4235
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900
24Bracers of Armor +749000
25Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+1 Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness4235
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900
24Bracers of Armor +636000
25Bracers of Armor +749000
26Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22Bracers of Armor +39000
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900
24Bracers of Armor +525000
25Bracers of Armor +636000
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 1
Total ACArmorPrice
12Padded Armor5
13Leather Armor10
14Hide Armor15
15Chitin Armor75
16Wildwood Splint Mail700
17Stone Plate750
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
21Masterwork Blue Ice Mechanus Gear8900
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900

Dex Mod: 2
Total ACArmorPrice
13Padded Armor5
14Leather Armor10
15Hide Armor15
16Chitin Armor75
17Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
18Masterwork Chitin Half Plate1500
19+1 Chitin Half Plate2500
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear9900
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900

Dex Mod: 3
Total ACArmorPrice
14Padded Armor5
15Leather Armor10
16Hide Armor15
17Chitin Armor75
18Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
19+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
20Masterwork Chitin Full Plate3300
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+1 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness7300
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900

Dex Mod: 4
Total ACArmorPrice
15Padded Armor5
16Leather Armor10
17Hide Armor15
18Chitin Armor75
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+1 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness7300
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900

Dex Mod: 5
Total ACArmorPrice
16Padded Armor5
17Leather Armor10
18Studded Leather Armor25
19Masterwork Chitin Breastplate700
20+1 Chitin Breastplate1700
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+1 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness7300
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900

Dex Mod: 6
Total ACArmorPrice
17Padded Armor5
18Leather Armor10
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+1 Chitin Full Plate4300
22+1 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness7300
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900
24Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 7
Total ACArmorPrice
18Padded Armor5
19Sharkskin Armor85
20+1 Sharkskin Armor1235
21+1 Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness4235
22+1 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness7300
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900
24Bracers of Armor +749000
25Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 8
Total ACArmorPrice
19Padded Armor5
20+1 Padded Armor1155
21+1 Sharkskin Armor of Nimbleness4235
22+1 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness7300
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900
24Bracers of Armor +636000
25Bracers of Armor +749000
26Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 9
Total ACArmorPrice
20Leafweave Padded Armor745
21+1 Leafweave Padded Armor1895
22+1 Chitin Full Plate of Nimbleness7300
23+1 Blue Ice Mechanus Gear of Nimbleness12900
24Bracers of Armor +525000
25Bracers of Armor +636000
26Bracers of Armor +749000
27Bracers of Armor +864000

Dex Mod: 10
Total ACArmorPrice
21Bracers of Armor +11000
22Bracers of Armor +24000
23Bracers of Armor +39000
24Bracers of Armor +416000
25Bracers of Armor +525000
26Bracers of Armor +636000
27Bracers of Armor +749000
28Bracers of Armor +864000

2016-06-05, 09:58 PM
I'd love to see the python, as a programmer I'm always interested in the generation methods for these things :)

Also, given the sheer number of tables here, might it be "easier" to get a web interface to the script going? That way you don't need to re run the script for all the different combinations any time you add an armor type. Also, it would theoretically be pretty easy to add some way for a user to say "my DM doesn't allow this armor modification; rerun without considering it".

2016-06-10, 09:05 PM
Sorry for the delay, I've been traveling and working on a JavaScript version of this that will allow the user to select whatever allowed armors and modifications they like. Expect a link sometime this weekend, assuming I work the bugs out.

2016-06-10, 10:03 PM
The Arms & Equipment Guide (3.0) has the unupdated property called Blended Quartz (light armor) which reduces ASF by 20% but doubles the armor's weight. BQ costs +2000G per item.

2016-06-13, 03:28 PM
Major Update: The OP now has a link to an online calculator that will give you the types of tables I had here, but is greatly customizable in terms of allowable armors and modifiers. I will be expanding the calculator, hopefully greatly.

If anyone is interested in the code behind the calculator, you can find it here (http://www.wdtaylor.net/calculator.js)/\.

2016-06-13, 03:48 PM
Sweet. With the checking and unchecking being an option now, you should safely be able to add all the A&EG stuff.

It could also be useful to have a field for maximum weight. Mechanus gear weighs like a zillion pounds, for example, so it's not really a viable choice for a character who can only carry 45 pounds before becoming encumbered, even if they're normally proficient with heavy armor. (Maybe include a toggle between small and medium.)

An option to check/uncheck all would be helpful as well.

Edit: more missing armors:

Feather cloak and silk swathes from Sandstorm
Shadow silk from Tome of Magic
Psychoactive skin of ectoplasmic armor from Magic Item Compendium

2016-06-13, 04:06 PM
Great calculator!

It may be worth adding a checkbox for 'provide manual magic vestment', priced at 'pearl of power, level 3'. That should make +5 armours cheaper.

2016-06-13, 05:53 PM
I'm not aware of a mechanical reason why someone would want to wear heavier armor if they can get the same AC for less GP if they go to a lighter one. Do you have something in mind?Consider the DR effect of Adamantium. It keys off of the armor category.

The Bone Knight PrC (Five Nations, Eberron) requires that the entrant make bonecraft armor, and that needs to be either medium or heavy (no light armor allowed).

There's probably other things, such as how the metallic medium armors all come with some sort of 'extra' - helmet, gauntlets, et cetera - that has no direct mechanical impact, but could be relevant when, say, handling things (contact poison on a doorknob isn't expected to do much through plate gauntlets, say).

2016-06-14, 12:38 AM
The Arms & Equipment Guide (3.0) has the unupdated property called Blended Quartz (light armor) which reduces ASF by 20% but doubles the armor's weight. BQ costs +2000G per item.

Now added! I had to make a judgement call about what armors could be made from Blended Quartz, as AEG doesn't specify. I made it able to apply to all metal and stone armors.

Sweet. With the checking and unchecking being an option now, you should safely be able to add all the A&EG stuff.

I believe I have everything relevant from AEG on the calculator now.

It could also be useful to have a field for maximum weight. Mechanus gear weighs like a zillion pounds, for example, so it's not really a viable choice for a character who can only carry 45 pounds before becoming encumbered, even if they're normally proficient with heavy armor. (Maybe include a toggle between small and medium.)

I have started updating my armor data with real weight, but it will take a little while to update all the modifiers, many of which affect weight.

An option to check/uncheck all would be helpful as well.


Edit: more missing armors:

Feather cloak and silk swathes from Sandstorm
Shadow silk from Tome of Magic
Psychoactive skin of ectoplasmic armor from Magic Item Compendium

Feather Cloak, Silk Swathes, and Shadow Silk added. I will be adding specific armors (including the psychoactive skin) in the next few days.

Great calculator!

It may be worth adding a checkbox for 'provide manual magic vestment', priced at 'pearl of power, level 3'. That should make +5 armours cheaper.

Thanks! I will definitely include this in a later version of the calculator.

Consider the DR effect of Adamantium. It keys off of the armor category.

The Bone Knight PrC (Five Nations, Eberron) requires that the entrant make bonecraft armor, and that needs to be either medium or heavy (no light armor allowed).

There's probably other things, such as how the metallic medium armors all come with some sort of 'extra' - helmet, gauntlets, et cetera - that has no direct mechanical impact, but could be relevant when, say, handling things (contact poison on a doorknob isn't expected to do much through plate gauntlets, say).

Quite so. Apparently I play too many casters and stealthers, I don't know the advantages of heavier armors.

Everyone, please keep letting me know about armors and modifications that I have missed. Beyond adding those, my next tasks are going to be implementing real weight calculations and adding a shield calculator.

2016-06-14, 01:26 AM
I think I found a bit of a bug. When I select core only armor, set armor category to light, ACP to 0 and dex to 5, it seems to only give me a +5 chain shirt of nimbleness, even though a +5 mithril breastplate of nimbleness would give me more AC with still 0 ACP, but if I set my max dex to 4, the breastplate shows up. It seems like the nimbleness is overriding the mithril in terms of calculating the max dex, rather than stacking.

Edit: Actually, it seems more that mithril doesn't calculate a change in max dex at all, because when I disable nimbleness, mithril only shows up when trying to calculate reduced ACP.

2016-06-14, 02:28 AM
I think I found a bit of a bug. When I select core only armor, set armor category to light, ACP to 0 and dex to 5, it seems to only give me a +5 chain shirt of nimbleness, even though a +5 mithril breastplate of nimbleness would give me more AC with still 0 ACP, but if I set my max dex to 4, the breastplate shows up. It seems like the nimbleness is overriding the mithril in terms of calculating the max dex, rather than stacking.

Edit: Actually, it seems more that mithril doesn't calculate a change in max dex at all, because when I disable nimbleness, mithril only shows up when trying to calculate reduced ACP.

Thanks for pointing that out! You were right, there was a bug with Mithral. It should be fixed now.

2016-06-14, 03:43 AM
I'm currently wearing a heavy armor from a 3.5 FR adventure, Anauroch the Empire of Shade:
Thaalud Stone Armor, +12 AC, +0 max Dex bonus, ACP -8, 180 lbs. 2800 gp.

This is the highest AC armor in official content, I think you should add it. :)

2016-06-14, 04:48 AM
I'm currently wearing a heavy armor from a 3.5 FR adventure, Anauroch the Empire of Shade:
Thaalud Stone Armor, +12 AC, +0 max Dex bonus, ACP -8, 180 lbs. 2800 gp.

This is the highest AC armor in official content, I think you should add it. :)

Speaking of things to add:

Halfweight armor from Underdark (that's the FR book, not Drow of the Underdark) is a +3 armor ability that changes the armor to light armor and halves it's weight.

2016-06-14, 07:20 AM
Something that would be super cool for real play: A way to indicate whatever armor you already have (probably a great many radio buttons, all part of the same group, each next to an armor type). The calculator could figure out whether it's cheaper/better to sell your current armor at half, or get it enhanced! You'd have to assume it's masterwork, of course, since you can't enhance non masterwork armor.

Jeff the Green
2016-06-16, 02:20 PM
Have you seen Thaalud stone armor? It's in Anauroch: Empire of Shade. Normal heavy armor, +12 AC, max dex +0, ACP -8, ASF 40%, and weighs 180 lb.

There are also exotic armors in Underdark.

2016-06-16, 02:54 PM
This would probably benefit from the Dragon 358 "templates"
Notably there's a reduction to ASF, a reduction to ACP, an AC boost, and a Max Dex boost iirc they're called Caster Armor, Segmented Armor, Reinforced Armor... And I can't remember the other one

2016-06-18, 10:04 PM
Update! The calculator can now calculate shields! Right now only the PHB shields are in the program but I will be working on adding more. If you select both armor and shield you will find the cheapest way to get a total AC using both. Also, some specific armors are added, though not selected as available by default.

I'm currently wearing a heavy armor from a 3.5 FR adventure, Anauroch the Empire of Shade:
Thaalud Stone Armor, +12 AC, +0 max Dex bonus, ACP -8, 180 lbs. 2800 gp.

This is the highest AC armor in official content, I think you should add it. :)

Have you seen Thaalud stone armor? It's in Anauroch: Empire of Shade. Normal heavy armor, +12 AC, max dex +0, ACP -8, ASF 40%, and weighs 180 lb.

There are also exotic armors in Underdark.

All of these are added, thanks!

Speaking of things to add:

Halfweight armor from Underdark (that's the FR book, not Drow of the Underdark) is a +3 armor ability that changes the armor to light armor and halves it's weight.

Added, along with Illithidwrought, which among other things gives a +1 insight bonus to AC for a +2 cost.

Something that would be super cool for real play: A way to indicate whatever armor you already have (probably a great many radio buttons, all part of the same group, each next to an armor type). The calculator could figure out whether it's cheaper/better to sell your current armor at half, or get it enhanced! You'd have to assume it's masterwork, of course, since you can't enhance non masterwork armor.

This is on the list for future development, glad to see there's an interest.

This would probably benefit from the Dragon 358 "templates"
Notably there's a reduction to ASF, a reduction to ACP, an AC boost, and a Max Dex boost iirc they're called Caster Armor, Segmented Armor, Reinforced Armor... And I can't remember the other one

For the moment I'm going to stick to 1st-party WotC (so no Dragon magazine) but once I finish my current task list I will look into Dragon magazine and maybe Pathfinder.

2016-06-19, 12:41 AM
Another Update!

The calculator will now take a maximum real weight in pounds, will calculate ideal Amulets of Natural armor, Rings of Protection, and Dexterity Enhancement items and includes more shields!

Note that currently, the maximum weight setting only applies to the armor, not the shield. I haven't found a way to find the optimum combination taking the shield's weight into account without crashing the page (in Chrome, anyway). If and when I figure out an efficient way to solve that problem I will.

Next on the list is including more shields (I still have to go through some of the books in my Sources list, but if there are more books with shields or shield modifications in them please let me know), and including a section to tell the program what gear you already have so it can take upgrading vs selling into account.

2016-06-19, 01:04 AM
Man, you're making me want to contribute something like this to the community. This is such a cool resource.

This may be mobile specific (not at a computer at the moment), but: on my phone, when I click the button, nothing happens.

2016-06-19, 01:09 AM
Thanks for the kind words!

As far as not working on mobile, three things come to mind:

First, you may just have to wait a while. Even on my home computer (which is pretty decent) it can take a good 8-10 seconds to finish calculating.

Second, this program is a bit of a memory hog. The problems I am running into with armor+shield weights have to do with the program wanting to use half a gigabyte or more of RAM in the process. It's possible your phone doesn't have the hardware to support it. Try selecting (far) fewer armors, shields, and modifiers and see if that helps.

Third, I suppose some phones may not have JavaScript support. If that's the case, then it won't work at all.

I was playing with a quick "Loading, please wait" message after you click the button, let me try to put that in so that you can tell what's going wrong.

EDIT Loading message is there. Do you see it after clicking the button?

2016-06-19, 02:16 AM
I don't get the loading message. I don't think it's a phone-doesn't-support-js issue since it worked on my phone before your recent update.

2016-06-19, 02:26 AM
Does it work if you select to only compute with armor?

2016-06-19, 02:40 AM
Another Update! The program now includes defending weapons. It assumes that you will be enchanting a new weapon to hold the defending enchantment.

2016-06-20, 01:16 AM
My phone refuses to do anything with it -- even the group checkboxes don't function anymore. Strange.

I don't know if this is along the same lines as "should I sell my current armor or enhance it", but another thing that might be useful is "my current armor is +1 with +3 worth of other enhancements" (for example) in order to properly price additional enhancement bonuses to AC.

2016-06-20, 07:23 AM
I don't know what to say about your phone, it works all right on mine (Chrome on an Android phone).

I am currently working on the "existing armor" functionality, and it does include a section for "other enhancements" where you select a plus-equivalent from a dropdown list.

2016-06-20, 12:08 PM
Major Update! The calculator now allows you to enter your existing equipment, and the calculator will take it into account (assuming you can sell it for half market price). You have the option to specify that you need to hold on to an item, in which case it will only be improved, never sold.

2016-06-20, 01:11 PM
OK, so I selected my existing equipment as a +1 Mithral Chain Shirt with +2 worth of other improvements. The cheapest item was a "+1 Mithral Chain Shirt" at -8000. It looks like it's computing the difference between +3 and +1 and giving me the difference, which has a couple of problems:

1. If I sold the existing +1 death ward displacement mithral chain shirt, it wouldn't net me the full value (1100 + 9000 = 10100) but half that (5050), and buying the new +1 mithral chain shirt costs the full value (1100 + 1000 = 2200). I don't make 8000 on that transaction; I only make 2850.

2. The plusses I have on my armor are enhancements I'd want to keep. Whether I do that by keeping my existing armor or paying to get them on new armor, I don't care.

EDIT: This happens even if I check the "must upgrade" box for my armor (it's almost certainly counting that as an "upgrade"?).

2016-06-20, 04:50 PM
So I found the error, and it had to do with me not checking the "Additional Plusses worth of Improvements" when checking to see whether one item was an upgrade of the other. I have fixed that problem, so the calculator should give you the right prices based on what you were doing before.

I still have to include an option to require additional "Plusses" on all your armor, which should solve your second issue.

2016-06-20, 05:51 PM
This this is so tricked out, oh my god. I can't stop gushing about it every time I use it!

So I've got the following setup:

Dex +6
ACP -0
ASF 100%
Max wt 15 lbs

Dex Enhancers

Existing: +1 mithral chain shirt (+2 additional)

All allowed armor and shield weights
Shields must be animated

When I run it, it gets me a big list of stuff. However, if I change my current Dex to +5, add Gloves of Dex +2 with "must upgrade", I get "There are no armors satisfying the above conditions".

2016-06-20, 08:46 PM
Ugh, this is embarassing. A copy/paste error where I forgot to change "minAmulet" to "minDexItem" and "minDefending" when gathering information about the existing armor. It seems to be fixed now.

2016-06-20, 09:52 PM
Major Update! You may now specify particular armor modifications that you need to have on your armor or shield. You can also specify how many plusses of armor improvements you need on your armor for improvements that aren't in the system.

If you select plusses of improvement both for your new armor and for your existing armor, the program assumes that they have as much overlap as possible (that is, if your existing armor has +2 of generic improvements and you require +5 of generic improvements in your armor, the system assumes that if upgrading your old armor you only need pay for +3 more improvement).

We're nearing the limits of what I've been imagining for the system. Where the system is still imperfect is in the following:

I still haven't got an efficient, guaranteed way to find the optimal armor and shield with total weight below a certain amount.
I haven't yet included shields with Max Dex limits, for similar reasons, though that problem seems more tractable.
I haven't yet included paying for castings of magic vestment, greater magic weapon, or barkskin via pearls of power.
I haven't included a way to specify or order by flat-footed or touch AC. This will likely run into the same problems as the first two points, but I can do some experimentation.
I haven't included any support for people capable of crafting items.
One more thing that I'm keeping under wraps for now.

Once I have solved the above problems or convinced myself that they aren't solvable in the short term, I plan to move on to adding material from Dragon Magazine and Pathfinder.

2016-06-20, 10:57 PM
There's a js error on the page now:

[calculator.html:372] GET http://www.wdtaylor.net/calculator%20v3.js 404 (Not Found)

2016-06-21, 07:36 AM
Should be fixed now.

2017-07-15, 11:08 AM
Nice calculator, needs dusty rose prism ioun stone. Note this is an insight bonus so does not stack with illithidwrought.

2019-02-10, 12:12 AM
You missed thistledown from Races of the Wild. Not the armour modification, the actual armour (called "Thistledown padded" in the table). It has +1 to AC, 0 ASF, 0 ACP and +10 max Dex. 5 lb weight, 405 gp, already counts as masterwork. Beats the pants off feycraft padded.

It's a very dodgy reading of RAW to give a mithral chain shirt with thistledown suit ACP 0. Mithral's ACP reduction is capped, and should probably apply first (the thistledown suit is a modular component, and there are stats for a mithral chain shirt in the DMG). The conservative reading is ACP -1.

You have misspelled "Thaalud" in "Thaalud Stone Armor" as "Thaluud". The book itself makes this mistake once, but not in the name of the armor.

EDIT: Also, it's suggesting elven leafweave nightscale armour in some circumstances, which is not a real thing. Only padded, leather, studded leather and hide can be made from elven leafweave, and nightscale is not one of those types. It is described as being "much like leather armor, except that it is much more supple and formfitting"; this is not the same thing as being leather armour.

EDIT2: The "worst allowable Armor Check Penalty" field currently considers each piece separately rather than accounting for total ACP. If, for instance, I put in "-6", it will happily give a non-masterwork full plate and heavy wooden shield (total ACP = -6 + -2 = -8). This isn't very useful because ACP does indeed stack between armour and shield.

EDIT3: There is no listing for tower shields. There probably should be one, as they have the highest AC bonus of any shield and other exotic shields are included.